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Treatment of landfill leachate by reverse osmosis

Article  in  Water Research · February 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1354(98)00240-1


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3 authors, including:

Angelo Chianese Nicola Verdone

Sapienza University of Rome Sapienza University of Rome


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Wat. Res. Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 647±652, 1999
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0043-1354(98)00240-1 0043-1354/98 $19.00 + 0.00


Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rome ``La Sapienza'', 00184 Rome, Italy

(First received February 1998; accepted May 1998)

AbstractÐThis paper deals with an experimental study describing the treatment of land®ll leachate by
means of a pilot-scale reverse osmosis unit. Leachate streams with a CO parameter in the range of 0±
1749 mg lÿ1 have been adopted. The ¯ux rate of the permeate through the membrane decreased linearly
with the COD factor. The rejection coecient of COD was practically independent of the COD value,
but was signi®cantly a€ected by the applied pressure. By operating at 53 atm, COD rejection values
around 98% were obtained. Finally, the e€ect of COD on the separation of some heavy metals was
investigated. For most metals this in¯uence was negligible. Only the rejection coecient of Zn
decreased signi®cantly upon increasing the COD of the leachate stream. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved

Key wordsÐreverse osmosis, leachate treatment

INTRODUCTION in¯uence of the pressure on the RO unit perform-

Leachates from municipal solid waste land®ll ance is required.
sites are de®ned as hazardous waste water. The main aim of the present work has been to in-
Their disposal is recognized as one of the most vestigate the performance of the leachate disposal
dicult tasks associated with the operation of by an RO unit using a wide range of operating
land®lls. pressures and of the COD level of the leachate.
In the 70's and 80's many studies have been
devoted to comparative evaluations of the disposal EXPERIMENTAL
treatments employed. Chian et al. (1976) reported The experimental work has been carried out by using an
that reverse osmosis (RO) is the most e€ective oper- apparatus at pilot scale here described and a leachate from
ation in reducing the chemical oxygen demand the municipal land®ll of Pietramelina (Perugia, Italy).
(COD) in leachate water. In recent years, the exper- The considered land®ll, established in 1994, has an area
of 40000 m2 and is located in a hilly region where the
imental works by Krug and McDougall (1989), average annual amount of rain is rather high (400 mm).
Kinman and Nutini (1991), and Bilstad and The leachate production could be up to 5000 l hÿ1. Its
Madland (1992), have demonstrated the feasibility chemical analysis is reported in Table 1. Since the plant
of using reverse osmosis technology for leachate was built recently, a high value of the leachate BOD
would be expected. The relatively low BOD value
disposal. In particular, it has been shown that observed can be explained by considering that part of the
leachate can be puri®ed by RO from both organic waste organic fraction is previously eliminated to produce
and inorganic compounds. Values of the rejection `compost'.
coecient referred to COD parameter and heavy In order to investigate both the COD and heavy metals
metal concentrations higher than 0.98 and 0.99, separation, RO experiments were carried out feeding the
pilot plant with mixtures of an aqueous solution of some
respectively, were reported. chosen heavy metals (Zn, Cu and Cd) and samples of lea-
In spite of much experimental work reported in chate water withdrawn from the Perugia municipal land-
the literature, at lab and industrial scale, a systema- ®ll. The COD values were varied by dilution. The leachate
tic investigation on RO performances under various was pre-treated by micro®ltration in order to eliminate the
suspended solids.
sets of operating conditions has not yet been per- The experimental set-up, shown in Fig. 1, consists essen-
formed. As a matter of fact, the determination of tially of a 50 l process tank (S-1), a high pressure recircula-
the minimum operating pressure which assures the
required puri®cation of leachate water is of great
Table 1. Leacheate analysis
economical importance and so a clear picture of the
COD (mg/l) 3840
BOD (mg/l) 1200
BOD/COD 0.33
pH 8
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Na (mg/l) 1800
[Tel.: +39-6-44585-X928; Fax: +39-6-4827453; E-mail: Metals (Na except) (mg/l) <0.5].

648 Angelo Chianese et al.

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up.

