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Bachelor of Elementary Education


A Study of Historical Significance of Eugenio Daza y

Salazar to the Boronganons

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Readings in Philippine History

Aberia, Charllote

Gagate, Judy Ann O.

Yaona, Vangie A.

January 2020


TITLE PAGE.................................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................2
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................4
Background of the Study...........................................................................................4
Statement of the Problem..........................................................................................5
Significance of the Study...........................................................................................6
Objective of the study................................................................................................6
Scope and Delimitation..............................................................................................7
Definition of Terms.....................................................................................................7
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.................................................8
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................13
Research Design.....................................................................................................13
Respondents of the Study.......................................................................................13
Locale of the study...................................................................................................13
Research Instrument...............................................................................................14
Data Gathering Procedure.......................................................................................14
CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...........................................................15
Summary of the study..............................................................................................19

This study was conducted to determine the historical significance of Eugenio Daza y

Salazar to Boronganons. The researchers used descriptive-analytic design in

gathering data needed in the study. The study was conducted within Borongan City.

The researchers used purposive sampling to determine the respondents in the

present study. Professionals and non professionals will be selected to be the

respondents of the study. A total of 20 respondents were involved in the study. Self-

made interview questions were distributed in gathering the data.

According to the data gathered, the following conclusions were formulated:

Majority of the participants know that Eugenio Daza is a hero through his leading

during the bloody encounter in Balangiga Massacre. Some of the respondents stated

that Eugenio Daza became the first teacher in Eastern Samar. Generally,

respondents knew who was Eugenio Daza y Salazar.

The researchers aim to introduce Eugenio Daza y Salazar through his legacy. He

was the first teacher in Borongan Eastern Samar who also established a school

named Eugenio S. Daza Pilot Elementary School. There he fulfilled the dream of his

province mate which is to acquire education. However, his passion to teach was

stopped during the Philippine Revolution in 1896. According to Rosario Daza Sual

he joined the Filipino soldiers and became a major under General Claro Guevara.

The researchers offered several recommendations, foremost is the furtherance of the



Background of the Study
As long as history is concerned, our local and national heroes as well must be

given significance and paid with due or utmost respect through commemorating their

exemplary contributions. History is the reflection of our cultures, values and beliefs

(Burchum, 2002). Historical awareness is a fundamental part of culture and heritage

preservation and management. It requires commitment and support (Shankar and

Swamy, 2013). One of the basic reasons to the damage of heritage is the lack of

awareness to the public (Shankar and Swamy, 2013). Our local heroes might have a

less space for people's attention and interest. In today's generation, challenges may

continue to prevail such, students may see teaching of history as irrelevant, since it is

already inculcated in the past (Burchum, 2002). Students in particular must be

historically aware and knowledgeable. It is required to be historically and culturally

aware to be a competent graduate (Burchum, 2002; Mfa, Reddy-Linga, Kucko and

Prestwood, 2013). It has already been argued that any development that is not

entrenched thru the local community's awareness is bound not to succeed (Zerudo,

2008). The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, 2010) recognizes

the importance of including history in the teaching curriculum as a vehicle of

transmitting historical awareness to the people. It is important to localize the

teaching, start from micro-level, introducing local heroes first before proceeding to

the macro level of perspective (UNWTO, 2010). According to Heritable Innovation

Trust, (2012) people should make a conscious effort to understand the importance of

each country's customary and historical knowledge.

In today's generation, it might be a little difficult to impart and cascade

historical knowledge, particularly to those who comprise the so called "millennial

generation", (Funtecha, 2008). This rapid change brought by the advancement of

technology, and to the changes of culture, arises of new and forgetting of old, thus

affecting the history that leads in neglecting, forgetting and losing the sense of value

of our past (Manaog and Aguado, 2017). According to Dr. Funcheta (2008) in order

to understand and consequently, appreciate Philippine History, one should first know

the history of his own locality and its contribution to its regional and overall nation-

building. Development is good, it is for all, but should not be a hindrance in enriching

the culture of the society with the awareness of its local history. Local history is not

only important in the development of our local community but also in the full

understanding of ourselves (Field, 2006). Thus we look backward in order to go

forward (Field, 2006)

With this problem then, the researchers want to conduct this study to

strengthen people's historical consciousness and to take away students reluctance in

studying history. Also this will attempt to provide a local campaign for our history and

promote cultural heritage in our community that will be beneficial to City Government

and to the people.

