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Semester: Spring 2020

Course Code: Bus 520, Section: 6

Submitted to: Dr. Mahmud A. Shareef

Associate Professor, North South University

Date: May 31, 2020

Final Assignment

Submitted by:

Md. Wasiq Dayem Minhazul Kabir Abir


Question: Suppose you completely believe on management system related to theory X. Will
you be interested in motivating your employees based on Expectancy theory? Explain.


Theory X denotes that usually the average employees are lazy and need the push to achieve
the organizational objectives. In this theory, the employees are not spontaneously
motivated to do their work and requires structured rewards and punishment to get them
working. According to theory X, the management style needs more of monitoring the
employee’s activities so that they are working towards the outcomes.

Expectancy Theory is one of the principles for motivating employees. The theory implies
that, if the employee is promised to gain organizational rewards, s/he will deliver effort to
meet the expected performance which will get him/her the rewards. The reward has to be
personalized for every single employee so that the personal goal of the employee gets
fulfilled as long as the manager can derive the organizational objective from the employee.
According to the Expectancy Theory, the reward value determines the motivation of the

Expectancy theory has three components-

 Expectancy- The effort toward reaching the expected performance.

 Instrumentality- The perception of the employee of achieving the organizational
reward through performance.
 Valence- The reward being optimized for the employee so that the reward helps the
employee to reach personal goal.

Now, supposedly, I am working as a Night Shift Manager of a Call Center where under my
supervision there are 10 customer service representatives. As I am firmly believing Theory X
to manage these people, I am monitoring them all the working hours, pushing them
continuously to meet the goals for the day. As I’m working night shift some of my

employees fill dizzy at work and I have to get angry with them from time to time to get them
work. At the end of the day, I get the results from them as I’m strictly making them
answering the phones to solve the customers’ problems. However, as I am spending most of
the regular work hour controlling the workforce, I get small amount of time to complete the
daily reports and preparing new scripts for the representatives. As a result, I have to stay
late at the office than the regular time to complete daily task.

In this situation I would be delighted to motivate my employees according to Expectancy

Theory. I would make the strategy to integrate the Expectancy Theory with Theory X in
following manner.

First, I will set individual goals for everyone. For example: if the person “A” has a record of
resolving 10 cases an hour on average I will increase the goal to solve 12 cases/hour on
average but, not necessarily, person “B” whose average is 7 cases/hour, I will set that to 9
cases/hour initially. So that not only the best performer gets to relax; all the employees get
to improve themselves. In this goal setting, if someone is overachieving the goals per day,
the next day the goal will be higher. I will be monitoring the employees whether they are on
work or not. But if they are not the punished toward the end of the week and Theory X will
be strictly implied to them by sending them different levels of warning to losing their
jobs(the levels of warning will be discussed below).

Second, The reward will be frequent; every week. The employees will be offered a half day
on the following week for achieving the consistency throughout the week. As the goals are
set individually the consistency of reaching goal and frequency of overachievement will be
counted for appointing the best performer of the week. The remaining work of the best
performer of the half day will be appointed to the least 2 performers. As a result, everyone
will put effort to reach their expected performance and this will create a healthy contest in
work which will help both the company and the employees will get the motivation to work.

Third, The result for each week will be recorded throughout the year. The highest achieving
performer will be recommended for any available higher position in the company or will be
receiving a handsome percentage of increment in his/her salary. In that way, I can help the
employee to get into better position in the company.

Finally, To get the best out of my employees I have to take action for the consistent
underachiever as well. As I am believing in Theory X, I will not increase the goals of the
underachiever if they cannot meet their goals weekly. But consistent underachieving will be
case for negative consequence for them. As a consequence, for their low performance I will
set warning level every 4 months; third warning which means after a year will have to let go
the employee from the company.

In this way I can set example for both good and bad performance consequences throughout
the workforce.

Now, the benefits that I will get as Manager by integrating Expectancy Theory with Theory X

 My workforce will get a direction to work for. They will show their discretionary
effort towards meeting the expected performance.
 I will be able to have more time to prepare my own works to make my superior
happy with my performance. Even though I will be monitoring them, but the severity
of engaging myself for their work will be less than before.
 Continuously and small increasing of the weekly goals will seem retainable for the
employees and once the employees are being rewarded on regular basis they will be
set to perform more.
Theory X will help me to keep my workforce engaged on regular basis as I am also setting
punishment for the underachievers but the integration of Expectancy Theory will help me to
motivate the employees and take them to the right direction for achieving their personal

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