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Tuberculosis and host metabolism: ancient

associations, fresh insights



Epidemiologic studies have repeatedly identified malnutrition as a risk factor for

tuberculosis (TB), which is the leading bacterial cause of deaths worldwide. The
biologic basis for this association, however, remains unclear. Recent work has
uncovered a large array of signaling molecules lying at the intersection of metabolic
and immune signaling, among which nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) and the
insulin receptor have emerged as 2 prototypic examples. Existing knowledge
indicates that the physiologic functions of many NHRs overlap with known epidemi-
ologic risk factors for TB and that diabetes, itself, predisposes to TB. Here, we assimi-
late these data and identify a potential mechanism that may help to explain the
long-standing clinical association between TB and host metabolism. Together, these
data emphasize the underused potential of interdisciplinary dialog in current TB
research efforts. (Translational Research 2009;154:7–14)

Abbreviations: DM ¼ diabetes mellitus; DTH ¼ delayed-type hypersensitivity; ER ¼ estrogen re-

ceptor; GR ¼ glucocorticoid receptor; IFNg ¼ interferon gamma; IL-12 ¼ interleukin 12; LPS ¼ li-
popolysaccharide; LXR ¼ liver X receptor; Mtb ¼ Mycobacterium tuberculosis; NHR ¼ nuclear
hormone receptor; PPARg ¼ peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma; PXR ¼ preg-
nane X receptor; RAR ¼ retinoic acid receptor; RXR ¼ retinoid X receptor; TACO ¼ tryptophan-
aspartate containing coat protein; TB ¼ tuberculosis; TLR ¼ toll-like receptor; TNF-a ¼ tumor
necrosis factor alpha; TZD ¼ thiazolidinedione; VDR ¼ vitamin D receptor

ince Koch’s discovery of Mycobacterium tuber- Even more remarkable is the fact that, because humans
culosis (Mtb) over 100 years ago, tuberculosis are the only known reservoir for Mtb, TB is a potentially
(TB) has commanded the attention of physicians, eradicable disease.
microbiologists, immunologists, and epidemiologists Thankfully, recent increases in globalization, as well
alike. It is remarkable, therefore, that in 2009, TB re- as the emergence of HIV, have stimulated a major
mains the leading bacterial cause of deaths worldwide. resurgence in TB research. To date, this investment

Kyu Rhee, MD, PhD is Assistant Professor of Medicine, Microbiol- Submitted for publication April 10, 2007, revision submitted April 21,
ogy & Immunology in the Division of International Medicine & Infec- 2009; accepted for publication April 21, 2009.
tious Diseases at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. His Reprint requests: Kyu Y. Rhee, MD, Division of International Medi-
article is based on a presentation given at the Combined Annual Meet- cine & Infectious Diseases, Weill Cornell Medical College, 1300
ing of the Central Society for Clinical Research and Midwestern Sec- York Avenue, A-421, New York, NY 10065.; e-mail: kyr9001@
tion American Federation for Medical Research.
From the Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Division of 1931-5244/$ – see front matter
International Medicine & Infectious Diseases, New York;
Ó 2009 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
Department of Medicine, Division of International Medicine &
Infectious Diseases, New York. doi:10.1016/j.trsl.2009.04.004
Supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Foundation Career Award in
the Biomedical Sciences and the William Randolph Hearst Foundation.

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8 Blumenthal et al July 2009

