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The Key to Happiness

A. What’s the key to happiness? Include as many words related as

possible in an

B. Listen to the podcast and identify which aspect of life the speakers
believe to be the key to happiness

C. Now focus on the following vocab, how can you connect the
words/expressions? Create a mindmap

1. Satisfaction
2. Gratitude
3. Rat race
4. Hamster on a wheel
5. The glass is half full/empty
6. Alignment
7. Hedonic treadmill

D. Read the first part of the article and write T or F

1. There’s no way we can reach joy, contentment and happiness.

2. Cultivating happiness doesn’t have a chain effect.
3. Expressing gratitude makes it more likely for you to form a meaningful
relationship with the other person
4. Spending time together with a person contributes toward happiness
but not gratitude.
5. The more we have, the less happy we feel
6. The expression of gratitude also tends to predict greater happiness.
7. There exists a marker for gratitude that is connected to relationships
But there’s a surprisingly accessible pathway to contentment, joy and
positivity: gratitude.

On the other hand, when you cultivate gratitude, it tends to result in

greater happiness.

In particular, a study at Baylor University found when people were more

focused on owning and acquiring more things, they were less happy.

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