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Clay In The Potter’s Hands

Jeremiah 18
I was in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade when we made a class trip to the Syracuse China Corporation
My recollections are hazy of that first visit but more recently Vermont pottery…
Vermont likes that original, rustic look – potter sitting on a stool, forming clay…
Tday in Jer18 th Lord uses th figur of a pottr working at a pottery wheel mk a spiritual pt
I. The Potter Who Can Change His Plan 1-11
A. Jeremiah sent to the potter’s house to hear God’s words 1-2
B. Jer sees th potter mking smething, bt it is marred so he remaks as seemed gd 2him 3-4
C. Lord’s point – as th potter can change his plan and remak, so can th Lord w Israel 5-10
- Lord can do as th potter w th hse of Isrl 5-6, nt sm pt as Is459Isrl no rt dsgree w
- th Lord might plan aganst a ntn, but if th natn turns fm evil,=> th Lord rlnts 7-8
- the Lord might plan for a ntn, but if it turns 2evil => th Lord relent of good 9-10
D. The Lord is fashioning disaster but He offers them an alternative repent and do gd 11
1] We need 2see the focus of ch18 is on the nation of Judah not primarily
individuals though nations are composed of individuals, 4any natn
in 7-10
2] We need to see there is a balance between divine sovereignty and human
Responsibility – the clay can change and when it does the Lord may
change His plan.
3] The Lord has a sovereign plan for the U.S. Is there evil we need to turn from?
Violence and public acceptance of evil Ro 1:26-32
The biggest problem in U.S. is there is no standard of public morality
4] We need to see that the nation has the option of turning from evil to good and
that this will alter the sovereign plan of the Lord. Change will help.312-44
5] At the individual level, we are lumps of clay, and though our life might be
marred or messed up, the Lord can remake us into the vessel He wants, we
have hope. If we turn from evil 2good. Wht evil do you need 2turn from?
II. The People Who Would Not Change Their Plans 12-17
A. The ppl of Israel defiantly REFUSE to change, we will continue w our own plans 12
-brazen open defiance of the Lord, having heard
- look at the contrast between 11b and 12 – we will do our own plans evil
B. the unnatural horror of Israel’s betrayal of the Lord 13-17
Who has heard such thinking? 13a
Unnatural leaving the good flowing water for strange water 13b-14
Unnatural stumbling from the ancient paths 6:16
Reslt will Bshock of all who see desolation, scattering, Lord sho bk nt face 16-17
1] We as a natn openly defy God when we call evil good Is5:20, depart gdJer616
2] We as a nation need to be willing to change our plans – any plans if immoral
3] As individuals we must change bad plans to good and line up with the Lord.
4] the end result, v12, of evil doing is total contentment w evil and no will to chng
III. The Prophet Who Changed His Prayer 18-23
A. People plot plans against Jeremiah 18
B. Jeremiah changes his prayer – fm v20 to not forgive Israel 20-23 [7:16, 11:14, 14:11]
Note he mostly does not use his own words but the Lords: 611-12 920-21 1412 152, 7-9
1] Jesus taught us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek when persecuted
Mt543-48 1822-35 1Pt222-24; Lk2334 Ro 1214, 19-21
2] B4 we condemn Jeremiah, note he has prayed for his people, he has endured
much already in delivery of hard message. He was fulfilling his calling.

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