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Vincent de Paul Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes for November 22, 2022

Members present: Scott Sigourney, Cheri Walloch, John Sweeney, Jr., Mary Jo Sigourney, Don
Walloch, Ann Hamus, Pat Springer

Meeting opened at 5:30 with labeling and stamping post cards for the Advent/Christmas season.

Committee Reports/Concerns

Catholic Education: (Pat Springer for Pam Fochs) The grass in the field beside school is all
lumpy; so far one estimate for $2,300 has been received.

CCW: (Ann Hamus) The CCW voted to give up to $100 for an outreach program for teens and 30
year olds.

Tech/AV Committee: (Don Walloch) We need to define our role as a committee. Are decisions
going to be made by a couple people or is it the committee’s purpose to make recommendations?
Pat Springer’s son may have some ideas.

New Business

Do we want to think about having Fr. Weller come in during Lent for a mini retreat type service?
Mary Jo will reach out to him.

Pat Springer asked if there is any process for oversight with parish monies. Can someone just go
ahead and order something or have something done without going through a process? She
showed us the sign-off sheet the CCW uses before monies are committed or spent on a project.

John Sweeney, Jr. said Father decided that the asphalt should be fixed by the school/church
entrance door; the cost was $450. Fahrner and A1 Asphalt both said our parking lot has seen its
life. Someone from American Asphalt is coming in the spring to give us an estimate.

What is our role as a Parish Council? It doesn’t appear that we have any say in what is going on in
the parish. Aren’t we an advisory group or does Father and the Finance Council make the

Don Walloch presented an Annual Report that was put out by OLQH. It shows financial status and
comparison from the last two years, along with statistics such as how many parishioners for the
last five years, baptisms, communions, confirmation, parish families, etc. We need to be
transparent with our parishioners; that includes minutes being posted from Finance Council

Don and Cheri Walloch met with Dan Minter in September. SS Peter & Paul, St. Lawrence, and
St. Phillip each pay 54% of their weekly envelopes and collection plate in subsidies to Assumption
Catholic Schools. St. Vincent, Our Lady Queen of Heaven, and Sacred Heart each pay 56%.
Subsidies are decided on by the priests when they meet in October. On top of the subsidy, St.
Vincent also pays half of repairs done to the school.
SS Peter & Paul is combining the two Sunday morning masses into one starting the first Sunday of
Advent. Fr. Schaller will do the Sunday evening mass now at their parish two times a month to
save on rotating priests.

Starting this Sunday, parishioners will be able to pick up the Sunday Word books on the way in
and drop them off after mass. Tables will be set up at both entrances with easy access to all.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 3, at 5:30 in the Gathering Space.

Respectfully submitted by Cheri Walloch

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