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Jenga Review – Colonial Era

    -One person reads the questions & keeps score.
    -The others are pulling blocks & answering questions.
    -Pull a block. Read the question that corresponds with the number on the block.  That 
person has the first chance to answer the question. If they get it correct on 
    their first try, they get a point.  If they get it wrong, the next person gets a chance at 
    answering and getting the point.  Go around the group once, and if no one can answer
question, the next person pulls a block. 
-Some numbers will not have questions but will automatically give you extra
points or take points away. 
-Continue playing until the tower falls.  Whoever caused the tower to fall
automatically loses 
the game.  The winner is the person with the most points.
-Stack your blocks and play again.      

1. John White brought settlers to this colony but when he returned 3 years later,
they were gone.  - Roanoke
2. Where did the settlers on Roanoke most likely go? - Croatoan Island
3. What was the first permanent, successful English colony in the New World?  -
4. Who forced the colonists to work in Jamestown? - John Smith
5. For what reason did colonists come to Jamestown?  - to make money
6. This is a document that granted the right to form a colony. - charter
7. This is a company in which investors bought shares, or part ownership. - joint
stock company or Virginia Company
8. What finally made it possible for the colonists at Jamestown to make money?  -
9. Who introduced tobacco to Jamestown? - John Rolfe
10. This is the name of a land grant given to settlers who paid their own way to the
New World. - headright
11. Found in Jamestown, this was the first legislature in N. America. - House of
12. What was the main reason why people settled in the New England colonies? -
religious freedom
13. This term means mistreated for one’s beliefs. - persecuted
14. Who was the first group to settle in the New England colonies. - Pilgrims
15. This document set up an organized, orderly government for the Pilgrims. -
Mayflower Compact
16. Who was the first governor of Massachusetts Bay colony who spoke of it being a
“city upon a hill”? - John Winthrop
17. The ability to accept those with different views is called this. - tolerance
18. Who created the colony of Connecticut? - Thomas Hooker
19. This was the first written constitution in N. America.  - Fundamental Orders of
20. Who formed the colony of Rhode Island & made it so all could worship freely? -
Roger Williams
21. This war destroyed the power of Native Americans in New England and was
fought because they disagreed over the land. - King Philip’s War
22. New York was originally controlled by this country. - Netherlands (The Dutch)
23. How did England get control of New York? - They threatened war.
24. What did the colonies of New York & Pennsylvania have in common? - They
were both diverse. 
25. Who founded Pennsylvania? - William Penn
26. Those who refuse to fight in wars are called this.  - Pacifists
27. Which religious group settled in Pennsylvania & were known for believing in
equality and being pacifists? - Quakers
28. Who did most of the work on the tobacco plantations in the early years of the
Virginia colony? - indentured servants
29. What were indentured servants promised to receive when their contract was up?
- land
30. Maryland was founded to serve as a safe place for which group? - Catholics
31. Who founded Maryland?  - George Calvert
32. The Mason-Dixon line divided which two colonies? - Pennsylvania & Maryland
33. What was passed to ensure that both Catholics & Protestants could worship
freely in Maryland? - Act of Toleration
34. What was grown in N. Carolina? - tobacco
35. What was grown in S. Carolina? (name one) - rice and indigo
36. James Oglethorpe founded which colony? - Georgia
37. Name one reason as to why the colony of Georgia was created?  - safe place for
debtors to start a new life OR it would block Spanish attacks on the colonies 
38. Add 2 points
39. Add 2 points
40. Add 2 points
41. Add 2 points
42. Lose 2 points
43. Lose 2 points
44. Lose 2 points
45. Lose 2 points
46. No points gained or lost.  
47. No points gained or lost.
48. No points gained or lost. 

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