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University of the Punjab


USHNA KHALID (s/2020-2534)

Trends and issues in sciences

Dr. Sumaira Rashid
Trends and issues of machine learning

Introduction of machine learning

Because of new computing technologies, machine learning today is not like machine learning of
the past. It was born from pattern recognition and the theory that computers can learn without
being programmed to perform specific tasks; researchers interested in artificial intelligence
wanted to see if computers could learn from data. The iterative aspect of machine learning is
important because as models are exposed to new data, they are able to independently adapt. They
learn from previous computations to produce reliable, repeatable decisions and results. It’s a
science that’s not new – but one that has gained fresh momentum.

“Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a
branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify
patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.”

Trend of machine learning

Automation through MLOps

Many businesses are investing significant time and resources into ML development because they
recognize its potential for automation.

When an ML model is designed with business processes in mind, it can automate a variety of
business functions across marketing, sales, HR, and even network security. MLOps and AutoML
are two of the most popular applications of machine learning today, giving teams the ability to
automate tasks and bring DevOps principles to machine learning use cases.

Read Maloney, SVP of marketing at, a top AI and hybrid cloud company, believes that
both MLOps and AutoML strategies eliminate several traditional business blockers. “Scaling AI
for the enterprise requires a new set of tools and skills designed for modern infrastructure and
collaboration,” Maloney said. Teams using manual deployment and management find they are
quickly strapped for resources and after getting a few models into production, cannot scale
beyond that.

Machine learning operations (MLOps), is the set of practices and technology that enable
organizations to scale and manage AI in production, essentially bringing the development
practice of DevOps to machine learning. MLOps helps data science and IT teams collaborate and
empowers IT teams to lead production machine learning projects, without having to rely on data
science expertise.

AutoML solves a few of the biggest blockers to ML adoption, including faster time to ROI and
more quickly and easily developing models. AutoML automates key parts of the data science
workflow to increase productivity, without compromising model quality, interpretability, and

With AutoML, you can automate algorithm selection, feature generation, hyper-parameter
tuning, iterative modeling, and model assessment. By automating repetitive tasks in the
workflow, data scientists can focus on the data and the business problems they are trying to solve
and speed time from experiment to impact. Automation through ML is desirable in theory, but in
practice, it’s sometimes difficult for business leaders to envision how ML tools can optimize
their business operations.

Amaresh Tripathy, SVP and global business leader at Genpact, a digital transformation and
professional services firm, offered some common examples of how MLOps and MLOps-as-a-
service help businesses in various industries. “One MLOps example is using AI models to
efficiently direct sales teams to identify the next best customer,” Tripathy said. Another is
optimizing pricing and revenue management systems using dynamic demand forecasting.”
Issue of machine learning

Lack of Quality Data

Data plays a significant role in the machine learning process. One of the main issues in
Machine Learning is the absence of good data. While upgrading, algorithms tend to make
developers exhaust most of their time on artificial intelligence. Data quality is fundamental for
the algorithms to work as proposed. Incomplete data, unclean data, and noisy data are the
quintessential foes of ideal ML.

Different reasons for low data quality are-

 Data can be noisy which will result in inaccurate predictions. This often leads to less
accuracy in classification and low-quality results. It is noted as one of the most common
errors faced in terms of data.
 Incorrect or incomplete information can also lead to faulty programming through
Machine Learning. Having less information will lead the program to analyze based on the
minimal data present. Hence, decreasing the accuracy of the results.
 For better future actions, the generalizing of input and output of past data is crucial. But a
common issue that occurs is the output data can become difficult to generalize.

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