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Information Field: Chapter
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Information Field: Cognitive Level
Information Field: Difficulty
Information Field: Integrated Process
Information Field: Objective
Information Field: Page and Header
Highest Answer Letter: E
Multiple Keywords in Same Paragraph: No

Chapter: Chapter 04: Health Education and Health Promotion

Multiple Choice

1. Nurses in all venues have an obligation to provide health education to patients. Who is
ultimately responsible for maintaining and promoting health?
A) Classroom teachers
B) Parents
C) Physicians
D) Patients

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 1
Page and Header: 42, Health Education Today

Feedback: American society places a great importance on health and the responsibility that each
of us has to maintain and promote our own health. Therefore the other options are incorrect.
2. The elderly patient has come to the clinic for a follow-up appointment. The nurse learns from
the patient's daughter that the patient is not following the instructions she received upon
discharge from the hospital last month. What could be a factor in a patient not adhering to her
therapeutic regimen?
A) Ethnic background of health care provider
B) Costs of prescribed regimen
C) Wellness state
D) Personality of the physician

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 2
Page and Header: 43, Health Education Today

Feedback: Variables that appear to influence the degree of adherence to a prescribed therapeutic
regimen include gender, race, education, illness, complexity of the regimen, and the cost of
treatments. The ethnic background of the health care provider, the patient's wellness state, and
the personality of the physician are not considered variables that appear to influence the degree
of adherence to a prescribed therapeutic regimen.

3. Elderly people often do not adhere to a therapeutic regimen. This is a significant problem.
What strategy is the best to assist the elderly in adhering to a therapeutic regimen?
A) Demonstrate a dressing change and allow the patient to practice.
B) Provide a pamphlet on a dressing change.
C) Verbally instruct the patient how to change a dressing.
D) Have a family member change the dressing.

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 2
Page and Header: 43, Health Education Today

Feedback: The nurse must consider that cognitive deficiencies can be manifested by the elderly
population's inability to draw inferences, apply information, or understand major teaching points.
Demonstration and practice are essential in meeting these deficiencies. The other options are
incorrect because the elderly may have problems reading and/or understanding a written
pamphlet or verbal instructions. Having a family member change the dressing when the patient is
capable of doing it impedes self-care and independence.

4. A patient newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes needs to learn how to give himself insulin. A
nurse preparing to teach this patient how to administer an insulin injection must remember that
one of the major variables that influences a patient's readiness to learn is what?
A) Lifespan
B) Gender
C) Occupation
D) Culture

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 3
Page and Header: 43, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: One of the major variables that influence a patient's readiness to learn is the patient's
culture, because it affects how a person learns and what information is learned. Other variables
include illness states, values, emotional readiness, and physical readiness.

5. The nurse is planning to teach a 75-year-old patient about administering her medication. How
can the nurse enhance the patient's ability to learn?
A) Provide links to websites that contain information related to the medication
B) Exclude family members from the session
C) Use color-coded materials
D) Make the information relevant to the patient's condition

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-2
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 5
Page and Header: 46, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: Studies have shown that older adults can learn and remember if the information is
paced appropriately, relevant, and followed by appropriate feedback.

6. All nursing diagnoses imply that teaching must be done. For which of the following nursing
diagnoses would education of the patient be the highest priority?
A) Risk for impaired mobility related to joint pain
B) Incontinence related to surgical repair of bladder
C) Altered range of movement related to contractures
D) Risk for ineffective management of therapeutic regimen

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 4
Page and Header: 47, The Nursing Process in Patient Teaching

Feedback: For some nursing diagnoses, education is a primary nursing intervention. These
diagnoses include risk for ineffective management of therapeutic regimen, risk for impaired
home management, health-seeking behaviors, and decisional conflict. The other options do not
have patient education as the highest priority.

