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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Basic Consideration Wilson (2007: 1) states, Reading is the foundation for all learning.

Students always feel bored when they asked to read book from the school and they felt that reading as a negative experience at the school. It means that their ability to succeed in school is compromised. It become teachers obligation to make teaching learning process more effective by find what can make students to be motivated in reading. They need to find some media to make students feel interest to read especially in the process of teaching learning. The goal is to enjoy reading and motivate them to read more and more. It can be by using all forms of literature including the genre of comic literature: comic books. Comic is widely known by the society as the story with picture. Based on Scott McCould (in Grant: 2003), comic are pictures and signs or symbols that is close-set in order to give the information or to attain aesthetic reaction from the reader. In Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (1990), comic is defined as a story with picture as the combination of art and literature. Comic form is pictures in boxes and all becoming a sequence of the story. There is aphorism said that A Picture means A Thousand Words, means that comic has the induction meaning as the media to extend the information that collaborate between words and picture. For most people, reading comic is fun. Children and adults read it in leeway. Like a food, comic come as a snack to flirt people. As language picture, comic always make Semitists and linguists feel interest to examine it. There are

some people have expressed what they are thinking about comic in books such as Scott McCloud in Understanding Comic: the Invisible Art; Maurice Horn in World Encyclopedia of Comics; Frederik L. Schodt in Manga!Manga!The World of Japanese Comic; Thomas M. Inge in Comic as Culture and there are lots. There are periodical changing the influence of comic in Indonesia by another country. In 1930, the first publisher of Comic in Indonesia was by mass media. In that period, there are two kinds of comics, west and east comic. West comic is a comic with the main character were the super hero was from Europe and US, such as Flippie Flink created by Clinge Doorenbos. While for East Comic, the main character were from Asia, such as Put on created by Kho Wang Gie. Further, in 1950 west comic was still successful in Indonesia. Comic in Indonesia were dominated by super hero from America. Such as Tarzan, Rip Kirby, Phantom, and Johnny Hazard because of west comic rapidly developed in Indonesia. Moreover, because of that, RA Kosasih was created Sri Asih which is the super hero were adapted from Western Super hero. However, in 1990, Japanese comic or people used to call it Manga came to Indonesia and replaced the position of Local Comic and even west Comic. People were most interested in Manga because Manga were lighthearted pictures or in literar meaning is cute pictures. For example Candy Candy created by Kyoko Mizuki and Yumiko Igarashi. After that, Manga gets the first position in

Indonesia as the most famous Comic and even local cartoonist following to draw cute pictures such as Manga to make a Local comic. Not so many years ago, comic book in the school has been considered as the enemy. People believe that comic cause juveniles delinquency and obstruct the desire to read, imagination, and cause eyes irritation. In addition, comic accused as the enemy of seriously reading (Dorrell, Curtis, & Rampal, 1995). Because of this negative assumption, comic has never been found in the classroom. In America, Richard W. Campbell brings comic in the classroom and he integrated comic in reading program (Koenke, 1981) the result was show that comic is useful for language lesson, focus on dialect and characterization. William (1995) change his ESL Books which still traditional with Calvin and Hobbes comic to teach in American Language Institute of New York University. After that, comic gets place in Education world. Furthermore, Bitz (2001) in his project that is called The Comic Book Project. The project was first identified the arts is a pathway to learning at the center for Arts Education Research (CAER). The Project is about using comic as the education tool. In his project, students are allowed to make their own comic to improve their writing ability. In addition, at the classroom the students are also being allowed to read comic to motivate their interest on reading. The Project was piloted to over 700 children at 33 After-school Corporation. Since then, the comic book project became hosted by Teacher College, Columbia University (

In a research by Setagalih (2009) with the title Merancang komik pengetahuan pelajaran sejarah untuk usia sekolah dasar kelas V find out that most students like to learn by using comic 28,73% choose comic, 24,13% choose book with picture, 18,41% choose game

computer, 16,09% interact with computer and 12,64% choose TV. In addition, Millard & Marsh (2001, In Wilson, 2009: 1) states that, comic books rank at or near the top of the list of student choice, but are not highly regarded by classroom teachers. As a result, comic is not often taught in schools. Based on personal experience during take study at State University of Gorontalo, especially in Faculty of Letter and Culture, English Department, the use of comic as the media in teaching and learning English never been use, especially in teaching reading. In English department, there only have a traditional media that have been thought year by year, such as the use of media article, text, novel, passage, magazine, and newspaper. This statement can also be proven by looking at the list of students thesis in English department. Whereas, there are many studies proved that the use of media comic in teaching learning process give a significant change especially in the result of the students achievement and students reading motivation. Based on studies before, comic have been used by several people to motivate students in teaching learning process and mostly conducted to the children. This study was aimed to find out whether or not comic can enhance students motivation in reading especially to students of University. Therefore, the survey of students reading motivation in

reading English comic has conducted to the English Department students in 20092010 academic years of State University of Gorontalo.