has yielded major advances in the immunology and showed that patients undergoing gastric or jejunoileal
microbial pathogenesis of TB. Translationally visible bypass developed TB postoperatively at rates of up to
advances, however, remain slow to emerge. 30-fold over the general population. This risk was great-
One potentially rich, but overlooked, source of trans- est among individuals less than 85% ideal body weight
lational ‘‘capital’’ concerns the relationship between preoperatively.11,12 Based on the profound malabsorp-
TB and the host metabolism. Epidemiologic studies, dat- tion syndrome experienced by most bypass patients
ing to the time of Galen, have repeatedly identified nutri- postoperatively and the absence of other identifiable
tional and/or metabolic disorders as predisposing risk risk factors for TB, this study provided early evidence
factors for TB.1-3 More recent studies by McMurray of a role for malabsorptive malnutrition in the develop-
and Bloom1,4 demonstrated the reversible effects of pro- ment of TB.
tein calorie malnutrition on T-cell mediated control of Cross-sectional and cohort-based studies later pro-
Mtb. Rook et al5,6 and Crowle et al7 similarly reported vided evidence of more specific associations between
macrophage-specific roles for vitamin D in immune TB case rates and serum levels of vitamins A, C, and
control of Mtb. Translational extensions of this work, D. Following a cohort of 1100 men with no prior evi-
however, have gone surprisingly unpursued.1 dence of Mtb infection for up to 5 years, Getz et al13
In the meantime, knowledge of the links between me- noted a consistent correlation between low serum levels
tabolism and immunity has continued to grow. Work of vitamins A and C and subsequent rates of TB. Case
from the field of metabolism has established that meta- control studies of vitamin D likewise reported an associ-
bolic and immune responses often use the same signal- ation between vitamin D deficiency and TB case rates
ing pathways and that this overlap mediates a biologic alone (odds ratio [OR] 5 2.8; 95% confidence interval
‘‘cross talk’’ between metabolism and immunity. This [CI] 5 1.2–6.5), and in combination with polymor-
work has thus redefined many metabolic diseases as phisms in the gene encoding the vitamin D receptor
chronic inflammatory disorders. In the case of TB, this (OR 5 5.1; CI 5 1.4–18.4).14 In light of these studies,
work has shown that many of the same immune signal- it is particularly interesting to consider whether the his-
ing pathways affected by vitamin deficiency, diabetes torically perceived benefits of cod liver oil, milk, and
mellitus (DM), and obesity are also involved in immune sanatorium-based TB treatments may have represented
control of Mtb.8-10 unrecognized forms of vitamin A- and D-based
Here, we revisit the clinical association between TB therapies.
and host metabolism, and we consider the joint immune Admittedly, definitive evidence of a causal relation
and metabolic signaling activities of nuclear hormone between vitamin deficiency and TB susceptibility is
receptors and the insulin receptor as 2 potential media- lacking. Nevertheless, in a unique, controlled trial
tors of this epidemiologic relationship. We first review conducted in the 1940s, Downes15 reported clear
evidence from the fields of epidemiology and metabo- evidence of a beneficial effect of vitamin supplementa-
lism, which support the clinical relevance of nuclear hor- tion on a cohort of 194 families of TB patients under
mone receptors and the insulin receptor to immune public health supervision. These families were matched
control of Mtb. We then highlight work from the fields for size and composition, prior episodes of TB, and rates
of metabolism and immunology showing that the immu- of sputum smear positivity among index cases and
noregulatory activities of these proteins overlap with key assigned to either receive vitamin supplementation or
signaling pathways involved in the immune control of not. Remarkably, over a 5-year follow-up period, the
Mtb. We finally consider the potential for these findings reported risk of developing TB was 2.8 times greater
to transform micronutrient deficiency states and DM among family contacts of the control than the vitamin-
from epidemiologic risk factors into biologically defined treated group. Although the micronutrient composition
mechanisms of Mtb immune control. Together, these of these vitamins was not described, this study provided
findings emphasize the underused potential of interdisci- compelling evidence for a protective role of vitamin
plinary dialogs to catalyze major advances in control of -supplementation against TB. In a smaller, double-
the TB pandemic. blinded placebo-controlled trial of vitamin A and zinc
supplementation, Karyadi et al16 similarly reported that
the addition of these micronutrients to standard TB
VITAMIN DEFICIENCY AND TB SUSCEPTIBILITY drug therapies accelerated both clearance of Mtb from
Clinical and epidemiologic evidence. Early studies by serial sputum samples (a marker of infectivity) and
Leitch2 first noted a decrease in TB case rates among radiographic evidence of cure. A recent Cochrane Data-
Norwegian naval recruits after improvements in dietary base review of randomized controlled trials comparing
nutrition that occurred apart from changes in overcrowd- any oral nutritional supplement with no nutritional inter-
ing and hygiene. Studies of gastric bypass patients later vention in the treatment of pulmonary TB also found
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evidence of salutary benefits of Zn and high-energy laboratories first demonstrated that the PPARg protein,
supplements.17 These studies thus provided persuasive, which is an NHR canonically involved in glucose and
albeit imperfect, evidence of a clinical association lipid metabolism, downregulated the inflammatory
