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Vincent de Paul CCW Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2022
President Ann Hamus called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Opening prayer followed by Pledge of Alle-
giance and Salute to the Cross.
Member's present: Ann Hamus, Kathy Johnson, Sue Sopa, Marcy Erdmann, Linda Millner, Carol Re-
ichert, Barbara Trickle, Vivian Haefs and Mary Sculley, Donna Filter, Pat Springer, Marcia Schmidt,
Stacy Laramee, Joann Fischer, Betty Scholzen, Cindy Konietzki, Kate Quirke, Mary Sculley, Stephanie
Paff, Fran Dent.
Minutes reviewed. Linda moved and 2nd by Stephanie to accept minutes, motion approved.
Correspondence: Thank You from Sister Carla Harrison in Peru - The Society for The Propagation Of
The Faith (Daughters of Our Lady of the Pieta); Kathy received money from Karen Weinfurter in Mem-
ory of her Mother Elizabeth Bymers for any project.
Treasurer- Report Kathy Johnson: Beginning balance: $7,424.70 Income: $1,338.00, disbursal:
$1,651.64, Designated money $955.85 with ending balance of $6,155.21. Mary motioned and Donna 2nd
to approve report, motion approved.
New member: Kate Quirke was welcomed. We have 77 members.
LaCrosse Diocese - A motion was made and passed to send $100 to help televise the Masses.
Thanksgiving Family Meal - A motion was made and passed for up to $250 to purchase food. - Wait for
Beth to give us how many meals needed and names.
Cheeseball sale made about 156 orders. We will need to raise the price next year to cover cost of replin-
ishing containers.
Cookie Bake Sale Dec. 2-4 Volunteers needed to decorate cookies Friday and sell Saturday/Sunday.
Staff Christmas gifts of $50 for Father & 7 Supporting Staff of $25 each (totaling $225). Donna motion,
Pat 2nd, motion carried.
Young Adult Outreach Program led by Ashley Heil to meet once a month. Target: 16 to 30 ish y.o., but
anyone welcome. Jan is a spaghetti cook night, Feb is paint night. Ashley is asking for donations and vol-
unteers to help. Linda motion to give up to $100 with receipts; Vivian 2nd; motion carried.
Soup Sale Feb. 3-5 (tentative) possibly 3 soups this year. (Chicken Dumpling, Cheesy Broccoli, Tortilla
CCW Christmas Party Dec. 6 @ 5:30p.m. Please bring an appetizer to share. Beverages and entertain-
ment provided. Joann motion to spend up to $100 for entertainment, Marcy Erdmann 2nd motion carried.
Joan Fisher won door prize.
Thank you to Marcy & Stephanie for supplying refreshments
Next meeting February 14, 2023 (6:30pm) General Meeting in the Gathering Space
Closing Prayer ending meeting at 7:45pm.

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