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ELSEVIER Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199

Sedimentology and hydrogeology of two braided stream deposits

M.P. Anderson Ł , J.S. Aiken 1 , E.K. Webb 2 , D.M. Mickelson
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, L.G. Weeks Hall, 1215 W. Dayton Street,
Madison, WI 53706, USA
Received 7 May 1998; accepted 1 March 1999


Two approaches were used to quantify the spatial distribution of hydrofacies in braided stream deposits. One approach
involved mapping a 50 by 60 by 3.3 m section of a proximal braided stream deposit. In a second study, we generated
a 400 by 400 by 2.6 m section of a medial braided stream deposit using a computer model. In both cases we produced
three-dimensional images showing connected hydrofacies with high permeabilities that form preferential flow paths. This
information was input to a groundwater flow model and flow paths were analyzed by following the transport of imaginary
particles. In both systems, particles that were uniformly distributed at the up-gradient end of the model clustered along
preferential flow paths during transport, showing that connection among high-permeability facies is a critical factor in
hydrogeological investigations involving assessment of contaminant movement and remediation.  1999 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: braided streams; heterogeneity; preferential flow; computer animation; aquifers

1. Introduction logical site characterization is critical in evaluating

the potential for using natural attenuation as a rem-
Hydrogeology converges with sedimentology edy.
when we ask: “What do geologic deposits look like?” Hydrogeologists have long struggled to find ways
Solute transport models can be powerful tools for of quantifying aquifer heterogeneity. Lumping het-
predicting contaminant movement in aquifers and erogeneities into a global parameter (hydraulic con-
assessing potential remedial alternatives but trans- ductivity) was the approach pioneered by Theis
port simulations require accurate information about (1935) to solve well hydraulics problems and quickly
the distribution of geological units. Monitored nat- became the standard approach for estimating hy-
ural attenuation has recently received attention as a draulic conductivity in groundwater flow problems.
cost-effective remedial alternative but detailed geo- Analysis of solute transport in aquifers, however, re-
quires a finer-scale quantification of heterogeneities.
Ł Corresponding author. Fax: C1 608 262 0693; E-mail: For example, Essaid et al. (1993) showed that repre- sentation of the fine details of aquifer heterogeneity
1 Present address: Barr Engineering Company, 8300 Norman

Center Drive, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55437. was crucial in reproducing the shape of a crude oil
2 Present address: Sandia National Laboratory, PO Box 5800, plume in a computer simulation. Theoretical inves-
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87185. tigations by Frind et al. (1988) and Tompson and

0037-0738/99/$ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 7 - 0 7 3 8 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 1 5 - 9
188 M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199

