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AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow

Group Nos: 1 ,3, 5, 7, 9

1. Present analysis of the case.
2. What do you think is the strongest argument in favor of adopting Workforce
2020? What is the weakest?
3. How do you evaluate AT&T's efforts to date? What are its strengths and
weaknesses? Would you call it a success or a failure?
4. Do you find the employment models proposed by Donovan and Benko to be
compelling? Why or why not?
5. What would be the biggest compliments and complaints you would have about
the model from the perspective of:
 Chief Executive Officer
 Learning & Development officer
 Union representative
 Older middle-skilled worker
 Front line manager of 20 hourly workers
 Hourly worker who has been at AT&T for less than a year
6. What specific changes would make Workforce 2020 more effective?

Recruitment of a Star
Group Nos: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

1. Present analysis each candidate
2. Whom should Stephen Connor hire? Why?
3. Imagine yourself in the place of each of the candidates. What strengths would you
bring to light during the interview with Stephen Connor? How would you distinguish
yourself with other candidates?
4. Evaluate the selection and Hiring process at Rubin, Stern and Hertz. What changes, if
any, would you recommend?

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