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30/7/22, 21:00 RMTD (rhythmic midtemporal theta burst of drowsiness) - EEGpedia

RMTD (rhythmic midtemporal theta burst of drowsiness)

From EEGpedia

RMTD (rhythmic midtemporal theta burst of drowsiness)

Synonymes: Rhythmic midtemporal discharges, RTTD, psychomotor variant pattern

Trains of rhythmic theta waves 5-7Hz

Duration 5-10sec
Located in midtemporal region
Often unilateral
May be bisynchronous, with shifting asymmetry between sides
Present in relaxed wakefulness and drowsiness
Adolescents and adults

Does not change in frequency or form, in contrast to an epileptic discharge.

Not associated with epilepsy

RMTD: Rhythmic theta waves right temporal (average) 1/2
30/7/22, 21:00 RMTD (rhythmic midtemporal theta burst of drowsiness) - EEGpedia

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