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International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS-2017)

Phase Comparison Techniques for

Transmission Line Protection
Suwarna Baraskar Asst. Prof. SachinWadhankar
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Nagpur, India Nagpur, India

proper action to segregate zone from rest of healthy

Abstract—A transmission line is the most important &
integral part of a power system. Due to occurrence of
more than 80% of disturbances or short circuit faults in
The conventional segregated phase comparison
an overhead line, this section has become the most technique is widely used for transmission line
vulnerable part of the electrical system. The differential protection. It works on the comparison of phase
protection one of the main protection of the angle of each phase current from both ends of
transmission line which trip immediately under fault transmission line to distinguish internal & external
condition. This paper recommends a detail theory faults. The half cycle of sinusoidal current at one end
about working principle of differential protection & of line is converted to the square wave signal and
differential relay design for a 400kv transmission line. sent over to other end using power line
The simulation results of MATLAB show that the communication carrier (PLCC)[4].In reference [14]
design relay can be used as a main protection scheme
presents a new integrated differential protection
for the 400 kv transmission line. This paper presents
improved phase comparison technique & cosine method for line differential protection of
function which is notable form of differential protection transmission lines. The main decision block (MBD)
which compares the phase angle of end currents of is one method to to fix errors in current & voltage
transmission line & are able to discriminate the faulty trip.
phase accurately using equivalent ʌ model of
transmission line. The new technique can successfully The phase selector has acted as one of the
differentiate between internal & external faults. crucial elements of the EHV transmission line
protection. The phase selector using superimposed
Keywords— Transmission line, differential protection, differential currents between phases is a kind of
Faults, relay model.
phase selector methods based on the fault
I.INTRODUCTION components. A novel phase selector is presented
based on multipara meter comparison of the fault
Power systems are nothing but the combination
components. The criteria based on the cosine of
of schemes, equipment’s & policies to ensure the
phase difference between the positive sequence
fault in protected area. After ensuring the fault,
components & sum of negative and zero sequence
clearing that fault from rest of healthy system is the
components accomplishes the phase selection[10].
main work of protection system. The faults will lead
to partial system or total blackout. To protect the The recent enlargement and increased
system against disturbances that occurred, a complexity of power system configurations has led to
protection system is essentially required. One of the adjacent arrangements of short and long
most important & reliable equipment’s introduced in distancepower transmission lines, both connected to
the protection of power system are protective relays. same bus bar in a substation. This causes difficult
These are one of the most economic & flexible situation when relay engineers coordinate reach or
devices that provide fast & reliable protection to the operate time among distance relays. To cope with
entire system. Now a days we are using the most of this current differential protection which utilizes
principles of operation of electromechanical relays wide area current data for wide area backup
for the construction of protective devices. protection needs system wide timing synchronism for
Differential protection is one of the most popular and the simultaneous current sampling at all remote
reliable techniques in power system protection. terminals and data exchanges among them[8].
Differential protection schemes compares the Secure phase comparison technique and cosine
currents that enter into protected zone with the angle comparison schemes which works on phase
currents that leave the protected zone. If the total angle difference of sending and receiving end
sum of currents that enter or leaves the protected current. These schemes are able to discriminate
zone is become zero, then it is assumed that no fault faulty phase accurately due to its simplicity,
in the protected zone. If the total sum is not zero, the selectivity and sensitivity. According to these
protection decides that fault occurs and takes the proposed methods MATLAB Simulink model is

978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE


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International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS-2017)

designed by using block diagram as shown in fig (1) A similar equation can be written for other phases.
given below. Hence no fault condition can be discriminated by
Ψcos(a)=…‘• ିଵ ሺ…‘•ሺ‘‫ݎ݁ݏ݆݅ܫ‬ሻ ൅
…‘•ሺ‘‫ݎ݁ݏ݆݅ܫ‬ሻ=…‘• ିଵ ሺͲሻ=90° (8)

A similar equation can be written for other

phases. Ideally Ψcos(phase)=90° will indicate the no
fault condition. However for an internal fault
Ψcos(phase) 90°.In absence of an internal fault
operating point may deviate from 90° due to
modeling assumptions.
The simulation is based on working principle
of differential protection is presented in Simulink
Fig 1:- Block diagram of transmission line protection considering /Matlab environment. It simulates a three phase, two
secure phase comparison schemes.
sources,50Hz,400Kv transmission line with 100 km
II.NOVEL PRINCIPLE OF INTERNAL AND length used in the system. To get right settings of
EXTERNAL FAULT IDENTIFICATION relay, equation of both methods must be considered.
Fig 1.shows the equivalent ʌ model of transmission
A.Phase angle comparison method line.Line currents & series branch currents are
The phase domain approach has an advantage represented with notations. Phase comparison
of having superior ability of faulty phase selection techniques compensates phase angle error due to line
Let us consider equivalent ʌ model of 3 phase charging currents.
transmission line as shown in fig(1).
Case(a)Considering the no fault situation, the
series current equations at bus i and j for phase “a”
can be written as:-
Iijser= (1)
Iijser= (2)
argቂ ቃ=arg(-1)=180°. (3)

Case(b)Considering the fault occurring at

length “A” from bus i,the fault current from
phsase”a” in terms of series current can be written
as:- Fig 2 :- Equivalent ʌ model of three phase transmission line.


