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Quindap, Jonaline C.

BA History 1A


I. Reflect and answer briefly the following questions:

1. What is your general feeling about you being a Filipino?

2. What specific feelings were evoked as you went through the readings on Political self? How do
you account for these feelings?

3. What new awareness do I have about myself?

4. What new behaviors/skills must I develop or build upon to help me become a whole person,
free to select from various behaviors?

5. How would I go about developing these new behaviors/ skills at home and at work?

II. Research work on

1. Establishing a democratic culture in this particular time of crisis of pandemic.

2. How to be a good Filipino in particular in this time of crisis of pandemic.

III. Identification.

1. It refers to a trait where they always make their guest feel at home, offering them something to
eat or even a place to stay.

2. This refers to a trait where Filipinos greet elders by kissing their hands while saying “Mano Po!”

3. It is a trait where attitude of Filipinos can be seen as an extension to the Filipino Hospitality.

4. It refers to a trait where Filipinos have a habit of smiling and laughing a lot.

5. It is the spirit of communal unity and cooperation of Filipinos.

6. It is a lack of patriotism and attitude where Filipino favors foreign products more than their own.

7. It is a derivation of the word “Mamaya na”.

8. It is the Filipino version of “Hakuna Matata”

9. It refers to a trait when two parties are not in good terms, they find it so hard to apologize and
wait until the other party asks for an apology first.
10. It is the attitude of arriving late.

11. It is a toxic Filipino trait where one resents the achievement of another, instead of feeling happy
for that person.

12. It refers to a trait where starting things quickly but quickly losing eagerness soon after
experiencing difficulty.

13. It is the mother of Philippine Folklore.

14-16. Give at least Three of Filipino Values and Traits.

17-18. Give an example of Filipino Superstition

19. Timothy is always participating in every municipal assembly of his Municipality. What characteristic
of being a good Filipino does Timothy possessed?

20. Shainna loves history, and she likes the most is The Philippine History. Actually, she had almost done
research study about Philippine history. What characteristic of being a good Filipino does Shainna

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