between TB and host metabolism. gene program of macrophages activated by lipopolysac-
charide (LPS), IFNg, or phorbol myristate acetate.25,26
Using a microarray-based approach, Ogawa and col-
VITAMINS AND IMMUNE DEFENSE leagues27 showed that 6 such NHRs (GR, VDR, RAR,
Early experimental evidence. Experimental evidence PPARg, LXR, and ER) repressed (in a ligand dependent
for a biologic link between TB and host metabolism manner) a common set of target proinflammatory genes
dates similarly to the earliest days of immunology. In activated by the TLR4 agonist LPS (Fig 1). Examples
a review of more than 40 animal studies conducted prior of such genes include NOS2, IP10, interleukin-12
to 1968, Scrimshaw et al3 noted that most (78%) of stud- (IL-12)p40, TNFa, and Ifit1, among others. These stud-
ies reported pathologic evidence of disease exacerbation ies also showed that, in the case of the GR, gluco-
in response to deficiencies of vitamins A, C, and D. The corticoid-induced repression of inflammatory target
clinical relevance of these findings, however, was chal- genes was stimulus-specific, such that target gene regu-
lenged by the nonphysiologic nature (route and dose of lation occurred only in the context of Toll-like rece-
infection) of the models used. ptor (TLR) 4-, but not TLR3-, dependent immune
Better evidence for the detrimental effects of malnutri- activation.27
tion on immune control of Mtb nevertheless reemerged Studies of the LXR, which is a nuclear receptor clas-
with the use of isolated macrophages and monocytes. sically involved in glucose metabolism and cholesterol
These studies showed that treatment of cultured human efflux, recently expanded the immunoregulatory scope
macrophages with retinoic acid restricted uptake of of NHR actions to include control of pathogen-induced
Mtb and induced a state of bacteriostasis leading to apoptosis. Using genetically engineered knockout
a 1–2-log reduction in Mtb bacterial burden.18 Adminis- mice, Joseph et al29 showed that mice deficient for the
tration of vitamin D3 and interferon gamma (IFNg) to LXRa and LXRb isoforms were markedly more suscep-
cultured human monocytes likewise showed impaired tible to the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocyto-
control of intracellular Mtb.6,7,19-22 genes than wild-type counterparts (as measured by
Nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs). Work over the past mean bacterial burden and survival time). This suscepti-
decade has since identified explicit links between meta- bility was shown to be caused by the loss of an LXRa-
bolic and immune signaling. Of these, one particularly in- mediated inhibition of macrophage apoptosis. Valledor
teresting class of links to emerge is the superfamily of et al30 conversely showed that pharmacologic activation
NHRs. These proteins are ligand-responsive transcrip- of LXR and RXR could protect macrophages from bac-
tion factors that regulate transcription of functionally re- terially induced apoptosis caused by Bacillus anthracis,
lated target genes in a wide range of cell types. Where Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhimurium. Remark-
known, natural ligands for many of these receptors are ably, both studies identified the antiapoptotic factor
metabolic intermediates or end products. NHRs have AIM/CT2/SPa as a major target of LXR- and RXR-me-
thus emerged as major regulators of glucose-, lipid-, diated regulation. These results thus established NHRs
and vitamin-related metabolism. as broad mediators of metabolic and immune signaling
Surprisingly, several NHRs have also been identified (Table 1).
in leukocytes. These include the glucocorticoid receptor Mtb and NHRs. Although considerably more limited,
(GR); the liver X receptor (LXR); and receptors for the evidence for specific roles of NHR in immune control
active forms of vitamin D (vitamin D receptor [VDR]), of Mtb has also begun to emerge. For example, existing
vitamin A (retinoic acid receptor [RAR] and retinoid X knowledge of the GR and PPARg in steroid-induced im-
receptor [RXR]), and vitamin E (pregnane X receptor munosuppression and Type 2 DM (2 reported risk factors
[PXR]).23,24 Additional NHRs expressed in immune for TB) suggest that some NHRs may facilitate immune
cells include the estrogen receptor (ER), and peroxisome control of latent Mtb infection.31,33 Indeed, many of the
proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARg), the same proinflammatory target genes downregulated by
therapeutic target of the thiazolidinedione (TZD) class the GR, PPARg, and LXR overlap precisely with those
of insulin-sensitizing drugs commonly used to treat activated by IFNg, the major cytokine required for im-
Type 2 DM. mune control of Mtb.9,27,34 For example, Reddy et al31
In immune cells, these NHRs have been shown to reported that treatment of alveolar macrophages with
regulate the transcription of a large and overlapping PPARg ligands suppressed the induction of NOS2 and
set of target genes involved in host inflammation (see IL12 expression, which are 2 additional proinflammatory
Fig 1).24-32 Seminal work from the Seed and Glass cytokines required for host defense against Mtb.
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Fig 1. Cartoon of immune cell-expressed NHR activities. VDR, PPAR-g, LXR and GR regulate the expression of
immunoregulatory genes in macrophages through a heterodimeric interaction with RXR when in presence of li-
gand. Ligand availability is an important determinant in the activity of NHRs. Vitamin D is converted to
1,25(OH)2 D3 within the macrophage. PPAR-g and LXR ligands derive from locally produced metabolites. GR
regulates gene expression in response to circulating hormone levels. 9-cis-RA, 9-cis retinoic acid; ATRA, all trans
retinoic acid; FA, fatty acid; FFA, free fatty acid; Lt, leukotriene; PG, prostaglandins.

