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Year 36 No.

7 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) — Green August 28, 2022

COMFORTABLE with the ordinary

I recently attended
the sacerdotal
ordination of my
with the ordinary
flow of life. It is
our heart’s desire
classmate in the to be available to
City of Dipolog. everyone. It is the
During the banquet simplicity of our
reception, our table choices that prepares
group composed of us to be present
former schoolmates in the heavenly
in theology were banquet.
talking about how Jesus is very
our food culture had consistent in giving
leveled up from our this instruction of
younger years in humility throughout
seminary formation the Gospel. His
to our current “preferential option
status in ministry. for the poor” is an
Because there was expression of this.
a coffee station at We invite to our
the banquet, we banquet those who
also recalled that cannot repay; these
during our seminary are the “ordinary
years the 3-in-1 coffee mix people,” those who do not
was the best and the most by Rev. Samy John have rank in the society, the
sustaining coffee during exam Torrefranca, SSP powerless, those who do not
weeks. But now the satisfying have the capacity to skip and
sound of coffee grinding, the cut lines. The poor have always
sight of coffee dripping, and spots that could offer the most a special place in Jesus’ heart.
the roasted aroma filling our cinematic experience for us.
senses at the banquet were the Our satisfaction depends on Just like our simple coffee
same things that make coffee moments, satisfaction and
the level of choices that we
moments exhilarating. One experience are not measured
colleague then asked, “Do we by the complexity of our coffee
Jesus instead teaches us culture. What matters is the
still appreciate the ordinary and the most difficult earthly yet
simple moments of our lives?” kick of aroma that drives our
the greatest heavenly virtue choices in life—being humble
The question suddenly became of humility. Meekness is our and sharing our blessings in
an elephant in the room. gateway to heaven because life. The caffeine rush in life
The Sunday Gospel’s parable it is our recognition that must continually keep us awake
speaks to us about rank and everything comes from God. to the choices we make and
position, the glitz and glamour It is being aware that our lives bring us to live our calling based
offered by earthly life. The world continue to evolve because on teaching of Jesus: it is to
dictates to us that it is always of our desperation in God’s enjoy the ordinary moments of
advantageous to be the best. In p r ov i d e n c e . M u ch m o r e , God’s providence shared with
choosing movie seats, we want humility is being comfortable the “poor.”
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Lord, have mercy. seek not, into things beyond
P—Christ, have mercy. your strength search not. The
Entrance Antiphon All—Christ, have mercy. mind of a sage appreciates
(Cf. Ps 86 [85]:3, 5) P—Lord, have mercy.
(Recited when there is no opening song) proverbs, and an attentive ear
All—Lord, have mercy. is the joy of the wise. Water
Have mercy on me, O Lord, quenches a flaming fire, and
for I cry to you all the day Gloria
alms atone for sins.
long. O Lord, you are good All—Glory to God in the
and forgiving, full of mercy highest, and on earth peace to —The word of the Lord.
to all who call to you. people of good will. We praise All—Thanks be to God.
you, we bless you, we adore Responsorial Psalm (Ps 68)
Greeting you, we glorify you, we give
(The sign of the cross is made here)
you thanks for your great glory, R—God, in your goodness,
P—Grace to you and peace Lord God, heavenly King, O you have made a home for
from God our Father and the God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus the poor.
Lord Jesus Christ. Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord
God, Lamb of God, Son of the Sr. Ma. C. A. Parco, FSP
All—And with your spirit. Father, you take away the sins
     
A E7 B7
of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the    
(The priest addresses the assembly with
these or other similar words) world, receive our prayer; you God, in your good ness

are seated at the right hand of

P—The parable in today’s 
the Father, have mercy on us. For
 

   
Gospel which is about getting you alone are the Holy One, you 
invited to dinner is concerned alone are the Lord, you alone you have made a home
not with table manners but with are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in the glory
our inner disposition before 
6 A

the “table of the Lord,” his of God the Father. Amen.      

offer of salvation. In the Lord’s Collect
for the poor.

