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, a pair of er o you the main organ of the male which is the gonads or also known

as the testes.
First, let us know what are testes? Most males are born with two testicles,
collectively known as the testes. These soft, egg-shaped organs are located inside the
scrotum. They are surrounded by a number of accessory structures including
the epididymis and the vas deferens.
Now, let us further discuss what are the functions of testes. The testes have two
primary functions. The first function of the testes is to produce testosterone. Testosterone
is a steroid hormone that is responsible for sexual differentiation of the male. It is
important for prenatal development. It also regulates the development of primary and
secondary sexual characteristics—such as penis size and chest hair.
In addition, testosterone contributes to the growth spurt that males experience
during puberty, bone and muscle growth, and the formation of blood cells.
The second function of the testes is to produce sperm. Sperm develop inside the
network of seminiferous tubules that make up a large portion of the testicles. Unlike
females, who have a limited number of germ cells that can turn into eggs across the
lifetime, men are able to make millions and millions of sperm every single day. It then
takes several months for the sperm to mature enough to be functional upon ejaculation.
This maturation starts in the testes but mostly takes place inside the epididymis.
So, all in all, the purpose of the organs of the male genital system is to perform the
subsequent functions: to provide, maintain, and transport sperm (the male reproductive
cells) and protective fluid (semen) To discharge sperm within the feminine reproductive
tract during sex.
I hope you all learn something about this. This

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