Gelhar (1990), among others, showed that hetero- Jussel et al. (1994) mapped sedimentary structures
geneity dominates the movement of a contaminant and lithologies in glaciofluvial gravel deposits in
plume at early times and that the initial configuration Switzerland.
of the plume influences its long-term evolution. While sedimentologists map lithofacies, hydro-
Petroleum reservoir geologists and engineers share geologists must identify units of similar hydrogeo-
many of the same data needs and concerns as hydro- logical properties (Koltermann and Gorelick, 1996;
geologists. For example, both are faced with the prob- Webb and Davis, 1998). Attempts to define geologi-
lem of scaling up parameters from a measurement cal units that are useful in hydrogeological analyses
scale on the order of a meter to a scale suitable for have roots in the concept of the hydrostratigraphic
modeling on the order of tens to hundreds of meters unit (Maxey, 1964; Seaber, 1988), which is typically
(Mansoori, 1994; Desbarats and Bachu, 1994; Ewing, defined at a regional scale. Anderson (1989) and
1997; Kitanidis, 1997). Both groups are concerned Phillips et al. (1989) proposed the use of hydrogeo-
with heterogeneity (Weber, 1986; Anderson, 1997) logical facies models based on the concept of Miall
and strive to describe the geometry and arrangement (1985a) of architectural element analysis. Anderson
of sedimentary units (North and Prosser, 1993; Fraser (1989) defined a hydrogeological facies to be “a ho-
and Davis, 1998). Both groups have used stochastic mogeneous but anisotropic unit that is hydrogeolog-
modeling to fill in the gaps in geological information ically meaningful.” Poeter and Gaylord (1990) intro-
between measurement points (Yarus and Chambers, duced the term hydrofacies for interconnected units
1994; Dagan and Neuman, 1997). with relatively homogeneous hydraulic properties
Much of the sedimentological literature, how- that control the channeling of contaminants. Highly
ever, consists of qualitative descriptions of sed- conductive connected hydrofacies form preferential
imentary units and qualitative approaches to de- flow paths. Several researchers have identified in-
scribing units, while hydrogeologists (and petroleum terconnectedness of units as the key to quantifying
geologists=engineers) require quantitative descrip- heterogeneity for purposes of hydrogeological in-
tions. Hydrogeologists routinely use qualitative sed- vestigations (e.g., Fogg, 1986; Silliman and Wright,
imentological information in their work (e.g., Shep- 1988; Anderson, 1990; Desbarats, 1990; Fogg, 1990;
herd and Owens, 1981; Groenewold et al., 1981; Poeter and Gaylord, 1990; Desbarats and Srivas-
Davis, 1987; Danskin, 1988), but the quest for quan- tava, 1991; Moreno and Tsang, 1994; Poeter and
titative information on the spatial distribution of Townsend, 1994; Berkowitz and Scher, 1995). We
hydrofacies has motivated hydrogeologists to initiate too found that interconnected facies form important
field studies aimed at obtaining this information first flow paths in the two deposits discussed in this paper.
hand. Ideally, hydrogeologists would like a three-di-
One of the first such studies was done by Smith mensional image of the hydraulic conductivity dis-
(1981), who mapped spatial variability in a sand tribution of the aquifer under investigation. Many
outcrop. His study and several that followed, were investigators have used geostatistics to generate ran-
aimed at obtaining information to quantify aquifer dom hydraulic conductivity fields that are assumed
heterogeneity using geostatistics. For example, Davis to capture the variability of real aquifers (e.g., Tomp-
et al. (1993) mapped architectural elements over a son and Gelhar, 1990; MacQuarrie and Sudicky,
0.16 km2 peninsular section of outcrop and col- 1990; Kitanidis, 1997). Others conducted ground-
lected air permeability measurements at 33 points. penetrating radar (GPR) surveys to obtain geophysi-
Weerts and Bierkens (1993) mapped lithologies in cal images for use in hydrogeological investigations
two overbank deposits in a fluvial system in the (e.g., Huggenberger et al., 1994; Rea and Knight,
Netherlands and showed that variograms constructed 1998). And still others (e.g., Koltermann and Gore-
for the meandering river environment differed from lick, 1992; Webb, 1994; Scheibe and Freyberg, 1995;
those constructed for lithologically more-complex Deutsch and Wang, 1996) used computer models to
deposits formed in an anastomosing river environ- simulate sedimentary systems.
ment. Ritzi et al. (1995) mapped hydrofacies in In this paper we describe two approaches to quan-
a glaciofluvial aquifer system in Ohio, USA, and tify heterogeneity in braided stream deposits. One
M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199 189

approach involved mapping a 50 m by 60 m section 2. Field study: Stoughton deposit

