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LIVING THINGS ———— 7 1.2 Is it alive? All animals: m sense, move and grow; fm take in food and oxygen; get rid of waste; fn reproduce. To see if something is alive, we look at what it does. = If we can find all of the life processes, then These things are called life it’s alive. processes. 1m If we can't find alll the life processes, then it’s not alive. We say that it is non-living. 1 Copy and complete the sentence. Things that are alive show of the life processes. bp male stonechat H_ Stones and stonechats Stonechats are small birds. They perch on stone walls, bushes and telephone wires in the countryside. 2 (a) Copy and complete the table. Stonechat Stone Does it sense yes no move grow take in food take in oxygen get rid of waste reproduce (b) Is the stone alive? Give reasons for your answer, 3 (a) Make a similar table for a horse and a rocking horse. (b) Is the rocking horse alive? Give reasons for your answer, Scanned with CamScanner LIVING THINGS B_Aeroplanes and birds Aeroplanes look much more alive than stones or rocking horses, and pilots often talk to them as if they were alive, The plane needs YG, fuel and oxygen to provide energy. The plane gives == out waste gases, ~~ Lights go on automatically when its dark, The plane moves —. through the air. 4 (@) Look at the diagram. Then copy and complete the table. Does it ... ? Bird | Aeroplane sense yes move yes grow yes__|_no, they are full size when we first make them take in food yes | ina way; fuel is like food, but we have to put the fuel in take in oxygen | yes get rid of waste | yes reproduce yes (b) Is the plane alive? Give reasons for your answers. B_ Robots This robot can find items in the warehouse that people need. So can the warehouse person. The robot uses sensors to find its way around and to find what it has been sent to get. When you watch the robot, you'd think it was alive. 5 (a) What two life processes does the robot show? (b) What life processes are not shown by the robot? We say th : life processes, but they d _____ of them: Scanned with CamScanner

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