1.2 Problem Statement How is the Students Reading motivation of State University of Gorontalo, 2009-2010 academic years in reading English Comic?

1.3 Reason for Choosing the Topic Similar to Novel or poem, comic is one of literary work that also needs some attention from the educators. Comic could become a media in teaching learning process especially in motivate students in reading. This research is aimed to find out the students reading motivation in reading English comic at State University of Gorontalo, English Department in 2009-2010 academic years All educators also believe that reading is important. If students do not read, do not enjoy reading, or do not see the value in reading, then the ability of those students to understand and get the concepts in any subject is affected. Discovering any approach that positively affects the motivation of students to read will affect the classroom situation and the students it self. Therefore, based on the important of reading, that is why the topic has been choosing.

1.4 Scope and delimitation of Study This research is limited to survey students reading motivation in reading English comic.

1.5 The Objective of Study The objective of this study is to describe how the students reading motivation in reading English comic is.

1.6 The Significance of Study This study was expected to find out how far the students are motivated in reading English comic. Therefore, it can give contribution in the way of teaching and learning process.


This chapter is going to discuss some related study about the use of comic in order to motivate students in teaching learning process, theory of reading motivation, what is comic, the use of comic as a media and reading motivation relates to English comic.

2.1 Related Studies There are many studies that have been conducted related to the use of comic in motivate students in teaching learning process. First, Hadi (2005) with the title Pembelajaran Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan Pecahan dengan Menggunakan media komik pada siswa kelas III SD Muhammadiyah Dau Malang. This study find out that students shows that with comic as the media, students feel interested in learning, relax and they never felt strained in the term of following the subject. Teaching process with comic as the media can motivate the students to become more understand with the problem. Second, Mariyanah (2005) with the title Efektivitas Media Komik dengan Media Gambar dalam Pembelajaran Geografi Pokok Bahasan Perhubungan dan Pengangkutan (studi eksperimen pada siswa kelas II SMP Negeri I Pengandon Kabupaten Kendal) find out that the use of comic more effective than the use of pictures media. The average score of students who used comic is 8.12 and the average score of students who used pictures media is 7.58.

Next, Sussilowati (2006) with the title Developing Students Reading Comprehension through Comic Strip Content Interpretation find out that student in reading comprehension through comic content interpretation is improved. Before applied comic strip, the students reading comprehension is low, their score 47.36% while after applied comic strip the students reading comprehension are improved. They could answer the question 63.89%. Fourth, Setiowati (2007) with the title Peningkatan Keterampilan Membaca Nyaring Melalui Media Komik Berbahasa Jawa Pada siswa kelas VI SD Magersari Kabupaten Rembang showed that the use of comic is very useful in improving students skill in reading aloud. It was because students are motivated with the media. The last, Setagalih (2009) with the title Merancang Komik Pengetahuan Pelajaran Sejarah untuk Usia Sekolah Dasar Kelas V find out by using comic that the participants were interested in learn History by using comic and increase students score. In addition, Williams (1995) from the Eric journal with the title The Comic Book as Course Book: Why and How propose comic Book as Course Book. He explains how comic books are used as instructional materials in intensive English as a second language. He use comic because they are authentic, highly visual, culturally current, use a constant register and contained limited lexical phrases. This study was based on Wilson research (2009) at Missouri State University A Causal Comparative Study of Students Reading Motivation after

Reading Comics in the Classroom. The research was done to the fifth graders and the result of this study showed that there was not a significant change in the childrens attitudes toward reading after the study. The findings would suggest that more research is needed. The difference between Wilson research and this study are that this study was aimed to find out whether or not comic can enhance students motivation in reading especially students of University, 2009-2010 academic years of English Department Students at State University of Gorontalo. This study will be constructed by giving the sample questionnaire without giving treatment because based on first observation the sample are believed as the comic reader.