of a 3.3 m high outcrop in Wisconsin, U.S.A., using
field observations, photomosaics and GPR profiles A 50 m by 60 m by 3.3 m thick section of a
(Aiken, 1993; Aiken and Mickelson, 1995). In a sec- sand and gravel pit in Stoughton, Wisconsin, was
ond study, we generated a 400 m by 400 m by 2.6 excavated between July 3 and August 1, 1991. These
m thick synthetic deposit using a computer model materials were part of a broad outwash plain de-
(Webb, 1994; Webb and Anderson, 1996). Parameter posited during the retreat of the Green Bay Lobe
input values and calibration targets were compiled at the end of the late Wisconsin glaciation. A gen-
using data from two similar braided river systems: eralized profile of the outcrop is shown in Fig. 1.
the Squamish River in British Columbia, Canada The deposits at this site are comparable to the prox-
(Brierley, 1989) and the Ohau River, New Zealand imal Scott-type example of Miall (1978), redefined
(Mosley, 1982). as Model GII by Miall (1985a,b) and named after
The field deposit, located in Stoughton, Wiscon- the Scott outwash (Boothroyd and Ashley, 1975).
sin, is representative of proximal conditions (Scott- The Scott assemblage has greater than 90% gravel.
type assemblage) and the Squamish and Ohau rivers At the Stoughton site, the deposit has approximately
are representative of medial conditions (Donjek-type 91% massive stream gravel with interbedded sand.
assemblage). The Stoughton deposit was selected The gravel is usually imbricated and contains a
since it was actively being quarried so that fresh few debris flow deposits that may exhibit crude in-
sections of outcrop were exposed during the process verse grading. In general, the lithofacies observed
of excavation. Proximal deposits are typically quar- in the Stoughton deposit were interpreted to repre-
ried because they contain plentiful gravel resources.
There are very few studies in the sedimentologi-
cal literature that contain the types of information
needed to calibrate computer models. This type of
information was available for medial deposits but not
for proximal deposits because these data are difficult
to acquire in proximal environments. Our purpose,
however, was not to compare two deposits from the
same depositional environment. Rather, we studied
the deposits available to us and used the opportu- Fl, Fm
nity to contrast heterogeneity in two different facies
assemblages in the braided stream depositional envi- Gm
Three-dimensional images of the hydrofacies in Sr
these two braided stream deposits were produced and
a groundwater model was used to simulate flow and
advective transport through each system in order to Gt
analyze the role of connected hydrofacies in forming
preferential flow paths. Transport of contaminants
in the field is also affected by pore scale disper- Gow
sion (and diffusion) of solutes, which we ignored in
our simulations. Pore scale dispersion is generally Gm
considered to cause relatively minor spreading com-
pared to the spreading caused by the presence of
macroscale heterogeneities, i.e., hydrofacies. Thus,
we use the three-dimensional images of hydrofa-
cies to simulate directly the dispersion caused by Fig. 1. Generalized profile of the Stoughton deposit. Descriptions
macroscale heterogeneities. of the lithofacies are given in Table 1.
190 M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199

