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Essay AAS

Why did you choose your proposed course and institution*?

I am applying for a master’s program in Master of Engineering (Sustainable Energy) at RMIT University. I have a high
interest in resolving energy availability and renewable energy issues for industries through the recovery of waste heat
that produced by those industries to generate electricity power. I have a background as graduation of Mechanical
Engineering which concerned the final research in renewable energy field especially in waste heat recovery
technology. I also have work experience as a process engineer in palm oil industry which contains renewable energy
system using biomass as the power plant fuel to cover all electricity of the production process. Supported by my
background and experience in renewable energy project, I believe that this master’s program can prepare me to give
science contribution in renewable energy field for my country which standing as one of the biggest cement
manufacturers that have big waste heat potential to reach autonomy in power sector and be involved in supporting
sustainability development goals (SDGs).

My bachelor study on Mechanical Engineering has prepared me with a strong grounding in Thermodynamic as a
basic knowledge of all about energy which can contribute in developing myself swiftly to reach my future goal in the
master’s program. I have learned about Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer, of which I got the highest marks.
Furthermore, I have also learned about cement production process in one of the biggest cement industries in
Indonesia that is PT. Semen Padang when I was as a student on internship program. Then, I completed my study by
receiving the highest mark in the study program for my final-year undergraduate thesis on WHR technology and
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). For this reason, I have totally provided myself to perform well in my future study in
Master degree.

I have done some research on universities in Australia that offer a master’s program in Sustainable or Renewable
Energy. As one of my future goals is to develop renewable energy technology in Indonesia based on potential
resource in each area/province. For that reason, I need to find university that can provide me with strong practical
knowledge on energy resource management, energy storage system, environment impact knowledge, and many
more which RMIT University can be an option to realize that goal.

How will the proposed study contribute to your career*?

My future goal is to develop myself to be a specialist in the field of renewable energy. I would like to contribute
actively in addressing the issues faced about energy availability in the world especially in Indonesia. As a matter of
fact, most industries are still using non-renewable energy sources such as fossil energy in form of petroleum, coal,
and natural gas. That condition will certainly not only accelerate the depletion of the world's fossil energy reserves,
but will also cause various other environmental problems, such as global warming, acid rain, air pollution, and so on. I
have a strong commitment to develop renewable energy application so that it can be applied based on renewable
energy potential in each regency in Indonesia. Indonesia has almost all of renewable energy resources which is not
utilized properly. Starting with geothermal energy, bioenergy, wind energy, solar energy, etc. If I can play a significant
role as a researcher and collaborate with government in its relevant department, I can make a contribution in
utilization method of renewable energy potential, conducting need analysis, developing material, designing power
plant system, and environment assessment to reach a point where Indonesia can be a renewable energy pioneer in
the world. At this point, RMIT University will enable me to learn more about how renewable energy technology can be
integrated successfully into energy potential and how it can be useful as a means of energy independence in all of
Indonesia area.
How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform? (Be specific and
include: what aspect/s of your leadership knowledge, skills and practice you consider to be well established
and effective; which people or organisations you worked with to solve the problem; and what creative
methods were used.)*:

I was involved in some renewable energy projects during college especially in waste heat recovery technology and
bioenergy project. In 2017, I joined in waste heat recovery technology project in PT. Semen Padang as the biggest
cement industry in Indonesia. Cement industry has large waste heat potential in its production process especially in
clinker manufacturing process. The surplus of thermal energy of this process can be harvested and converted into
power. Depends on our research, the waste heat from the clinker process in PT. Semen Padang can generate 2,76
Megawatts electricity power. The electricity power generated by this waste heat offers several other benefits,
including reduced gas emissions and less dependency on external power suppliers. After that, I was also appointed to
supervise the simulation project in 2018 to determine the best mixture of palm oil factory’s solid waste (biomass) as
boiler fuel that produced the least potassium residue after combustion process in boiler. From the simulation process,
known that the least potassium residue can be obtained with 52% fiber waste (fixed parameter), 36% shell waste, and
12% empty fruit bunch waste to get long term scaling effect on boiler pipe. This project was done in PT. First
Resources as one of the biggest Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia. After graduated and joined in palm oil industry, I have
contributed to solve some problems in palm oil production process like improving sterilization process and reducing
unstripped fruit bunch because unoptimized threshing process.

In 2008, I was sent to a remote village in … for three months. Together with five other students, I carried out some
duties focusing how to improve ….. in the village. Prior to my departure, I had analyzed the issues faced by the
villagers, such as …… I read some research articles and learned some information from other countries that face
similar issues. Then, I came up with several alternatives to solve the issues and intended to implement it during my
stay in the village..

My first alternative solution was ……. However, unfortunately, after a couple of weeks of implementation, the
villagers…… After that, I decided to continue with my second alternatiive solution which was ….

In the end, i was able to address the issue of …. in the village. It taught me about …..

Please:- a) give up to three practical examples of how you intend to use the knowledge, skills and connections
you will gain from your scholarship. Possible tasks can be personal and/or professional; and
b) list any possible constraints you think may prevent you from achieving these tasks.*:

My first practical and realistic example will be working as a specialist in the field of education initiating published
research continuously and researching, developing, demonstrating, commercializing, designing and evaluating solar
thermal, solar fuels, wind and hydro, biomass, biofuels, hydrogen and other sustainable energy supply, storage and
utilization technologies to be introduced for all learners/students. I would like to back to Indonesia and subserve as a
researcher in my former university that is Universitas Sumatera Utara (North Sumatera University). In a duty as lecturer
in this university, I will initiate the students to take more their undergraduate research in renewable energy field.
North Sumatera is a province with the third highest palm oil producer in Indonesia. Supported by this situation, I can
suggest my students to develop the utilization of palm oil liquid or solid waste to support installation of renewable
energy system in North Sumatera province. After completing the campaign of renewable energy research in North
Sumatera University, I would like to make a research lab where the students can develop and invent the ideas about
renewable energy. Second,

Ambil tiga contoh hal – hal yang akan bisa anda lakukan setelah menyelesaikan studi dibidang yang diajukan nanti.

Jelaskan dengan rinci apa dan bagaimana anda melakukannya?

Buka website universitas, lalu lihat jurusan yang dituju. Disana, anda bisa menemukan karir atau tugas seperti apa
yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa di jurusan tersebut. Ini bisa membantu anda dalam memproyeksikan ketiga contoh
yang diminta ini.


My first practical and realistic example will be working with international organization focusing on school-aged
children’s education in remote areas. I will play a role in conducting the analysis of …… as well as designing the
appropriate curriculum for …. Second, … (Jelaskan contohnya apa, bagaimana peran anda, dengan juga
mengaitkannya dengan bidang studi yang anda ajukan disini.)

Jelaskan apa yang mungkin akan menjadi kendala anda dalam mengimplementasikan pengetahuan dan skill yang
didapat dari studi nanti.


Although technology may be the one that can cut the issue of distance and school building, it is still an expensive
thing in Indonesia. Funding will certainly become the challenge in order to have adequate technological resources in
… The other constraint is the national policy regarding …. Indonesia does not have a policy that supports …..

(Disini, jelaskan dengan terstruktur tentang apa saja yang akan menjadi tantangan dalam melaksanakan apa yang
disampaikan di bagian a. Bila memungkinkan, sampaikan juga alternatif solusi yang akan anda lakukan dalam
menghadapi tantangan ini.

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