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Course & Block: 1BSMT1

Instructor/ Professor: PROF. MARK ANTHONY LLANETA
Date: OCTOBER 10, 2021

Midterm– Answer Sheet

1. Do not forget to write you name, course and block, teacher, and date.
2. All learning materials and answer sheets shall be provided, posted and accessed Google Classroom per
term (prelim, midterm and final term).
3. Download the whole module and do diligently what is being asked in the activities. Use and submit only
the answer sheets prescribed per class.
4. Being a self-paced learning endeavor, it shall be your responsibility, time management, your discipline
to make all your efforts in this class fruitful.
5. Just focus answering activities in the answer sheet
6. Use Times New Roman font size 12 for your answers.
7. Delete the lines and replace it with your answers.
8. Save this as a PDF file after you have input all your answers.
9. Submit this via Google classroom (in the Classwork) only (for strict compliance).
10. Use only your UST-Legazpi e-mail in submitting your outputs.
11. Name the file with your block/course (space) Surname (space) First Name and Middle Name initials and
put the word PRELIM. Examples: 2BSA BOBIER MJC PRELIM, 2BSPh2 REYES JC PRELIM (for
strict compliance)
12. Submit on time.
13. When possible or as scheduled, video conferencing (using Google meet/zoom) shall be during Monday
and Tuesday. During the meeting, we should follow the dress code or proper attire. Attendance and
participation are required. We shall allot Wednesday to Friday for doing your activities, other inquiries
and clarifications.
14. During the straight week scheduled class, you shall attend the online session, read some articles, watch
videos, understand and analyze the lessons. Last, answer/do what is being asked in each
15. Submission of all the requirements per term shall be the next Monday after the scheduled class. Grace
period for another week is allowed. But non submission after the grace period will incur a grade of 65.
16. Plagiarism will be punished in the full extent of the university law.
17. Posting any inappropriate words/comments in the Google classroom or any social media platforms shall
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IO RE 01 – Christian Vision of the Human Person



One's concept of happiness vary from people to people, yet the essence of it remains the
same. One would express one's happiness different from the other, but they are common to
their longing of happiness. At this point, illustrate your own understanding of happiness
using lines, colors, symbols and the like. Describe what you think of happiness through the
simplicity or complexity of your drawing. Then write a short explanation of your drawing (not
more than 5 sentences). Give a title to your illustration (based on your own idea of
Short explanation of your drawing below:

My drawing of happiness includes a sunflower with a background of diagonal yellow lines

with alternating thickness. I used sunflower because it symbolizes happiness and love,
specifically for myself, my family and to the Lord, and I want to surround myself with
positivity and optimism, just like how the sunflower follows the sun. The diagonal lines
moving upward represents my resilience, that whenever I am down or in a stressful situation, I
always find happiness and optimism and it also is like a staircase to happiness. The overall
yellow theme of my drawing, again, because it symbolizes and looks very happy, and it
radiates so much positivity and optimism.

Process Question:

Have you experienced happiness? How is the feeling of happiness?

Yes, I have already experienced happiness many times in my life. Whenever I get happy, I feel like I am
floating high in the sky, like there is no heavy burden pulling on me. I feel very satisfied, content, fulfilled, and
light-hearted. For me, the feeling of happiness is something that makes me want to continue with my life and
makes me feel blessed for whatever or whenever makes me happy. Overall, happiness is all positive things.

For how long your happiest moment lasted (duration)?

Most of my happy moments typically last for about 1 to 5 minutes. This happiness includes something
like being happy because I accomplished something for the day or maybe something simple like receiving an
item or a delivery. However, the happiness that had a huge impact in my life are those happy moments that last
for more. These happy moments include traveling somewhere like the beach or Baguio city with the whole
family, or just having the whole family in the house together. These are happy moments of mine that typically
lasts for a day up to weeks.

What are the reasons why your happiness did not last long?
Well, in the first place, I believe that happiness is not something that last forever, at least while we’re
living. I think biologically, happiness is something that is constantly changing as we go on our lives. Sometimes
we get happy, and then sometimes we get sad or maybe stressed, and then happy again. Not everything that
happen in our lives would make us happy. There are also some sad moments in our life that we have to bear.
And this is all part of life, because in the real world, if we are to be only happy despite the bad things happening
around us, it would be unhealthy and not normal.