Statement of the Problem

This study will seek to find out the historical significance of Eugenio Daza y Salazar

to Boronganons.

Specifically, this will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the contributions of Eugenio Daza y Salazar in Borongan?

2. What is the biography of Eugenio Daza?

3. How Boronganons memorialize Eugenio Daza?

Significance of the Study

The researchers expected that this study will be beneficial to the following:

To the community, who will give importance to the heroic deeds of Eugenio S. Daza

during his lifetime.

To the school, who will be responsible in introducing Eugenio Daza as one of

Borongan’s local hero.

To the teachers, who will teach their students about the history of Balanggiga

Encounter together with the leadership Eugenio S. Daza over the Encounter.

To the students, who will appreciate history to the extent that they become

passionate in studying it.

To the researchers, who seeks to find out the historical significance of Eugenio S.

Daza to the Boronganons.

To the future researchers, who are willing to further study the significance of

Eugenio Daza to Boronganons.

Objective of the study

The study attempts to determine the following research objectives:

1. Determine the significance of Eugenio Daza to the Boronganons.

2. Recognize the contributions of Eugenio Daza in Borongan.

Scope and Delimitation
The study is focused on the historical significance and contributions of

Eugenio S. Daza during his lifetime to the Boronganons.

The researchers limited the study in the study in the local community of

Borongan Eastern Samar, particularly with 25 respondents.

Definition of Terms
Boronganon- People from Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines.

Eugenio Daza y Salazar - A school teacher from Borongan, Eastern Samar who led

the Balangiga Massacre.

Historical significance - is the process used to evaluate what was significant about

selected events, people, and developments in the past. ( Bradshaw, 2004)



According to Esteban de Ocampo, a historian, he defines a hero as a

prominent figure who accomplished an admirable feat in any significant action/event,

and who is honored after death due to his/her service to the nation.

American clergyman, activist and leader in the African-American civil rights

movement, Martin Luther King Jr. is the best known for his role in the advancement

of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. He led the first African-American

non- violent demonstration with the bus boycott which began in 1955 and led to the

end of segregation on buses. He is one of the heroes of human rights and his tireless

advocates have made the world a better place to live (Breyer, 2017).

George Washington was a farmer and became a commander in chief of the

Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-83).As he led the

victory of colonial forces against the British and capture British troops under General

Charles Cornwallis in Yorktown, Virginia. This ended the Revolutionary War and

Washington was declared a national hero of America, and served for two terms as a

U.S. President from 1789 to 1797 ( Editors, 2019).

John Adams was a farmer and a lawyer, and later became the second

president of the United States of America. Adams was criticized publicly by the

people for defending the British soldiers of the Boston Massacre, believing the

soldiers were provoked. Even though he defended British soldiers; he fought for

America's independence from Great Britain. It was him who convinced Thomas

Jefferson to write the declaration of independence, where most ideas in the

declaration of independence are the ideas of Adam's, and Ad John Adams was one

of the first to sign it (Park, 2017).

Benjamin Franklin was an American scientist, inventor, politician,

philanthropist and business man. He is the one who signed all the three documents

that freed America from Britain. He also negotiated the treaty of Paris that ended the

Independence War against Britain (, 2019).

Mahatma Gandhi was a leader of the nationalist movement against the British

rule of India. Wherein he was considered as the father of his country (Britannica,

2020). Gandi's life and teachings inspired many liberationists of the 20th century,

such as Dr. Martin Luther King in United States, Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko in

South Africa, and Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar. Every year on the October 2

(which is his birthday) is celebrated as a National Holiday in India (History, 2019)

Nelson Mandela was the first president of the South Africa. He changed the

world by simply wishing to be treated equally (Barett, 2006). He is a living proof that

one man can make a difference (Hansen, 2006). He became an inspiration to other

Southern African people to end the evil system of apartheid (Bryden, 2006).