Pharmacologic studies of vitamin D and retinoic acid pigs led to diminished cutaneous DTH reactions to puri-
have implicated similar roles for the VDR and RAR in fied protein derivative of Mtb in the other.37
immune control of Mtb. Several authors independently Together, these studies identify a broad, but untested,
demonstrated causal links between serum levels of vita- array of potential roles for NHRs as mediators of the link
min D and immune control of Mtb.5,7,20-23 Liu et al fur- between TB and host metabolism. It is interesting to note
ther showed that the salutary effects of vitamin D against that although the increased risk of TB associated with
Mtb could be explained by TLR2-triggered intracellular steroid use and Type 2 DM would seem to correlate
conversion of 25-OH vitamin D to the more potent 1, 25 with excessive levels of the immunosuppressive activi-
(OH)2 vitamin D (through upregulation of the cyto- ties of the GR and PPARg, respectively; the increased
chrome P450, cyp27B1) and upregulation of the VDR risk of TB associated with vitamin D deficiency seem
itself. These events were shown to culminate in the to correlate with a lack of appropriate VDR-dependent
VDR-dependent induction of the antimycobacterial pep- antimycobacterial activity. Thus, although potentially
tide cathelicidin.20 significant, definitive knowledge of the significance of
In a separate study, Anand and Kaul32 reported that NHR in immune control of Mtb will likely require
vitamin D3 and retinoic acid downregulated the tran- systematic study of individual members.
scription of the tryptophan-aspartate containing coat
protein (TACO/coronin), which is a protein reported to
inhibit phagolysosomal fusion. Retention of TACO at INSULIN SIGNALING AND INFLAMMATION
the mycobacterial phagosome has previously been de- Studies of DM and obesity have separately uncovered
scribed as a potential virulence mechanism used by additional molecular links between metabolism and im-
Mtb to promote intramacrophage survival.33 Repression munity. Hotamisligil and Karasik independently,38,39 in
of this host protein thus identified an additional potential particular, first demonstrated that adipose tissue from
role of the VDR and RAR in host defense against Mtb. obese mice overexpressed the inflammatory cytokine tu-
Studies of T cells have likewise shown that both vita- mor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and that exogenous
min D and retinoic acid can stimulate production of IL-2 TNF-a could induce a state of insulin resistance in
and IFNg.33,35 In 1 case, supplementation of vitamin A wild-type mice. Molecular studies later showed that
acetate into the diet of laboratory mice lead to enhanced this TNF-a–induced resistance was mediated by inhibi-
IL-2 production and augmented delayed-type hypersen- tory phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and its down-
sitivity (DTH) reaction after challenge with Mycobacte- stream signaling activity.40-42 These findings were later
rium bovis bacille Calmette-Guerin,36 whereas chronic extended to humans with reports of elevated TNF-a levels
dietary vitamin D deficiency in Mtb-infected guinea in the adipose tissue of obese individuals.43
Translational Research
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Table I. Immune cell-expressed nuclear hormone receptors

