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Fill in the blanks:

1. ________________________ is a term for milk production.

2. ________________________ is an abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS.
3. ________________________ of the alimentary canal stores the temporary faeces.
4. ________________________ ions play a very important role in blood clotting.
5. ____________________ is the enzyme that converts Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I.
6. _______________ is the structure of the male reproductive system where sperms mature.
7. ________________________ hormone synchronizes circadian rhythms and may be
involved in onset of puberty.
8. _______________________ is the cofactor of carbonic anhydrase.
9. _______________________ is the hormone released only during pregnancy.
10. _______________________ cells in liver act as phagocytes.
11. _______________________ hormone causes the mammary glands to enlarge at puberty.
12. _______________________ hormone is mainly involved in regulating the water-salt
balance of the blood.
13. _______________________ is the group classified as male sex hormones.
14. _______________________ of the sperm contains mitochondria producing energy for
the sperm.
15. _____________ cells in the stomach secrete HCl.
16. _____________ degenerates when there is no fertilization.
17. _____________ enzyme is responsible for the digestion of casein.
18. _____________ is the lymphatic tissue found in the small intestine.
19. _____________ is the process by which bile helps in digestion of fats.
20. _____________ muscle is adapted to be highly resistant to fatigue.
21. _____________ provides ATP during muscle contraction.
22. ______________ cells support and protect the neurons.
23. ______________ chamber of the heart has the thickest muscular wall.
24. ______________ contributes cytoplasm and organelles to zygote.
25. ______________ gland of the male reproductive system secretes fructose and seminal
26. ______________ gland secretes watery alkaline fluid as a part of semen, for raising
vaginal pH.
27. ______________ is resulted from excess growth hormone in adults.
28. ______________ is the membrane fluid which protects the foetus from mechanical
29. _______________ gland secretes the gonadotropic hormones.
30. _______________ hormone helps in secretion of HCl from stomach.
31. _______________ is the main enzyme of the gastric juice.
32. _______________ is the natural pacemaker in human heart.
33. ________________ is responsible for initiation of heart beat in humans.
34. ______________is the portion of the respiratory tract which contains the vocal cords for
producing sound.
35. ______________prevents entry of food into the trachea.
36. _____________are thick-walled and have narrow lumen among all blood vessels.
37. ___________band of the sarcomere remains constant during muscle contraction.
38. A milky fluid containing fat droplets which drains from the lacteals of the small intestine
into the lymphatic system during digestion is called ______________.
39. A protective layer around testes is called as __________________.
40. A short gap in the myelin sheath around a nerve fiber is called ______.
41. Ability of the kidneys for the production of concentrated urine is dependent on _______.
42. Accessory genital gland found only in males is _____________.
43. Accumulation of urea and other waste substances in the blood is called
44. Acrosomal cap is formed from the organelle _____________.
45. ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release a group of hormones called ______.
46. Adrenaline __________ heart rate and blood pressure.
47. All arteries carry oxygenated blood, except _______________________.
48. Amount of air in the lungs that remains after deep breathing is called ______.
49. An adult human has systolic and diastolic pressures as _____________________.
50. An artificial pace-maker is implanted subcutaneously and connected to the heart in
patients with ______________________.
51. An autoimmune disease where body’s own antibodies attack cells of thyroid is called
52. An enlarged thyroid is the result of ______ deficiency.
53. Angiotensinogen is a protein produced and secreted by _______________________.
54. At the time of implantation, the human embryo is called ________________.
55. Atrioventricular valves are supported by strands of connective tissue called _________.
56. Attachment of blastocyst to endometrium is called_______________.
57. Bile manufactured by liver is stored within the ________.
58. Bile secretion occurs in the proportion of _________________ in food.
59. Blood cancer characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal/immature white
blood cells in the bone marrow is called _______________________.
60. Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are formed in ___________________________.