7. The nursing instructor has given an assignment to a group of nurse practitioner students. They
are to break into groups of four and complete a health-promotion teaching project and present a
report back to their fellow students. What project is the best example of health-promotion
A) Demonstrating an injection technique to a patient for anticoagulant therapy
B) Explaining the side effects of a medication to an adult patient
C) Discussing the importance of preventing sexually transmitted disease to a group of 12th-
grade students
D) Instructing an adolescent patient about safe food preparation

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 9
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: Health promotion encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle and to achieve a high
level of wellness. Discussing the importance of STD prevention to a group of 12th-grade
students is the best example of a health-promotion teaching project. This makes the other options

8. Health promotion ranks high on the list of health-related concerns of the American public.
Based on current knowledge, what factor is the most significant in health, longevity, and weight
A) Good nutrition
B) Stress reduction
C) Use of vitamins
D) Screening for health risks

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 9
Page and Header: 50, Health Promotion

Feedback: It has been suggested that good nutrition is the single most significant factor in
determining health status, longevity, and weight control. A balanced diet that uses few artificial
ingredients and is low in fat, caffeine, and sodium constitutes a healthy diet. Stress reduction and
screening for health risks are correct answers, just not the most significant factors. Vitamin use is
not necessary when you eat a healthy diet unless you are a woman of child-bearing age or are
over the age of 50 years.

9. The nursing profession and nurses as individuals have a responsibility to promote activities
that foster well-being. What has most influenced the nurse to play this vital role?
A) Nurses are seen as nurturing.
B) Nurses have post-secondary education.
C) Nurses have a desire to help others.
D) Nurses have long-established credibility with consumers.

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 11
Page and Header: 53, Nursing Implications

Feedback: Nurses, by virtue of their expertise in health and health care and their long-
established credibility with consumers, play a vital role in health promotion. The other options
are incorrect because they are not the most influential when it comes to health promotion by
nursing and nurses.

10. The nurse is teaching a local community group about the importance of disease prevention.
Why is disease prevention necessary in health promotion?
A) Prevention is emphasized as the link between personal behavior and health.
B) The majority of deaths of Americans under age 60 aren't related to preventable causes.
C) Health maintenance organizations now emphasize prevention as the main criterion of health
D) The external environment affects the outcome of most disease processes.

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: Healthy People 2010 defines the current national health-promotion and disease-
prevention initiative for the nation. The two essential goals from this report are (1) to increase the
quality and years of healthy life for people and (2) to eliminate health disparities among various
segments of the population.

11. The nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a patient diagnosed with urinary retention
secondary to multiple sclerosis. The nurse will teach the patient to self-catheterize at home upon
discharge. What teaching method is most effective for this patient?
A) A list of instructions written at a sixth-grade level
B) A short videotape providing useful information and demonstrations
C) An audio taped version of discharge instructions
D) A discussion and demonstration between the nurse and the patient

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-3
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 5
Page and Header: 45, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: Demonstration and practice are essential ingredients of a teaching program,

especially when teaching skills. It is best to demonstrate the skill and then give the learner ample
opportunity for practice. When special equipment is involved, such as syringes, colostomy bags,
dialysis equipment, dressings, or suction apparatus, it is important to teach with the same
equipment that will be used in the home setting. It is the most effective teaching method. A list of
instructions, a videotape, and an audiotape are effective methods of reinforcing teaching after the
discussion and demonstration have taken place.

12. You are the nurse planning to teach tracheostomy care to one of your patients. What is the
most important variable in patient teaching that you need to utilized?
A) Providing the most up-to-date information available
B) Alleviating the patient's guilt associated with not knowing appropriate self-care
C) Determining the patient's readiness to learn new information
D) Building on previous information

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-3
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 4
Page and Header: 43, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: Assessment in the teaching–learning process is directed toward the systematic

collection of data about the person and family's learning needs and readiness to learn.
Patient readiness is critical to accepting and integrating new information. Unless the patient is
ready to accept new information, patient teaching will be ineffective. Giving up-to-date
information won't matter if the patient isn't ready to accept new information. Patient guilt can't be
alleviated until the patient understands the intricacies of the condition and his physiologic
response to the disease. If the patient isn't ready to learn, it will be impossible to build on
previous information because the patient won't be receptive to that information and won't learn.