Nuclear hormone receptor name Gene name Immunoregulatory activity Reference

Glucocorticoid receptor GR  Inhibit transcription of LPS -target 23, 27

 Inhibits NF-kB and AP-1 activity
Liver-X-receptor LXR  Inhibit transcription of LPS and IFN-g 23, 27–30
-target genes
 Inhibits NF-kB and AP-1 activity
 Deficiency in LXRa causes suscepti-
bility to Listeria monocytogenes
 Activation protects against pathogen
induced apoptosis in macrophages
Vitamin D receptor VDR  Inhibits transcription of LPS and IFN-g 20, 21, 27, 32
-target genes
 Regulates production of antimycobac-
terial peptide, cathelicidin
 Regulates transcription of TACO gene
Retinoic Acid receptor RAR  Inhibit transcription of LPS and IFN-g 27
target genes
Retinoid-X receptor RXR  Pharmacologic stimulation showed to 30, 36
protect against pathogen-induced ap-
optosis in macrophages
Estrogen receptor ER  Inhibit transcription of LPS -target 27
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor PPAR-g  Decrease transcription of genes acti- 23–27, 31
gamma vated by LPS and IFN-g
 Macrophage expressed repressed by
LPS and IFN-g
 Inhibits TNFa signaling
 Inhibits NF-kB and AP-1 activity
 Decrease NOS2 and IL-12
 Target for TZD class of drugs
 Gene deficiency is most closely asso-
ciated with type 2 DM

Abbreviations: AP-1, activator protein 1; NF-kB, nuclear factor kappa B.

Histologic studies have shown that the adipose tissue of of the suppressor of cytokine signaling family of pro-
obese individuals contain surprising numbers (up to 30%) teins, which negatively regulate JAK-STAT-dependent
of infiltrating macrophages that colocalize with adipo- cytokine signaling cascades, were also shown to inter-
cytes.43,44 Adipocytes were shown to be capable of produc- fere with insulin signaling.54
ing classic immune products (including IL-6, monocyte Together, these findings have identified an additional
chemoattractant protein-1, plasminogen activator inhibi- array of molecular overlaps between metabolic and
tor-1, and angiotensinogen), whereas immune cells were immune signaling.
shown to respond to adipocyte-specific products (such as
leptin, adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin).8,45-48 Studies of DIABETES MELLITUS AND TB
the reversible immunodeficiency associated with leptin de- Epidemiologic evidence. Remarkably, reports of an
ficiency further established the bidirectional nature of these association between DM and TB date back to as early
interactions.49-51 This view was further emphasized by as the 1st century.55 Comparative autopsy studies of
studies of IL-18, a proinflammatory cytokine whose defi- patients with Type 1 diabetes first showed that as
ciency was shown to be associated with a reversible hyper- many as half of all diabetic patients had pathologic
phagia, obesity, and insulin resistance in mice.52 evidence of pulmonary TB at the time of death.56 Root
Molecular studies have shown that the same serine- et al57 subsequently reported that TB case rates among
threonine kinases activated by TLRs in innate immune juvenile diabetics were 10 times higher than among non-
responses (JNK, IKK, and PKC-q) are also activated in diabetic school-aged children. In a more recent case con-
mouse models of genetic and diet-induced obesity. Of trol study of over 5000 TB patients and 37,000 controls,
interest, this activation was also associated with inhibi- Pablos-Mendez et al58 estimated the attributable risk of
tory phosphorylation of the insulin receptor.53 Members TB caused by DM to be as high as 25%. Together, these
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studies have repeatedly implicated Type 1 DM as a risk FUTURE PROSPECTS