61. Brain completely depends on blood from the supply of ___________________.
62. Brunner’s glands are found in __________________.
63. Brush-border enzymes are found in _________________.
64. Calcitonin ____________blood calcium levels.
65. Capacitation of sperm occurs in _________________.
66. Cardiac glands are found in ___________________.
67. Cavity of Graafian follicle is called _________.
68. Cells of corona radiata remain grouped together by a chemical called
69. Cells of Leydig occur in _______________.
70. Chloride shift is also called as ________________.
71. Cholecystokinin stimulates ______________.
72. Cleavage starts after fertilization in _________________.
73. Concentration of the urine is controlled by the hormone______.
74. Connection between axon and dendrite is called _________.
75. Connective tissue around seminiferous tubules possess endocrine cells called
76. Conversion of spermatids into sperms is _______________________.
77. Copper deficiency causes ______________________.
78. Coronary heart disease is due to ________________________.
79. Corpus luteum develops from _________________ follicle.
80. Corpus luteum develops under the influence of ______________.
81. Corpus luteum disintegrates due to non-availability of _______________.
82. Corpus luteum secretes hormone ___________.
83. Crypts of lieberkuhn secrete __________________.
84. Deficiency of adrenal cortex hormones results in __________________.
85. Deficiency of vitamin C can lead to ___________.
86. Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to ___________.
87. Delivery of baby from uterus is called ______________.
88. Diabetes insipidus is due to insufficient release of _________.
89. Digestion of starch takes place in ________________ and __________________.
90. Duration between pregnancy and birth is called ____________.
91. During ___________ respiration, the respiratory pigment hemoglobin combines with
oxygen in the lungs.
92. During expiration the diaphragm becomes ___________ shaped.
93. During growth period release of too much growth hormone can lead to
94. During the propagation of a nerve impulse, the action potential results from the
movement of Na+ ions from ______________ to _____________.
95. Enterokinase converts _______________ into _______________.
96. Enterokinase is commonly found as a part of this organ’s secretion
97. Enzymes that is found on the mucosa of the intestinal villi is ___________________.
98. Epithelial cells of intestine involved in food absorption have _____________on their
99. Excessive intake of alcohol causes ___________ of the liver.
100. Fertilization usually takes place in ____________.
101. Formation of zygote by fusion of the egg and sperm is called ________________.
102. Gas exchange in lungs occurs in __________.
103. Glisson’s capsule is found in _______________ of mammals.
104. Glomerular filtrate passes from glomerular capsule into the ______________.
105. Glucagon hormone is secreted by the ______.
106. Grave’s disease is due to increased activity of __________ gland.
107. Graveyard in RBCs is ______________________________________.
108. Growth hormone is secreted by ______________________.
109. Hardening of the arteries due to deposition of cholesterol is called
110. Hemoglobin retains oxygen and releases it in the ______.
111. Heparin is _____________________.
112. Heparin is produced by _________________________.
113. Hepatic portal system connects ___________________.
114. Hormone ________ stimulates resorption of water in the distal tubules in the nephron.
115. Hormone responsible for the secretion of milk after parturition is ________________.
116. Hormone secreted by the atria of the heart which helps regulate blood pressure is
117. Human nose contains ______ nasal cavities.
118. If a person undergoes a prolonged fasting then his urine will be found to contain higher
levels of __________________.
119. Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as
120. In ______ the egg is first fertilized outside the body and then it is inserted into the
121. In ______ the egg is first fertilized outside the body and then it is inserted into the uterus.
122. In _______________ egg and sperm are mixed in the Fallopian tube.
123. In a cardiac output of 5250 ml/minute, with 75 heart beats per minute, the stroke volume
is ____________________.
124. In a healthy adult man the normal diastolic pressure is ____________________.
125. In a typical heart, if EDV is 120 ml of blood and End Diastolic Volume (EDV) is 50 ml
of blood, the stroke volume (SV) is ________________________.
126. In adults, insufficient thyroxine can lead to ______.
127. In children, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) can lead to ______.
128. In developing embryo RBCs are formed in ________________________.
129. In duodenum the enzyme which breaks down starch to maltose is __________________.
130. In emphysema, the ______ of the person is/are found damaged.
131. In glycolysis ultimately, glucose is converted into ______________.
132. In human adult females, hormone _____________ causes strong uterine contractions
during parturition.
133. In human being the duration of cardiac cycle is ___________.
134. In human males, the sex hormone that maintains sexual organs and secondary sex
characteristics is ___________.