13. A public health nurse is preparing to hold a series of health-promotion classes on a variety of
topics. Which site could be best used to hold a health-promotion education series for a group of
middle-aged adults?
A) Physician's office
B) The workplace
C) The hospital
D) The nurse's clinic

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 11
Page and Header: 52, Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan

Feedback: The workplace has become a center for health-promotion activity. Health-promotion
programs can generally be offered almost anywhere in the community, but the workplace is often
more convenient for the adult, working population. This makes option B the best site for this
series of health-promotion classes.

14. Research has associated stress levels with infectious diseases. Which fact best supports the
rationale for this statement?
A) Stress impairs sleep patterns.
B) Stress decreases the immune response.
C) Stress increases weight.
D) Stress decreases concentration.

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-3
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 7
Page and Header: 51, Health Promotion

Feedback: Studies have shown the negative effects of stress on health and a cause-and-effect
relationship between stress and infectious diseases, traumatic injuries (eg, motor vehicle
crashes), and some chronic illnesses. It is well known that stress decreases the immune response,
thereby making individuals more susceptible to infectious diseases. The other options can also be
correct in certain individuals, but they are not the fact that best supports the question.

15. Health promotion should continue across the lifespan. Therefore, it is important for the nurse
to understand when to initiate health promotion. When in the lifespan should health promotion
A) Adolescence
B) School age
C) Preschool
D) Before birth

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 9
Page and Header: 51, Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span

Feedback: Health promotion should begin prior to birth as the health practices of a mother prior
to the birth of her child can be influenced positively or negatively. This makes the other options

16. A nurse has taught a patient with asthma how to administer his daily inhaler. How would the
nurse evaluate the teaching-learning process?
A) Using teaching aides
B) Identifying teaching strategies
C) Directly observing the patient using his inhaler
D) Documenting the teaching session in the patient's record

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-2
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 5
Page and Header: 45, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: Demonstration and practice are essential ingredients of a teaching program,

especially when teaching skills. It is best to demonstrate the skill and then give the learner ample
opportunity for practice. When special equipment is involved, such as syringes, colostomy bags,
dialysis equipment, dressings, or suction apparatus, it is important to teach with the same
equipment that will be used in the home setting. It is the most effective teaching method. By
observing the patient using the inhaler, the nurse may identify what learning needs to be
enhanced or reinforced. The use of teaching aids, identifying teaching strategies, and
documenting the teaching session are not means to evaluate the teaching-learning process.

17. The nurse practitioner is discussing health promotion with a group of senior nursing
students. What would be the best example of health promotion?
A) Blood pressure clinic
B) Family planning clinic
C) Immunization clinic
D) Workplace health and safety seminar

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: Health promotion may be defined as those activities that assist people in developing
resources that maintain or enhance well-being and improve their quality of life. Workplace health
and safety would be considered a protection service. A blood pressure clinic and immunization
clinic would fall under the category of preventive services.

18. You are the oncoming nurse, and you have just taken report on your patients for the shift.
One of your patients is a patient who is newly diagnosed with diabetes. Which behavior shows
this patient's willingness to learn?
A) The patient requests a visit from the diabetic educator.
B) The patient declines a slice of pie at lunch.
C) The patient has a family member meet with the dietician to discuss meals.
D) The patient allows the nurse to take daily blood sugar.

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: D-4
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 3
Page and Header: 44, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: Emotional readiness also affects the motivation to learn. A person who has not
accepted an existing illness or the threat of illness is not motivated to learn. The patient's wiliness
to learn is expressed through the action of seeking information on his or her own accord. Seeking
information shows an emotional readiness to learn. The other options do not demonstrate a
willingness to learn.