2.2 Reading Motivation Reading is the foundation in all learning. It is the process of gaining the information from what we read. Reading actually is a complicated activity, which include not only pronouncing the text, but also including visual activity, intelligence and comprehending to get the information. Students always feel bored when they asked to read book from the school and they felt that reading as a negative experience at the school. It means that their ability to succeed in school is compromised. The most important point is to make students to be motivated in reading because Students always feel bored when they asked to read book from the school and they feel that reading as a negative experience at the school. Wilson (2009: 5) states, Reading motivation, as defined in this study, is the intrinsic desire to read

for the purposes of learning or pleasure without being required by an outside authority to do so. Guthrie (in Wilson, 2009:5) states that Several aspects contribute to students motivation to read, both in and out of school including: control, self-efficiency, involvement in reading, and communications about reading. Control over reading is a significant construct that determines students motivations for reading (Cavazos-Kottke, 2005; Edmunds & Bauserman, 2006; Guthrie, Hoa, Wigfield, Tonks & Perencevich, 2006; McPherson 2007; Pachtman & Wilson, 2006; Veto, 2006 in Wilson, 2009 :5). A variety of studies document that perceived control and choice in the later elementary grades are associated with academic achievement in reading (Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell, 1990; Sweet et al.,1998 in Guthrie, 2007:284). Students usually discuss book from the school only when they were assigned to do so. In addition, students always discuss book that they have selected by themselves and try to find other people who like the same book. Edmunds and Bauserman (2006:417) discovered that when sharing the narrative text they were reading, 84% of the children discussed books they had selected themselves, while only 16% discussed books that were assigned by the teachers. Pachtman and Wilson (in Wilson, 2009: 6) found students who were able to choose their own reading derived more enjoyment from the experience. When coupled with a social discussion activity, the amount of reading increased.


2.3 What is Comic? A picture means thousand words this sentence was best describe what comic it self. Comic divided of picture to illustrate and some text in balloons to describe the picture itself. According to McCould (in Grant: 2003), comic is pictures and signs or symbols that is close-set in order to give the information or to attain aesthetic reaction from the reader. The use of comic, beside gives the information, it makes the reader feel interested. It is an ordered picture and part of literature. In Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (1990) also said that comic is a story with picture as the combination of art and literature. Comic form is picture in box and all becoming a sequence of the story. According to Sudjana and Rivai (2009) comic define as form of cartoon that reveal the character and playing the part of the story in sequence strongly related with the picture and was designed to entertain the reader. Based on definition above, it can be concluded that comic is a structure of picture followed by the text and form a story that mostly make the reader feel entertain to read it.

2.4 The use of Comic to Motivate According to Gene Yang (2003) comic have five advantage if we use it in teaching learning process, one of them is to motivate. Hutchinson (1949: 244) found that 74% teachers thought that Comic help to motivate, while 79% said that comic improve individual participation. In addition, one of the teachers said that comic make teaching learning process become easier. This result of


experiment showed us that comic truly could motivate students in teaching learning process. Comic has its own unique functions, as the media in educational system and as media to entertain. Comic as the media in visual has its own assumption that it can influence students in teaching learning process because it can attract the interest and the attention of the students in terms of giving information. This is suitable with the role of comic that is visualizing the ideas and concepts. Moreover, the consumer of comic is a teenager and students in the university (Yakti, 2001) Comic brings the students in excitement situation so it will make the classroom situation feeling happy (DePorter, Reardon, and Nourie, 2000). The excitement situation in reading comic will activate the nerve of brain, so the students can record what their read in easier. Person will read in enthusiastic if she/he loves what she/he learns and they will feel happy if they can involve on it (Howard Gardner, 1995, in DePorter, dkk, 2000). The use of comic in teaching learning process has an important role to attract the students motivation especially in reading. Dr. Joseph LeDoux (1994, in DePorter, dkk, 2000), a famous scientist explained that comic is an interesting choice as the media in teaching learning process because it will involve the students emotion and will influence the memory of the students about what their read. Moreover, most of students have a visual style in learning, means they activate their memory trough picture (DePorter and Hernacki, 1999).