135. In humans, blood passes from the post caval to the diastolic right atrium of heart due to
136. In the absence of enterokinase, the digestion of _______ would be affected in our
137. In the PNS, the neuroglial cells that form protective myelin sheaths are ______.
138. Islets of Langerhans are found in ______________.
139. Keratinization of the skin is prevented by Vitamin ______________.
140. Kupffer cells are present in _______________.
141. Less intake of Vitamin ____________ can cause 'Hyperkeratosis'.
142. Loss of reproductive capacity in women after age of 45 years is _________________.
143. Lungs are enclosed by _____________.
144. Lysozyme is secreted by _______________ cells.
145. Major part of the plasma consists of ____________________________.
146. Maximum water reabsorption is done by ___________of the nephron.
147. Mucus is secreted by ________________ in gastrointestinal tract.
148. Murmur is a disorder of ______________________.
149. Nerve cell does not divide because they do not have___________.
150. Node of Ranvier is found in __________ of the nerve fiber.
151. Number of lobes in both right land left lungs are respectively, ____ and _____.
152. Opening to the trachea is covered by a small flap of tissues termed as the ______.
153. Organ that produces bile is ______.
154. Ovulation takes place at the end of ________________ phase of the uterine cycle.
155. Oxyntic cells in the stomach secrete _____________.
156. P wave in a standard electrocardiogram represents ___________________________.
157. Pancreatic enzymes are secreted by ___________________.
158. Parathyroid ___________ blood calcium levels.
159. Pituitary gland is under the control of _________________.
160. Polyspermy in humans is prevented by ____________.
161. Presence of Red Blood cells in urine is called ________________.
162. Process of formation of blood corpuscles is called _____________.
163. Recording of the electrical activity associated with the heartbeat is called ______.
164. Reflex action is controlled by ____________.
165. Release of egg from Graafian follicle is called _____________.
166. Respiratory center is located in the ________.
167. Secretin and cholecystokinin are secreted by ________________ found in duodenum.
168. Secretin stimulates production of __________________.
169. Sequence of event that occurs during one complete heartbeat is called _____________.
170. Sertoli cells secrete the hormone _______________.
171. Serum is defined as blood without ___________________.
172. Somatostatin ____________release of glucagon.
173. Somatostatin ____________release of insulin.
174. Somatostatin is secreted by _________________.
175. Structural and functional unit of the nervous system is called _______________.
176. Terminal skin of penis is called ____________.
177. Testes descend into the scrotal sacs through the _________________.
178. The amount of air a person takes in during normal, restful breathing is called the ______.
179. The basic functional unit of human kidney is _____________.
180. The beginning of the cycle of menstruation is called ______________.
181. The blood calcium level is lowered by the deficiency of ______________________.
182. The cavity inside the blastula is called as _____________.
183. The cells in the wall of intestine are stimulated to produce secretin by _____________.
184. The chemical substance released by activated spermatozoa that acts on the ground
substances of the follicle cells is known as _________________.
185. The component in bile which helps to emulsify fat in the duodenum is _____________.
186. The condition in which testis is unable to descend in scrotal sacs is called
187. The condition in which the concentration of Ketone body increases in urine is
188. The connection between a nerve cell and the motor unit is called
189. The cytoplasm surrounding the mitochondria found in the middle piece of sperm is
190. The deposition of lipids on the wall lining the lumen of large and medium sized arteries
is referred to as __________________.
191. The diaphragm contracts and flattens during ____________.
192. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in human is _________________.
193. The difference in voltage between the inside and outside of a cell is called ______.
194. The embryo at 16 celled stage is known as ___________.
195. The endocrine gland which contributes to setting the body's biological clock is the
196. The events taking place during ventricular systole are
197. The extra embryonic structure in humans that provides nutrition to the embryo is
198. The follicle that ruptures at the time of ovulation promptly fills with blood forming is
199. The food that enters the stomach after chewing is called ___________.
200. The function of vagus nerve innervating the heart is to ________ the heart rate.
201. The gland which secretes lubricating mucus as a part of semen is _________________.
202. The glands situated on either side of vagina in humans are _____________.
203. The HCl in gastric juice converts ____________ into _______________.
204. The heart sound heard during sharp closure of AV valves at the beginning of ventricular
systole is __________________.
205. The hemoglobin of a human foetus has a ____________affinity for oxygen than that of
an adult.
206. The highly sophisticated procedure of directly injecting a sperm into an egg is called
207. The hollow space at the centre of kidney where urine is collected after its formation is
called ______________.
208. The hormone known to participate in metabolism of calcium and phosphorus is
209. The hormone responsible for “Fight and Flight” response is _______________.
210. The hormone which stimulates lactation after child birth is ______________.
211. The inner lining of the uterus is called _______________.
212. The instrument that measures the amount of air inhaled and exhaled with each breath is
called ______________.