sent aggradation of superimposed gravel bars during for grain size analyses. Each lithofacies is described
seasonally high discharge, with later incision and briefly in Table 1. Four lithofacies comprise 85%
deposition of sandier deposits during waning flow on of the deposit. Gmc is the most common unit at
top of and at the flanks of the bars. the site, comprising 34% of the deposit, while Gm
The data used to construct the geological descrip- comprises 25% and Gs and Gp together form 26% of
tion of the Stoughton site consisted of photomosaics, the deposit.
GPR (ground penetrating radar) profiles, and daily These eleven lithofacies form seven hydrofacies
field sketches. Twenty photomosaics of active faces as shown in Table 2. Hydraulic conductivity values
were taken as the Stoughton deposit was excavated. were assigned based on average grain size for each
Eighteen GPR profiles were obtained prior to the hydrofacies using an equation developed by Hazen
excavation and were used to fill in the gaps between (1893), which relates hydraulic conductivity to the
the photomosaics. In addition, daily field sketches square of D10 taken from a percent finer cumulative
were used to track individual lithofacies. The total grain distribution curve. Hazen’s equation assumes
volume under investigation was 9900 m3 . If the daily that D10 is the effective diameter that controls the
sketch maps and radar data are considered to be porosity of the sample and thereby its hydraulic con-
merely interpretive, then the volume directly mapped ductivity. Estimates of hydraulic conductivity calcu-
is equal to the volume represented in the photomo- lated from the Hazen equation compared favorably
saics. The total length of the photomosaics is 900 m with laboratory estimates from individual samples
and the average depth shown is 2 m. Assuming that tested in permeameter experiments. The range in hy-
the profiles are representative of 1 m perpendicular draulic conductivity calculated for each hydrofacies
to the face, gives a volume of 1800 m3 shown in is shown in Fig. 2. The geometric mean hydraulic
the photomosaics. Hence, the ratio of actual to inter- conductivity of all samples within an hydrofacies is
preted mapped volume is 9900 to 1800 or roughly 5 shown in Table 2.
to 1. In other words, conservatively speaking, 20% The calculated hydraulic conductivities fall within
of the volume was directly observed in constructing the range reported for similar materials by Freeze
the geological description of the site. and Cherry (1979, table 2.2). The assigned values,
It is not quite fair, however, to rule out the sketch however, do not necessarily represent absolute val-
maps and radar logs since they are measurements ues of hydraulic conductivity at the Stoughton site.
rather than subjective interpretations. We estimate It is well known that estimates of hydraulic conduc-
that these data roughly double the number of di- tivity based on grain size analyses and permeameter
rect observations. Hence, we estimate that 40% of results are biased by scaling effects (Bradbury and
the volume was observed in generating the geologi- Muldoon, 1990). Hydraulic conductivity values were
cal description of the site. The remaining 60% was assigned in order to observe how the spatial distri-
derived from interpretation between points. For com- bution in hydraulic conductivity affects contaminant
parison, in a standard hydrogeological investigation movement in computer simulations. For this pur-
at a site comparable in size to the Stoughton site, 70 pose, relative contrasts in hydraulic conductivity are
borings, each 3.3 m deep, might be used. Assuming important, not absolute values.
that one boring samples roughly 0.5 m3 of soil, the A three-dimensional image of the lithofacies in
total volume directly observed would be about 35 m3 the Stoughton deposit is shown in Fig. 3. The block
of soil or about 0.3% of the total volume. In other shown in this figure is oriented east to west, follow-
words, geological descriptions of the subsurface typ- ing the westerly paleocurrent. That is, the eastern
ically are derived from data that sample a very small face of the block is at the top of the figure and the
portion (<1%) of the volume of subsurface under western face is the downgradient exit face, which is
consideration, while in our study 40% of the site was also shown in the inset. Laterally extensive, tabular
sampled. sheets of lithofacies Gmc and Gm can be seen in
Eleven lithofacies (Fig. 1) were distinguished on Fig. 3. Lithofacies Gmc, in general, tends to be lat-
the basis of dominant clast size, sorting, bedding erally continuous and at other sites it is known to
style and external boundaries; 74 samples were taken extend on the order of tens to hundreds of meters. In
M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199 191

Table 1
Description of lithofacies at the Stoughton site

Lithofacies Description Interpretation

Gmc Coarse, massive gravel with cobbles and boulders; Deposited during periods of very high meltwater discharge
sandy matrix, trace silt; weakly imbricated
Gm Massive to poorly stratified medium to coarse Deposited as flow decreased from a higher discharge associated
gravel with Gmc
Gs Stratified fine to medium sandy gravel Deposited during sustained, relatively low flow conditions on the
flanks of bars or in chutes cut between bars
Gp Planar-bedded fine to coarse gravel Formed as bars migrated into deeper water
Gow Moderately well sorted, open-work gravel with Deposited during conditions of fluctuating discharge; gravel
silt-filled upper surfaces aggraded during periods of high discharge and then became
filled with suspended material when discharge decreased.
Gt Trough-bedded fine to medium gravel Fills concave-up scours cut into coarser gravel lithofacies
St Fine- to medium-grained trough-bedded sand Formed as migrating dunes in the low flow regime
Sh Horizontal to low-angle bedded fine to medium Formed as high-velocity flow diverged over bar tops or in the
sand low flow regime as aggradation on a plane or low-angle bed in
channels on bar flanks
Sr Ripple-laminated very fine to fine sand Formed as flow waned near the limit of sand bedload transport,
either on the tops of bars or in emerging chutes along bar flanks
Fm Massive very fine- to fine-grained sand and silt Deposited in stagnant flow conditions where suspended material
settled out rapidly in cut-off channels or bar-top pools; occurs as
a thick drape along or filling channel scours
Fl Laminated very fine- to fine-grained sand and silt Similar to Fm, except that periodic fluxes of sediment were
followed by stagnant periods

