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Q3.How do you evaluate AT&T's efforts to date?

What are its strengths and

weaknesses? Would you call it a success or a failure?
Talking about the strengths weaknesses and efforts of workforce2020. Looking at the strengths,

● Creation of opportunities for employees: AT&T's "Career Tools" assisted employees in

identifying relevant job opportunities in the company based on their skill set, and for any role, the
pool of potential internal candidates would be evaluated first before external hiring. This also
resulted in significant cost savings for AT&T. The "Career Intelligence Tool" listed all of the
information about a specific job's growth over time or decline based on industry requirements and
assisted employees in planning accordingly based on retraining.

● Personalized Learning as well as peer learning: AT&T's "Personal Learning Tool" assisted
employees in identifying the skill sets required for a specific job role ahead of time and providing the
resources to acquire those skill sets in order to take on the desired jobs.

Peer Learning: AT&T's "Open Learning Engine" provided employees with an interactive peer learning
environment in which they could endorse their peers' skills or join a study group. Employees
interested in receiving advanced training were also encouraged to participate in the "Collaborative
Experiential Learning Lab (CELL)" to gain a hands-on and collaborative approach to emerging

●EXTERNAL LEARNING COLLABORATIONS: They also work with external organizations to help
create opportunities for our employees to offer a variety of programs to create curriculums
for high demand complex skills

● Career Coaching: AT&T hired several "Skills Pivot Coaches" to advise employees on their
competency gaps and what skills they can acquire to bridge those gaps. The use of the "Career
Intelligence Tool" and the "Personal Learning Tool" assisted in removing the barriers between
people moving across departments, allowing AT&T to retain more workforces with solid
organizational knowledge.


● Increased layoffs among union workers: Due to the disparity in access to the WF2020 programme
between union and non-union workers, there had been an increase in layoffs among union workers.
By 2016 49% of AT&Ts workforce consisted of union represented employees a decline from 55% in
2016, primarily from customer service and network maintenance positions,

●Low employee motivation: Despite the fact that AT&T provided tools and platforms to employees,
they did not emphasise the importance of selecting roles for employees and motivating employees
to participate in retraining programmes. As a result, a sizable number of employees did not consider
the WF2020 programme to be a worthwhile use of their time.

●Complaints regarding very rapid learning: Employees who attempted to improve their skills
through the retraining programme found the technology and training programme difficult to keep
up with. Employees have expressed concern about being retrained for 15 hours per week, and with
the rapid pace of technological evolution, the training schedule would become more rigorous.

Talking about the outcomes, The training initiatives, which reached 210,000
employees in 2021, created a culture of continuous learning and skills development.
So we can say it is a win win for the employer and employees who were willing to learn and
upgrade their skills, those employees who could not keep up with the training requirements
were no longer working there. so The efforts have led to reduced training time, improved
employee performance, reduced operational costs and revenue growth, as well as better
talent attraction, engagement and retention. The next part would be explained by shubdha

●Less concern for employees: AT&T's WF2020 programme did not care whether employees could
keep up with the retraining schedule, and the programme instead became a tool to lay off
employees. This took its toll on senior employees, who were forced to spend more time on their
own in order to keep up with the technologies that AT&T was offering in training.

● Individual skills were prioritised less: AT&T focused more on the quantitative data provided by the
programme to hire or retain employees rather than emphasising individual skills that are valuable to
the organisation.

We’re committed to helping our employees grow along with our company by
developing the skills that they – and AT&T– need today and in the future.
With personalized training, mentoring and career development programs through
their internal training organization, AT&T University. they invested about 158 million
dollars in direct employee training and professional development programs and
delivered 15 million hours of training in 2021 – 43 hours per employee. 8 Our Chief
Diversity & Development Officer has oversight over training and career development.

they have training designed for all employees throughout their career: new hire training,
continuous training for a current role and skills transformation training for a potential future
role. They encourage management and nonmanagement employees to be the strongest
contributors and leaders possible through internal job-based and leadership development
training, tuition aid, and various external training and development programs.
Of the approximately 15 million hours of training recorded in 2021, more than 670,000 hours
were devoted to skills transformation. Also, in 2021, almost 58% of AT&T management
employees have engaged in skilling programs provided or subsidized by the company

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