19. A nurse is providing an educational event to a local group of citizens who are disabled. What
would be important for the nurse to be aware of when planning this event?
A) The health-promotion needs of the group the nurse is speaking to
B) What each person's disability is
C) Wellness needs of each individual
D) What the families want you to talk about

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 6
Page and Header: 45, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: The nurse must be aware of the health-promotion needs when teaching specific
groups of people with physical disabilities; emotional, psychiatric, or mental health disabilities;
hearing, visual, or sensory impairments; learning disabilities; and developmental disabilities. The
other options are incorrect because the nurse doesn't need to aware of them when planning the
20. What is the definition of wellness?
A) Being without disease
B) A conscious and deliberate attempt to maximize one's health
C) A desire to be without disease
D) Maximizing the state in which you live

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 7
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: Wellness, a reflection of health, involves a conscious and deliberate attempt to

maximize one's health.

21. A nursing instructor is working with a class of first-semester nursing students. The instructor
explains the interrelatedness of health and wellness. What would be the best definition the
nursing instructor could give of health?
A) Health is maximizing wellness.
B) Health is a lack of disease.
C) Health is a dynamic, ever-changing condition that enables people to function at an optimal
potential at any given time.
D) Health is a reflection of wellness that involves a conscious and deliberate attempt to
maximize one's lack of disease state.

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 7
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: Health is viewed as a dynamic, ever-changing condition that enables people to

function at an optimal potential at any given time. The other options would not be the best
definition of health.
Multiple Selection

22. Research has shown that there is a relationship between health and physical fitness. What
has research shown a regular exercise program can do? (Mark all that apply.)
A) Decrease cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels
B) Delay degenerative changes
C) Improve the senses
D) Improve overall muscle strength
E) Decrease endurance levels

Ans: A, B, D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 7
Page and Header: 51, Health Promotion
Feedback: Clinicians and researchers who have examined the relationship between health and
physical fitness have found that a regular exercise program can promote health in the following
ways: by decreasing cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels, delaying degenerative
changes such as osteoporosis; and improving flexibility and overall muscle strength and
endurance. Physical fitness does not improve the senses or decrease endurance levels.

Multiple Choice

23. A nursing instructor is talking about health promotion with a group of senior nursing
students. What would the instructor tell the students is the key to successful health promotion?
A) Desire to learn
B) Self-awareness
C) Consciously practicing stress reduction
D) Taking responsibility for oneself

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 9
Page and Header: 50, Health Promotion

Feedback: Taking responsibility for oneself is the key to successful health promotion.

24. Nutritional awareness is one component of health promotion. What does nutritional
awareness involve?
A) An understanding of the importance of a healthy diet
B) Being aware of the importance of vitamin supplements
C) Knowing what minerals are necessary to eat daily
D) Understanding what constitutes the recommended daily nutrients

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 9
Page and Header: 50, Health Promotion

Feedback: Nutritional awareness involves an understanding of the importance of a healthy diet

that supplies all of the essential nutrients. The other options are incorrect because vitamin
supplements are not necessary for a healthy diet, a certain amount of all minerals need to be
eaten daily, and understanding what constitutes the recommended daily nutrients is not necessary
for nutritional awareness.

25. Like the nursing process, what must be incorporated into the teaching-learning interaction
for it to be successful?
A) Evaluation
B) Social and cultural patterns
C) Patient awareness
D) Measurable interventions

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 4
Page and Header: 44, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: A patient's social and cultural patterns must be appropriately incorporated into the
teaching–learning interaction. Evaluation is necessary to see if the teaching-learning interaction
was successful, not to make it successful; patient awareness is a phrase that has many meanings,
none of which make the teaching–learning interaction successful; and interventions are not
measured, goals/outcomes are.

26. Positive patient outcomes are the goal of nurse-patient interactions. What is an influential
factor directly related to positive patient-care outcomes?
A) Patient's age
B) Ethnic heritage
C) Health education
D) Outcome evaluation

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 4
Page and Header: 42, Introduction

Feedback: Health education is an influential factor directly related to positive patient-care

outcomes. The other options are incorrect because the patient's age and outcome evaluation are
not influential factors related to positive patient-care outcomes. Also, a patient's ethnic heritage is
not directly related to a positive patient-care outcome.

