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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

25June 2023
August 2016 First Friday FIRST FRIDAY
Year C

Treasuring the Holiness

of God’s Temple
e Christians treasure the sacredness of our churches and cha-
pels because we know they are God’s special dwelling place.
But we have the duty to treasure even more the sacredness
of all human beings, because every person, even the weakest and the
most unattractive, is more sacred than the richest and most beautiful
churches or shrines.
This is especially true of all the baptized. Consecrated to the Lord
at our baptism, we have become even dearer to Him through the sacra-
ment of Confirmation, and become a most precious tabernacle when we receive Jesus in Holy Commu-
nion. We should always be aware of these basic truths, but especially today, when the Gospel passage
reminds us of the immense respect Jesus had for the Temple. He also demanded that all Jews should
avoid transforming into a “den of thieves” what was intended to be a “house of prayer.”
Let our participation in the Eucharistic celebration on this First Friday of June, the month of the
Sacred Heart, be a re-dedication of ourselves to the God of all holiness and life.

against the places of worship and Collect (Opening Prayer)

the sins of disrespect of the dig- P –Grant, we pray, almighty
nity of all human beings. (Pause) God, that we, who glory in the
P –For our lack of respect for Heart of your beloved Son and
Entrance Antiphon recall the wonders of his love
(To be recited only when no
churches, chapels or other
places of worship, Lord, for us, may be made worthy to
Entrance Hymn is sung.) receive an overflowing measure
have mercy!
The designs of his Heart are All – Lord, have mercy! of grace from that fount of heav-
from age to age, to rescue their enly gifts.
souls from death, and to keep P –For our lack of respect for Through our Lord Jesus
them alive in famine. the personality, dignity, and Christ, your Son, who lives and
sensitivity of our neighbor, reigns with you in the unity of
Greeting Christ, have mercy! the Holy Spirit, God, for ever
All – Christ, have mercy! and ever.
P –Blessed be God who invites All – Amen!
us to experience the consolation P –For our lack of respect for
of His presence in this Eucharis- the sacredness of our own
tic celebration. May His grace body and the wonderful
and peace be with you all! faculties of our person,
All – And with your spirit! Lord, have mercy!
All – Lord, have mercy!
Penitential Act 1st Reading Sir 44:1.9-13
P –May almighty God have A virtuous life has an endur-
P –As we prepare to celebrate the mercy on us, forgive us our sins ing value. Its worth and fruits
Sacred Mysteries, let us call to and bring us to everlasting life. live on even after a good person’s
mind our sins, especially the sins All –Amen! death and benefit future genera-

