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English grade 9

Dipresentasikan oleh Kelompok 2
Hello, Friends!
We are Group 2
This is our member:
Desmon Andreas. S
Pemimpin Grup

A. Rizky

M. Aga Saputra

Ananda Amel

Zahra Khazanah
What is label?
Label is an information contained in outer
packaging of the product. A label is used to give
information about a product. It is usually put on
the back of most products.

Label adalah informasi yang terdapat pada

kemasan luar dari suatu produk. Label digunakan
untuk memberikan informasi tentang suatu
produk. Biasanya diletakkan di bagian belakang
sebagian besar produk.

Well, we will discuss about the label of

Korean food products branded "Samyang"

Nah, kita akan membahas tentang label produk

makanan korea yang bermerk "Samyang"
7. Expiration date : Instruction Picture
4. Content : 15-9-2023
130 g
3. Uses :

Uses vacuum packaging

and sterilization
1. Name/brand of the
product :
processes for optimal
Samyang 삼양식품 quality

6. Direction to store :
-Store in a dry, cool place
2. Description :
and away from
Mie Instant Goreng dgn Ayam
direct sunlight

8. Warning ;
5. Direction to use : -Please keep yourself safe when
-Put Noodles in 600ml and cooking.
boil for 5 minutes. -To adjust the level of Sodium
-Reserve 8 tablespoons of (salt), the amount of spices that
water, add the liquid soup are included can be adjusted
seasoning and cheese powder.
according to taste.
Stir well and serve.

No Fact Available

Data Table 1 Name/brand of the product ✓

2 Description ✓
3 Uses ✓
4 Content ✓
5 Direction to uses ✓
6 Direction to store ✓
7 Expiration Date ✓
8 Warning ✓
Terima kasih!

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