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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.

0 at
// © DonovanWall

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study("Resampling Reverse Engineering Bands [DW]", shorttitle="RREB [DW]",

//This is an experimental study designed to reverse engineer price levels from

centered oscillators at user defined sample rates.
//This study aims to educate users on the process of oscillator reverse
engineering, and to give users an alternative perspective on some of the most
commonly used oscillators in the trading game.

//Reverse engineering price levels from an oscillator is actually a rather simple,

straightforward process.
//Rather than plugging price values into a function to solve for oscillator values,
we rearrange the function using some basic algebraic operations and plug in a
specified oscillator value to solve for price values instead.
//This process tells us what price value is needed in order for the oscillator to
equal a certain value.
//For example, if you wanted to know what price value would be considered
“overbought” or “oversold” according to your oscillator, you can do that using this

//In this study, the reverse engineering functions are used to calculate the price
values of user defined high and low oscillator thresholds, and the price values for
the oscillator center.
//This allows you to visualize what prices will trigger thresholds as a sort of
confidence interval, which is information that isn't inherently available when
simply analyzing the oscillator directly.

//This script is equipped with three reverse engineering functions to choose from
for calculating the band values:
// -> Reverse Relative Strength Index (RRSI)
// -> Reverse Stochastic Oscillator (RStoch)
// -> Reverse Commodity Channel Index (RCCI)
//You can easily select the function you want to utilize from the "Band Calculation
Type" dropdown tab.

//These functions are specially designed to calculate at any sample rate (up to 1
bar per sample) utilizing the process of downsampling that I introduced in my
Resampling Filter Pack.
//The sample rate can be determined with any of these three methods:
// -> BPS - Resamples based on the number of bars.
// -> Interval - Resamples based on time in multiples of current charting
// -> PA - Resamples based on changes in price action by a specified size. The PA
algorithm in this script is derived from my Range Filter algorithm.
// The range for PA method can be sized in points, pips, ticks, % of price, ATR,
average change, and absolute quantity.
//Utilizing downsampled rates allows you to visualize the reverse engineered values
of an oscillator calculated at larger sample scales.
//This can be rather beneficial for trend analysis since lower sample rates
completely remove certain levels of noise.
//By default, the sample rate is set to 1 BPS, which is the same as bar-to-bar
calculation. Feel free to experiment with the sample rate parameters and configure
them how you like.

//Custom bar colors are included as well. The color scheme is based on disparity
between sources and the reverse engineered center level.

//In addition, background highlights are included to indicate when price is outside
the bands, thus indicating "overbought" and "oversold" conditions according to the
thresholds you set.

//I also included four external output variables for easy integration of signals
with other scripts:
// -> Trend Signals (Current Resolution Prices) - Outputs 1 for bullish and -1 for
bearish based on disparity between current resolution source and the central level
// -> Trend Signals (Resampled Prices) - Outputs 1 for bullish and -1 for bearish
based on disparity between resampled source and the central level output.
// -> Outside Band Signal (Current Resolution Prices) - Outputs 1 for overbought
and -1 for oversold based on current resolution source being outside the bands.
Returns 0 otherwise.
// -> Outside Band Signal (Resampled Prices) - Outputs 1 for overbought and -1 for
oversold based on resampled source being outside the bands. Returns 0 otherwise.
//To use these signals with another script, simply select the corresponding
external output you want to use from your script's source input dropdown tab.

//Reverse engineering oscillators is a simple, yet powerful approach to incorporate

into your momentum or trend analysis setup.
//By incorporating projected price levels from oscillators into our analysis
setups, we are able to gain valuable insights, make (potentially) smarter trading
decisions, and visualize the oscillators we know and love in a totally different

//I hope you all find this script useful and enjoyable!


//Conditional Sampling EMA Function

Cond_EMA(x, cond, n)=>
var val = array.new_float(0)
var ema_val = array.new_float(1)
if cond
array.push(val, x)
if array.size(val) > 1
array.remove(val, 0)
if na(array.get(ema_val, 0))
array.fill(ema_val, array.get(val, 0))
array.set(ema_val, 0, (array.get(val, 0) - array.get(ema_val, 0))*(2/(n +
1)) + array.get(ema_val, 0))
EMA = array.get(ema_val, 0)
//Conditional Sampling RMA Function
Cond_RMA(x, cond, n)=>
var val = array.new_float(0)
//Interval Based New Sample Function
New_sample_t(n, o)=>
sample_scale = timeframe.isseconds ? "S" : timeframe.isintraday and not
timeframe.isseconds ? "" :
timeframe.isdaily ? "D" : timeframe.isweekly ? "W" : "M"
New_sample_t1 = newbar(tostring(n*timeframe.multiplier) + sample_scale)
New_sample_t = New_sample_t1[o] ? 1 : 0

//Range Size Function

rng_size(scale, qty, per_) =>
atr_ = qty*Cond_EMA(tr(true), time != time[1], per_)
ach1 = qty*Cond_EMA(abs(close - nz(close[1])), time != time[1], per_)
ach_ = nz(ach1, atr_)
rng_size = scale=="Pips" ? qty*0.0001 : scale=="Points" ?
qty*syminfo.pointvalue :
scale=="% of Price" ? close*qty/100 : scale=="ATR" ? atr_ :
scale=="Average Change" ? ach_ : scale=="Ticks" ?
qty*syminfo.mintick : qty