Iijser= ‫ݎ݁ݏ݆݅ܫ‬ (5) Differential protection principle is based on

ூ௜௝௦௘௥ Kirchhoff current law which has been widely used in
Arg=ቂ ቃ  180° (6) main equipment protection of power system.
Differential protection is based on the fact that any
Ideally every difference other than 180° fault within would cause the current entering is
indicates a fault. In the absence of internal fault, different it to be different from that leaving it.Thus
operating point may deviate from 180° due to we can compare the two currents either in magnitude
measurement errors. or phase or both and issue a trip output.
B. Cosine angle comparison method. In this paper, we can compare the phase angle
These method works on the summation of cosine difference of both ends of transmission line. We
angle of series branch current Iijser and Ijiser.For phase propose the secure phase angle comparison scheme
“a” can be written as:- and cosine angle comparison scheme for the
protection of transmission line which works on the
cos(∠Iijser)+cos(∠Ijiser)=cos(∠Iijser) phase angle difference of current. The phase
+cos(-180°+∠Iijser) comparison technique which compensate phase angle
=cos(∠Iijser)-cos(∠Ijiser)=0 (7)


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International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS-2017)

error due to line charging currents.These schemes are C. Result under normal operating condition
able to discriminate faulty phase reliably.
Results for phase angle comparison of different
In order to enhance conventional differential conditions as given below .But these results as same
protection scheme, a new protection algorithm was as for cosine angle comparison.Under normal
implemented combining concept discussed above in operating condition, when no fault on system
section 2. relaydoes not send any tripping signal to the circuit
breaker. Fig (4) shows results of sending end current
A. Operation during internal faults.
and receiving end of line current(ampere)& fig. (5)
Relay logic of phase angle comparison scheme shows phase difference between sending & receiving
and cosine angle comparison will operate during an end series current(ampere).
internal fault to a bus. When an internal faults occur
in a system if the phase difference is other than 200

Phase A
C u rren t
threshold value indicates an fault. When this 0
happens, relay will trip.This will ensure fast & secure -200
operation during internal fault conditions. Time(seconds)

Phaser B
C u rre n t
B. Operation during external faults.
During the faults external to the bus, relay logic -200
of phase angle comparison and cosine angle Time(seconds)
Phase C
C u rren t
comparison will not operate. Even, if the phase
difference is other than threshold value. This will
result no trip condition. The threshold values ensure 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
that the relay is always stable for external faults Time(seconds)
without affecting its performance on internal faults.
Fig 4:- Performance of LLLG fault during normal condition.
A. Designing of a differential relay
Circuit breaker which is used for the protection
purpose in power system. It cannot operate by its
own decision. There must be a relay that sends
tripping signal to circuit breaker after comparing
phase angle difference at both ends of transmission
B. Logic behind the operation of differential relay.
As per differential protection principle ,current
get compare at both ends of transmission line but as
per phase angle comparison schemes we can
compare phase angle with each other in very
systematic manner in sending end and receiving end
of phase A & then result of comparison sends to
relay logic for final operation. The same procedure
with rest of two phases. Fig (3) shows relay logic of
secure phase comparison scheme.

Fig 5 :- Phase angle difference between sending & receiving end

series current for phase a,b,c(during normal

Fig 3. Relay logic of secure phase comparison scheme.


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International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS-2017)

D. Results for internal faults on system. 5000

C u rre n t C u rre n t C u rre n t

Fig (6) shows the results for internal LLLG 0
fault on system as it is internal fault means inside -5000
protected zone relay sends a tripping signal to the Time (seconds)
circuit breaker which shows sending end and
receiving end line current. Fig (7) shows phase angle
difference between sending & receiving end series -5000
current for phase a,b,c.(ampere). 5000

5000 0
C urren t

0 -5000
0.15 0.2 0.05
0.25 0.3 0.1
0.35 0.4
Time (seconds) Fig 8.:- Performance during (LLLG) external fault for phase
5000 a,b,c.(line current)
C u rre n t C u rre n t

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Fig 6:- Performance during (LLLG) internal fault for phase a, b,
and c.(line current)

Fig 9 :-Phase variation : Phase angle difference between

sending& receiving end series current for phase a,b,c. during
(LLLG) external fault.
Table (1) shows comparison of phase angle & cosine function
TABLE I: Comparison of phase angle and Cosine function

Schemes Fault Relay Types of fault

Phase External No trip No No No No No
comparison Internal Trip Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fig 7 :- Phase angle difference between sending & receiving end
Cosine External No trip No No No No No
series current considering (LLLG) fault. function
Internal Trip Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
E. Results for external faults on system.
Fig (8 ) shows result for LLLG fault on system VI .RELAYING ALGORITHM.
hence no tripping signal from the differential relay to The following algorithm is proposed for secure
the circuit breaker which shows sending & receiving phase angle comparison & cosine angle comparison
end line current (ampere) for phase a,b,c.& fig(9) schemes.
shows phase angle difference between sending &
receiving end series current for phase a,b,c.


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International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS-2017)

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