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Marketing 106

Prepared by: Jeruel Jay T. Castillo BSBA MM3

Submitted to: Junry Heyres
Learning Objectives:
at the end of this lesson my co-students must be
able to :

• Learn what is Price Value

• What is the Importance of price value
• Discuss the difference between price and
• The Relationship Between Price and Value
• Discuss the law of demand and supply
-Price value is a strategy

of setting prices primarily based on a consumer's perceived

value of a product or service. Value pricing is customer-

focused pricing, meaning companies base their pricing on

how much the customer believes a product is worth.

Importance of price value
- Value-based
pricing ensures that your customers feel happy
paying your price for the value they're getting. Pricing
according to the value your customer sees in your
product prevents you from short-changing yourself
while creating an experience for customers that's
most aligned with their expectations.
Difference between price and value
- Price is what you pay for something, or
what the market thinks something is
worth; value is what you think it is worth.
Relationship between Price and Value
-Price is relative to value and it is very important to promote
price along with the value of the product. However, price by itself
does not give any value. A brand that fails to offer any value is
usually perceived as being expensive, despite it being cheaper
since the customer see no value in it.
-It results to be the primary role of marketing to ensure that the
pricing strategy that they use relate the price of the products
with its value. Two products that look to be similar may have
different price regarding their value.
Discuss the law of demand and supply
- The law of
demand says that at higher prices, buyers will
demand less of an economic good. The law of supply
says that at higher prices, sellers will supply more of
an economic good. These two laws interact to
determine the actual market prices and volume of
goods that are traded on a market.

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