//Price Action Based New Sample Function

New_sample_p(x, scale, qty, t, smooth, st, o)=>
r1 = rng_size(scale, qty, t)
r2 = Cond_EMA(r1, time != time[1], st)
r = smooth ? r2 : r1
var pa_line = 0.0
if abs(x - pa_line) >= r
pa_line := x
New_sample_p1 = pa_line != pa_line[1] ? 1 : 0
New_sample_p = New_sample_p1[o] ? 1 : 0

//Conditional Sampling Reverse Engineering RSI Function

Cond_RRSI(x, cond, n, v)=>
var gain = 0.0
var loss = 0.0
var av_gain = 0.0
var av_loss = 0.0
var RS = 0.0
var RSI = 0.0
var gain_proj = 0.0
var loss_proj = 0.0
var dist = 0.0
var RRSI = 0.0
var vals = array.new_float(0)
if cond
array.push(vals, x)
if array.size(vals) > 2
array.remove(vals, 0)
if array.size(vals)==2
gain := array.get(vals, 1) > array.get(vals, 0) ?
abs(array.get(vals, 1) - array.get(vals, 0)) : 0
loss := array.get(vals, 1) < array.get(vals, 0) ?
abs(array.get(vals, 1) - array.get(vals, 0)) : 0
av_gain := Cond_RMA(gain, cond, n)
av_loss := Cond_RMA(loss, cond, n)
RS := av_gain/av_loss
RSI := 100*(1 - (1/(1 + RS)))
gain_proj := RSI < v ? ((v*(n - 1)*av_loss)/(100 - v)) - (n -
1)*av_gain : 0
loss_proj := RSI > v ? (((100 - v)*(n - 1)*av_gain)/v) - (n -
1)*av_loss : 0
dist := gain_proj - loss_proj
RRSI := array.get(vals, 1) + dist

//Conditional Sampling Reverse Engineering Stochastic Function

Cond_RStoch(x, cond, n, ns, v)=>
var hvals = array.new_float(0)
var lvals = array.new_float(0)
var xvals = array.new_float(0)
var kvals = array.new_float(0)
var svals = array.new_float(2, 0.0)
var H = 0.0
var L = 0.0
var k = 0.0
var RStoch = 0.0
if cond
array.set(svals, 1, array.get(svals, 0))
array.push(hvals, high)
array.push(lvals, low)
array.push(xvals, x)
if array.size(xvals) > 1
array.remove(xvals, 0)
if array.size(hvals) > n
array.remove(hvals, 0)
array.remove(lvals, 0)
H := array.max(hvals)
L := array.min(lvals)
k := 100*(x - L)/(H - L)
array.push(kvals, k)
if array.size(kvals) > ns + 1
array.remove(kvals, 0)
array.set(svals, 0, array.get(svals, 1) + array.get(kvals,
array.size(kvals) - 1) - (array.size(kvals) <= ns ? 0 : array.get(kvals, 0)))
RStoch := ((v*ns - array.get(svals, 1) + (array.size(kvals) <= ns ? 0 :
array.get(kvals, 0)))*(H - L)/100) + L

//Conditional Sampling Reverse Engineering CCI Function

Cond_RCCI(x, cond, n, v)=>
var c = 0.015
var m = 0.0
var vals = array.new_float(0)
var dvals = array.new_float(n)
var RCCI = 0.0
if cond
array.push(vals, x)
if array.size(vals) > n
array.remove(vals, 0)
if array.size(vals)==n
for i = 0 to (n - 1)
array.set(dvals, i, abs(array.get(vals, i) - array.avg(vals)))
RCCI := c*v*array.avg(dvals) + array.avg(vals)


//Source Price
src = input(defval=close, title="Input Source Price")

//Band Type Selection

band_type = input(defval="RRSI", options=["RRSI", "RStoch", "RCCI"], title="Band
Calculation Type ═══════════════════")

//Resampling Method
s_method = input(defval="BPS", options=["BPS", "Interval", "PA"], title="Resampling

//Sample Size Inputs

s_size = input(defval=1, minval=1, title="Bars Per Sample (For BPS Method)")
i_mult = input(defval=1, minval=1, title="Sampling Interval Multiplier (For
Interval Method)")
rng_qty = input(defval=0.0, minval=0, title="Range Sample Threshold (For PA
rng_scale = input(defval="Average Change", options=["Points", "Pips", "Ticks",
"% of Price", "ATR", "Average Change", "Absolute"], title="Range Scale (For PA
rng_per = input(defval=14, minval=1, title="Range Period (For PA Method -
Applies To Dynamic Range Types)")
smooth_range = input(defval=true, title="Smooth Range (For PA Method - Smooths
Dynamic Ranges)")
smooth_per = input(defval=27, minval=1, title="Smoothing Period (For PA Method)")

