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Any combination of planned experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups,
and communities the opportunity to acquire the information and skills needed to make quality health
decisions is known as:
A. health promotion.
B. health counseling.
C. health education.
D. health knowledge

2. Which assessment technique will elicit the best information on the quality of life from individuals and
families in a target population?
A. Collect information on infant mortality.
B. Involve the people in a self-study.
C. Analyze health care coverage statistics.
D. Review the epidemiological data of the people.

3. The communication of health information in a manner which is clear and understandable is known as:
A. empowerment.
B. health literacy.
C. health disparities.
D. health education

4. Nurses have a responsibility to ensure health literacy when providing health education. What are
some strategies that nurses can use to promote health literacy? (select all that apply)
A. Speak clearly and distinctly.
B. Speak louder than usual.
C. Use medical terminology.
D. Face the person when speaking.
E. Conclude with a summary of key point

5. The nurse is incorporating motivational factors into the plan of care for a patient who has recently
been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and is in a skilled nursing facility. What interventions
would the nurse implement with this patient? (Select all that apply):
A. Schedule a visit by another resident who has had congestive heart failure.
B. Review diet and food choices using the food pyramid poster.
C. Discuss the signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure.
D. Encourage the patient to have the family assist in reaching the patient's health goals.
E. Ask the patient about past experiences with lifestyle changes.
F. Encourage the patient to keep a food diary and record weight losses and gains.

6. Which of the following would be considered appropriate phrases for motivational cognitive theories?
(Select all that apply):

A. Theory of achievement motivation.

B. Positively or negatively motivated to achieve a goal based upon one's perception of the ability or
lack of ability to reach that goal.
C. Five stages in the change process.
D. Achievement, power, the need for affiliation, and avoidance motives influence individual behavior.
E. Satisfaction strategies provide extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcement for effort.

7. A hospital creates a Facebook page for the bariatric surgery program. The owner of the site posts healthy
recipes, lifestyle information, and information about upcoming workshops. This is an example of:
A. health literacy.
B. coercive advertising.
C. a teaching plan.
D. social marketing

8. What are some of the components of the health belief model that can assist nurses in determining the
probability of an individual to make change? (select all that apply)
A. External pressure to change
B. The value of health as determined by significant others
C. Perceived susceptibility to a health problem, disease, or complications
D. Perceived seriousness of disease
E. Risk factors of disease attributed to heredity, race, or culture

9. The nurse is assessing the extrinsic motivational levels of a patient following a knee replacement
surgery. What behaviors would indicate that the patient is extrinsically motivated? (Select all that
A. Agrees to take blood thinners as prescribed because that is what the doctor has ordered.
B. Verbalizes an understanding of taking blood thinners postoperatively to reduce the risk of
C. Knows that exercise and physical therapy will help recovery to take place more quickly.
D. Enjoys exercise and physical therapy and asks for pamphlets to learn about rehabilitation

10. A patient is being treated for tuberculosis (TB) with a standard four-drug regimen but continues to
have positive sputum smears for acid-fast bacilli. Which actions should the nurse implement? (Select
all that apply):

A. Assist the patient with short-term goals and plan teaching according to these goals.
B. Provide the patient with all the educational materials about drug-resistant TB.
C. Refer the patient to a pulmonary specialist, who can assist the patient with the treatment regimen.
D. Assist the patient in developing short-term goals that are realistic and attainable.
E. Assist the patient with long-term goals and plan teaching according to these goals.
F. Ask the patient whether medications have been taken as directed.

11. What is the priority intervention when developing a teaching plan for a patient newly diagnosed with
high blood pressure?
A. Teach the caregiver how to take the patient's blood pressure using a manual blood pressure cuff.
B. Have the dietician meet with the patient and caregiver to discuss low-sodium dietary choices.
C. Ask the patient and caregiver to select important information from a list of hypertension
teaching topics.
D. Provide written information about the treatment and complications of hypertension for the patient
and caregiver.

12. A nurse is discharging a hospitalized patient to the home care setting. What is the priority intervention
for increasing adherence to the plan of care?
A. Arrange a physical therapy visit before the patient is discharged from the hospital.