At this juncture, you have probably internalized the concept of Authentic Happiness, and must
have a clear understanding of how to go about with one's life in order to direct it to the
achievement of such true ultimate goal of human existence. Hence, for your active response to
such learning, you are to plan a one-day activity with four of your classmates (a group of five)
with the objective of discovering true happiness (though it may still be imperfect) in your life
and sharing it to others. The title of the activity is "PROJECT HAPPINESS". As a group, you have
to think of an activity that will generate pure (imperfect) happiness among yourselves,
primarily, and the participants or recipients of your project. The Happiness Project Proposal
shall include the following:

 Introduction and Rationale

 Objectives
 Recipients/Beneficiaries of the Project (within the household)
 Detailed Flow of the Activity
 Justification explanation of the Activity
 Budget Requirements
 2 Pages Reflection Paper (Times New Roman and Single Space)

Post Test Answers:

1. D.
2. C.
3. E.
4. B.
5. A.


1. I can EXPLAIN in my own words human person’s search for the purpose/meaning of life.
= Easy, I get it
2. I can DIFFERENTIATE pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction from true Happiness which the human person
longs for.
= Easy, I get it
3. I can DISCUSS thoroughly St. Thomas Aquinas concept of the Ultimate End of Man and its achievement in
= Easy, I get it
4. I can INTEGRATE in my life my understanding of authentic happiness.
= Easy, I get it
IO RE 01 – Christian Vision of the Human Person



The human desire for happiness is of divine origin-God planted it in the heart of the human person so that
he/she may seek Him and be united in His own beatitude. Yet, in everyday human experience, humans tend to
satisfy that longing for the fullness of life in the fleeting things of this earth. They would continually desire and
strive to achieve this longing for happiness, only to end up feeling empty and unsatisfied. How can, then, the
human person gradually come closer to the fullness of life one longs for? What should the human person do to
find his/her ultimate end-the purpose of the human existence? Please do the activity below to get you started.

Activity 1: Blessed am I
To consider oneself as blessed, in ordinary language means that one has received something that will bring
contentment and joy to one's life. To be blessed would mean to be gifted. Hence, a blessed person is always full
of GRATITUDE. Are you blessed? Enumerate below the reasons for you to consider yourself as gifted. Stamp
it with an appropriate emoticon to show how grateful you are for those gifts.

Why I Consider Myself as Gifted:

I am alive and healthy 🏋️ I am loved and I can love 💕
I have a loving family 👪 I can help other people 🤝
I can go to school 📚 I am resilient 💪
I have a shelter to live on 🏠 I am observant 🧐
I have clothes I can wear 👕 I am creative 🎨
I get to eat healthy foods every day 🏠 I am dedicated 🙌
I have access to proper healthcare ‍⚕️ I am hardworking 👷
I have good work ethics ‍💻 I will never quit 😤

1. What do you feel as you scan your life for blessings received?

= After scanning my life for all the blessings that I received, I couldn’t help but feel absolutely blessed and
thankful for all these things that I have right now. I am beyond thankful for God has given me all these things in
life no matter how small or big, and I am thankful for my parents for giving me a life with all these blessings,
and for teaching us to give thanks for all the blessings we receive and to always share our blessings with other

2. How do you respond to blessings? How is your life affected by these blessings?

= I can say that I have many blessings in life, and with all these blessings, big or small, I never use those
blessings without giving a single thanks. I don’t take these blessings for granted and I accept it whole-heartedly
while giving thanks to God and to the people who gave it to me. My parents taught me to appreciate even the
small blessings in life, and now that we have so many blessings in life, I always say thanks and never waste or
take any of these blessings in life for granted. I always cherish these blessings and share it with other people
too, because that is how I was taught, and that is one of my principles in life too.

3. What do you wish for in your life?

= What do I wish for in life? Well, I wish that people appreciate even the smallest blessings in our lives. With
the current society that we have, almost everyone wants everything good, expensive, new, and all things
materialistic, they never get satisfied in life because all they think about is what they don’t have but they never
look at the blessings that they already have. So, I wish people learn to appreciate and be thankful to God for
what blessings they already have, instead of thinking all the things that they do not have.

After absorbing essential points of the lesson on beatitudes, it is presupposed that you have gained some
insights about the purpose of life and about happiness. As your response to these learnings please make a TO
DO LIST below as you align your life to the challenge of the Christian Discipleship.

As I response to the knowledge I acquired, below are the things that I will do as I align my life to the challenges
of the Christian Discipleship:

I will put my whole trust in God,

I will continue to help other people with compassion,
I will be always grateful for the blessings that I have received every day,
I will share the great love God has given me,
I will continue to love others,
I will live in accordance to God’s desire for us,
I will live by God’s values,
I will continue my life centered on God,
I will devote my life to God,
I will serve God,
I will continue to know God in order to have a deeper connection with Him, and
I will love God.