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tions. Such is the conclusion of precincts reminds us of the pur- but believes that what he says
the sage Ben Sira in the brief pose and sacredness of all places will happen, it shall be done
reflection we are about to hear. of worship. It also reminds us for him. Therefore I tell you,
R –A proclamation from the of the sacredness of every hu- all that you ask for in prayer,
Book of Sirach man being, the most precious of believe that you will receive
God’s temples. it and it shall be yours. When
Now will I praise those you stand to pray, forgive any-
godly men, our ancestors, each P – The Lord be with you! one against whom you have a
in his own time. But of others All – And with your spirit! grievance, so that your heav-
there is no memory, for when P – A proclamation from the enly Father may in turn for-
they ceased, they ceased. And holy Gospel according to give you your transgressions.”
they are as though they had Mark
All –Glory to you, O Lord! The Gospel of the Lord!
not lived, they and their chil- All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
dren after them. Yet these also Christ!
were godly men whose virtues Jesus entered Jerusalem
have not been forgotten; their and went into the temple area.
wealth remains in their fami- He looked around at every- Homily
lies, their heritage with their thing and, since it was already Prayer of the Faithful
descendants; through God’s late, went out to Bethany with
the Twelve. P –Cleansed by God’s word and
covenant with them their fam- the sincere sorrow for our past
The next day as they were
ily endures, their posterity, leaving Bethany, he was hun- shortcomings, with confidence
for their sake. And for all time gry. Seeing from a distance a we approach the throne of God’s
their progeny will endure, fig tree in leaf, he went over to mercy and submit our petitions
their glory will never be blot- see if he could find anything to Him, saying:
ted out. on it. When he reached it, he
The Word of the Lord! found nothing but leaves; it All –Lord of all holiness, hear
All – Thanks be to God! was not the time for figs. And our prayer!
he said to it in reply, “May C –For the Universal Church,
Responsorial Psalm Ps 149 no one ever eat of your fruit God’s spiritual temple on earth:
again!” And his disciples
heard it. May it be kept free at all times
R –The Lord takes delight in from the profanation of wrong
his people! They came to Jerusalem,
and on entering the temple priorities and worldly allure-
* Sing to the Lord a new area, he began to drive out ments. Let us pray! R.
song of praise in the assem- those selling and buying there. C –For the Holy Father, our
bly of the faithful. Let Israel He overturned the tables of Bishop, and all other spiritual
be glad in their maker, let the the money changers and the leaders: May they be success-
children of Zion rejoice in their seats of those who were sell- ful in their efforts to defend the
king. R. ing doves. He did not permit purity of the faith against all at-
anyone to carry anything
* Let them praise his name through the temple area. Then tacks mounted by materialism
in the festive dance, let them he taught them saying, “Is it and hedonism. Let us pray! R.
sing praise to him with timbrel not written: My house shall be C –For the elected members of
and harp. For the Lord loves called a house of prayer for all the Senate and Congress: May
his people, and he adorns the peoples? But you have made it they remain faithful to their
lowly with victory. R. a den of thieves.” promises to the people and work
* Let the faithful exult in The chief priests and the tirelessly to uproot all forms of
scribes came to hear of it and corruption and inefficiency. Let
glory; let them sing for joy were seeking a way to put
upon their couches; let the us pray! R.
him to death, yet they feared
high praises of God be in their him because the whole crowd C –For all the homeless, the
throats. This is the glory of all was astonished at his teach- unemployed, the marginalized,
his faithful. Alleluia! R. ing. When evening came, they and the sick may experience the
went out of the city. love of God for them through the
Gospel Acclamation Early in the morning, as generosity and care of the whole
they were walking along, they Christian community. Let us
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! saw the fig tree withered to its
I chose you from the pray! R.
roots. Peter remembered and
world, to go and bear said to him, “Rabbi, look! The C –For all of us, our families,
fruit that will last, says fig tree that you cursed has and all the devotees of the Sacred
the Lord. withered.” Jesus said to them Heart: May we grow in holiness,
Alleluia! Alleluia! in reply, “Have faith in God. selflessness, and dedication to
Amen, I say to you, whoever the good of the Church according
Gospel Mk 11:11-26 says to this mountain, ‘Be lift- to the demands of our commit-
The episode of Jesus’ driv- ed up and thrown into the sea,’ ment to the Sacred Heart. Let us
ing the traders from the Temple and does not doubt in his heart pray! R.
2 June 2023
C –Let us pray in silence for our from the springs of salvation. power, and the glory are
personal intentions. And so, with all the Angels yours, now and for ever!
(Pause) Let us pray! R. and Saints, we praise you, as
without end we acclaim: Sign of Peace
P –Lord God, you gave us in All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
the Sacred Heart of Jesus a won- of hosts. Heaven and earth are
derful example of zeal for Your Breaking of the Bread
full of your glory. Hosanna in
house of prayer and of respect the highest! All – Lamb of God, you take
for the sacredness of every hu- Blessed is he who comes in away the sins of the world: have
man being. Grant that we may the name of the Lord. Hosanna mercy on us. (2×)
be able to live out these virtues in the highest!
and thereby come to enjoy the re- Lamb of God, you take
ward You promised to those who away the sins of the world:
love and serve You with all their Memorial Acclamation grant us peace.
heart. We ask this in the name of P –The mystery of faith!
Jesus, the Lord. All –We proclaim your Death, O Communion
All –Amen! Lord, and profess your Resur-
rection until you come again! P –Behold the Lamb of God,
behold him who takes away the
sins of the world. Blessed are
those called to the Supper of the
Preparation of the Gifts All –Lord, I am not worthy
P –Pray, brethren . . . All – Our Father . . . that you should enter under
All – May the Lord accept the P –Deliver us, Lord . . . my roof, but only say the word
sacrifice at your hands, for the All –For the kingdom, the and my soul shall be healed.
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of all
Prayer over the Offerings Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive;
Ć seek, and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto
P –Look, O Lord, we pray, on you.‰ Ć Behold me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively
the surpassing charity in the faith and confidence Ć in the promises dictated by your Sacred
Heart of your beloved Son, that Heart Ć and pronounced by your adorable lips. Ć I come to ask
what we offer may be a gift ac- this favor: (Silently mention your petitions.)
ceptable to you and an expiation To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source
of our offenses. of all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the
Through Christ our Lord. treasure Ć which contains all the riches of your kindness and
All – Amen! mercy? Ć Where should I knock Ć if not at the door through
which God gives himself to us Ć and through which we go to
God? Ć I have recourse to you, Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find
Preface of the Sacred Heart consolation when afflicted, Ć protection when persecuted, Ć
P –The Lord be with you! strength when burdened with trials, Ć and light in doubt and
All –And with your spirit! darkness.
P –Lift up your hearts! Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the
All –We lift them up to the grace I implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć
Lord! You have only to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I
P –Let us give thanks to the admit that I am most unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not
Lord our God! a reason for me to be discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy
All –It is right and just! Ć and you will not refuse a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a
P – It is truly right and just, look of mercy, I beg of you, Ć and your kind heart will find in my
our duty and our salvation, al- miseries and weaknesses Ć a reason for granting my prayer.
ways and everywhere to give O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- to my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and
mighty and eternal God, through serving you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of
Christ our Lord. perfect resignation Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć
which I sincerely desire may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by
For raised up high on the all your creatures for ever.
Cross, he gave himself up for us Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing
with a wonderful love and poured impossible to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suf-
out blood and water from his fering or in distress. Ć Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus,
pierced side, the wellspring of the Ć and grant me the grace for which I humbly implore you Ć
Church’s Sacraments, so that, won through the Immaculate Heart of your most sorrowful Mother. Ć
over to the open heart of the Sav- You have entrusted me to her as her child, Ć and her prayers are
ior, all might draw water joyfully all-powerful with you. Ć Amen!