William Kyle Carpenter is the youngest loving soldier who received the Medal

of Honor. He received the prestigious award because of his outstanding bravery in

Afghanistan. He protected his friend from a hand greenade that was thorwn on the

rooftop in November 2010. Both men survived because of Carpenter’s heroism

(Weir, 2015). He was only 21 at the time when he throw his body onto a live grenade

which caused him to lose most of his teeth, his right eye, broke his jaw, and broke his

arm in some places (Weir, 2015).

Through Executive Order No. 75 issued on March 28, 1993, the late President

Fidel V. Ramos created the national heroes Commission, which is assigned to study

and reccomend national heroes (Hannah Mallorca, 2017).

Filipino will not enjoy today's democratic life without those heroes who

devoted their lives to obtain freedom. The commission was also assigned to

evaluate, reccomend, and come up with these criteria: Heroes are those who have a

concept of nation, and aspire and struggle for the nation's freedom. Heroes define

and contribute to a system of life of freedom and other for a nation. Heroes contribute

to the quality life, and destiny of the nation. Heroes think of the future, especially of

the future generations (Hannah Mallorca, 2017). However, the given qualifications of

the National Heroes Commission, historians and researchers reflect the continuing

quest to remember significant personalities who made a difference the Philippine

history (

Melchora Aquino, popularly known as "Tandang Sora", we who were taught

Philippine History by rote, have come to know her through the stately appellation,

“Mother of Katipunan" but barely appropriated the role she played in the revolution

(Paraiso, 2012). Tandang Sora both risked life and livelihood to clandestinely support

the needs of the Katipunan. Through her generous spirit, Tandang Sora provided

food, shelter, medicines and motherly comfort for weary and injured Katipuneros. As

a recognized community leader, she mobilized her countrymen for the Revolution

and her selfless efforts heartened to continue on the struggle (Paraiso, 2012).

Julia Felipe, a young pianist and composer, composed the Filipino national

anthem, calling it "Marcha Nacional Meglado" which aptly impressed Aguinaldo

(Roces, 2012). Felipe drew inspiration from his country's sufferings. He expressed

his love for his country with his music (Roces, 2008).

Former President Manuel L. Quezon was moved by compassion during the

Holocaust. It was late 1930’s when Adolf Hitler massacred 6 million Jews during the

Holocaust. Quezon made a policy which welcomed more than 10,000 Jews to the

Philippines, though he planned to welcome more Jews (Business World, 2019).

Located in the heart of Visayas, Bohol became the battle ground for Filipinos

who rose in arms against the Spaniards in pursuit for absolute freedom. The most

prominent from which is Francisco Dagohoy - the ring leader of the uprising that

looted for 85 years (Palafox, 2017). This movement aimed to made Bohol once more

a land of free men, can be considered as one of the earliest victory of Filipinos over

the Spaniards as the islands fell into the hands of the natives. Dagohoy was an

excellent leader who success fully attained Boholano's independence. His

indomitable courage and fearless heroism carried on the fight for independence

(Palafox, 2017).

Andres Bonifacio is one of the heroes who fought for the liberty of the country.

It was him who founded the underground movement that ended the Spanish regime.

He knew that the success of the revolution rested on the unity of Filipino people. But

the obscurity of Andres Bonifacio's life and the controversial about his death made it

difficult to define his role in the nation's history. Despite of this controversial and

through all these shifts, we honor heroes like Bonifacio who fought with dignity for

love of the country by keeping them alive as symbols of the universal quest for

freedom, social, justice, and solidarity. (David, 2013)

Don Eugenio Daza became a well-known "maestro" as the first teacher of the

province of Borongan, Eastern Samar, after his graduation from Escuela Normal de

Maestros, a Jesuit institution. This was his dream to fulfill the dream of his province

mate which is to acquire education. On the other hand, his passion to teach was

stopped because of the Philippine Revolution in 1896. He was only 26 years old

when he joined the Philippine Revolutionary Forces in Samar to fight for Philippine

Independence (Alice Nicart, 2011). He was the "Brain of the Balangiga Massacre ".

