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Which of the following is TRUE in terms of the different professionals involved in

(Psychologists are able to give diagnosis while psychometrician may help them
integrate a report)
If a person was observed to express mental disorder in the past, ancient Chinese,
Egyptians, Greeks
and Hebrews attributed it to ________. (Possession)
During the Middle Ages in Europe, if you were perceived as a person who is suffering a
disorder, you are labelled as (a) _______. (Witch)
Carl Roger had a very specific methodology which differed from most personality
theorist such that.
(He was a consummate therapist but only a reluctant theorist)
Because Suzanne has an unconscious sexual attraction to her father, she behaves
seductively toward
her therapist. Suzanne’s behavior is most likely a form of. (Transference)
What is the best description of clinical psychology? (The application of psychological
science to the
assessment and treatment of mental disorder)
In the history of psychology’s development as a science, which of the following is true of
John B.
Watson contribution? (He proposed countering arguments apposing the work of
Wilhelm Wundt and
Edward Titchner)
The famous French neurologist that taught Freud hypnotic technique, initially for treating
(Jean Martin Charcot)
If you are told by your friend that a certain disorder has high prevalence, then that might
(There are a lot of people have that particular disorders in certain population)
A problem with defining abnormal behavior in terms of deviation from statistical norms is
that this
definition. (Does not specify how unusual the behaviour must be to be considered as
Adler proposed that every person begins life with physical deficiencies that activate
feelings of
inferiority. However, the difference is that healthier individuals strive for. (Success for all
Vina is a psychologist who deals with a variety of psychologically disturbed clients. She
focuses on
unresolved issues of the client such as unconscious aggressive impulses towards father
figures and
intrapsychic conflicts. She is probably using a. (Psychodynamic perspective)
By the end of the experiment conducted by E.L. Thorndike, he concluded that.
(Providing a positive
consequence for a behaviour strengthens it)
Which physician has received specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of
disorders? (Psychiatrist)
Illnesses like tajin kyofusho and ataque de nervios are only predominant in Japan and in
Caribbean, respectively. What does this connote when explaining abnormal behavior in
relation to
culture? (Culture is one of the factors to be considered when explaining abnormality)
Suppose Freud and Skinner were talking about a person who washes his hands too
much. (Freud
would say that the hand washing is just a symptom of some inner, unconscious
Hippocrates is regarded as the father of modern medicine. What important
breakthrough did he
have pertaining to the development of mental disorders? (Mental illness is brought
about by the
imbalances of body fluids inside in a person)
Which of the following would not be used in Person-Centerd Therapy? (Diagnosis)
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the specialized training
needed to
prepare people to provide professional assistance to those who suffer from mental
disorders? (There
are many forms of specialized training involved)
When you suddenly develop a crush on someone out of nowhere and for no apparent
because that heart wants what it wants then your feeling has a/an. (Actual onset)
You have suspected that Roby might be suffering from a anxiety disorder. The parents
requested you
to assess him even without administration of any psychological assessments tools.
What does the
ethical code recommend you to do as a licensed professional? (Do not make
assumptions as long as
no assessment procedure has been done)
Mr. Cruz’ client reported that he was being told by voices inside his head that he was
not good
enough. As he delved deeper in assessing the client, he discovered that his family
degrades him ever since he was a child. How did the Mr. Cruz go about his assessment
of his client?
(Mr. Cruz made use of psychosocial assessment in determining the cause of his
patient's mental
It is important that the psychologist give feedback to his or her client about their testing
results to
give the client an opportunity to improve just from gaining insight from the psychological
conducted. (The statement is true)
A news media outlet outdated a government official by saying she “failed” a
evaluation. The PAP released a statement by saying that no one can be deemed as
passing or failing a
psychological evaluation. All reasons are support this statement except: (A
psychological assessment
is often conducted for a specific purpose and should only be used for thay purpose)
A psychologist administered a test that claims to provide some information about a
person’s disorder.
When the result of that test came back, the psychologist told the client,” Sir, you have
personality disorder.” What can you say about this diagnosis? (It is not valid because
diagnosis need
data from other test as well)
This is a test property that determines the test’s fixed administration, scoring and
It is important to be familiar with the cultural norm of the client when making a diagnosis
(We might identify behaviour as abnormal when, in the cultural context of the client, it is
Which of the following individuals are least likely to develop schizophrenia? (Person
schizophrenic fraternal twin raised apart)

