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LIVING THINGS Animals: | m sense, .3 Plants are alive move and grow; take in food and oxygen; m get rid of waste; It isn’t just animals that are alive. i eC. Plants are alive too. We can tell this by looking cy reproduc ; at what plants do. These things are called life processes. Then write down five things 1 Look at the pictures. do too. that plants can do which animals Plants reproduce. Seeds grow into Plants can sense where the light new plants. is. They can grow or move to face Plants get rid of waste. the light. Plants can move Plants can’t move about like animals can. But parts of plants can move, for example to face the Sun. Other parts of some plants can also move. 2 Look at the photos of the Venus fly trap. (a) Which part of the plant moves? (b) When does this happen? (©The Venus fly trap, like other plants, can’t move about. Why not? Scanned with CamScanner i eee, @_Plants can make food Plants are different from animals because they can make their own food. The diagrams show what they need to do this. 3. Copy and complete the table. What the plant needs Where the plant gets exon dioxide every Y ae air to make food it from water A Fees miners What a plant needs to make food. The substances a plant needs to make food are called nutrients. @_ Important parts of plants The different parts of plants do different jobs. Flowers are used for reproduction. Leaves make food. They take in useful gases the plant needs and get, rid of waste 4 Look at the diagram. Then copy and complete the gases. table. Part of plant | What is its job? oe flower holds the — leaf up. leaf eet! Roots take in root leaves. water and minerals. bud They hold the plant in the soil. The different parts of a plant are called organs. Scanned with CamScanner

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