feast, there is no place for self-

righteousness or for the only- P—Let us pray. (Pause) 1. The just rejoice and exult
too-human desire for honor God of might, giver of every before God;/ they are glad and
and recognition. Rather, there good gift, put into our hearts rejoice./ Sing to God, chant
are places for humility, joy, and the love of your name, so praise to his name;/ whose
that, by deepening our sense name is the Lord. (R)
thanksgiving for the good things of reverence, you may nurture
we have been invited to share. in us what is good and, by your 2. The father of orphans and the
watchful care, keep safe what defender of widows/ is God in
Penitential Act his holy dwelling./ God gives a
you have nurtured.
P—Brethren (brothers and Through our Lord Jesus home to the forsaken;/ he leads
sisters), let us acknowledge Christ, your Son, who lives and forth prisoners to prosperity. (R)
our sins, and so prepare reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever 3 . A b o u n t i f u l ra i n yo u
ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mysteries.(Pause) and ever. showered down, O God, upon
All—Amen. your inheritance;/ you restored
All—I confess to almighty the land when it languished;/
God and to you, my brothers
and sisters, that I have greatly
Liturgy of the word your flock settled in it;/ in
your goodness, O God, you
sinned, in my thoughts and in First Reading
my words, in what I have done provided it for the needy. (R)
(Sir 3:17–18, 20, 28–29)(Sit)
and in what I have failed to Second Reading
do, (strike your breast) through The wise man Sirach gives a clear and (Heb 12:18–19, 22–24a)
my fault, through my fault, simple guideline: if we are humble, we
through my most grievous fault; will find favor with God. The Old Covenant was marked by
therefore I ask blessed Mary terrifying epiphanies so that the
ever-Virgin, all the Angels and A reading from the Book of Israelites were filled with fear. In the
Saints, and you, my brothers Sirach New Covenant, Jesus draws us to God
and sisters, to pray for me to MY CHILD, conduct your with confidence and love.
the Lord our God. A reading from the Letter to
affairs with humility, and you
P—May almighty God have will be loved more than a giver the Hebrews
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, of gifts. Humble yourself the BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
and bring us to everlasting life. more, the greater you are, and You have not approached that
All—Amen. you will find favor with God. which could be touched and
P—Lord, have mercy. What is too sublime for you, a blazing fire and gloomy
darkness and storm and a will enjoy the esteem of your glorified, who has spoken
trumpet blast and a voice companions at the table. For through the prophets.
speaking words such that every one who exalts himself I believe in one, holy,
those who heard begged will be humbled, but the one catholic, and apostolic Church.
that no message be further who humbles himself will be I confess one Baptism for the
addressed to them. No, you exalted.” Then he said to the forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection
have approached Mount Zion host who invited him, “When of the dead and the life of the
and the city of the living God, you hold a lunch or a dinner, do world to come. Amen.
the heavenly Jerusalem, and not invite your friends or your
countless angels in festal brothers or your relatives or Prayer of the Faithful
gathering, and the assembly your wealthy neighbors, in case P—God, our Father, in your
of the firstborn enrolled in they may invite you back and Kingdom, the one who exalts
heaven, and God the judge you have repayment. Rather, himself will be humbled, and
of all, and the spirits of the just when you hold a banquet, the one who humbles himself
made perfect, and Jesus, the invite the poor, the crippled, will be exalted. May we learn to
mediator of a new covenant, the lame, the blind; blessed exalt you in humility as we say:
and the sprinkled blood that indeed will you be because
speaks more eloquently than of their inability to repay you. R—Faithful God, help us
that of Abel. For you will be repaid at the remain faithful to you.
resurrection of the righteous.” C—Make us, your Church,
—The word of the Lord.
All—Thanks be to God. —The Gospel of the Lord. remain humble as we shun
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus the temptation of clericalism
Alleluia (Mt 11:29ab) (Stand) Christ. and ideology. Help us stay true
only to the gospel. We pray: (R)
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Take my Homily (Sit)
yoke upon you, says the Lord, C—Make all those who govern
and learn from me, for I am Profession of Faith (Stand) compassionate enough to
meek and humble of heart. remember the plight of our
Alleluia, alleluia. All—I believe in one God,
the Father almighty, maker of poor and oppressed brethren.
Gospel (Lk 14:1, 7–14) heaven and earth, of all things May they always be guided
visible and invisible. by the light of your Truth. We
P—A reading from the holy I believe in one Lord Jesus pray: (R)