would say that the hand washing is just a symptom of some inner, unconscious
Hippocrates is regarded as the father of modern medicine. What important
breakthrough did he
have pertaining to the development of mental disorders? (Mental illness is brought
about by the
imbalances of body fluids inside in a person)
Which of the following would not be used in Person-Centerd Therapy? (Diagnosis)
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the specialized training
needed to
prepare people to provide professional assistance to those who suffer from mental
disorders? (There
are many forms of specialized training involved)
When you suddenly develop a crush on someone out of nowhere and for no apparent
because that heart wants what it wants then your feeling has a/an. (Actual onset)
You have suspected that Roby might be suffering from a anxiety disorder. The parents
requested you
to assess him even without administration of any psychological assessments tools.
What does the
ethical code recommend you to do as a licensed professional? (Do not make
assumptions as long as
no assessment procedure has been done)
Mr. Cruz’ client reported that he was being told by voices inside his head that he was
not good
enough. As he delved deeper in assessing the client, he discovered that his family
degrades him ever since he was a child. How did the Mr. Cruz go about his assessment
of his client?
(Mr. Cruz made use of psychosocial assessment in determining the cause of his
patient's mental
It is important that the psychologist give feedback to his or her client about their testing
results to
give the client an opportunity to improve just from gaining insight from the psychological
conducted. (The statement is true)
A news media outlet outdated a government official by saying she “failed” a
evaluation. The PAP released a statement by saying that no one can be deemed as
passing or failing a
psychological evaluation. All reasons are support this statement except: (A
psychological assessment
is often conducted for a specific purpose and should only be used for thay purpose)
A psychologist administered a test that claims to provide some information about a
person’s disorder.
When the result of that test came back, the psychologist told the client,” Sir, you have
personality disorder.” What can you say about this diagnosis? (It is not valid because
diagnosis need
data from other test as well)
This is a test property that determines the test’s fixed administration, scoring and
It is important to be familiar with the cultural norm of the client when making a diagnosis
(We might identify behaviour as abnormal when, in the cultural context of the client, it is
What is the literal meaning of the word psychopathology? (Pathology of the mind)
A researcher was able to predict that in every increase of 1 hour of sleep, there will also
be an
increase of two points in the right answer on math problem. What particular statistics
allowed the
researcher to do so? (Regression)
We can decrease Type I error? (Level of Alpha)
Viktor develop a scale which examines the level of resilience of takers. He then used it
to examine its
likelihood of detecting suicidal risk. This is an example of? (Predictive validity)
Placebo effect manifest when? (Subjects provide treatment for a behaviour when there
is no
treatment provided)
We can say that a research instrument is ___________ if it is consistent? (Reliable)
The following are reasons we need scientific methodology EXCEPT? (To provide
intended conclusion)
This validity examines how well a test would NOT measure other construct beyond what
it opt to
measure? (Discriminant)
Research of Albert Bandura as utilized in MTRCB is likely associated with? (External
Which statement would explain the concept of etiology? (Child abuse causes
Which one is true about correlation? (The correlation coefficient can either be positive or
depending on the relationship)
Which one explains operational definition of dependent variable? (Ways where
variables are
measured after exposure to a condition)
This step is taken into consideration to strengthen internal validity of participants?
Which would BEST compare Control group and experimental group? (The former is
unexposed to
treatment than the latter)
Which best resolve Placebo effect and Rosenthal effect? (Double-blind experiment)
Which statement is LEAST likely the reason that makes research in Clinical Psychology
(Psychological concepts are examined in various steps of knowing)
Research results in abnormal psychology are typically examined of its applicability in
the therapeutic
process and judgment? (Clinical significance)
While researchers control various variables as possible in research, it is important to
balance this
with how the result is applicable beyond the research protocol? (Generalization)
Which should be considered first in planning a statistical test to employ? (Level of
Which BEST describes Patient Uniformity Myth? (Discredit the innate heterogeneity of
the patient