213. The ion necessary for muscle contraction is _______________.
214. The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls of blood vessels is
215. The main cause of anaemia is deficiency of the mineral _________________.
216. The major components of bile are ________________ and __________________.
217. The maximum volume of air contained in the lung by a full forced inhalation is called
218. The maximum volume of air that can be released from the lungs by forceful expiration
after deepest inspiration is called the ______.
219. The movements in the gut wall are known as ____________________.
220. The muscular tubes which take the urine from the kidneys to the bladder are
221. The network of seminiferous tubules is called _______________.
222. The opening of right atrium into right ventricle is guarded by _______ valve.
223. The organelle in muscle responsible for storing calcium is __________________.
224. The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the right by an increase in ______, _________
and ____________.
225. The P wave of the ECG represents _______________.
226. The parathyroid gland contains _____________ and _______________ cells.
227. The part of Fallopian tube closest to the ovary is called ________________.
228. The part of human brain concerned with the regulation of body temperature is
_____________. s
229. The primary muscle of inspiration which forms the floor of the thoracic cavity is ______.
230. The process of cell division without growth in the development of human embryo is
called ________________.
231. The process of sperm production takes place in the ______ of testis.
232. The renal medulla consists of cone-shaped tissue masses called _______.
233. The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called ____________.
234. The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle lasts for around ____________ days.
235. The segment of a myofibril between two Z-lines is called _______________.
236. The sperm lysins are present in the ________________ area of the sperm.
237. The structure that connects the two atria in the fetal heart is called ________________.
238. The testes in humans are situated outside the abdominal cavity inside a pouch called
scrotum, the purpose being to maintain the temperature ________ than that of body.
239. The thyroid gland contains _________________ and ______________ cells.
240. The tube which leads to the stomach from the throat is _______________.
241. The valve between left atrium and left ventricle is called _______________.
242. The yellow pigment derived from heme breakdown and excreted by kidneys is
243. The zygote undergoes cleavage forming a solid ball of cells of the uniform size called
244. Thyroid gland produces __________, ___________ and ________________.
245. Triglycerides are digested by the enzyme ________________.
246. Urea is produced as an excretory substance in human body in ________________.
247. Urine that has glucose in it usually an indicator of _________.
248. Vasopressin is secreted by ______________.
249. Vitamin _______ is essential for blood clotting.
250. Vitamin ____________ is responsible for the utilization of calcium in the body.
251. Vitamin ________________ is synthesized by bacteria in the gut.
252. Volume of urine is regulated by hormones ____________ and _____________.
253. When breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories; the
infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from _______________.
254. When released from ovary, human egg contains _________ (number of) X chromosome.


Please find the answer key below