B. Assess the patient's ability to perform activities of daily living before discharge.
C. Have the patient demonstrate the learned skills at the end of the teaching session.
D. Determine whether the patient has had home visits before and, if so, whether the experience was

13. A nurse who is ethnocentric in interacting with a client of a different culture:

A. Most likely has little previous experience with the client's culture and is uncomfortable with
people from other cultures.
B. Is appreciative of the client's cultural beliefs.
C. Accommodates the client's cultural beliefs when planning care.
D. Imposes the nurse's value system on the client. Incorrect

14. A nurse is teaching a postpartum mother how to breastfeed her infant. The nurse notes that the
mother is alert and agrees that breastfeeding is important to her and beneficial to her baby. The nurse
outlines the expectations of breastfeeding for the mother and the baby and presents the material. In
terms of the sequencing of instruction, what should the nurse do next?
A. Ask the mother about her previous experience with breastfeeding.
B. Demonstrate how to position the baby for breastfeeding.
C. Have the mother demonstrate breastfeeding.
D. Show the mother a video about breastfeeding

15. When assessing readiness to learn, the health educator must

A. Determine what needs to be taught
B. Find out exactly when the learner is ready to learn
C. None of the above
D. A&b


16. For whom are patient education programs very helpful?

A. Adults and families who can learn to avoid health problems
B. Adults and families, who will all be clients in the future
C. People who wish to learn how best to use the health care system
D. People with an identified health problem

17. Toward which individuals and their families are health education programs primarily aimed?
a. A. Those who are acutely ill and need information to help them recover and avoid further
b. B. Those who are healthy and can support each other in maintaining healthy lifestyles
c. C. Those who must cope with an ongoing chronic disease
d. D. Those who have defined health problems and who can support each other in maintaining
healthy lifestyles

18. Which of the following criteria must be met in order for an educational program to receive
third-party reimbursement?
a. A. It must be provided to a geriatric population.
b. B.  It must be given by an advanced nurse practitioner.
c. C. It must occur in a rural, underserved area.
d. D. It must be prescribed by a physician for an ill client.

19. How can nurses best help expand the availability of health education programs?
a. A. Being entrepreneurs and asking patients to pay what they think the educational program was
b. B. Suggesting to their friends and neighbors that they lobby local health organizations to
provide such health education programs
c. C. Teaching health education programs as unpaid volunteers in the community
d. D. Working politically to influence public policy regarding funding health education

20. What strategies will a nurse include when planning an educational program for adults that
ensures student learning?
a. A. Individual one-on-one tutorials to ensure maximum understanding
b. B. Large group lectures with handouts of main points along with culturally appropriate pictures
c. C. Small peer group discussions on how to apply the new knowledge with prompt
d. D. Use of multimedia technologies such as videotapes and PowerPoint presentations

21. In what way are the Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling, Causes in Educational Diagnosis,
and Evaluation (PRECEDE) model helpful when health education programs are
a. A. It addresses the learning needs of ill individuals.
b. B. It begins with examining an aggregates general concerns and quality of life.
c. C. It emphasizes the learning needs of families who have an ill member.
d. D. It focuses primarily on environmental resources.

22. Which of the following factors most influences a client's ability to learn from a health
education program?
a. A. Clients belief that the information will be useful or enjoyable
b. B. Handouts given to the client
c. C. Nurses ability to teach
d. D. Setting in which the educational program is given

23. A nurse is teaching a client how to perform her own insulin injections. Which of the following
should the nurse assess first to determine the client's experiential readiness to learn?
a. A. Culture and ethnic background
b. B. Educational ability
c. C. Family structure
d. D. Home environment

24. Behavioral objectives should be:

a. A. Comprehensive and complete.
b. B. Observable, measurable, and clearly communicated.
c. C. Specific and detailed.
d. D. Written on the teaching plan.

25. The nurse distributed written materials with culturally appropriate pictures to the small groups
in the audience and began to lecture on the important content before the planned discussion
period. However, no one was listening. What should the nurse have done differently?
a. A. Created a more interesting and entertaining lecture
b. B. Withheld the written materials until after the lecture
c. C. Let the audience discuss the material as a whole, not in small groups
d. D. Skipped the lecture and went directly to the discussion period

26. Which of the following statements best demonstrates an appropriately written behavioral
a. A. The learner will be able to verbally explain the need for political action.
b. B. The panel of experts will have discussed knowledge, assumptions, and cultural values.
c. C. The participant will understand the material presented.
d. D. The teacher will distribute and collect evaluation forms.

27. A community/public health nurse is planning an educational program about healthy choices
to prevent heart disease. Which of the following variables will be the primary influence as the
nurse selects content for the program?
a. A.Employing agencys preferences
b. B. Needs of the high-risk target group
c. C. Third-party payers probable coverage of the educational program
d. D. What the nurse feels most comfortable and skilled in teaching

28. A nurse began by asking the audience, What do you want me to discuss? All responses were
written on the chalkboard and then, as specific points were discussed, the nurse erased the
item. However, the nurse often added material that was not requested. Why would the nurse
add more content?
a. A. Because the nurse believed the additional information was entertaining and lightened the
b. B. Because the nurse knew, on the basis of personal experience, other relevant
information that the audience needed
c. C. Because the nurse knew so much about the subject and wanted to give all the details.
d. D. Because the nurse was sure that the audience meant to ask about it