Which of the following is TRUE in terms of the different professionals involved in
(Psychologists are able to give diagnosis while psychometrician may help them
integrate a report)
If a person was observed to express mental disorder in the past, ancient Chinese,
Egyptians, Greeks
and Hebrews attributed it to ________. (Possession)
During the Middle Ages in Europe, if you were perceived as a person who is suffering a
disorder, you are labelled as (a) _______. (Witch)
Carl Roger had a very specific methodology which differed from most personality
theorist such that.
(He was a consummate therapist but only a reluctant theorist)
Because Suzanne has an unconscious sexual attraction to her father, she behaves
seductively toward
her therapist. Suzanne’s behavior is most likely a form of. (Transference)
What is the best description of clinical psychology? (The application of psychological
science to the
assessment and treatment of mental disorder)
In the history of psychology’s development as a science, which of the following is true of
John B.
Watson contribution? (He proposed countering arguments apposing the work of
Wilhelm Wundt and
Edward Titchner)
The famous French neurologist that taught Freud hypnotic technique, initially for treating
(Jean Martin Charcot)
If you are told by your friend that a certain disorder has high prevalence, then that might
(There are a lot of people have that particular disorders in certain population)
A problem with defining abnormal behavior in terms of deviation from statistical norms is
that this
definition. (Does not specify how unusual the behaviour must be to be considered as
Adler proposed that every person begins life with physical deficiencies that activate
feelings of
inferiority. However, the difference is that healthier individuals strive for. (Success for all
Vina is a psychologist who deals with a variety of psychologically disturbed clients. She
focuses on
unresolved issues of the client such as unconscious aggressive impulses towards father
figures and
intrapsychic conflicts. She is probably using a. (Psychodynamic perspective)
By the end of the experiment conducted by E.L. Thorndike, he concluded that.
(Providing a positive
consequence for a behaviour strengthens it)
Which physician has received specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of
disorders? (Psychiatrist)
Illnesses like tajin kyofusho and ataque de nervios are only predominant in Japan and in
Caribbean, respectively. What does this connote when explaining abnormal behavior in
relation to
culture? (Culture is one of the factors to be considered when explaining s hands too
much. (Freud
Which should provide the experimenter a chance to retain Null hypothesis? (0.065)
Children who suffer from selective mutism has a high risk in impeding their
communication, social
skills, and educational development. (True)
Troubled that she must begin to get ready for work an hour earlier than is necessary.
She needs the
extra time as she compulsively checks and rechecks all of the electrical appliances and
outlets in her
home. A doctor is likely to conclude that this behavior warrants a diagnosis of.
Compulsive Disorder)
JM experiences persistent feelings of dread, motor tension, and dry mouth, along with a
heart, light-headedness, and a tendency to be easily distracted. What would Lloyd’s
diagnosis likely
to be? (Generalised anxiety disorder)
What is considered to be the essential feature of an individual who is suffering from
Anxiety Disorder? Excessive fear of anxiety concerning separation from home or
attachment figures)
__________ phobias are excessive, irrational fears of objects or situations such as
snakes or heights.
Abrupt attacks of acute anxiety in which the individual may experience shortness of
breath, heavy
sweating and pounding of the heart that is not triggered by a specific object or situation,
is known as.
(A panic disorder)
Whenever Rita sees a clown, she feels suffocated and sweats profusely. She says she
finds them scary
and gruesome. When she attends birthday parties and knows that there are clowns
invited to
perform, she hastily makes excuses just to avoid the gathering.
Rita exhibits extreme fear of anxiety towards clowns. As the clown provokes fear and
unease in Rita,
the clown can be called as a: (Phobic stimulus)
Marsha is a firefighter who witnessed the death of a friend and coworker 6 months ago.
She tried to
save a child who was trapped in a burning building. Marsha is now having nightmares
and keeps
reliving the tragedy in her thoughts and dreams. She has been avoiding work and can’t
stand to hear
a siren. Marsha is most likely experiencing. (Post-tramumatic stress disrorder)
What is NOT TRUE when discussing anxiety disorders? (Anxiety disorders are difficult
to treat but
once treated, has lesser chanes of recurring)
An anxiety disorder can also be comorbid with another anxiety disorder. (True)
Emily constantly worries about her health. She has been to numerous doctors for her
concerns about
cancer and other serious diseases – even though she does not report current notable
symptoms – only to be reassured of her well-being. Emily’s anxiousness is exacerbated
by each small
ailment that she considers to be indications of a major illness. (Somatic Symptoms
A 60-year old man has prostate cancer. He is unable to go to work and is treated with
medication that results in hot flashes. Despite such symptoms, he is stoical, hopeful,
and not anxious.
What is the appropriate diagnosis? (No diagnosis

