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Vincent de Paul CCW Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2022
President Pat Springer called the meeting to order. Opening prayer followed by Pledge of Allegiance and Salute to the Cross. Welcome
new attendees: Dorothy Howard.
Minutes reviewed. Betty moved and 2nd by Mary to accept minutes. Correspondence read.
Treasurer –Report-Kathy Johnson: Beginning Balance $8,070.39, Income $4,405.00, Disbursal of $2,962.98 with a gross balance of
$9,512.41 Designated money $3,636.91 Net balance $5,875.50. Linda motioned and 2nd by Marcy to approve report.
Kathy applied for Grants from the Diocese of La Crosse for new silverware.
Mary S made motion to buy new serving platters and baskets, not to exceed $50. Judy 2nd, Motion passed. Will look to purchase 10
platters and 20 baskets for funerals and dinners.
Spirituality-not present
Leadership- Dynamic Catholic Books--Judy asked about buying books for the church. Mary motioned to allow Judy up to $200 for
purchase of books to be sold or given out to parishioners. Debbie 2nd, motion passed
Social Justice Service- Position Open, Beth Kuhn will be stepping down, Thank You Beth for your service.
Sunshine Cards, discussion to put a notice in bulletin for parishioners who CCW could send a card to.
Need volunteers to make prayer shawls. Contact Karen Weinfurter.
Council of Catholic Women Biennial Conference 125 attended. Thank you to all who helped.
Pat suggested that we get 2 6ft plastic tables for the gathering space to use for our meetings. Judy motioned and Diane 2nd. Judy will
be purchasing them.
Cry Room-- Father would like reflective sun blockers on the windows. Parents unable to see the Alter during mass. Sue is measuring
and Ann will get a quote.
Rectory Project—The floor under the carpet is not asbestos. Motion by Kathy to add $1500 to the project to purchase flooring. Judy 2nd,
motion passed. Mary Ashbeck will be in charge of the painting part of the project.
Reconciliation Priest Meals-After discussion of what other parishes have done and what we should do moving forward, a motion was
made to no longer provide a meal, but give visiting priests a $10 Gift card.
Stacy Laramee had volunteered to make new name tags in the future.
No Fall Deanery Meeting - next one will be Spring of 2023 at SSPP.
Door Prize winners: Mary centerpiece and Pat Culvers gift card.
Mary Sculley will look into what/how to use the stain glass from the old windows.
September 10th and 11th is membership weekend.
Next Meeting September 13th.

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