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Case Description of Dovernet Case Study

This case illustrates the implications of using stringent performance measurement

systems to create performance pressure, motivate employee achievement, and
sharpen a firm's competitiveness. It opens by describing the downsides of the
ruthlessly competitive culture at Zynga, a young, successful online gaming company.
A similar data-driven performance measurement system is employed at Dovernet, a
Vancouver-based provider of enterprise communications and social-networking
technologies. Dovernet's founder and CEO sees performance measurement systems
as vital for cultivating the competitive, innovative workforce necessary for Dovernet
to win in a fiercely competitive industry. Dovernet uses quarterly top-down reviews
and stack ranking (with major implications for bonuses), as well as bottom-up
reviews, to reward top achievers and put low performers on notice. The practical
challenges of applying this system are illustrated in three brief vignettes. In the first
two, students can assume the role of a manager charged with interpreting and acting
on the negative reviews given to two employees with unique (but are they
mitigating?) personal circumstances. The third vignette puts students in the role of
an employee conducting a bottom-up review, as he struggles to balance honesty
with the potential repercussions of giving his manager less-than-perfect feedback.
The case allows students to consider the benefits and risks of different performance
evaluation strategies and their implications for a firm's performance, culture, and
employee morale. Are there certain types of firms or industries for which such
systems are more appropriate? Do the integrity and effectiveness of a performance
measurement system depend on managers' applying cold objectivity, or is there
room for flexibility? In highly competitive industries, can firms lacking a strong
performance emphasis beat competitors like Dovernet and Zynga?

Case Authors : Robert L. Simons, Natalie Kindred

Topic : Finance & Accounting

Related Areas : Assessing performance, Compensation, Competitive strategy, Corporate governance,

Decision making, Human resource management, IT, Leadership, Motivating people, Organizational
culture, Performance measurement
What is the Case Study Method ? How can you use it to
write case solution for Dovernet case study?

Almost all of the case studies contain well defined situations. MBA and EMBA
professional can take advantage of these situations to - apply theoretical framework,
recommend new processes, and use quantitative methods to suggest course of

Awareness of the common situations can help MBA & EMBA professionals read the
case study more efficiently, discuss it more effectively among the team members,
narrow down the options, and write cogently.

Case Study Solution Approaches

Three Step Approach to Dovernet Case Study Solution

The three step case study solution approach comprises –

Conclusions – MBA & EMBA professionals should state their conclusions at the very
start. It helps in communicating the points directly and the direction one took.

Reasons – At the second stage provide the reasons for the conclusions. Why you
choose one course of action over the other. For example why the change effort failed
in the case and what can be done to rectify it. Or how the marketing budget can be
better spent using social media rather than traditional media.

Evidences – Finally you should provide evidences to support your reasons. It has to
come from the data provided within the case study rather than data from outside
world. Evidences should be both compelling and consistent. In case study method
there is ‘no right’ answer, just how effectively you analyzed the situation based on
incomplete information and multiple scenarios.
Case Study Solution of Dovernet

We write Dovernet case study solution using Harvard Business Review case writing
framework & HBR Finance & Accounting learning notes. We try to cover all the bases
in the field of Finance & Accounting, Assessing performance, Compensation,
Competitive strategy, Corporate governance, Decision making, Human resource
management, IT, Leadership, Motivating people, Organizational culture, Performance
measurement and other related areas.

Objectives of using various frameworks in Dovernet case

study solution

By using the above frameworks for Dovernet case study solutions, you can clearly
draw conclusions on the following areas –

What are the strength and weaknesses of Dovernet Performance (SWOT Analysis)

What are external factors that are impacting the business environment (PESTEL

Should Dovernet Performance enter new market or launch new

product (Opportunities & Threats from SWOT Analysis)

What will be the expected profitability of the new products or services (Porter Five
Forces Analysis)

How it can improve the profitability in a given industry (Porter Value Chain


What are the resources needed to increase profitability (VRIO Analysis)

Finally which business to continue, where to invest further and from which to get
out (BCG Growth Share Analysis)

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