has been feeling this way for about a month. (Major depressive disorder)
. “I am the center of everyone else’s attention, and they can all see when I mess up.”
What thought
distortion is observed from the statement? (Making excessive self-reference)
Lana is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, single manic episode. Which of the following
would you expect to assess? (Elation, hyperactivity, impaired judgment)
The neurotransmitter serotonin is ____ for clients with major depressive disorder.
Orly likes to talk with his friends late at night because he have trouble sleeping for
almost 4 days in a
row. Whenever he talks with his friends, he easily gets distracted by other people talking
and will
later experience depressed mood or other symptoms of fatigue which can last for 2
weeks. Which
disorder is most close to his diagnosis? (Bipolar 2 disorder)
Rey has felt off for awhile now. He can’t seem to get happy even though he has so
many good things
going on in his life. Rey has great friends and famous in school, but none of that seems
to matter. Rey
used to love running and was on the track team, but he has given that up for now
competing isn’t all that thrilling anymore. Rey does still run, though. Rey has been
feeling mopey for
about two years. (Persistent depressive disorder)
Which of the following is a symptom of the manic phase of bipolar disorder? (Setting
Kirsten has lost several pounds and now weighs less than 90 pounds. She eats only a
small portion of
the food her mother serves her and fears that intake above her current 500 calories a
day will make
her fat. Since losing the weight, Kirsten has stopped having periods. (Binge-eating
Raj experiences a constant obstruction in nighttime breathing, most especially when
he’s asleep. He’s
experiencing: (Apnea)
Which among the following is the appropriate definition of Dyssomnia: (It involves
difficulties in
getting enough sleep, problems with sleeping when you want to, and complains about
the quality of
the sleep such as not feeling refreshed even though you have slept the whole night)
Bulimia nervosa is characterized by recurrent binge eating and inappropriate use of
behaviors. An example of a compensatory behavior is: (All of the above)
Lead poisoning, toxoplasmosis, and toxocara are all possible complications of which of
the following
disorders? (Pica)
Howard has been sleeping properly but he never felt refreshed when awake. Despite of
excessive sleepiness, and sleeping longer than the usual, he has been complaining
about it.
(Hypersomnolence disorder)
Jun eats large quantities of food in a short time. He then takes laxatives and exercises
for long
periods of time to prevent weight gain. She has been doing this almost daily for several
months and
feels she will become worthless and ugly if she gains even an ounce. (Bulimia Nervosa)
Which among the following is not true? (One general principle of treating circadian
rhythm disorders
is that phase advances (moving bedtime later) are easier than phase delays (moving
bedtime earlier)
ccording to the DSM, one of the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa is that:
(Individuals have a
body weight below 85% of their expected age and height)
Which among the following is not true. (Polysomnographic can assess comprehensively
picture of a
person's quality of sleep using a wristwatch-size device)
The major clinical study confirmed the disadvantages of stress reduction and exercised
in reducing
emotional distress and improving heart function and risk for future attacks in a group of
with established heart disease. (False)
This stage is the result of prolonged or chronic stress. A person on this stage
experiences fatigue,
burnout, decreased tolerance to stress, and worse, it could lead to death. (Exhaustion)
It has been evident that Anna is no longer active in school as she was a year ago. She
reported that
she’s feeling exhausted even if she’s not doing anything strenuous. She said that she
sometimes fails
to remember essential tasks, and she sometimes feels headaches, has a sore throat,
and cannot
sleep well at night. Anna is probably experiencing: (Chronic fatigue syndrome)
In a study by Spiegel about cancer patients, it was found out that the group receiving
therapy lived
twice as long on average (approximately 3 years) as the group who do not undergo
(about 18 months). (True)
Your sense of control is higher when you are depressed than when you are stressed.
Chronic reliance on medications lessens the efficacy of comprehensive programs in
headaches and may make the head worse because patients experience increased
headache pain
every time the medication wears off or is stopped. (True)
Lowering stress levels and having a rich social network of family and friends are
associated with
better health, living longer, and less cognitive decline as one ages. (True)
The term psychophysiological and psychosomatic were used to communicate similar
idea. (True)
Describing as psychosomatic a disorder with an apparent physical component gave the
that psychological (mental disorders of mood and anxiety did not have a strong
component. (True)
This identifies and eliminates foreign materials, called antigens, in the body. Antigens
can be any of
several substances, usually bacteria, viruses, or parasites. (Immune system)
A person who achieves sexual arousal and gratification by exposing their genitals to
strangers can be diagnosed with what? (Exhibitionistic disorder)
Samantha came into the office because she is unable to reach orgasm. She loves her
husband but has
stopped having sex with him already. What could her diagnosis be? (Female orgasmic
In order for a child to meet criteria for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, which of the
following must
be present? (A strong desire to be of another gender or insistence that on is another
Which of the following statements about the pedophilic disorder is true? (There is an

ty disorder (BPD) is true? (Follow up studies of individuals with BDP in outpatient clinics
have shown that 10 years later, as many as half of these individuals no longer meet full
criteria for
the disorder)
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder
(NPD)? (Persistence
at tasks long before the behaviour has ceased to be functional or effective)
Which of the following DSM-IV personality disorder diagnoses is no longer present in
(Personality disorder not otherwise specified)
A cardiologist requests a psychiatric consultation for her patient, a 46-year-old man,
because even
though he is adherent to treatment, she is concerned that he “seems crazy”. On
evaluation, the
patient makes poor eye contact, tends to ramble, and makes unusual word choices. He
is modestly
disheveled and wears clothes with mismatched colors. He expresses odd beliefs about
phenomena, but these beliefs do not seem to be of delusional intensity. His sister has
that he has been weird, keeps to himself and likes it that way. Which of the following
conditions best
explains this man’s odd behaviors and beliefs? (Schizotypal personality disorder)
A 36-year old woman has been holding the same position in the company for many
years already.
Considered for promotion already, she states that she is not smart enough and has to
check her
output because she doesn’t want to be laughed at by other people. Despite good
and critiques from the HR department, she is still hesitant to be promoted. Which of the
personality disorder would best explain this woman’s lack of job advancement?
(Avoidant personality
Excess of these neurotransmitters are said to cause bipolar disorder. On the other
hand, if on
depleted levels, cause unipolar depression. I. serotonin II. dopamine III. norepinephrine
epinephrine. (I and III)
The excess of this neurotransmitter is theorized to also cause schizophrenia.
James also exhibits symptoms of a co-occurring mood disorder. If the patients checks
out for a
schizoaffective disorder diagnosis, what should be put into consideration? (The
depressive episode
should occur separately from James' psychotic episodes)