29. When teaching an educational program to an adult audience, which of the following actions
should a nurse take to best meet their educational needs?
a. A. Providing a specific, detailed explanation of each component of the program
b. B. Using various methods of instruction, including lecture, discussion, and visual aids
c. C. Providing an opportunity for participants to express their feelings about the program
d. D. Using a PowerPoint presentation so that the audience can visualize the material

30. A nurse educator wanted to be certain that the program participants not only learned the
content but also had time to practice these new behaviors. Which of the following must the
nurse be sure to include in the program?
a. A. Providing positive praise for participation
b. B. Allowing time for role-playing
c. C. Engaging the audience in stress-reduction exercises
d. D. Modeling the appropriate behaviors

31. Which comment to the nurse best demonstrates a successful health education program?
a. A. Im going to take a 30-minute walk each day.
b. B.  I certainly enjoyed the program, and thank you for the freebies.
c. C. You gave me so much new information; thank you so much.
d. D. Wow! I learned many things that I can use in my daily activities.

32. Which of the following would be the best question for a nurse to ask to determine whether an
educational intervention had any effect?
a. A. Are you interested in any other topics for me to teach?
b. B. Did you find this program useful to you?
c. C. Do you understand the material I presented?
d. D. How are you going to apply these ideas at home?

33. Which audience comment best demonstrates self-efficacy?

a. A.  I believe I can learn to do this.
b. B. I think the nurse is a real expert in this stuff.
c. C. Those computer graphics really make it clear how people can do this.
d. D. Wow. The nurse really expects us to do this.

34. The nurse had a peer evaluation completed in order to improve her teaching expertise.
Which of the following best describes this evaluation?
a. A summary of the evaluation that the audience completed at the end of the program
b. Another nurse observing and providing feedback on the presentation
c. Completion of an evaluation of their learning and satisfaction by participants
d. Videotaping of the presentation for further review by the nurse and others

35. In preparing to give a presentation on breast self-examination, a nurse went to the American
Cancer Society and obtained a variety of handouts to use during the presentation. Which
possibly erroneous assumption is the nurse make?
a. Handouts are the best technique for emphasizing important points.
b. Handouts will be easily read by people in the audience.
c. People will appreciate the brochures and freebies such as shower hook reminders.
d. People will use the reminders and put them in their bathrooms.

36. One of the adults at a health education program introduced a rather unorthodox suggestion,
claiming, I saw it on the Internet. Which of the following criteria is most important for
laypeople to use in deciding whether to accept information on the Internet?
a. The author of the information has written several books on the topic, all of which are for sale.
b. The content of the site is supported by an international pharmaceutical company.
c. The site is frequently referred to in magazine and TV advertisements.
d. The site is maintained and frequently updated by a federal health agency.

37. Which of the following activities would be important for the nurse to complete when planning
an educational program?
a. Avoid rehearsing the content or it will sound too practiced.
b. Come early to set up the audiovisual materials.
c. Remind all possible participants that early registration is required.
d. Try to get as many free handouts and freebies as possible.

38. A nurse was asked to select an appropriate site for a nursing education program for adults in
the community. Which of the following characteristics is most important in choosing the site?
a. Location in a building that does not charge rent for use of the space
b. Lots of room for participants to stand, walk around the room, and socialize with other
c. Accessibility to public transportation, location in a physically safe area, and accessibility
for disabled participants
d. Location next to a police station, fire station, or other community resource

Pre test
1. Which of the ff. explains the meaning of health education?
 The sum of all experiences which favorably influence habits, attitudes,
and knowledge relating to individuals, community, and racial health.

2. What are the 4 dimensions of the educative process?

 Substantive, procedural, environmental, human relations

3. Dimensions refers to the subject matter specific to nursing education and is imbedded by the
phrase “what is taught and what is learned”. Which one refers to this phrase?.
 Substantive

4. Which one refers to the teaching method and learning activities used in teaching concepts for
students for students to learn?
 Procedural

5. What strategy is used to manage change in which assumes that learners are rational beings and
behave according to their personal beliefs and interest?
 Thinking-practice strategy

6. What strategy is used to manage change in which assumes that learners act consistently with their
commitment to socio-cultural norms of behavior and are willing to change?
 Interest and commitment strategy

7. What strategy is used to manage change in which assumes that learners are coerced to comply
instructions from the teacher to bring about change?
 Power and self-discipline strategy

8. What is research-based drug or medicine which requires prescription from doctors

 Regulated drugs

9. What is that drug or medicine that do not require a physician’s prescription?

 Over-the-counter drugs

10. Which one is not used as health remedies used by Filipinos?

 Company remedies

1. Which of the ff. best defines Education

 An interactive process of imparting knowledge, sharing, explaining,
clarifying and synthesizing the substantive content of the learning
process in order to arrive at a positive judgement and a well-developed
wisdom and behavior.