tion pump (PV-1), a spiral RO membrane (RO-1) and the rate increased linearly upon increasing the operating
interconnecting piping.
pressure, as expected. In fact, according to the sol-
Both the permeate and concentrate streams were re-
cycled to the process tank, having measured their ¯ow- ution-di€usion model (Lonsdale et al., 1965) that
rates by means of two rotameters (FI-1, FI-2). A constant excludes convective ¯ow, the steady-state per-
temperature was attained in the feed tank by two trim meation ¯ux of the solvent (water) through the
coolers (E-1, E-2). Between the booster pump (PC-1) and membrane for a dilute solution, Jw (m3 hÿ1 mÿ2), is
the process pump two basket ®lters (F-1) provided the
continuous ®ltration of the stream fed to the RO mem- given by:
brane. Pw
The pH value of the liquid in the process tank was Jw ˆ …DP ÿ Dp† …1†
adjusted to a value of 6 by addition of HCl, in order to l
operate at the typical pH conditions of the land®ll lea- where DP and Dp are the transmembrane pressure
chate achieved after the pre-treatment operations. The
spiral RO membrane was a 2.5 inch element supplied by and the osmotic pressure di€erence between the
DOW Italia, SW30-2521 type. For all the runs the operat- feed and permeate at the membrane surface (atm)
ing temperature was maintained at 2820.28C. and the ratio Pw/l is the pure water permeability
Throughout each run samples of permeate and concen- constant, with l the membrane thickness (m) and
trated streams were withdrawn and analyzed. The concen-
Pw the speci®c hydraulic permeability
trations of the metals were measured by using the atomic
absorption spectrophotometer Philips 9200, whose accu- (m3 hÿ1 mÿ1 atmÿ1) given by the relationship
racy is 0.1 ppm. The analysis of COD, carried out accord- (Mallevialle et al., 1996):
ing to the 1964 ASTM standard procedure, was performed
with an accuracy of 215 mg lÿ1.
 w,mcw,m V
D w
Pw ˆ …2†
where Dw,m is the water di€usion coecient
(m2 hÿ1), cw,m is the water concentration in the
membrane (m3 mÿ3), Vw is the water partial molar
The ®rst series of experiments was devoted to volume (m3 kmolÿ1), R the gas constant, 0.08206
examine the e€ect of the operating pressure on the (m3 atm kmolÿ1 Kÿ1), and T the absolute tempera-
permeate ¯ux rate through the membrane for values ture (K).
of COD in the range between 0±1749 mg lÿ1. The The experimental data are well ®tted by straight
results obtained have been plotted in Fig. 2. At a lines (correlation>0.998) which have di€erent inter-
constant value of COD and salts content, the ¯ux cepts and slope values in a close range.
Treatment of land®ll leachate by reverse osmosis 649

Fig. 2. Permeate ¯uxes vs pressure.

This means that the in¯uence of leachate COD where c is the solute concentration (kmol mÿ3), n is
and sodium content on the osmotic pressure is the number of ions from dissociation and g is the
strong, while it is quite negligible on the water per- osmotic coecient. In general g is a function of the
meability. The average slope of the straight lines ®t- solution composition; in this work, values of g coef-
ting the measured permeate ¯uxes as function of ®cients of the two considered salts were calculated
the operating pressure indicates a pure water per- by ®tting by means of equation 3 the experimental
meability constant equal to 0.795  103 m3 hÿ1 mÿ1 data of their diluted solutions reported in
atmÿ1 (sd 0.0163). This value is related to the struc- Sourirajan (1970): values of 0.937 and 0.762 for
ture of the used membrane. However, it is in the sodium chloride and for sodium sulphate, respect-
range of the values in the literature for the same ively, resulted.
range of applied pressure (Sourirajan, 1970). Assuming that the concentration of solute in the
The osmotic pressure values, calculated extrapo- permeate is negligible, the di€erence of osmotic
lating the straight lines for zero ¯ux, increase from pressure within the membrane is coincident with the
0 to 6.56 atm almost linearly upon rising the con- osmotic pressure in the concentrated solution.
centration of the leachate, that is the content of The values of the osmotic pressure due to the
both COD and sodium salts. two salts determined by equation 3 and those due
The osmotic pressure due to COD was evaluated to COD, calculated as the residual contribution to
based on the assumption that the contributions of the overall osmotic pressure values, are shown in
inorganic salts and organic compounds in the lea- Table 2. The overall osmotic pressure appears to be
chate are additive with respect to the overall osmo- mainly a€ected by COD. It means that the re-
tic pressure. In order to determine the sodium salts duction of the permeate ¯ux, observed upon
contribution, the sodium content was attributed to increasing the leachate concentration, is essentially
sodium chloride and sodium sulphate in the molar due to the presence of the organic compounds
ratio reported in Krug and McDougall (1989). The described by the COD parameter. The estimated
values of the osmotic pressure p due to each salt values of osmotic pressure of COD increase linearly
were calculated by the general equation for dilute with the COD content according to the following
solutions (Klotzi and Rosemberg, 1986): relationship (correlation index 0.990):
p ˆ gcRT …3† p ˆ 0:00311  COD …4†

Table 2. COD and salts contribution to osmotic pressure

COD (mg/l) SALTS (mg/l) pTOT (atm) pSALTS (atm) pCOD (atm)

0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

335 411 1.09 0.28 0.81
633 808 2.50 0.53 1.97
912 1149 3.73 0.75 2.98
1265 1604 5.43 1.05 4.38
1749 2226 6.56 1.46 5.10
650 Angelo Chianese et al.

