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Online Kamustahan

Grades 7, 8, and 9
(Week 2)


Date and Time: August 16-18, 2021


At the end of the class, the students are expected to:

1. Identify how they are feeling;

2. Express their thoughts and concerns; and
3. Demonstrate how to be mentally healthy.

Materials Needed:

1. PowerPoint presentation
2. Google form

Activity Proper:

I. Opening Prayer

II. Introduction

Good morning class! Today your task is to answer our “Online Kamustahan” survey
form. This will help us, your SDC Facilitators, know you better. This activity will also give us
ideas on your needs and how we can cater to them more effectively.

Please take your time when answering the form and be as honest as possible. Please
also take time to study the mental health tips before submitting your answers.

III. Online Kamustahan - (google form here)

A. Introduction
Welcome back, dear student!
Sacred Heart School - Hijas de Jesus is excited to see you all through a new medium. Before
classes officially start, we would like to know how you are doing for us to understand how
else to make the upcoming school year easier for you to navigate.
Please openly answer the questions that will follow.
- Student Development Center
B. Questions
1. How are you?
Choose a heart color to let us know how you are doing.
● 💚 I'm doing great.
● 💙 I am fine.
● 💜 I am sad.
● 🧡 I am struggling.
● ❤️I am having a hard time

2. What factors influenced your answer in the previous question?

In the last month, how often have Always Often Seldom Never

a. gotten at least 8-10 hours of


b. done physical activities or

activities you enjoy doing?

c. talked and initiated connections

with family and friends?

d. felt enthusiastic about anything?

e. felt worried and stressed?

f. had difficulty concentrating?

g. had major changes in your

eating habits?

h. had extreme mood changes of

highs and lows?

i. felt happy and joyful?

4. What kind of constant support do you have? Check all that applies.
● Family ● Religious
● Friends ● Professional mental health support

5. What kind of constant support do you need? Check all that applies.
● Family
● Friends
● Religious
● Professional mental health support
6. Share something that you have been worrying about.
7. Share three (3) things that you are grateful for in the past days/weeks.
8. Write what you hope for in the coming days.

C. Wrap-up
Mental Health Tips: Before submitting your responses, please take time to check the
images below. Remember to take care of yourself and others.
D. Message upon submission:

Thank you for taking the time in openly answering the questions. We are excited to see you
very soon. Please make sure to answer the Online Learning Readiness as well. If you have
any other concerns, please feel free to reach out to your SDC Facilitator through email:

Kindergarten and Grades 2-3

Ms. Audi Marie A. Soreno (
Grades 4-6
Ms. Mary Claire M. Perdiguez (
Grades 7-9
Mr. Jason E. Origenes (
Grade 10-12
Ms. Krishno Rae G. Quizo (

See you all soon.

Stay safe!

IV. Feedbacking and answering of clarificatory questions from the students

V. Closing Prayer

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