27. Part of health promotion in the adolescent population is health screening. What is the goal of
health screening in this population?
A) To teach teenagers about health risks
B) To screen for potential health problems
C) To identify chronic health problems and their risks
D) To detect health problems at an early age so they can be treated at this time
Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 51, Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span

Feedback: The goal of health screening in the adolescent population has been to detect health
problems at an early age so that they can be treated at this time. The other options are incorrect
because the goal of health screening in the adolescent populations is not teaching teenagers about
health risks, screening for potential health problems, or identifying chronic health problems and
their risks.

28. Each generation has specific interests in health promotion. What type of health promotion
programs do young adults actively seek?
A) Family planning
B) Risky behaviors
C) Physical fitness
D) Marriage classes

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 51, Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span

Feedback: Because of the nationwide emphasis on health during the reproductive years, young
adults actively seek programs that address prenatal health, parenting, family planning, and
women's health issues. The other options are incorrect because they are not health promotion
classes actively sought out be young adults.

Multiple Selection
29. Middle-aged adults are part of an age group that is interested in health and health promotion.
What suggestions do they respond to with enthusiasm? (Mark all that apply.)
A) How lifestyle practices can improve health
B) How to eat healthier
C) How exercise can improve your life
D) How to eat fast food and survive
E) Exercise for the aging

Ans: A, B, C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 51, Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span
Feedback: Young and middle-aged adults represent an age group that not only expresses an
interest in health and health promotion but also responds enthusiastically to suggestions that
show how lifestyle practices can improve health; these lifestyle practices include nutrition and
exercise. Surviving by eating fast food and exercise for aging are not classes responded to
enthusiastically by middle-aged adults.

Multiple Choice

30. Despite chronic illnesses and disabilities, the elderly benefit most from what kind of
A) Those that help them eat well
B) Those that help them maintain independence
C) Those that preserve their social interactions
D) Those that accomplish financial stability

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 52, Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan

Feedback: Although their chronic illnesses and disabilities cannot be eliminated, these adults
(the elderly) can benefit most from activities that help them maintain independence and achieve
an optimal level of health. The other answers, while beneficial to the elderly, are not the most

31. Health promotion is as much a function of nursing as wound care is. As a health care
professional, what is a responsibility of a nurse?
A) To promote activities that enhance the community
B) To encourage self-awareness
C) To promote activities that foster personal fulfillment
D) To influence social interactions

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 11
Page and Header: 53, Nursing Implications

Feedback: As health care professionals, nurses have a responsibility to promote activities that
foster well-being, self-actualization, and personal fulfillment. Nurses often promote activities
that enhance the community and encourage self-awareness; however, they are not a nurse's
responsibility. As a professional, nurses do not influence social interactions.

32. Health promotion is an integral part of health care. What is the purpose of health promotion?
A) To teach people how to act
B) To teach people how to grow
C) To change the environment in ways that enhance cultural expectations
D) To change the environment in ways that reduce risks

Ans: D
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 1
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: The purpose of health promotion is to focus on the person's potential for wellness and
to encourage appropriate alterations in personal habits, lifestyle, and environment in ways that
reduce risks and enhance health and well-being. The other options are incorrect because the
purpose of health promotion is not to teach people how to act or how to grow or to change the
environment in ways that enhances cultural expectations.

33. Health care professionals are involved in the promotion of health as much as in the treatment
of disease. Health promotion has evolved as a part of health care for many reasons. Which of the
following is one of them?
A) A changing definition of health
B) An awareness that wellness exists
C) An expanded definition of chronic illness
D) A belief that disease is preventable

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 7
Page and Header: 49, Health Promotion

Feedback: The concept of health promotion has evolved because of a changing definition of
health and an awareness that wellness exists at many levels of functioning. The other options are
incorrect because health promotion has not evolved because we know that wellness exists or a
belief that disease is preventable. There is no expanded definition of chronic illness that has
caused the concept of health promotion to evolve.