//Sample Offset
s_off = input(defval=0, minval=0, title="Sample Cycle Offset ═══════════════════")

//RRSI Inputs
rsi_per = input(defval=14, minval=2, title="RSI Period")
rsi_ht = input(defval=70.0, minval=50, maxval=100, title="RSI High Threshold
rsi_lt = input(defval=30.0, minval=0, maxval=50, title="RSI Low Threshold Value

//RStoch Inputs
stoch_per = input(defval=14, minval=2, title="Stochastic Period")
stoch_sper = input(defval=1, minval=1, title="Stochastic Smoothing Period")
stoch_ht = input(defval=80.0, minval=50, maxval=100, title="Stochastic High
Threshold Value")
stoch_lt = input(defval=20.0, minval=0, maxval=50, title="Stochastic Low
Threshold Value ═══════════════════")

//RCCI Inputs
cci_per = input(defval=20, minval=2, title="CCI Period")
cci_ht = input(defval=100.0, minval=0, title="CCI High Threshold Value")
cci_lt = input(defval=-100.0, maxval=0, title="CCI Low Threshold Value

//BPS Sample Trigger

new_sample1 = New_sample(s_size, s_off)

//Interval Sample Trigger

new_sample2_1 = New_sample_t(s_size, s_off)
new_sample2 = s_size==1 ? 1 : new_sample2_1

//Range Filter Values

new_sample3_1 = New_sample_p(src, rng_scale, rng_qty, rng_per, smooth_range,
smooth_per, s_off)
new_sample3 = rng_qty==0 ? 1 : new_sample3_1

//Final Sample Trigger

new_sample = s_method=="BPS" ? new_sample1 : s_method=="Interval" ? new_sample2 :

//Resampled Price Value

var float ds_src = na
ds_src := new_sample ? src : ds_src

//RRSI Band Values

rrsi_h = Cond_RRSI(src, new_sample, rsi_per, rsi_ht)
rrsi_l = Cond_RRSI(src, new_sample, rsi_per, rsi_lt)
rrsi_m = Cond_RRSI(src, new_sample, rsi_per, 50)

//RStoch Band Values

rstoch_h = Cond_RStoch(src, new_sample, stoch_per, stoch_sper, stoch_ht)
rstoch_l = Cond_RStoch(src, new_sample, stoch_per, stoch_sper, stoch_lt)
rstoch_m = Cond_RStoch(src, new_sample, stoch_per, stoch_sper, 50)

//RCCI Band Values

rcci_h = Cond_RCCI(src, new_sample, cci_per, cci_ht)
rcci_l = Cond_RCCI(src, new_sample, cci_per, cci_lt)
rcci_m = Cond_RCCI(src, new_sample, cci_per, 0)

//Band Selection
hband = band_type=="RRSI" ? rrsi_h : band_type=="RStoch" ? rstoch_h : rcci_h
lband = band_type=="RRSI" ? rrsi_l : band_type=="RStoch" ? rstoch_l : rcci_l
mband = band_type=="RRSI" ? rrsi_m : band_type=="RStoch" ? rstoch_m : rcci_m

//External Output Variables

var trend_out1 = 0.0
trend_out1 := src > mband ? 1 : src < mband ? -1 : trend_out1
var trend_out2 = 0.0
trend_out2 := ds_src > mband ? 1 : ds_src < mband ? -1 : trend_out2
obos_out1 = src > hband ? 1 : src < lband ? -1 : 0
obos_out2 = ds_src > hband ? 1 : ds_src < lband ? -1 : 0

bar_color = (src > mband) and (src >= ds_src) ? ((src > src[1]) ? #00ff66 :
#008b00) :
(src < mband) and (src <= ds_src) ? ((src < src[1]) ? #ff0066 :
#8b0000) : #cccccc
mcolor = ds_src > mband ? #00ff66 : ds_src < mband ? #ff0066 : #cccccc
bg_color = src > hband ? #00ffcc : src < lband ? #ff00cc : #000000


//Resampled Source
plot(ds_src, color=#ffffff, style=plot.style_circles, title="Resampled Source")

//Band Plots
mplot = plot(mband, color=mcolor, linewidth=2, transp=0, title="Central Threshold
hplot = plot(hband, color=#00ff66, linewidth=2, transp=0, title="High Threshold
lplot = plot(lband, color=#ff0066, linewidth=2, transp=0, title="Low Threshold

//Band Fills
fill(hplot, mplot, color=#00ff66, title="High Band Fill")
fill(lplot, mplot, color=#ff0066, title="Low Band Fill")

//Bar Color

//Background Colors
bgcolor(#000000, transp=0)

//External Outputs
plot(trend_out1, transp=100, editable=false, display=display.none, title="External
Output - Trend Signal (Current Resolution Prices)")
plot(trend_out2, transp=100, editable=false, display=display.none, title="External
Output - Trend Signal (Resampled Prices)")
plot(obos_out1, transp=100, editable=false, display=display.none, title="External
Output - Outside Band Signal (Current Resolution Prices)")
plot(obos_out2, transp=100, editable=false, display=display.none, title="External
Output - Outside Band Signal (Resampled Prices)")

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