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If you are looking for some good documents where you will find the same person s signature

serving as VPs for different companies and MERS, go to the Franklin County, Ohio websites for county clerk and recorder. They are all viewable and free and no codes. Three of the people are attorneys acting as MERS VPs and the foreclosure actions are being filed by their firms. Wickham, Neidenthal and Jinkens. You will find allonges there in the common pleas court complaints and affidavits, look for the affidavits. My person is Sandra Williams. She is also signed on some documents with others and I have amassed a collection of documents from several people in my computer files. Mary Kist, Serena Harman, Keri Selman, Ted Cassell, Rhoena Rice, Melissa Viveros, Trent Thompson, Donald Clark, David Perez, Kimberly Dawson, Renee Hertzler, September Hall, Lancia Herzog, Tiaquanda Turner, Ken Satsky, Shellie Hill, Mohat Pathan, and more. The Massachusetts land registry is also a good source for BAC people, who are the same people above acting as Countrywide VPs, MERS VPs, etc. In Ohio, there are missing dates, stamped names with no signatures, notaries crossing out entire sections and adding another notary page, amazing. Commissions vary from 3-5 years. Good thing to look for is the date the notary's commission expires, cross check it on the notary's stamp on the assignment.

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