A German psychiatrist who distinguished dementia praecox from manic-depressive

illness. (Emil
Which of the following symptoms best illustrates schizoid personality disorder? (Acture
discomfort in
close relationship, distorted thinking, and eccentric behaviour)
What would be the implication if it was discovered that there was an extensive drug use
methamphetamines in the medical history of James? (Detect whether the psychotic
episodes are an
immediate effect of the extensive drug use)
What is common among the following disorders? (bipolar disorder : schizophrenia :
suicide) (These
disorders have a high genetic causal factor)
Vincent believes the government is out to get him. He thinks agents follow him daily,
monitor his
calls, and read his mail. His roommate, Manalo, tried to convince him otherwise. After a
year of this,
however, Manalo began to believe Vincent was correct and the government was out to
get him, too.
(Shared psychosis)
Matthew has started to hear voices, and this has become very disturbing to him. He told
his parents
and recognizes that he needs to see a mental health professional for help. (Attenuated
Marc believes that his children are replaced by other children impersonating them. He
kept them
locked in a room for a day before his wife discovered what he did. What can be said
about Marc’s
delusion? (Marc suffers from Capgras' syndrome)
This disorder is characterized by having an irresistible urge to set fires and experiencing
a sense of
relief while the fire burns. (Pyromania)
Generally, gender-identity disorder usually involves what? (The rejection of one)
Bobby really enjoys observing unsuspecting strangers who are naked, disrobing, or
engaged in sexual
relations. Bobby may be defined as a(n) ________. (Voyeur)
In adolescents and adults, gender dysphoria diagnosis involves a difference between
experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, and significant distress or
problems function in
lasting for 6 months. (True)
Alucard gets very sexually excited by women’s’ shoes. While he used to fantasize about
wearing particular shoes, he now focuses almost exclusively only on the shoes
themselves. Alucard
has? (Fetishistic disorder)
Which of these statements is true regarding the differences in alcohol consumption and
between men and women? (Males tend to use more alcohol than females, female tend
to be more
biologically vulnerable to alcohol addictions then female)
What changes were made to the diagnosis of paraphilias and paraphilic disorder in
DSM-5? (A
distinction has been made)
Temporary physical and psychological symptoms that occur when use of an addictive
substance is

This is when individuals who try to stop their vices experience physiological and
symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, fevers and chills, boredom and anxiety.
Holt is about to go home from the bar after a night of drinking away his sorrows due to
his divorce.
He holds on to the railings of the sidewalk because he cannot maintain his balance. He
sluggishly and slowly towards his terminal although he does not realize that he is going
to opposite
direction. He also laughs to himself about something he finds funny. What statement
describes this
case most accurately? (Holt is experiencing substance intoxication)
Alvin also associates pain with sexual arousal, but Jan enjoys inflicting pain on others to
gain arousal.
Jan may be defined as a(n)? (Sadist)
Which of the following is the only non-substance-related disorder to be included in the
chapter Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders? (Gambling disorder)
Female hypoactive desire disorder and female arousal disorder are of different
diagnosis in DSM-5.
A Paraphilic Disorder is defined as what? (An attraction to inappropriate individuals and
A person may have this kind of disorder if he is fond of looking through the holes of the
comfort room in his boarding house. (Voyuerism disorder)
In the DSM-IV, there were 11 recognized substance classes, DSM-5 has only 10,
because certain
related substances have combined into a single class. Which of the following pairs of
drugs fall into a
class in DSM-5? (Cocaine and methamphetamine)
Which of the following substances is most likely to be associated with poly-drug use?
Which of the following is classified as a stimulant? (Methamphetamine)
Which of the following statements about caffeine-related disorders is true? (The
diagnosis of caffeine
withdrawal requires...)
Which of the following symptoms is a recognized consequence of the abrupt termination
of daily or
near-daily cannabis use? (Irritability)
How many remission specifiers are included in the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for
substance use
disorders? (True)
An individual who seeks, or has undergone, a social transition from male to female or
female to
male. (Transgender)
Transdermal drug administration means that a drug is ________. (Absorbed through the
An individual who transiently or persistently identifies with a gender different from his or
her natal
gender. (Transgender)
What is defined to be a condition in which a person develops intense cravings for the
substance and
the inability to control their behaviors in regards to obtaining and using it? (Addiction)
All of the following are effective ways for a woman to respond if she is exposed to an
EXCEPT? (Insult the exhibitionist)
Drugs in suppository form are absorbed into the bloodstream through the ________.
(Rectile or
vaginal wall)
An atypical sexual interest is different from a sexual dysfunction. (True)
The sexual disorder that is partly defined by the womans subjective sense that she does
not feel
aroused and partly by difficulties with vaginal lubrication is called __________ . (Female
Which of the following is false about Kleptomania? (People with Kleptomania often
remembers the
act of stealing)
Morphine, codeine, and heroin have what in common? (They are all opioids)
A person with paraphilia should be readily diagnosed as a disorder, even it does not
interfere with his
daily living. (False)
What is defined to be a regular and excessive use of a substance in spite of dangers?
This stage is the result of prolonged or chronic stress. A person on this stage
experiences fatigue,
burnout, decreased tolerance to stress, and worse, it could lead to death (Exhaustion)
This is the phenomenon that occurs during the transitional state between sleep and
awakening when
a person suddenly becomes unable to move and experiences a surge of terror akin to a
panic attack.
(Isolated sleep paralysis)
Kirsten has lost several pounds and now weighs less than 90 pounds. She eats only a
small portion of
the food her mother serves her and fears that intake above her current 500 calories a
day will make
her fat. Since losing the weight, Kirsten has stopped having periods. (Binge-Eating
It is a usual coping mechanism used excessively by patients with anorexia nervosa.
Which of the following statements about DSM-5 changes in the diagnostic criteria for
nervosa is TRUE? (The requirement for amenorrhea has been eliminated)
Describing as psychosomatic a disorder with an apparent physical component gave the
that psychological (mental disorders of mood and anxiety did not have a strong
component. (True)
Caleb experiences tremendous fear and terror night causing him to wake up screaming
hyperventilating. His parents’ efforts to calm him down are usually ineffective. When
asked what he
dreams about, he says that he does not remember. These are characteristics of? (Sleep
Howard has been sleeping properly but he never felt refreshed when awake. Despite of
excessive sleepiness, and sleeping longer than the usual, he has been complaining
about it.
(Hypersomnolence Disorders)