Table 2
Hydrofacies in the Stoughton deposit

Hydrofacies Percent of deposit Average median grain Sorting Geometric mean hydraulic
size (mm) conductivity (cm=s)
Gow 4 9.13 poor 1.2
Gmc 34 12.40 very poor 0.17
Gm 25 2.99 very poor 0.088
Gs=Gp 26 2.67 very poor 0.090
Gt 2 0.55 poor 0.053
St=Sh 5 0.57 medium well 0.030
Fm=Fl 4 0.93 medium well 0.00068

some portions of the Stoughton deposit these tabular 3. Synthetic deposit based on the Ohau and
sheets fill channel boundaries mantled with hydro- Squamish river systems
facies Fl=Fm. In other areas, the Gmc=Gm sheets
grade into each other and are incised by channels Webb (1994) developed a geometrically based
filled with lenses of Gs and Gow (Fig. 4). These model that produces three-dimensional facies distri-
channel deposits form connected high hydraulic con- butions of braided river systems. The model uses a
ductivity hydrofacies. As such, they form prefer- random walk algorithm to generate two-dimensional
ential flow paths in aquifers and can be important braided river channel patterns through time. Channel
avenues for transport of contaminants. characteristics including width, depth, and velocity,
as well as sediment type are assigned to channel seg-
ments. Sediment type is linked to the Froude number.
192 M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199

4 (Miall, 1978) or Miall’s Model GIII (Miall, 1985b)

2 for the medial assemblage. The Donjek-type profile
(based on descriptions of the middle reaches of the
Donjek River by Williams and Rust, 1969) consists
8 of fine gravel and sand deposited in well developed
channels. The ten lithofacies identified by Brierley
Gmc (1989) are briefly described in Table 3.
0 A 400 m long by 400 m wide and 2.6 m thick
block of sediment was generated using the deposi-
tional model. Then the ten lithofacies were grouped
2 Gm into six hydrofacies as shown in Table 4. Each
0 hydrofacies was assigned a range in hydraulic con-
ductivity values (Fig. 5) from table 2.2 (p. 29) in
4 Freeze and Cherry (1979) based on grain size and
2 Gs/Gp sorting characteristics. As with the Stoughton model,
0 our purpose in assigning hydraulic conductivity val-
ues was to examine the effect of the spatial patterns
4 in hydrofacies on contaminant transport. Hence, the
2 relative contrasts in hydraulic conductivities, rather
Gt than their absolute values, are important. The result-
ing three-dimensional image of hydrofacies is shown
8 in Fig. 6.
0 4. Hydrogeological analysis
There is a 3.5 order of magnitude spread in
1 the means of the hydraulic conductivities in the
0 Stoughton deposit (Table 2) and a 2.5 order spread
-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 in the synthetic deposit (Table 4), suggesting that the
In K (cm/sec) synthetic (medial) deposit is somewhat more hydro-
Fig. 2. Distribution of values of ln K for sediment samples geologically homogeneous than the Stoughton (prox-
from various hydrofacies in the Stoughton deposit (adapted from imal) deposit. Similarly, there is a larger range in the
Riemersma, 1997). hydraulic conductivity values for the Stoughton de-
posit (fourteen orders of magnitude, Fig. 2) than
for the synthetic deposit (five orders of magnitude,
Finally, the resulting three-dimensional topographic Fig. 5). Yet, 85% of the Stoughton deposit has hy-
surfaces are stacked to produce a three-dimensional draulic conductivity values that fall within one order
image of the sedimentary sequence. of magnitude (around 0.1 cm=s), while 83% of the
Webb (1994) used deposits of the modern day synthetic deposit has hydraulic conductivity values
Squamish and Ohau river systems as described by that fall within two orders of magnitude (between
Brierley (1989) and Mosley (1982), respectively, to 0.5 and 0.01 cm=s).
derive input parameters and to calibrate his depo- The open-framework cobbles (Gow) of the
sitional model. Mosley’s data set contains geomor- Stoughton deposit have by far the highest hy-
phological information on the channel network, while draulic conductivity (Table 2) and therefore poten-
Brierley’s data set consists of quantitative information tially could have an important effect on the flow
on the abundance and vertical transitions of sediment system. At the Stoughton site, Gow forms only 4%
units. Both rivers are characteristic of the Donjek-type of the unit and occurs as lenses surrounded by mate-
M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199 193

