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Name : Alda Yuliana Indrasari N Didoek

NIM : 023180008

English Quiz
1. I drink a cup of coffee this morning and i don't need sugar to enjoy it.
2. I need to solve some questions well to get goog quiz result
3. In learning and mastering a new science, some mistakes need to be understood for a
good learning process.
4. I only have a little money to be able to start a restaurant business. therefore I need to
save more.
5. In general, it is our parents who always love us with all their heart
6. Due to focus on work and forgetting to eat, Anton eats large amounts of rice every
7. Ando has read many books on agricultural science and has led him to become a
successful farmer.
8. Bambang is already very thirsty, but unfortunately there is no water to quench his
9. Nanda is a cat lover. he has many cats in his house.
10. a new pair of shoes is a gift that yohana got from her mother, for her birthday

1. 5 basic differences
● Softwoods consist of only a few significant cells, while hardwoods consist of a
wide variety of cell types
● only hardwoods have vessels and structures consisting of feathering
elements while none in softwoods
● in hardwoods, the width of the radii varies within and between species. while
softwood has a lot of fiber
● straight radial rows of cells are characteristic of softwoods, whereas they are
absent in hardwoods
● Hardwood fibers are much shorter than softwood

2. - Granit
Characteristics: Consisting of coarse crystals, white to gray in color, these rocks are
commonly found in coastal areas and the banks of large rivers or on riverbeds.
The process of formation: from the slow cooling of magma beneath the earth's
Benefits: As a building material, the basic material for making paving, making
sculptures, tombstones, floors.
- Sandstone
Characteristics: Composed of layers of sand grains, light brown, brown, yellow, red,
gray and white.
The process of formation: Sandstone is formed from cemented grains which are then
called fragments of the original rock or fragments of mineral crystals
Benefits: Construction materials, groundwater aquifers, materials in the manufacture
of glass / glass.
- Marble
Ornamental marble, which is a marble stone that has a beautiful color.
Onix marble, which is a clear marble stone consisting of organic materials and
Cipolin marble, which is a marble rock that contains a lot of mica and talc.

3. The uniqueness of rattan raw material compared to other materials to be used as

furniture is because rattan has elastic, flexible, and easy to shape properties, so it
can be made in various shapes according to the design style of rattan furniture such
as made in classic style, modern style, and contemporary with finishing.
4. because ceramic is made of clay
5. Advantages
- Relatively small in size;
- Many are available in building shops;
- The price is relatively cheaper;
- Heat resistant;
- Easy to glue, just use a mixture of cement and ordinary sand.
- Room temperature is unstable because it easily absorbs heat and cold;
- More wasteful because it uses a lot of adhesive;
- Difficult to tidy up during installation;
- Quite heavy, making more burden on the structure of the house building;
- Bricks take longer to install.

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