First Friday
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no God, the Source and the Crowning
of All Human Rights
Communion Hymn is sung.)
Christ our Lord was hand-
ed over for our transgressions by Jess P. Balon
and was raised again for our

justification, alleluia. here is a lot of talk, nowadays, about “human rights.” Many are
the movements and institutions that claim to protect and enhance
Prayer after Communion human rights. This is just as it should be, especially when we con-
P – May this sacrament of sider the innumerable and blatant violations of human rights all over
charity, O Lord, make us fer- the world.
vent with the fire of holy love, so But there is one important point that is seldom mentioned in
that, drawn always to your Son, the so-called “secular circles”: the fact that God is the ultimate
we may learn to see him in our
neighbor. Through Christ our source and guarantor of all human rights. Their efforts to speak of
Lord. human rights and demand their respect, while leaving out God, is like
All – Amen! trying to build a house without adequate foundations. That house will
not last. Neither will the claim of human rights have an objective value
unless it is rooted on the reality of God’s creation.
God cannot and should not be left out in speaking of or legislating
about human rights, for these are rooted on the fact that every human
P –The Lord be with you. being is created in the image and likeness of God. Such is the com-
All – And with your spirit! mon ground and tenet of all major religions. Some may not like this
P –Bow your heads and pray terminology but this is the simple reality, and no opposition to it can
for God’s blessing. (Pause) change this truth.
– May the Sacred Heart of Je- But the Christian view of man goes beyond this “common ground.”
sus heal your memories and We Christians believe not just that all human beings have a unique
hurts of the past, and make
you enjoy the freshness of dignity and inalienable rights that flow from their being created in the
his love! image and likeness of God. We also believe that every human being
All – Amen! is an adopted “child of God” – a child so dearly beloved by Him that
“He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him
P –May he give you an ever-
greater appreciation of your might not perish but might have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). All human
dignity as human beings beings, without exception, are, indeed, dearly beloved children of
and of your calling to be God, and for each of them God has in store an eternity of life in which
temples of the Holy Spirit! all the aspirations of the human heart will be satisfied even beyond all
All – Amen! expectations.
P – May he transform your If such is the reality, then any violation of the supreme dignity of
lives into a living Gospel every human being is a crime for which the perpetrator will be an-
that edifies and inspires swerable not only to human courts but to God as well. God is not only
them to treat everybody the origin of all human rights, but also their guarantor and enforcer.
with respect and love! But the Christian vision of this unique relationship between the
All – Amen! Creator and every human creature goes beyond still. It tells that this
P –May almighty God bless God who has endowed each man and woman with such extraordinary
you: the Father, and the dignity and destiny wants to have a close, personal relationship with
Son, and the Holy Spirit. each of them – a relationship that can be described in terms of the
All – Amen! tender and constant love that binds together two human beings. It is a
P –Go in the peace of Christ relationship characterized by mutual acceptance and self-giving. This
and set the world afire with “love relationship” between God and every human being, which starts
love for God and people! already in this life but reaches its climax in the life to come is what
All – Thanks be to God! gives us the highest dignity and what ultimately grounds all human

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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