Fig. 3. Three-dimensional image of the hydrofacies in the Stoughton Scott-type proximal deposit. The dimensions of the deposit are 60
m in the direction of flow, 50 m wide and 3.3 m thick. Colors are interpreted as follows: red is Gow; yellow is Gmc; blue is Gm; purple
is Gs=Gp; black is Gt and Fm=Fl; dark pink is St=Sh. The inset represents the downgradient or exit face through which particles left the
flow system during particle tracking experiments. The colors in the inset represent particle concentrations where red, yellow and blue are
high concentrations. High particle concentration clusters are evident in the area labeled C and in the lower right hand corner of the inset,
just below the area labeled D. The particles within the area labeled D traveled through the tabular sheet-like body of Gmc shown near D1.

rial of lower permeability. Jussel et al. (1994), who connectedness, of hydrofacies. Connected, high-con-
analyzed glaciofluvial gravel deposits of the Swiss ductivity hydrofacies form avenues for contaminant
Plateau, also identified inclusions of Gow within a movement while connected low-conductivity hydro-
matrix of lower permeability material. They pointed facies form barriers to flow that promote channeling
out that in this situation, the high hydraulic con- of contaminants into the high-conductivity pathways.
ductivity of the Gow inclusions will not have a High-conductivity paths are evident in the image of
significant effect on the effective hydraulic conduc- the synthetic deposit (Fig. 6) and are formed when
tivity of the flow field. Nevertheless, if connected, hydrofacies G=Gm connects with hydrofacies Sh
these lenses may form preferential flow paths and and St. These three hydrofacies comprise 29% of
thereby influence contaminant movement. the deposit and play an important role in forming
The significant hydrogeological difference be- preferential flow paths in this system.
tween the Stoughton (proximal) and synthetic (me- The pathways are less evident in the image of
dial) deposits is the arrangement, particularly the the Stoughton deposit (Fig. 3), suggesting that these
194 M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199

Fig. 4. Photograph of lithofacies Gs in a channel scour in the Stoughton deposit. Inclusions of Gow within Gmc are also shown.

Table 3
Description of lithofacies in the synthetic deposit

Lithofacies Description Interpretation

G Imbricated clast-supported gravels Form channel lag deposits
Gm Matrix-supported gravel with massive to crudely planar bedding Deposited from bedload
Sh Planar-bedded fine to coarse sand Deposited in the upper flow regime
St Medium to very coarse trough cross-bedded sand Deposited in the lower flow regime as dunes
Sp Medium to very coarse sand planar-tabular cross beds Forms the foresets of advancing sand sheets
Sr Ripple-bedded fine to coarse sand Deposited in the lower flow regime
Sw Wavy-bedded fine sand with no structures Deposited in the lower flow regime
Ss Massive medium to coarse sand with no structures Deposited from suspension
O Organically dominated fines with minor sand and no structures Deposited as overbank or drape deposits
Fm Massive or finely laminated fine material with no structure Deposited as overbank or drape deposits

