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In the mid-1300s, the Black Death was a catastrophic bubonic plague outbreak that spread through
Europe and Asia.

This, the disease moved from Italy through present-day France, Spain, England (in June 1348) and
Brittany, Germany, Hungary, Scandinavia, and, lastly, northwest Russia.

The cause of the plague was the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which was carried by fleas on rodents,
usually rats. It came in Europe when 12 ships from the Black Sea stopped in the Sicilian port of
Messina in October 1347. The majority of the sailors on board were dead, and those who were still
alive were critically ill and covered in black sores oozing blood and pus. People gathered on the
docks were met with a shocking surprise. The majority of the sailors on board were dead, and those
who were still alive were critically ill and covered in black sores. Sicilian officials rushed the army
of death ships out of the port, but it was too late. This was just the beginning of the horrifying
plague. It lasted 5 years and killed more than 20 million people throughout Europe, nearly a third of
the continent's population.

The Black Death was a dreadful, indiscriminately infectious disease. The sickness was also
frighteningly effective. People who were completely healthy when they went to bed may be dead
the next morning.

It is not known for certain how many people died during the Black Death. As we don’t have many
records. Many people were affected (75 -200) but the majority of them died as you could not
survive more than a day. About 25 million people are estimated to have died in Europe.

There were many symptoms for the Black Death. Fever, shivering, vomiting, headaches, giddiness,
sensitivity to light, back and leg discomfort and insomnia were the most common symptoms. It also
produces buboes, in which one or more swollen nodes , commonly in armpits, become sensitive
and swollen.

The Black Death had a wide range of effects. For a time, trade suffered, and disagreements were
postponed. Many labourers died, causing hardship for families and personal pain; landowners who
utilized labourers as were also harmed.

There was no cure because no one knew what caused the illness, but that didn't stop people from
doing what they could with the medical knowledge available at the time. These remedies, the most
of which were ineffective and some of which were dangerous, were various, but they found that
social isolation was the best option for avoiding the spread of plague. They also took precautions
such as quarantine and having to wear masks like a bird's peak.

Coronavirus (or COVID-19) was identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. In March 2020, the
World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Corona Virus outbreak a pandemic.

Corona Virus, also known as COVID-19, is an infectious disease that causes respiratory sickness in
humans. Covid 19 is an abbreviation that stands for "Novel Corona Virus Disease 2019." The
Corona Virus has had an impact on our daily lives.
This pandemic has touched millions of individuals, who are either sick or dying as a result of the
disease's spread.

This virus has a global impact since it spreads mostly via contact with people. It spreads from
person to person within 6 feet of those in close touch. The majority of countries have reduced their
goods manufacture.

Coronavirus has affected the whole world and lots of social classes. It’s true that maybe the lower
classes have been more affected as if they’ve lost their job maybe they don’t have enough money to
buy things or they cannot afford things like for example education or basic supplies.

There has been 12.3 million cases recorded from COVID and 106K deaths. This is a lot of people
and we need to keep in mind that this is only the ones that have been recorded.

Fever, cold, cough, bone pain, and respiratory issues are the most typical signs of this viral illness.
In addition to these symptoms, Corona Virus sufferers may have fatigue, sore throat, muscular
discomfort, and loss of smell or taste.

Thus, the focus there has been is adopting considerable measures such as comprehensive
cleanliness, hand washing with sanitizers or soap on a frequent basis, avoidance of face-to-face
connection, social distance, and wearing a mask, among other things. We have also been in
quarantine which has helped the society and wearing masks as well.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a tremendous loss of human life throughout the world and
poses an extraordinary risk to public health, food systems, and the workplace. The pandemic's
economic and social impact is devastating: tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into
severe poverty, and the number of poor people, which is presently estimated at almost 690 million,
might rise by up to 132 million by the end of the year.

In conclusion COVID has affected our lives massively and will still change them.

First of all they are not transmitted the same way. COVID is passed from one to person, generally
via direct touch (within six feet). It can also be spread by direct physical contact, such as shaking
the hand of someone infected with the virus or touching a contaminated surface. Simply being near
an infected person who coughs, sneezes, or speaks might expose you to virus particles in respiratory
droplets. On the other hand the Black Death is infected by fleas most commonly rats. People can
also become infected via direct contact with an infected animal, but human-to-human transmission
is rare.

The plague symptoms normally occur within one week of exposure and include fever, headache,
and the formation of sensitive swollen lymph nodes around the place bitten by an infected flea.
Fever is another common symptom of COVID-19, as are headaches. Shortness of breath, dry cough,
loss of taste and/or smell, conjunctivitis, skin rashes, and digestive difficulties such as diarrhea are
some COVID-19 symptoms. However with COVID you can also be asymptomatic which with the
Black Death it is not possible.

When it comes to COVID-19, modest symptoms may typically be managed at home by using over-
the-counter pain relievers and fever reducers. However, if symptoms are severe (for example,
persistent chest discomfort or pressure, difficulty breathing, or blue lips or face), medical attention
may be necessary. On the other hand with the Black Death there was no cure on that days. They
only used remedies invented by them which did not work and were fatal.

If the plague is not treated immediately, the germs can spread to other regions of the body and cause
more serious infections such as meningitis and pneumonia. On the other hand COVID is not that
serious unless you have medical conditions. Also it lasts for a few days but you don’t die within

In conclusion, aside from common symptoms like fever and headache, COVID-19 and the plague
are clearly distinct illnesses. The only thing they have in common is that, like COVID-19, the
plague may be passed from person to person by respiratory droplets.

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