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NIM : 20.53.022440


The river in our village is not like the river before. The color is now black with a
number of rubbish floating on the surface, ranging from plastic waste, stereophomes,
leaves, to clothes also floating in the river. The clean riverbanks have also changed.
Garbage that is scattered and in some corners there is also garbage piling up now a
common sight in our river. These are signs that our river is very polluted and the
water is no longer healthy. In fact, the river is one of our sources of water.

The river

Topic Sentence
The river in our village is not like the river before

Suppurting Sentence
The color is now black with a number of rubbish floating on the surface, ranging from
plastic waste, stereophomes, leaves, to clothes also floating in the river

Concluding Sentence
and we should protect the river from being polluted by not throwing garbage into the

The Transitional Signal/Linkers


 Stem machete
Once upon a time on the banks of the river Exciting, there lived people whose
main livelihood was fish. Then someone from the tribe told them that there was a log
(wooden tree) that had fallen that crossed to the other side of the river, which was
upstream not far from their place of residence. Then they hurried to see what was
happening, it's true what one of the people from the tribe said that there was a fallen
log. After some time, the tribal elders took action that the tree would be cut using a
machete (knife), then cut the tree until it was cut. And from there that place became
the name of the village of parang Batang, because the stems were cut using a

Once upon a time on the banks of the river Exciting, there lived people whose main
livelihood was fish

Then someone from the tribe told them that there was a log (wooden tree) that had
fallen that crossed to the other side of the river, which was upstream not far from
their place of residence

Then they hurried to see what was happening, it's true what one of the people from
the tribe said that there was a fallen log

the tribal elders took action that the tree would be cut using a machete (knife), then
cut the tree until it was cut. And from there that place became the name of the village
of parang Batang, because the stems were cut using a machete.

The Transitional Signal/Linkers


Comparison pattern
The theme of children's songs in the past is more varied and contains educational
messages that are beneficial for the mental-psychological development of children
when compared to children's songs today. The children of old have learned about
the greatness of God (Rainbow), the natural surroundings (See My Garden), love
(Oh, Mother and Father), transportation (Tamasya), and education (See Friends)
through these songs. The song is able to bring joy as well as broaden children's
knowledge. Compared to old songs, children's songs today lack a variety of themes.
The songs pay less attention to the values that children want to instill and pay more
attention to market needs. So, the theme is temporary because it follows changes in
market tastes. An element of similarity that is still found in these two song groups is
that the songwriters are still trying to create a cheerful and simple rhythm, like the
lives of the children themselves.

Comparison pattern

Topic Sentence
The theme of children's songs

Suppurting Sentence
in the past is more varied and contains educational messages that are beneficial for
the mental-psychological development of children when compared to children's
songs today. The children of old have learned about the greatness of God
(Rainbow), the natural surroundings (See My Garden), love (Oh, Mother and Father),
transportation (Tamasya), and education (See Friends) through these songs

Concluding Sentence
the songs of today should be more varied and educational like in the past, with
varied themes and high educational value

The Transitional Signal/Linkers

Persuasive Paragraph

Currently, technological developments in Indonesia are increasingly sophisticated

and cannot be stopped. Even now, it has become close to being a social problem
caused by technology. Technology does offer many positive benefits but also often
contains many negative impacts that can damage the morale of the nation's children.
One of the negative impacts of technology that we are now beginning to feel is our
indifference to our fellow human beings because it is too cool to use modern
technology which is commonly called handheld cell phones. The young generation of
Indonesia is currently a generation that is in crisis about caring for others. Another
negative impact of technological advances is that there are many cases of fraud
using social media as a result of higher technology. And the most important thing is
that now the victims are housewives. Because they play cell phones too often, it
becomes difficult for them to tell which things are real and which are just gossip.
Therefore, we should be wise in using technology. Let us protect our young
generation to become a modest generation .

technological developments

Topic Sentence
Currently, technological developments in Indonesia are increasingly sophisticated
and cannot be stopped

Suppurting Sentence
Technology does offer many positive benefits but also often contains many negative
impacts that can damage the morale of the nation's children.
One of the negative impacts of technology that we are now beginning to feel is our
indifference to our fellow human beings because it is too cool to use modern
technology which is commonly called handheld cell phones. The young generation of
Indonesia is currently a generation that is in crisis about caring for others.

Concluding Sentence
With the very rapid development of technology, it would be nice for us to react
properly without neglecting social life in society

The Transitional Signal/Linkers

Too, that

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