2. Health is basic to all individuals, which of the ff. best defines health
 Health is a condition that permits optimal functioning of the individual
thus, enabling him to live most and serve best in personal and social

3. Which of the ff. explains the meaning of Learning?

 Learning is the acquisition of knowledge of all kinds, abilities, habits,
attitudes, values, and skills to create change in an individual

4. Which of the ff. steps are not included in the educational and nursing process.?
 Investment

5. Which one refer to data collection and recording of information?

 Assessment

6. Which of the ff. is a means of putting the plan into action?

 Implementation
7. What is the way of assessing the client to determine if desired outcomes have been met?
 Evaluation

8. Which one focuses on planning and implementation of care?

 Nursing Process

9. Which of the ff. do not explain the nature of Nursing Process?

 Nurse-oriented activity

10. Which one focuses on the planning and implementation of teaching?

 Education Process

1. Which of the ff. is not a purpose of patient teaching?

 Increase patient anxiety

2. Which is not a part of the principles of patient teaching?

 To assess financial status of the patient

3. What is the least characteristic of documentation?

 Provides an illegal record

4. Which of the ff. does not reflect DOCUMENTATION

 Perceive lack of support- lack of support from society and insufficient financial support
from government and non-government agencies hinders health education programs.

5. What is the least component of the documentation system?

 flow sheets

6. What contains a complete patient profile and history?

 Admission assessment

7. Where do list of actual and potential health problems appear?

 Problem list

8. What is individualized care plan for each patient mean?

 Care plan or critical pathway

9. Where do you find the list of observations?

 Flow sheets

10. What do you call the summary of report written at the time of patient discharge or transfer?
 Discharge summary

1. Which of the ff. refers to the teacher’s personal standard of excellence?

 Professional competence

2. Which relates to the teachers personal interest in the learners

 Interpersonal relationship with students

3. What is meant by the teacher’s mechanics, methods, skills, in the classroom and clinical teaching?
 Teaching practices

4. Which one refers to the teachers communication of expectations

 Evaluation process

5. Which one refers to the ability of the teacher to select educational aims and learning outcomes?
 Planning and preparation skills

6. Which of the ff. refers to the ability of the teacher to engage the students in learning experiences?
 Lesson management

7. Which is the pace and the flow of the lesson that is adjusted and maintained at a level throughout the lesson?
 Lesson presentation

8. What refers to the ability of the teacher to evaluate his or her own teaching experience?
 Evaluation of teaching performance

9. What refers to an evaluation of student’s work?

 Student evaluation

10. Which one is the ability of the teacher to impose discipline on his or her class?
 Practice appropriate authority

1. What is the most traditional method associated with teaching in which the teacher simply conveys knowledge
to the students in a one way channel of communication?
 Lecturing

2. The teacher initiates learning by sharing the lesson with the students through lecturing and discussion of their
insights and ideas. Which strategy is used?
 Questioning

3. Which one retains some of the features of lecturing in that the teacher still imparts the lesson to the students
through lecturing and discussion? This time he or she gives them the opportunity to share their insights or
understanding of the topic, may be formal or informal.
 Discussion

4. It is a way of teaching that can supplement other methods. Which one can be used as an integral part of the
lecture, or a prelude to discussion or part of a question?
 Using audiovisuals
5. Which strategy of learning is used when students are arranged into small groups to facilitate the learning
 Cooperative learning

6. Which strategy of learning use practical exercises for students which show controlled representations of
 Simulations

7. What is an approach to learning that involves confronting students with real-life problems which are intended
to solve on their own?
 Problem-based learning

8. It is completely doing away with traditional instruction. Which method is used, when the student is provided
with needed materials for the learning process without intervention.
 Self-learning modules

9. It is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data through
packet switching using the standard internet protocol ?
 Internet

10. Which technology allows the user to interact with computer-simulated environment, real or imagine?
 Virtual reality

39. When assessing readiness to learn,

the health
40. educator must:
41. A. determine what needs to be
42. B. find out exactly when the
learner is ready to
43. learn
44. C. none of the above
45. D. a&
46. When assessing readiness to learn,
the health
47. educator must:
48. A. determine what needs to be
49. B. find out exactly when the
learner is ready to
50. learn
51. C. none of the above
52. D.
Are teaching methods and Instructional materials the same?
 No

teaching methods
 the ways in which we pass on information

instructional materials
 the tools in which we use to pass the information

what do we take into consideration when deciding on a teaching method?

 audience characteristics
expertise in the area
objectives for learners
potential your learner has to achieve the outcomes
evolving technology

common teaching methods

 lecture
group discussion
one-to-one instruction
demo/return demo
role play
role model

 highly structured verbal delivery

the role of the learner in lecture is _____ mode

 passive

what is a disadvantage to lectures

 passive mode of learner

a lecture should include

 opening and summary statements
key terms
offer examples
use analogies to link previous material
use visual backups as reinforcement

parts of the lecture

 introduction

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