factor for progression from latent to active TB; this view Looking forward, it is likely that the importance of bi-
has been independently validated by 2 prospective co- ologic links between TB and the host metabolism will
hort studies.59,60 only continue to grow. In 2007, more than 80% of all
Surprisingly, recent evidence has extended this associ- new TB cases worldwide were registered in Africa,
ation to the growing epidemic of Type 2 diabetics. Not- Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific regions that con-
withstanding the inherent limitations of retrospective tinue to be afflicted by famine and starvation.66 At the
studies, Restrepo et al61 noted a consistently increased same time, diabetes and obesity have emerged as epi-
odds ratio of Type 2 DM among patients with active demics of global proportion. Intersections of TB and
TB (OR 5 1.3–7.4). In a recent case control study, Alis- metabolic disorders are thus inevitable.
jahbana et al62 similarly noted that patients with active Thankfully, recognition of this dilemma has begun to
TB exhibited a significantly greater prevalence of Type stimulate more scientifically integrated efforts. One
2 DM than age-matched controls (13.3% vs 3.2%). potential example is illustrated by the recent discovery
Experimental perspectives. Given these data, it is espe- of the cytochrome P450 enzyme cyp27B1 as an activat-
cially interesting to reconsider whether the increased risk ing agent of intracellular vitamin D levels following
of developing active TB may, in fact, be attributable to immune stimulation. This knowledge has specifically
defects in TNF-a signaling associated with insulin resis- identified a novel potential target to safely deliver and
tance. Indeed, despite significant differences in the phys- enhance the antimycobacterial benefits of vitamin D.20
iology of Type 1 and Type 2 DM, it remains a fact that Additional study of NHRs in immune control of Mtb
both Type 1 and Type 2 DM represent pathologic states might inform on the development of rational nutritional
of relative insulin resistance. In this regard, it is interest- interventions or synthetic NHR ligands that could arrest
ing to note significant rates of insulin resistance among or decrease the rate of progression from latent to active
HIV infected individuals; this population is known to TB (analagous to the case of selective estrogen receptor
exhibit high rates of TB. Extended study of the epidemi- modulators).67,68
ologic association between insulin resistance and TB and Expanded knowledge of the molecular cross talk be-
the biologic role of insulin signaling on immune control tween metabolic and immune signaling has afforded
of Mtb may thus prove revealing. similarly fresh insight into the epidemiologic behavior
It may similarly prove instructive to examine more of the TB pandemic. Recent evidence in particular has
broadly the pathophysiologic impact of metabolic disor- suggested an elevated risk of TB among insulin resistant
ders on immune control of Mtb using the wide array of diabetics. These data challenge previously held beliefs
existing animal models currently available. In examining that the catabolic state characteristic of Type 1 DM is
the immunologic consequences of a wasting form of responsible for this relationship and further support the
malnutrition (modeled by leptin deficiency), Wieland view that insulin resistance itself may be an independent
et al63 showed that leptin-deficient mice produced lower risk factor for TB susceptibility. Based on existing
IFNg levels, diminished antigen-specific T-cell re- knowledge of the cross talk between insulin and TNF-a
sponses, and poorer levels of immune control of Mtb signaling, however, it may be of particular importance to
following infection. Importantly, these studies also consider the role of insulin resistance, rather than DM
established that the immunologic defects associated per se, as a predisposing risk factor for progression
with leptin deficiency were, in fact, reversible with leptin from latent infection to active TB.64,69 Given the ever-
replacement therapy.63 increasing global incidence of DM and its potentially
Martens et al64 recently showed that streptozocin- catastrophic intersection with the TB pandemic, impro-
induced diabetic mice exhibited a .1 log higher myco- ved knowledge of this association may prove especially
bacterial burden, reduced early production of IFN-g, and valuable.
a reduced number of T-cells responsive to the Mtb anti- From a broader perspective, these examples highlight
gen ESAT-6, when compared with euglycemic mice and the need for increased levels of interdisiciplinary dialog.
that hypercholesterolemic mice lacking apoplipoprotein Indeed, although scientific knowledge continues to
E also exhibited impaired immunity to Mtb.65 It will expand at prolific rates, much of this knowledge remains
therefore be of considerable interest to determine the confined to the boundaries of traditional scientific disci-
clinical relevance of these findings and whether these plines. That is, scientific progress has expanded more
immunodeficiency states are potentially amenable to nu- deeply than broadly. A major need of many translation-
tritionally based interventions. Given the bidirectional ally oriented efforts is thus the inclusion of interdisci-
nature of metabolic-immune cross talk, it may prove plinary ‘‘translators.’’ Such ‘‘translators’’ would not
equally fruitful to examine the effects of TB on host only serve to disseminate information between
Translational Research
Volume 154, Number 1 Blumenthal et al 13

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