between psychological and social aspects to the physical problems)

This identifies and eliminates foreign materials, called antigens, in the body. Antigens
can be
(Immune system)
How many percentage of weight loss below body weight is necessary to diagnose
anorexia nervosa?
Bulimia nervosa is characterized by recurrent binge eating and inappropriate use of
behaviors. An example of a compensatory behavior is: (All of the above)
It has been evident that Anna is no longer active in school as she was a year ago. She
reported that
she’s feeling exhausted even if she’s not doing anything strenuous. She said that she
sometimes fails
to remember essential tasks, and she sometimes feels headaches, has a sore throat,
and cannot
sleep well at night. Anna is probably experiencing: (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Lowering stress levels and having a rich social network of family and friends are
associated with
better health, living longer, and less cognitive decline as one ages. (True)
The following is true about sleep terror except (Detailed recall of event)
The major clinical study confirmed the disadvantages of stress reduction and exercised
in reducing
emotional distress and improving heart function and risk for future attacks in a group of
with established heart disease (False)
The term psychophysiological and psychosomatic were used to communicate similar
idea. (True

Elena was noticed to eat a whole pie, a cake, and two bags of potato chips. After eating,
immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited the food that she ate. (Bulimia Nervosa)
Marcus believes that he is one of the infected zombies from a viral outbreak at Busan
station. With
this belief, he acts and speaks like a zombie to everyone he sees. James could be
having a type of
delusion called (Nihilistic Delusion)
Gio also exhibits symptoms of a co-occurring mood disorder. If the patients checks out
for a
schizoaffective disorder diagnosis, what should be put into consideration? (The
depressive episode
should occur separately from Gio)
How many symptoms in Criterion A must be met in order to meet the diagnosis for
(Two or more, and at least delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech are
Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are primarily motivated by a
need for
which of the following? (Control)
Due to her close friendship with Jamie, Brienne now believes that indeed her husband,
Robert, is
cheating on her with Cersei. What is described? (Folie a deux)
Mhon believes that he is a king who lives in a palace and is abundant with riches and
food. If this
delusion was thematically observed through the motivational view of delusions, what
would be the
MOST appropriate explanation? (Mhon lost his job and it caused him significant anxiety
and stress)
A client with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder has been given a day pass
from the
psychiatric hospital. The client is due to return at 6pm. At 5pm the client telephones the
nurse in
charge of the unit and says (Return on time or restrictions will be imposed)
All are specifiers for Delusional Disorder except one (Undifferentiated type)
Vexana firmly thinks that she is the daughter of Barack Obama, thus, she shouts at her
members if she is not treated fairly. (Grandiose delusion)
What kind of delusion is she showing? (Grandiose delusions)
Which of the following DSM-IV personality disorder diagnoses is no longer present in
(Personality disorder not otherwise specified)
Nica was being interviewed by her therapist. When she was asked for his full name, she
replied she
has to leave because she has to attend her own wedding. What kind of disorganized
response did
Nica give? (Tangentiality)
Which of the following is not a negative symptom of Schizophrenia? (Ansomia)
Which of the following behaviors or states would be highly unusual in an individual with
personality disorder? (An angry outburst at a college who criticizes his work)
This is an area in the brain that is most active during auditory hallucinations. It supports
the theory
that people who claim to hear voices actually hear their own thoughts and their own
voice. (Broca’s
What is the relationship between a history of conduct disorder before age 15 and the
diagnosis of
antisocial personality after age 18? (A history of some conduct disorder symptoms
before age 15 is
one of the required criteria for a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder in
If Gino fails to verbalize his answers when asked by the clinician, what negative
symptom is he
exhibiting? (Alogia)
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder
(NPD)? (Persistence
at tasks long after the behaviour has ceased to be functional of effective)
Julio believes the government is out to get him. He thinks agents follow him daily,
monitor his calls,
and read his mail. His roommate, Manalo, tried to convince him otherwise. After a year
of this,
however, Manalo began to believe Julio was correct and the government was out to get
him, too.
(Shared psychosis)
Jaime has a strong belief that his wife, Cersei, is cheating on him their neighbor, Robert
for months
now. Every time he goes to work he is suspicious of how Cersei turns her body towards
house. He believes it is their signal to begin their illicit affair. He also gets angry when
Cersei cooks
spaghetti because he knows that it is Robert’s favorite food. He sometime smells the
conditioner that Robert’s wife uses on his clothes and claims that is a sign that he has
just had sex
with his wife. What could apply to Jamie? (Delusional Disorder)
If Mark reported that he felt a lack of energy to enjoy the things that he found enjoyable
what negative symptom of schizophrenia is this? (Avolition)
In group therapy, you notice other clients on the unit avoiding a client diagnosed with
personality disorder. When discussing appropriate behavior in group therapy, which of
the following
comments is expected about this client by his peers? (Lack of honesty)
When caring for a client with a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder, the nurse
should do
what? (Respect a patient’s need for isolation)
Which of the following statements about the development, course, and prognosis of
personality disorder (BPD) is true? (Follow-up studies of individuals with BPD identified
in outpatient
clinics have shown that 10 years later, as many as half of these individuals no longer
meet full criteria
for the disorder)
Formed from two Greek words skhizein and phren, what is the literal translation of
(Split mind)
Shellie has started to hear voices, and this has become very disturbing to her. She told
his parents
and recognized that he needs to see a mental health professional for help. (Attenuated
What is common among the following disorders? (bipolar disorder : schizophrenia :
suicide) (These
disorders have a high genetic causal factor)
Odette reveals to her therapist that she hears numerous voices talking to her and giving
her orders.
Her doctor has just sent her to this therapist for what he believes to be a major
depressive episode.
She had begun to sleep all the time and contemplated suicide often. (Schizoaffective