Post Test Answers:

1. D.
2. B.
3. E.
4. E.
5. E.


1. I can DESCRIBE in my own words the meaning of True Happiness.

= Easy, I get it
2. I can EXPLAIN thoroughly how the Beatitudes will lead us to our quest for true happiness.
= Easy, I get it
3.I can APPLY my learnings in my day to day living as a Christian Disciple.
= Easy, I get it
IO RE 01 – Christian Vision of the Human Person


Activity 2: I am response-able...

One sign of the human person's maturity is one person's ability to own his action, and therefore respond to the
situation created by it in accordance to who he/she really is. One's action is one's responsibility, and therefore
must respond to the consequences of such action. At this juncture, make a short statement (3-5 sentences only)
of your whole hearted acceptance of the kind of person you are now, both good and not so good, and that you
take full responsibility of your course of actions in the past and now, and why you would take the responsibility.

I whole-heartedly accept who I really am right now and I take full responsibility of all the actions that I have
done and will be doing today. I will also take full responsibility for my actions because I believe I am now
capable of understanding what actions and words that I say are right and what is not. I am already mature
enough and that is why I would always think twice before even doing or saying anything in order to avoid
causing any harm or trouble.


1. How do you feel doing this activity? Why?

= After this activity, I feel quite anxious because I know I already have much bigger responsibilities right now
as a young adult and I think there will be more as I move towards in life. That is why, I am now exercising how
to make actions properly, to always think before doing it, and to take full responsibility for every action I will

2. Do you fully believe that you’re 100% responsible for the kind of person you are now? Why?
= No, I do not believe that I am 100% responsible for the kind of person I am now. I do believe however, that a
big part of who I am right now is because of me. I don’t believe it because there are still a lot of reasons that
molded me into who I am right now. I chose to be this way because of those external factors and I accept who I
really am right now. Back then, I was bullied, so what I had to do was to be strong. I never wanted to be bullied,
I never wanted to be strong because of that experience either, however, over time I adapted to become strong
and to never let anyone bring me down. I may not be fully responsible for me being strong because of that
experience, but it whispered to me a responsibility to help other people who are also being bullied just like me.


 Knowing the nature of the human acts, its constituents, and its morality, one must take a second look, a
closer inspection of ones personal life. How near or far are you from fulfilling the good of the human
person? What plan of action are you thinking after realizing and internalizing these things? At this point,
please make a brief action plan in our life as a response to what you have learned.
The NEXT Thing I am Going to DO

I believe I am not that far away from fulfilling the good of the human person. First, I will never make
bad intentions in order to bring other people down. To be honest, I never do this. Second, even
though my intentions were good, I want to make sure how I will be performing my actions the good
way. I will remember that all of my actions will be my responsibility. Third, I will think thoroughly
first what could happen if I have done a certain action. I will ask myself: will it be beneficial? will it
bring any good? will it bring harm? or will it cause trouble? I always ask those things to myself first
before doing anything or saying anything because even though I may think that my action will bring
good, it might be different from when my action was done so I must think first. Understanding that
all our actions will result in counter actions or consequences, I always have to keep those things in

Post Test Answers:

1. B.
2. E.
3. C.
4. D.
5. B.


1. I can DESCRIBE in my own words the meaning of True Happiness.

= Easy, I get it
2. I can EXPLAIN thoroughly how the Beatitudes will lead us to our quest for true happiness.
= Easy, I get it
3.I can APPLY my learnings in my day to day living as a Christian Disciple.
= Easy, I get it

IO RE 01 – Christian Vision of the Human Person




Examine the pictures with some details behind the scene. Using your understanding of the human act, give a verdict
to each of the agent in question, whether the person has full moral responsibility (FMR), partial moral responsibility
(PMR), or no moral responsibility (NMR) for the committed act. Write the code on the space provided next to the
1. Agent: Boy-FMR

2. Agent: Girl-PMR

3. Agent: Robber-PMR

1. PROCESS QUESTIONS: You’re your personal feeling of the story a factor in your judgment?
= Yes, I included my personal feelings as a factor in judging the responsibility. If we are only to rely on
intellect and reasoning, we are disre

2. Do you think your judgment will change if you shift role from victim to agent or vice-

At this point, you have gained a deeper understanding of the existence of emotions or passions in the life of the
human person, and on how they affect the voluntariness and moral responsibility of the human act. As your response
to the learning, please make a very brief essay (not more than 300 words), with your own title, about "human
emotions and human happiness"..
Post Test Answers:




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