He planned and directed the guerilla uprising against the US forces who according to

his granddaughter Teresita Baltazar had guns while Daza and his guerrillas had only

"sundang", but they won the victory against the foreign forces (Alice Nicart, 2011).


Research Design
The researchers employed descriptive- analytic design in gathering data

needed in the study. It described and analyze the historical significance of Eugenio

Daza to Boronganons. With the help of descriptive- analytic design the researchers

must have an in-depth and broad understanding regarding the topic that will suffice

the need of the study.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers used purposive sampling in selecting respondents. The

respondents of the study was selected from the Eugenio S. Daza Pilot Elementary

School which includes the principal and (5) teachers; and the researchers also

selected the respondents from (5) Borongan citizens, (5) students from Eastern

Samar National Comprehensive High School and (4) relatives of Eugenio Daza with

a total of 20 respondents.

Locale of the study

The study conducted in the City of Borongan, Eastern Samar. The place has

approximately 69,297 population. Professionals and non professionals was selected

to be the respondents of the study. The researchers chose to administer the study in

this place because the subject of the research is a Boronganon, by the name of

Eugenio y Daza Salazar.

Research Instrument
The instrument used to conduct the research is research-interview. These

used to support the present study.

The research-interview questions was composed of questions about the

significance of Eugenio Daza to Boronganons.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher conducted a personal interview, where it was done face to face

between the researchers and the respondents to have an in-depth and high degree

of confidence on the data.

The researchers visited personally to Eugenio S. Daza Pilot Elementary School and

in Borongan City to ask permission to the respondents of the study and it has been

granted to conduct an interview in regard to Eugenio Daza.



In this chapter, the results and findings of this study was presented and discussed as

derived from the interview data with 20 respondents.

First of all, the respondents said that Eugenio Daza y Salazar was a teacher from

Borongan City who moved with his family to Catbalogan during the Philippine-

American War, and there in Catbalogan he became part of the Filipino soldiers.

The following statements are from the respondents:

“Yes I know him. I know that he is a Boronganon who moved to Catbalogan together

with his wife and children. And he fought for our freedom against Americans.”

(interviewee 2)

Interviewee 5 added:

“Eugenio Daza was actually a teacher who was trained by the Jesuits. He married

Carolina Cinco of Catbalogan, Samar. During the Philippine – American War,

together with his family they moved to Catbalogan. There he joined the Filipino

soldiers and he became a major under Gen. Claro Guevara.”

Interviewee 8 also added:

“ I know that he taught in the public school here in Borongan, and later on he

established school in Borongan which was later named as the Eugenio S. Daza Pilot

Elementary School (ESDPES).”

Eugenio Daza was a well-known first teacher in the Province of Eastern Samar.

When he became a teacher and established a school, he fulfilled the dreams of his

fellow kababayans to acquire education.

He was also the reason why Boronganons enjoy their freedom today. He fought

against the American forces together with his guerrillas and they emerged a

victorious against them.

Interviewee 1 stated that:

“Eugenio Daza was an important figure because he does not only serve to our

country as a soldier, but he also gave his service to the Filipino people as educator,

revolutionary leader, and a member of the first Philippine Assembly in 1907.”

Interviewee 10 added:

“He was a brave soldier and a leader who fought against the American forces for the

liberty of the Borongan with only sundang.

Interviewee 7 also added:

“ As he became a teacher and established a school in Borongan, he fulfilled the

dream of the people to acquire education.”

To commemorate the good deeds of Eugenio Daza, the former President Fidel V.

Ramos declared November 15, 1996 as “Don Eugenio Daza Day” in the province of

Eastern Samar.