gestures. If the child is suspected to have autism, which of

the exhibited behaviours is MOST likely to pertain to such diagnosis? (Lack of eye
Carlo is a young boy who was referred to you because he seems to lack eye contact
and incongruent
affect and facial expressions are also presented. Upon talking to the child, the child
would mumble
incoherent words and made few repetitive gestures. Carlo has been recommended for
therapy. What
therapy is LESS likely to be employed? (CBT

would say that the hand washing is just a symptom of some inner, unconscious
Hippocrates is regarded as the father of modern medicine. What important
breakthrough did he
have pertaining to the development of mental disorders? (Mental illness is brought
about by the
imbalances of body fluids inside in a person)
Which of the following would not be used in Person-Centerd Therapy? (Diagnosis)
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the specialized training
needed to
prepare people to provide professional assistance to those who suffer from mental
disorders? (There
are many forms of specialized training involved)
When you suddenly develop a crush on someone out of nowhere and for no apparent
because that heart wants what it wants then your feeling has a/an. (Actual onset)
You have suspected that Roby might be suffering from a anxiety disorder. The parents
requested you
to assess him even without administration of any psychological assessments tools.
What does the
ethical code recommend you to do as a licensed professional? (Do not make
assumptions as long as
no assessment procedure has been done)
Mr. Cruz’ client reported that he was being told by voices inside his head that he was
not good
enough. As he delved deeper in assessing the client, he discovered that his family
degrades him ever since he was a child. How did the Mr. Cruz go about his assessment
of his client?
(Mr. Cruz made use of psychosocial assessment in determining the cause of his
patient's mental
It is important that the psychologist give feedback to his or her client about their testing
results to
give the client an opportunity to improve just from gaining insight from the psychological
conducted. (The statement is true)
A news media outlet outdated a government official by saying she “failed” a
evaluation. The PAP released a statement by saying that no one can be deemed as
passing or failing a
psychological evaluation. All reasons are support this statement except: (A
psychological assessment
is often conducted for a specific purpose and should only be used for thay purpose)
A psychologist administered a test that claims to provide some information about a
person’s disorder.
When the result of that test came back, the psychologist told the client,” Sir, you have
personality disorder.” What can you say about this diagnosis? (It is not valid because
diagnosis need
data from other test as well)
This is a test property that determines the test’s fixed administration, scoring and
It is important to be familiar with the cultural norm of the client when making a diagnosis
(We might identify behaviour as abnormal when, in the cultural context of the client, it is
Which of the following individuals are least likely to develop schizophrenia? (Person
schizophrenic fraternal twin raised apart)

Fragile X syndrome... (Primarily affects males)

