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Topic Sentences & Paragraph Creation

Part 1: Topic Sentences

1) Essay title: Universities Are Producing More Graduates Than Is Needed

Graduates are likely to command better pay packets than undergraduates.

Graduates are also more likely to get a promotion. There is one problem,
though. While the number of graduates is on the rise, there aren’t enough
jobs for all of them. That means a large of number of fresh graduates are
unemployed because they can’t find jobs that meet their level of academic

Topic Sentence:

2) Essay title: Some People Believe That In The Near Future, There Will Be
No Borders Between Countries

For example, a border is a must between India and Pakistan. This is

essential to stop infiltrators from entering the country. Likewise, there is a
strong border between the United States and Mexico and still controlling
the flow of drugs from Mexico to the US is quite hard. We can imagine what
would happen if there were no borders between these countries.
Obviously, borders are crucial for maintaining law and order. They prevent
anti-social elements from entering the country.

Topic Sentence:

3) Essay title: Some people think that a person improves their intellectual
skills more when doing group activities. To what extent do you agree?
This is because peer feedback allows individuals to refine their
understanding of concepts and to also learn new information from other
members in the study-group. For example, a study by The British Institute
for Learning found that, if individuals participated in study-groups, they had
a far more objective and sophisticated understanding of a topic than
learners who were not part of study-groups. Therefore, it is certainly the
case that learning in a group improves an individual’s mental abilities.

Topic Sentence:

Part 2: Paragraph Creation

For the next section you will need to write the whole body paragraph 2 for
the essay. Read the intro, body paragraph 1 and conclusion to get a grasp
of the general direction of the essay and write an appropriate body
paragraph 2. Remember the various components a good academic
paragraph needs. (Essay starts on the next page)

Title: Many governments in the world spend large amounts of money on art,
which helps to improve the quality of people’s lives. However, governments
should spend money on other things rather than art. Do you agree or disagree?
Give your opinion.
Societies with a heritage in the ‘arts’ have long been considered culturally
sophisticated and advanced. However, with the recent financial crisis this
lavishness and expense should be questioned. Tax-payers’ money has to be spent
practically rather than on cultural endeavours. Firstly, not everyone in society
appreciates art, and, secondly, employment should take precedence.

Art can bring quality into one’s life if you are interested. In society art-lovers are
typically in the minority, and other activities, such as sports are more popular.
Take football, for example. Across the globe it is obvious that there are more
people watching matches in stadiums than looking at sculptures or art. This fact
makes it impossible that art can bring quality into a community if the galleries
hold little interest for the region

Your paragraph:

To conclude, I believe that it is an unjust affirmation that art brings quality into
one’s life, and I agree that the money should be spent elsewhere. This is because
art expenditures only benefit a small minority and secondly the expense involved
should benefit the majority. Ideally in the future, governments will recognise that
quality in a person’s life derives from a decent opportunity in life, not a sculpture.

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