Table 4
Hydrofacies for the synthetic deposit arranged in order of decreasing hydraulic conductivity

Hydrofacies Percent of deposit Mean grain size Froude number Mean hydraulic conductivity
(mm) (cm=s)
G=Gm 4 – 99.0 1.0
Sh 5 0.18 0.900 0.5
St 20 0.35 0.550 0.1
Sp 24 0.62 0.310 0.05
Sr=Sw 34 0.14=0.13 0.210 0.01
Ss=Fm=O 13 0.20=0.09=0.12 0.080 0.005
M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199 195

Fig. 5. Distribution of hydraulic conductivity in hydrofacies in the synthetic deposit.

Fig. 6. Three-dimensional image of the hydrofacies in the synthetic Donjek-type medial deposit (Webb, 1994). Colors are interpreted as
follows: dark blue is G=Gm; light blue is Sh; green is St; yellow is Sp; red is Sr=Sw; orange is Ss=Fm=O.

hydrofacies are less well connected. This perception Stoughton deposit is 2 m, while the resolution of
may be due, however, to differences in scale. The the image of the synthetic deposit is 10 m. Hence,
resolution of the three-dimensional image of the facies transitions were captured on a finer scale in
196 M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199

the Stoughton deposit. The length of the Stoughton areas of highest concentration are shown in red,
deposit, which is represented by 30 grid blocks in yellow and blue. One particle cluster (labeled C in
Fig. 3, would be represented by six blocks if mapped the inset) is associated with a large channel scour
at the same scale as the synthetic deposit. Riemersma filled with a tabular body of Gmc with discontinuous
et al. (1996) constructed indicator variograms for the lenses of Gow (e.g., see location C1 in Fig. 3 and
Stoughton and synthetic deposits and showed that Fig. 4). Underlying both of these facies is Fm=Fl,
the correlation ranges for the hydrofacies in the which fills in the base of the channel scour and
Stoughton deposit are on the order of 10’s of meters is relatively continuous, extending from C2 to C3.
while the ranges for the synthetic deposit are on The area labeled D in the inset contains particles
the order of 100’s of meters. From this result, it that traveled through the tabular sheet-like body of
appears that, at least at the scale considered in this Gmc, labeled D1 in Fig. 3. Another particle cluster
study, the Stoughton deposit is less well connected in the lower right hand corner of the inset (shown in
than the synthetic deposit. Lithofacies=hydrofacies yellow and red) is associated with Gow at the exit
Gmc is known to be laterally extensive at other face. In other simulations (Aiken, 1993; Aiken and
sites in the proximal environment. Well logs in the Mickelson, 1995), particle clusters were associated
vicinity of the Stoughton site show some evidence with multiple, superimposed channel scours.
of larger-scale sand-filled channels on the order of Because of the complex interfingering of facies
100’s of meters at this site as well, suggesting that at the Stoughton site, correlations between zones of
at larger scales, the Stoughton deposit could exhibit high particle concentration and their associated fa-
stronger connectivity of hydrofacies. cies are obvious in only a few places. These zones
The hydrofacies distributions shown in Figs. 3 have three characteristics in common. They contain a
and 6 were input to groundwater flow models based high-conductivity hydrofacies such as Gow or Gmc.
on the code MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh, Secondly, they are laterally continuous. Finally, the
1988). A mean hydraulic conductivity was assigned high-conductivity hydrofacies are constrained by rel-
to each hydrofacies as listed in Tables 2 and 4. An atively finer-grained facies such as Fm=Fl, which
hydraulic gradient was imposed across each system may form channel boundaries. These low-conductiv-
and MODFLOW was used to solve for the head ity facies act as boundaries that keep the particles
distribution. Numerical experiments with the particle confined within the high-permeability flow paths.
tracking code PATH3D (Zheng, 1991) were used The results of particle tracking experiments in the
to trace paths of imaginary particles through each synthetic deposit were reported by Webb and An-
medium. A constant effective porosity of 0.20 was derson (1996) and show that particles are channeled
assigned to all hydrofacies in order to isolate the into pathways formed by hydrofacies G=Gm con-
effect of contrasts in hydraulic conductivity. nected to Sh and St (Fig. 6). Webb and Anderson
Although the Stoughton deposit seemingly is less (1996) showed that similar channeling of particles
well connected than the synthetic deposit, the parti- occurs even when the six hydrofacies are grouped
cle tracking experiments for the Stoughton deposit, into two hydrofacies with a hydraulic conductivity
as reported by Aiken (1993) and Aiken and Mick- contrast of 1.25 orders of magnitude. The preserva-
elson (1995), exhibited preferential flow paths. In tion of preferential flow under a bimodal hydraulic
both the Stoughton and the synthetic deposits, par- conductivity distribution indicates the strong direc-
ticles that initially were uniformly distributed at the tional control that is exerted by the internal structure
up-gradient end of the model clustered along prefer- of high-conductivity channels.
ential flow paths during transport.
The results of one particle tracking experiment
in the Stoughton deposit is shown in the inset of 5. Summary and conclusions
Fig. 3, which shows the downgradient (western) face
of the sediment block through which the particles Lithofacies and hydrofacies were mapped in a 50
exited the system. The colors on the exit face shown m by 60 m by 3.3 m thick proximal braided stream
in the inset represent particle concentrations. The deposit in Stoughton, Wisconsin (Fig. 3), using pho-
M.P. Anderson et al. / Sedimentary Geology 129 (1999) 187–199 197