The chapter on neurodevelopmental disorders was created to express that these
disorders are
diagnosed in childhood and may continue until adulthood. (The statement is true)
A psychologist is assessing a child who has a diagnosis of ASD. Which of these clinical
supports this diagnosis? (Uninterested in playing with others)
Major or mild neurocognitive disorder (NCD) due to prion disease encompasses NCDs
with a group of subacute spongiform encephalopathies caused by transmissible agents
known as
prions. What is the most common prion disease? (Creutzfledt-Jakob disease)
Which of the following statements about the diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder due to
Huntington’s disease (NCDHD) is true? (NCDHD is a clinical diagnosis based on
abnormal physical
findings and family history/genetic findings.)
In intellectual disability, which of the following characteristics is not true? (The IQ must
be 50 below
for the diagnosis of intellectual disability)
If a child is diagnosed with a developmental coordination disorder, which among these
activities may
he find difficulty the LEAST? (Cooking his own meal)
The condition wherein an individual is born with an extra 21st chromosome. Individuals
with this
condition may have intellectual disabilities (Down syndrome)
This is the most prevalent type of neurocognitive disorder. (Neurocognitive disorder due
Alzheimer’s disease)
A psychologist is assessing a child who has a diagnosis of ASD. Which of these clinical
supports this diagnosis? (Uninterested in playing with others)
Which of the following is a core feature of major or mild neurocognitive disorder with
Lewy bodies?
(Fluctuating cognition with pronounced variations in attention and alertness)
Much-feared outcome of Alzheimer’s disease is (Senile dementia)
JM’s elderly grandfather in unable to recognize which is the hammer, pliers,
screwdriver, and utility
knife in the toolbox. His grandfather was just recently diagnosed with Major
Neurocognitive Disorder.
We can say that JM’s grandfather exhibits which symptom of MND? (Agnosia)
In the traditional classification of Intellectual Disability, in what level do individuals with
an IQ score
that ranges from 20-25 belong? (Severe)
___ described 11 children who, in the first few years of life, displayed more attention to
objects than
to people, avoided eye contact, lacked social awareness, had limited or no language,
and displayed
stereotyped motor activities (Leo Kanner)
Major and mild neurocognitive disorders (NCD) exist on a spectrum of cognitive and
impairment. Which of the following constitutes an important threshold differentiating the

diagnoses? (Whether or not the cognitive impairment is sufficient to interfere with

completion of activities of daily living)
When a child encounters production difficulties with phonological knowledge of speech
sounds or
the ability to coordinate movements for speech in varying degrees, he/she may be
diagnosed with:
(Speech sound disorder)
In the patient with mild neurocognitive disorder (NCD), which of the following would
probable from possible Alzheimer’s disease? (Evidence of a causative Alzheimer’s
disease genetic
mutation from either genetic testing or family history)
If you were to talk to a person with echolalia and say “Kumain ka na ba?”, how woulf
they respond?
(‘ka na ba?’)
The essential feature of the DSM-5 diagnosis of delirium is a disturbance in
attention/awareness and
in cognition that develops over a short period of time, represents a change from
baseline, and tends
to fluctuate in severity during the course of a day. Which of the following additional
conditions must
apply? (The disturbance must not occur in the context of a severely reduced level, such
as coma)
Involves having an IQ between 50 and 69 (Moderate Intellectual Disability)
Sheldon has suffered from cognitive deficits for her entire life. When she was a child,
she was
diagnosed as suffering from ‘mental retardation’. If she’s now rediagnosed with the
DSM-5 and found
to have the same symptoms, which label would replace her former diagnosis?
(Intellectual disability)
The diagnosis when motor tics are present for less than 1 year is (Provisional tic
Which of the following statements is least likely true about ADHD? (Many children with
ADHD do not
show deficits in neurological testing but they do on IQ tests.)
The following are causal factors for the development of ADHD except (Rhesus
You were psychoeducating parents of children with autism then one asked, “why do
they have
difficulty communicating with us?” The best response is (They have difficulty
understanding and
responding to social situations)
You asked, “what’s your name?” and the child responded, “what’s your name?” as well.
demonstrates (Echolaia)
Locsin is a senior citizen who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. He often needs
help with his
daily activities because sometimes he fails to recognize objects and cannot determine
what they are
used for. What is the symptom called? (Agnosia)
In order for an individual to be diagnosed with intellectual disability, she/he must have
an IQ (Below
In major or mild frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, which of the following is a
feature of the language variant? (Grammar, word-finding, or word-generation difficulty)
I. Symptoms need to persist for at least 6months in order to qualify for a diagnosis of
II. Stuttering is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder.

Which behavior is LEAST likely in conflict with ethical standards? (Acceptance of gift
from a partner of
a previous client about three years ago)
Which among the following is considered to be unethical? (Appropriately disguising the
information during lectures or classroom discussion)
You were asked by the court to submit your patient’s responses to the TAT, the raw
scores that your
patient obtained in several personality tests, and your notes regarding his behavior
assessment. Authorities told you that these will be used for cross-examination. Which of
following actions shall be considered ethical? (Just give the court the requested test
Weena is a licensed psychologist and currently working as an apprentice to a seasoned
While working on a case, she noticed that her senior might have misrepresented some
details in the
psychological assessment. What should be her BEST action to take? (Inform her senior
of her
observation and suggest necessary steps for mitigation)
In the 1950s, this was a rule that stated that an individual accused of a crime is not
responsible for
his/her unlawful act provided that it was due to a mental disease or defect. (Durham
As a future practitioner, one is bound to embody the statements in? (PAP COE)
What is the MOST appropriate action to do when a code of ethics is in conflict with a
particular law
or regulation? (Take appropriate action to mitigate conflict while maintaining committed
to the

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