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Lesson 13-1: Origins of the Cold War Name: ___________________

I. Building a New World - FDR was determined, however, to build a new political & economic system that would
preserve the _______ and promote _________ ________ in the world
II. The Bretton Woods System - FDR believed that ______ ________ had helped cause the Great Depression.
a. In July 1944, FDR organized a ______________
b. 1st Org set up was the _____ Bank – purpose to help ________ Europe – 2 nd Org set up was the
____________ __________ _______ (IMF) – purpose to help countries with ______ deficits.
c. The US dollar became the world’s ________ ____________ - all nations set an exchange rate – the dollar in
turn was put on a ______ ___________.
d. 1 benefit – prevent nations from using _________ to escape their debts. The weakness was that it limited
the use of _________ _______ to fight inflation or get out of a recession.
III. Creating the UN - A new ______________ organization that would take an active role in preserving the peace
a. Delegates from ____ countries met. General Assembly – every member nation in the world would have one
______. Security Council - ___ members. ______ countries would be permanent members of the Security
Council; Britain, France, _______, the Soviet Union, and the US. These would each have _____ power.
b. Advantage: Put all of the _____ powers in the Security Council. Weakness; the _____ allowed any one
member to stop the UN from taking action.
IV. The Yalta Conference – FDR, Churchill, & Stalin met at Yalta to plan the _________ world
a. issue discussed at Yalta was _______ - 2 gov’t claimed right to govern it: one ________ & one ____________
b. Eventually, 3 leaders compromised – agreed to recognize the gov’t set up by the ________ - Stalin agreed it
would include members of the prewar gov’t and ______ _________ would be held as soon as possible
V. The Declaration of Liberated Europe – Allies promised “to create ___________ institutions of their own choice”
VI. Dividing Germany – into ______ zones, Also divide capital city of _____, even though it was in the _______ zone
a. Germany could pay war __________ with trade goods & products, half of which would go to Soviet Union
VII. Rising Tensions – 2 weeks after, Soviets pressured the king of Romania into appointing a ____________ gov’t
a. Yalta marked a ________ point in Soviet-American relations. The Cold War, an era of confrontation &
competition, lasted from about _____ to _____
VIII. Soviet Concerns – Soviet leaders believed that __________ was a superior economic system
IX. American Economic Issues – thought the _____ ___________ system, with private ________ rights & limited
gov’t ____________ best route to prosperity
X. UN Responses to War – passed a resolution that made __________ punishable internationally
XI. Truman Takes Control - _______ days after confronting the Soviets on _______, FDR died
a. Truman was strongly _____________. Believed WWII had begun because Britain had tried to ______ Hitler
b. Truman immediately brought up _______ & demanded that Stalin hold ____ ________ as he’d promised
XII. The Potsdam Conference – Truman finally met ______ at Potsdam, near Berlin
a. Truman was now convinced that industry was crucial to _________ survival. Unless its economy was allowed
to revive, rest of Europe would never recover, &German people might turn to _________ out of desperation
b. Stalin & his advisors were convinced they needed ____________ from Germany
c. Truman took a firm stand against heavy _____________. Truman offered Stalin a small amount of
___________ equipment from other zones but required the Soviets to pay for part of it with ____ shipments
XIII. The Iron Curtain descendes – Presence of Soviets ensured pro-Soviet ___________ gov’ts would be in nations of
_______, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary & _____________ - called ____________ nations
a. Winston Churchill coined a phrases to describe what had happened – an “______ _________”

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