Fig. 3. COD rejection vs pressure.

where a phenomenological coecient (atm l mgÿ1) the equation:

appears. DP ÿ Dp
A second series of experiments has been carried R ˆ 0:991 …6†
DP ÿ Dp ‡ 0:469
out in order to evaluate the e€ect of the operating
pressure on the COD rejection coecient de®ned where Dp is the experimental osmotic pressure for
as: the considered COD.
cp The form of equation 6 is that usually assumed
Rˆ1ÿ …5† to express the relationship between the rejection
coecient and the applied pressure di€erence across
where cf and cp are the solute concentrations, i.e. a membrane. As is well known, with increasing DP,
the COD, of the feed and the permeate streams, re- R tends toward an asymptotic value, lower than 1.
spectively. In the present case the R's asymptotic value is
In preliminary runs we ascertained that, in the equal to 0.991.
pressure range examined here, R is almost indepen- Equation 6 can be used to determine the mini-
dent of the COD of the feed stream but signi®- mum pressure required to achieve the maximum
cantly dependent on the operating pressure. COD allowed in the permeate stream.
Figure 3 shows that the COD rejection coecient Finally, we have carried out a further series of
increases from 96 to 98%, upon increasing the experiments to investigate the in¯uence of COD of
applied pressure from 20 to 53 atm. The value of R the leachate on the removal by RO of heavy metals.
obtained here at 20 atm, that is 96%, is slightly We have examined the operation yield with respect
lower than that one reported in Kinman and Nutini to the behavior of three heavy metals, Zn, Cu and
(1991), equal to 97%. In this latter work, however, Cd, whose requirements for the discharge of the lea-
the COD in the feed stream was 888 mg lÿ1, while chate are very di€erent, that is 500, 100 and
the reported results are referred to a COD equal to 20 mg lÿ1, respectively, according to Italian regu-
1749 mg lÿ1. lation. The adopted concentration of these metals
The experimental data reported in Fig. 3 can in the feed stream, equal to 20 mg lÿ1, is higher
be well ®tted (correlation index 0.994) by means of than the usual ones in the leachate. This choice was
performed to obtain a residual concentration well
Table 3. Removal of the three examined heavy metals from aqu- detectable by the used analytical instrument.
eous solutions at two COD contents The obtained results, reported in Table 3, lead to
Removal [%] the following observations:
20 atm 53 atm ± the removal of the three examined metals by
with with RO in the absence of organic contaminants is
without 1265 mg/l without 1265 mg/l always higher than 98%, in agreement with the
COD COD COD COD data reported in the literature;
Cu 99.2 98.5 99.2 98.7 ± the COD of the leachate water lowers the
Zn 98.1 97.2 98.3 97.3 removal of Cu and Zn, but to a di€erent extent. In
Cd 99.6 99.5 99.6 99.5
particular, operating with solutions with increasing
Treatment of land®ll leachate by reverse osmosis 651

Fig. 4. Zn rejection vs pressure.

values of COD in the range 0±1265 mg lÿ1, we The permeate ¯ux is signi®cantly reduced with
notice an increase of the unremoved amount of Cu increasing COD up to 1749 mg lÿ1. On the basis of
of about 86% at 20 atm and of 63% at 53 atm. For the experimental data a relationship between the
Zn by operating in the same COD range, on the osmotic pressure and the COD value has been
contrary, it has been observed increasing values of ascertained.
the unremoved amount of metal of 48% and 59% The pressure has an advantageous e€ect, as
at the two operating pressures, respectively; expected, on the COD rejection, which increases
± the removal of Cd by RO is always higher than from 96 to 98% when the operating pressure is
99.5%, thus it is not a€ected by the presence of or- increased from 20 to 53 atm.
ganic compounds in the aqueous solutions. The in¯uence of the COD of the leachate on the
The major e€ect of COD on the zinc and copper rejection of heavy metals is related to the nature of
ions behavior can be explained by a greater com- the metal. Among the investigated metals, Cu and
plexation of these ions with the organic compounds Zn exhibit a signi®cant removal, while Cd removal
with respect to the cadmium ions. It is, in fact, well seems not to be a€ected by the presence of organic
known that the complexation of an ion can greatly compounds in the leachate.
increase its transfer within the membrane Finally, the rejection coecients obtained for Zn
(Menjeaud et al., 1993). at various values of COD and pressure has been
The Zn removal trend vs the RO operating press- well predicted by a four parameters version of the
ure is shown in Fig. 4 in correspondence of three usual relationship assumed for the rejection coe-
di€erent COD values investigated. By ®tting the ex- cient estimation.
perimental data the following equation (correlation
index 0.981) to predict the Zn rejection as a func-
tion of the leachate organic compound content has REFERENCES
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ÿ5 ation by reverse osmosis. Wat. Sci. Tech. 25(3), 117±
R ˆ …0:996 ÿ 1:92  10 120.
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the in¯uence of COD of the leachate on the per- of a Micro®ltration/Reverse Osmosis Process for the
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652 Angelo Chianese et al.

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