There is also a theory from Multiple Intelligence (1983) that was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner. He proposes eight different intelligences to account human potential and one of them is spatial intelligence or picture smart. Multiple Intelligence helps students to examining their potential. DePorter, Readon, and Nourie said, A picture is having lots of meaning than thousand words. In Multiple Intelligence, there are also eight different ways in teaching and learn anything and one of them is by using pictures or spatial intelligence. This makes we strongly believe that the use of comic is potential in motivate students on reading. Comic can cause imagination and draw up stimulus of creative thinking. According to Rothlein and Meinbach, Comic also can cause an appreciation in language and improve oral communication, improve the way of thinking, expression, and improve sensitively in art (in Hadi: 2005). Schwarz (In Wilson: 2009) said that comic literature can be used for social studies, science, math, art, philosophy and sociology. While according to Davis (in Hadi, 2005: 7), comic becoming an interesting media to motivate students because: (a) a built-in desire to learn through comics; (b) easy accessibility in daily newspaper and bookstands; (c) the novel and ingenious way in which this authentic medium depicts real-life language and every facet of people and society; and (d) the variety of visual and linguistic element and codes that appeal to student with different learning style.

2.5 Reading Motivation and English Comic


It has been discussed some theories about reading motivation, what is comic, and the use of comic in this case to motivate students in teaching learning process. It clearly describes how comic can motivate students because comic are visualizing the idea and the concept. Comic also cause imagination and draw up stimulus thinking. The use of comic in teaching learning process also suitable with the theory of Multiple Intelligent, which said that human potential in intelligent one of them, is spatial intelligent or picture smart. Most readers of comic are teenager because they were interested on it. Students always feel bored when they are asked to read book, which they not interested on it. They felt it as a negative experience. While if we allowed them to read what they was interested on, it will motivate them to read more and more. In addition, several aspects contribute students motivation in reading there are control, self-efficacy, involvement in reading, and communications about reading. Perceived control over reading defines as the students choices or their decisions about something. They read for pleasure and were their own choices of what they read. Skinner (1995 in Guthrie, 2007:284) defined control is an individuals causal model about how the world works: about the likely causes of desired and undesired events, about their own role in successes and failures, about the responsiveness of other people, institutions, and social systems Self-efficiency is appropriate with the readers need. Comic is appropriate with the students need that is shown in some studies and significantly improve


students motivation to read. It because they feel entertain while reading comic and they need something new. When students can choose what they will read, it is kind of involvement of the students that can motivate them to read. As said before, students always feel bored when they asked to read book from the school and they felt that reading as a negative experience at the school. By giving them opportunity to choose what they read, it is believed that students will have a strong motivation to read more and more. Students always discuss book that they have selected by themselves and try to find another people who like the same book. In this case, the students having communication or social interaction with other people about the story they read. Usually, after reading comic, students who have the same interests will discuss each other about the story they read. If they have a social interaction with their friends, teachers and even parents, it means that they have reading motivation. Based on personal experience during take study at State University of Gorontalo, in Faculty of Letter and Culture, English Department, English Comic is the new media that never been use by the teacher in teaching learning process.. The examples of English comic are Treasure Island and Frankenstein that provide by Regents Publishing in form of illustrated classic or comic classic. We can find in many translated comic in English language. That is why, It is important to investigate the students reading motivation in reading English comic by using the theory of Guthrie (in Wilson, 2009: 5); several aspect


contribute students reading motivation are : control, self-efficiency, involvement in reading, and communications about reading.



3.1 Setting of the research This research will use descriptive method and will be described by using percentage and graphics based on the result of the questionnaire. The aim of using this method is to describe how the students reading motivation in reading English comic is.

3.2 Population and Sample The sources of the data are students of 2009-2010 academic years at English Department students of State University of Gorontalo. The Population is 190 students consist of 6 Classes. The population will comprise of students ages 18-20. The sample will be chosen in random, 123 students from 2009-2010 academic year. They have been chosen because they were in the process of taking subject Reading 3. The sample was determining by using Nomogram Table with 95% level of confidence and 5% level of error (Sugiyono, 2009:128). By using it, the generality error of the study will be a little bit small.