34. What is one of the most important goals of patient education?

A) To encourage patients to exercise
B) To encourage patients to adhere to their therapeutic regimen
C) To teach nutritional awareness
D) To encourage a disease-free state

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 2
Page and Header: 42, Health Education Today

Feedback: One of the goals of patient education is to encourage people to adhere to their
therapeutic regimen. This is a very important goal because if patients do not adhere to their
therapeutic regimen, they will not attain their optimal level of wellness.

35. Research has shown that patient adherence to prescribed regimens is generally low,
especially when the patient will have to follow the regimen for a long period of time. What is one
diagnosis where adherence rates are low?
C) Multiple sclerosis
D) Beta hemolytic strep infection

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 2
Page and Header: 42, Health Education Today

Feedback: Many people do not adhere to their prescribed regimens; rates of adherence are
generally low, especially when the regimens are complex or of long duration (eg, therapy for
tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, and human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection and
hemodialysis). MRSA and SARS are treated in an inpatient setting, so adherence to treatment
regimen is not a problem. A beta hemolytic strep infection (strep throat) is usually treated in 7-10

Multiple Selection
36. You are the clinic nurse doing patient education with a teenager who was diagnosed 6
months ago with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This patient has been noncompliant with her treatment
regimen. As the nurse, what variables do you need to assess to help this patient adhere to their
treatment regimen? (Mark all that apply.)
A) Variables that affect the patients' ability to obtain resources
B) Variables that affect the patients' ability to stay in school
C) Variables that affect the patients' ability to maintain healthy relationships
D) Variables that affect the patients' ability to maintain a healthy social environment
E) Variables that affect the patients' ability to adopt specific behaviors

Ans: A, D, E
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 2
Page and Header: 43, Health Education Today
Feedback: Nurses' success with health education is determined by ongoing assessment of the
variables that affect a patient's ability to adopt specific behaviors, to obtain resources, and to
maintain a healthy social environment. The patient's ability to stay in school and maintain
healthy relationships are not variables the nurse would assess when educating the patient about
her treatment regimen.

Multiple Choice

37. Nurses doing patient education often use motivators for learning with patients who are
struggling with behavioral changes necessary to adhere to a treatment regimen. What is one
motivator the nurse might use with a young adult?
A) A learning contract
B) A star chart
C) A point system
D) A food-reward system

Ans: A
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 2
Page and Header: 43, Health Education Today

Feedback: Using a learning contract or agreement can also be a motivator for learning. Such a
contract is based on assessment of patient needs; health care data; and specific, measurable goals.
Young adults would not respond well to the use of star charts, point systems, or food as reward
for behavioral change. These types of motivators would work better with children.

38. As the nurse working in a gerontology clinic, you know that some elderly people are
noncompliant with therapeutic regimens because of chronic illnesses that require long-term
treatment by several health care providers. What is the most important consideration when
dealing with this segment of the elderly population?
A) Health care professionals must know all the medications the patient is taking.
B) Health care professionals must work together to provide coordinated care.
C) Health care professionals may negate the efforts of another health care provider.
D) Health care professionals must have documentation of their interactions with the patient.

Ans: B
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 10
Page and Header: 43, Health Education Today

Feedback: Above all, health care professionals must work together to provide continuous,
coordinated care; otherwise, the efforts of one health care professional may be negated by those
of another. The other answers may be correct but they are not the most important consideration
when dealing with this patient population.

39. The nursing process is an active process that requires a positive nurse-patient relationship.
How is this most like the teaching–learning process?
A) Both processes involve people other than the nurse and the patient.
B) Both processes are static processes.
C) Both processes require the involvement of both parties to reach the desired outcome.
D) Both processes are based on current research.

Ans: C
Chapter: 4
Client Needs: B
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 4
Page and Header: 43, The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Feedback: The teaching–learning process is an active one, requiring the involvement of both
teacher and learner in the effort to reach the desired outcome, a change in behavior. Options A
and D are incorrect because they are not the best answers; option B is incorrect because both
processes are dynamic rather than static.

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