tomosaics, GPR profiles and field sketches of the of most hydrologic problems and with high resolu-
outcrop. In a second, related study, a composite set tion; (2) relate facies deposits to expected=observed
of field data was developed from data collected by hydraulic controls, such as channel location and
others (Mosley, 1982; Brierley, 1989). This data set, discharge rates; (3) account for both spatial and
which consists of more quantitative information than temporal variability; (4) allow point sampling at
is typical for sedimentological studies, was used to various scales; (5) be conditioned to existing site
calibrate a depositional model that generated a 400 data; and (6) allow for multiple realizations based
m by 400 m by 2.6 m block of sediment, which con- on a random component and uncertainty in input
tains hydrofacies representative of medial braided parameters.” While numerous models are available
stream deposits (Fig. 6). In both the Stoughton and for hydrogeological simulation, for the most part,
the synthetic sediment sequences, there are con- the required input data are lacking. The combined
nected hydrofacies that form preferential flow paths efforts of hydrogeologists and sedimentologists will
in aquifers. Numerical models were used to simulate be required to develop ways to collect the field data
groundwater flow through each sequence of sedi- needed for these models.
ments and to trace the movement of imaginary parti-
cles through the representations of the two deposits.
These experiments demonstrate that connected hy- Acknowledgements
drofacies having high hydraulic conductivity act as
preferential flow paths through which particles (as Funding for this project was provided by grants
surrogates for contaminants) are funneled. from the State of Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinat-
While the lithology and distribution of sedimen- ing Council, the American Association of Petroleum
tary units is certainly important when describing the Geologists, and the Environmental Restoration and
hydrogeology of a sedimentary sequence, the con- Waste Management Fellowship program adminis-
nection among units of high hydraulic conductivity tered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the
has special importance in hydrogeological inves- U.S. Department of Energy. The authors are grateful
tigations involving contaminant transport. Existing to two journal reviewers for helpful comments on an
studies in the sedimentological literature typically earlier version of the manuscript.
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