3.3 Technique of Collecting the Data The data of this research will be collected through questionnaire. The Questionnaire is a self-assessment, where helps the students become aware of their attitudes. In this case, the students answer the statements on the


questionnaire based on their experience-reading English comic. This is suitable with the theory of the reading motivation it self. In previous part, Wilson (2009: 5) states, Reading motivation, as defined in this study, is the desire to read for the purposes of learning or pleasure without being required by an outside authority to do so. Questionnaire is a tool to get the information trough survey. The questionnaire in this research is some statements to reveal some data about how is the students reading motivation in reading English comic. The questionnaire was adapted from Wilson research (2009) and the indicators of each statements are about picture and illustrations, reading motivation and enjoyment, perception toward reading comic literature, and social interaction of reading. The advantages of using questionnaire are efficient for researcher time, Researcher effort and financial resources (Dornyei: 2003). The first step will be going to do is constructing the statements in the questionnaire based on the theory and the indicators: Table 3.1. The statement of the questionnaire based on the indicators No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Indicator Pictures and Illustrations Enjoyment and Motivation Perception Social Interaction Positive Statements 4,7,9,14,17,19,23,20 1,2,3,13,15,26,27,28 5,6,8,11,12,18,22,24 10,16,21,30,32,34,35,39 Negative Statements 37,40 29,38 25,31 33,36 Total 10 10 10 10 40

Data will be obtained by using the result of questionnaire that is constructed in order to find how students reading motivation in reading English


Comic. It is use Scale Likert to score students answer and each item gives the score: For positive statements 5 (five) if they answer SA (strongly agree) 4 (four) if they answer A (agree) 3 (three) if they answer N (neutral) 2 (two) if they answer D (disagree) 1 (one) if they answer SD (strongly disagree).

For Negative statements 1 (one) if they answer SA (strongly agree) 2 (two) if they answer A (agree) 3 (three) if they answer N (neutral) 4 (four) if they answer D (disagree) 5 (five) if they answer SD (strongly disagree).

After that, the validity of each test item of the instrument will be check. The validity is a condition that describes each test item of the instrument was valid or not. The formula is:


(Sugiyono, 2005: 213) r n = The validity of the test = The number of respondent = Score for each items = Total Score of respondent

Coleration Product Moment will do to find out validity of each item in the instrument. The item will be concerned as valid if the rcount > r

(n = 38, =

0.05) = 0,320. After applying Coleration Product Moment, 27 statements are valid.

Table 3.2. the statements of the questionnaire after applying the validity test No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Indicator Pictures and Illustrations Enjoyment and Motivation Perception Social Interaction Positive Statements 6,10,14,15,18, 1,2,3,11,20,21 4,5,8,9,13,17,19 7,12,16,22,23,24,25,26 Negative Statements 27 Total 6 6 7 8 27

After checking the validity of each test item, it will be check and analyze the reliability of the instrument by using Alfa:


= Reliability of instrument K = The number of question = Total variants of items = Variant total of the instrument (Arikunto, 2002: 171)

Sugiyono (2007:216) suggested some criterion to determine of reliability, the criteria as follows: 0.00 0,199 0.20 0.399 0.40 0.5099 0.60 0.799 0.80 1.000 = Very low = Low = Medium = High = Very high

After analyze the reliability of the instrument, it found that the reliability is 0.8343. It means that the instrument was categorized as very high and effective to collect the data. Reliability is to detect if the instrument that have been choose in this study (in this case, questionnaire using scale likert) to encompass the data is really convince as the instrument to collect the data or not.


3.4 Technique of Analyzing the Data The data will be analyze, identify, and interpret the students reading motivation in reading English comic from the questionnaire qualitatively and describe it using percentage. To determine the criteria of reading motivations of each students in reading English comic, it will be use: Minimum Score Maximal Score Interval : 1 x 27 (number of statement) = 27 : 5 x 27 (number of statement) = 135 : : 21.6 or 22 Table 3.3. Determine the interpretation of the result of study No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Score Interval 113 135 90 112 67 89 44 66 21 43 Criteria Highly Motivated Motivated Neutral Low Motivated Unmotivated (Adapted from Yunus, 2008: 32)

The next step is analyzing the data. The students answers will be check by scoring from 5 (five) until 1 (one). Then analyze, and calculate the score to get the total of the score. It will be by using descriptive percentage:

n %= x 100


N Note: n N : Acquired value

: The total value

After that, analyze the criteria of each student, and describe the data for each indicator that are Picture and Illustration, Enjoyment and Motivation, Perception and Social interaction.


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