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NAME: DATE: ___________


I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if he statement is correct; change the

underlined word or group of word if the statement is incorrect before each number.

1. Recognizing the notions of good and bad, and the right and wrong are the primary
concern of ethics
2.Epistemology refers to the study of values which is divided into aesthetics. Morality
3. Aesthetics is concerned with right or wrong actions.
4. Cooking is not ethical.
5. Moral refers to specific belief or attitude that people have to describe act that
people perform.
6. Particularly the word “Not” is usually as a part of ethics.
7. Immoral can be a part of short behaving properly in the public.
8. Philosophy is a form of friendship or love.
9. Ethics and Morals cognate both ethical, unethical, immoral, amoral and morality.
10. Personal conduct refers to as his moral attitudes and behavior.
11. Dilemma is one a situation in which you have to make up a complete personality.
12. Dimension is one of the elements or factors that make up a completed
13. Descriptive study of ethics reports how people, particularly groups, make moral
valuation without making any judgment either against these valuations.
14. Normative study of ethics often done in philosophy or moral theology, engages in
questions: what could or what should?
15. Moral theory is a systematic attempt to establish the validity of maintaining
certain moral principles.

II. Fill in the blank with a word or group of words that make the statement correct.
Inside the box select the best answer. Write your answer before each number.

Law Psychological Egoism

Positive Law Ethical Egoism
Divine Command Theory Utilitarianism
Natural Law Utility
Cultural Relativism Sovereign Masters
1. The guide to one’s behavior.
2. It refers to the different rules and regulations that are posited or put forwards by
an authority figure that require compliance.
3.A foundation of ethical values.
4. A faith that contributes on ethical thought when we look at it.
5. An ethical that is acceptable and unacceptable one’s culture.
6. A theory that describes the underlying dynamic behind all human actions.
7. This refers to psychological egoism in that it does not suppose all out actions are
already inevitably self-serving.
8. An ethical theory that argues for the goodness of pleasure and the determination
of right behavior based on the usefulness of the actions consequences.
9. This refers to the usefulness of the consequences of one’s action and
10. It refers to pleasure and pain.

III. Enumerate the following:

1. Two foremost utilitarian thinkers.

2. Principle of Utility.

3. Kant explained the elements formulation of the categories imperative based on

substantive moral theory.

4. Rational faculty of a person tells us she is capable of achieving:

Essay Type: Elucidate the following (10 points each)

1. How is a person’s formed according to Aristotle?
2. Identify some Filipino traits and categorize each as virtue (middle) or vice (excess
or deficiency). Place them in a table.
3. What is meant by enlightened morally as opposed to paternalism? Why is
deontology a kind of enlightenment morality?
4. Do you agree that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain,
and that all actions are directed toward pleasure?

Good luck

Summary of Test Test Items

Modified True or False 15
Fill in the blanks 10
Enumeration 10
Essay Type 20
Total 55

Prepared by
Prof ESG

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