Interviewee 1 stated:

“ We don’t have an event in school ESNCHS that commemorate Eugenio Daza, but

every November 15, the province of Eastern Samar commemorate his day.”

Interviewee 6 added:

“There's a proclamation that declared November 15, 1996 as “Don Eugenio Daza

Day” to commemorate the invaluable service of Eugenio Daza to our country and to

all Filipino people.”

In general, participants knew was Eugenio Daza. The interviewees said that Eugenio

Daza was born on November 15 1870 in Borongan, Eastern Samar. He became the

first teacher in Eastern Samar after he graduated in Escuela Normal de Maestros, a

Jesuit institution. He also established a school in Borongan which was later named

as Eugenio S. Daza Pilot Elementary School.

Daza married a lady from Catbalogan, Samar named Carolina Cinco, and they had 7

children. Together with his family they moved to Catbalogan. So his passion to teach

was cut short when he joined Filipino soldiers and became a major under Gen. Claro

Guevara. Daza planned and directed the Filipino soldiers in the encounter against

American forces in Balangiga, Eastern Samar. He and his guerrillas had only

sundang while Americans had guns with them. Despite of the advantages in weapon

of Americans, they still won against them. This made the Balangiga liberated from

the foreign forces and stopped the American forces to invade other places in Eastern

Samar like Borongan.

To commemorate the heroic deeds of Eugenio Daza in Borongan, the former

President Fidel V. Ramos declared November 15, 1996 as “Don Eugenio Daza Day”.

To continuously remember that Eugenio Daza fought for our freedom and that we

are forever grateful for what he did as an educator, and a revolutionary leader.



Summary of the study

This study investigated the historical significance of Eugenio Daza y Salazar

to Boronganons through unveiling some of his contributions as well as the story of

his life. Twenty (20) respondents residing in the City of Borongan were included as

participants of the study. An interview was used as the main instrument to gather the

necessary data.

Majority of the participants know a bit of Eugenio Daza’s life, such as they

mentioned that Daza became the brain of the bloody encounter held in Balangiga

Eastern Samar which took on 28th of September 1901 during the Philippine-

American War. Some of the respondents also stated that Daza became the first

teacher in the province of Eastern Samar and that he established an elementary

school by his name Eugenio S. Daza Pilot Elementary School. Generally, Eugenio

Daza’s significance lied on his establishment of school and through teaching as a

public teacher at the municipal school in Borongan. Moreover, he also became a

revolutionary army which lead the attack in Balangiga against the invading Amarrican

troops, which eventually ended victorious for the Filipino. This victory headed by

Eugenio Daza prevented the possible further invasion of American army in other

places of the Province of Eaatern Samar.

The overall impression of the findings is that Eugenio Daza is an important

figure of history not just for the reason of his heroic deeds amidst the Balangiga

encounter but as well as because he left a very important legacy to the Boronganons

and that is the school Eugenio S. Daza Pilot Elementary School. This only proves

that Eugenio Daza viewed education as a significant right of human beings.

Therefore, Eugenio Daza deserves to be recognized and appreciated, as he belongs

to the unsung heroes. He should be hailed just as how we hail our national heroes.

In the light of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

1.The students should become fully aware of their local history, appreciate and

recognize our local heroes just as how they recognize national heroes.

2. The Government of Borongan City, as the responsible for promoting and

preserving the local history of Borongan City, must create activities and programs in

line with the purpose of promoting and enriching our local history.

3. The Borongan citizens must participate actively and willingly in all activities and

programs that the City Government will conduct in relation to the expansion of

knowledge and understanding of local heroes and local history.

4. To the researchers, continue to do researches about Eugenio Daza and other

local heroes in order to promote our unsung heroes thus enriching and preserving

our local history, which is an important part of our identity.

5. To the future researchers, this study serves as a basis for further research study

on the historical significance of Eugenio Daza y Salazar to Boronganons. Similar

studies should be conducted by other students so as to bring about improvement of

understanding regarding our local history and for the unsung heroes to be hailed and

recognized for their exemplary deeds for the country.


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