Gospel according to Luke Christ, the Only Begotten Son
All—Glory to you, O Lord. of God, born of the Father C—Stir in us the desire to
before all ages. God from God, serve one another in humility
ON A SABBATH Jesus went Light from Light, true God especially those of us who are
to dine at the home of one of from true God, begotten, not lost, least, and last. We pray: (R)
the leading Pharisees, and the made, consubstantial with the
people there were observing Father; through him all things C—Welcome our departed
him carefully. were made. For us men and for loved ones into your eternal
He told a parable to those our salvation he came down embrace. Comfort those of us
who had been invited, noticing from heaven, (At the words that who are left mourning. We
how they were choosing the follow, up to and including and became pray: (R)
man, all bow) and by the Holy
places of honor at the table. C—Let us pray for the urgent
Spirit was incarnate of the
“When you are invited by Virgin Mary, and became man. concerns of our community
someone to a wedding For our sake he was cruci­ and our personal intentions
banquet, do not recline at fied under Pontius Pilate, he (pause). We pray: (R)
table in the place of honor. A suffered death and was buried,
more distinguished guest than and rose again on the third P—Faithful Father, in your
you may have been invited by day in accordance with the Spirit, help us remember that
him, and the host who invited Scriptures. He ascended into we can respond to your call
both of you may approach you heaven and is seated at the towards mission only through
and say, ‘Give your place to right hand of the Father. He your grace and your grace
this man,’ and then you would will come again in glory to alone, through Jesus Christ
proceed with embarrassment to judge the living and the dead your Son and our Lord.
and his kingdom will have All—Amen.
take the lowest place. Rather, no end.
when you are invited, go and I believe in the Holy Spirit, Liturgy of
take the lowest place so that the Lord, the giver of life, who the eucharist
when the host comes to you he proceeds from the Father and
may say, ‘My friend, move up the Son, who with the Father Presentation of the Gifts
to a higher position.’ Then you and the Son is adored and (Stand)
P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—May this sacred offering,
O Lord, confer on us always
the blessing of salvation, that
what it celebrates in mystery
it may accomplish in power.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface (Ordinary Time VII)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
All—For the kingdom, the P—The Lord be with you.
P—It is truly right and just, our power and the glory are yours All—And with your spirit.
duty and salvation, always and now and for ever.
everywhere to give you thanks, Prayer over the People
Invitation to Peace
Lord, holy Father, almighty and P—Bow your heads and pray
eternal God. Invitation to Communion for God’s blessing. (Pause)
For you so loved the world (Kneel)
May almighty God always
that in your mercy you sent P—Behold the Lamb of God, keep every adversity far from
us the Redeemer, to live like behold him who takes away you and in his kindness pour
us in all things but sin, so that the sins of the world. Blessed out upon you the gifts of his
you might love in us what you are those called to the supper blessing.
loved in your Son, by whose of the Lamb. All—Amen.
obedience we have been All—Lord, I am not worthy P—May God keep your hearts
restored to those gifts of yours that you should enter under attentive to his words, that they
that, by sinning, we had lost in my roof, but only say the word may be filled with everlasting
disobedience. and my soul shall be healed. gladness.
And so, Lord, with all the All—Amen.
Angels and Saints, we, too, give Communion Antiphon
you thanks, as in exultation we (Ps 31 [30]:20) P—And so, may you always
acclaim: understand what is good
How great is the goodness, and right, and be found ever
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Lord, that you keep for those
of hosts. Heaven and earth are hastening along in the path
who fear you. of God’s commands, made
full of your glory. Hosanna in
the highest. Blessed is he who coheirs with the citizens of
Prayer after Communion heaven.
comes in the name of the Lord. (Stand)
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) All—Amen.
P—Let us pray. (Pause) P—And may the blessing of
Acclamation (Stand) Renewed by this bread from almighty God, the Father, and
All—Save us, Savior of the the heavenly table, we beseech the Son,(†) and the Holy Spirit,
world, for by your Cross and you, Lord, that, being the food come down on you and remain
Resurrection you have set us free. of charity, it may confirm our with you for ever.
hearts and stir us to serve you All—Amen.
THE COMMUNION RITE in our neighbor. Dismissal
The Lord’s Prayer Through Christ our Lord.
All—Amen. P—The Mass is ended. Go in
All—Our Father… the peace of Christ.
P—Deliver us, Lord… THE CONCLUDING RITES All—Thanks be to God.

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