1. Lactation
3. Rectum
4. Calcium
5. Renin
6. Epididymis
7. Melatonin
8. Zinc
9. Human chorionic gonadotropin
10. Kupffer cells
11. Estrogen
12. Aldosterone
13. Androgens
14. Mid-piece
15. Corpus luteum
16. Oxyntic
17. Rennin
18. Peyer's patches
19. Emulsification
20. Cardiac
21. Creatinine phosphate
22. Neuroglial cells
23. Left ventricle
24. Ovum
25. Seminal vesicle
26. Prostate
27. Acromegaly
28. Amniotic fluid
29. Anterior pituitary
30. Gastrin
31. Pepsin
32. SA Node
33. SA Node
34. Larynx
35. Epiglottis
36. Arteries
37. A
38. Chyle
39. Tunica albuginea
40. Node of Ranvier
41. Countercurrent mechanism
42. Prostate gland
43. Uremia
44. Golgi complex
45. Glucocorticoid
46. Increases
47. Pulmonary artery
48. Residual volume
49. 120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
50. Irregularity in the heart rhythm
51. Hashimoto’s disease
52. Iodine
53. Liver
54. Blastocyst
55. Chordae tendineae
56. Implantation
57. Urinary bladder
58. Fat
59. Leukemia
60. Bone marrow
61. Oxygen and glucose
62. Submucosa of duodenum
63. Microvilli of small intestine
64. Lowers/ decreases
65. Female genital tract
66. Stomach
67. Antrum
68. Hyaluronic acid
69. Testis
70. Hamburger’s phenomenon
71. Gall bladder
72. Fallopian tube
73. Anti-diuretic hormone/ vasopressin
74. Synapse
75. Leydig cells
76. Spermiogenesis
77. Anaemia and damages to CNS
78. Insufficient blood supply to the heart muscles
79. Graafian
80. Luteinizing Hormone
81. Luteinizing Hormone
82. Progesterone
83. Succus entericus
84. Addison disease
85. Scurvy
86. Rickets
87. Parturition
88. ADH/ vasopressin
89. Buccal cavity and duodenum
90. Gestation
91. External
92. Dome
93. Gigantism
94. Extracellular fluid, intracellular fluid
95. Trypsinogen, trypsin
96. Small intestine
97. Peptidase
98. Microvilli
99. Cirrhosis
100. Ampulla of oviduct/ ampulla of fallopian tube.
101. Fertilization
102. Alveoli
103. Liver
104. Proximal convoluted tubule
105. Alpha cells of islet of Langerhans, Pancreas
106. Thyroid
107. Spleen
108. Anterior pituitary.
109. Atherosclerosis
110. Tissues
111. Anticoagulant
112. Liver cells
113. Digestive system to liver
114. ADH/ Vasopressin
115. Prolactin
116. Atrial natriuretic peptide
117. Two
118. Ketones/ ketone bodies
119. Zona pellucida
120. ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)
121. IVF (In-vitro fertilization)
122. GIFT (Gamete intrafallopian transfer)
123. 70 ml
124. 80 mm Hg
125. 120 – 50 = 70 ml
126. Myxedema
127. Cretinism
128. Liver
129. Pancreatic amylase
130. Alveolar walls
131. Pyruvic acid
132. Oxytocin
133. 0.8 sec
134. Testosterone
135. Pressure difference between the post caval and atrium
136. Starch
137. Schwann cells
138. Endocrine pancreas
139. A
140. Liver
141. A
142. Menopause
143. Pleural membranes
144. Paneth cells
145. Water
146. Loop of Henle
147. Goblet cells
148. Heart valves
149. Centrosome
150. Axon
151. Three, two
152. Epiglottis
153. Liver
154. Proliferative
155. HCl
156. Depolarisation of atria
157. Acinar cells
158. Raises/ increases
159. Hypothalamus
160. Fertilization membrane
161. Haematuria
162. Haematopoiesis
163. Electrocardiogram
164. Spinal cord
165. Ovulation
166. Medulla oblongata
167. Brunner’s glands
168. Pancreatic juice
169. Cardiac cycle
170. Inhibin
171. Corpuscles and fibrinogen
172. Inhibits
173. Stimulates
174. Delta cells of pancreas
175. Neuron
176. Prepuce
177. Inguinal canal
178. Tidal volume
179. Nephron
180. Menarche
181. Parathormone
182. Blastocoel
183. Acid in chyme
184. Hyaluronidase
185. Bile salts
186. Cryptorchidism
187. Diabetes mellitus
188. Neuromuscular junction
189. Manchette
190. Atherosclerosis
191. Inspiration
192. 40 mm Hg
193. Resting membrane potential
194. Morula
195. Pineal gland
196. Oxygenated blood is pumped into the aorta and deoxygenated blood is pumped into the
pulmonary artery
197. Placenta
198. Corpus hemorrhagicum
199. Bolus
200. Reduce/ decrease
201. Bulbourethral gland
202. Bartholin’s glands
203. Pepsinogen, pepsin
204. Lubb
205. Higher
206. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
207. Renal pelvis
208. Calcitonin
209. Adrenalin/ epinephrine
210. Prolactin
211. Endometrium
212. Spirometer
213. Calcium
214. Squamous epithelium
215. Iron
216. Bilirubin and biliverdin
217. Total lung capacity
218. Vital capacity
219. Peristalsis
220. Ureters
221. Rete testis
222. Tricuspid
223. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
224. H+ concentration, PCO2, temperature
225. Atrial depolarization
226. Chief cells, oxyphils
227. Infundibulum
228. Hypothalamu
229. Diaphragm
230. Cleavage
231. Seminiferous tubules
232. Renal pyramid
233. Luteal phase
234. 6
235. Sarcomere
236. Acrosome
237. Foramen ovale
238. Lower
239. Follicular and parafollicular
240. Esophagus
241. Mitral valve/ bicuspid valve
242. Urochrome
243. Morula
244. Thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), Calcitonin
245. Lipase
246. Liver
247. Diabetes
248. Posterior pituitary
249. K
250. D
251. K, B12
252. Aldosterone and ADH
253. Marasmus
254. One

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