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Vocabulary 4





S p ac e
Traveling in space:
The planets are very far away. Even the fastest spaceship we
have made would still take months just to travel to Mars. If we
did travel to Mars, it would take a long time in the spaceship.
How would astronauts get food, water and air for such a long
journey? How would they get back to Earth?
The planet Mars was named after the Roman god of war,
perhaps because its red appearance. Sometimes known as the
red planet, it is made of a dense rocky material, just as
Mercury, Venus and Earth, it is also one of the four earthlike
planets in the inner solar system. Mars is the planet we have
traveled to the most, and we know the most about.
See the picture below.
Traveling to distant planets:
If we wanted to travel to Mars, it would take around 2 years to get there and back.
Mars is cold, with barely any water and strong winds. How do you think the astronauts will survive on
Mars? What kind of animals do you think would live on Mars if there were any? How would plants
survive when the winds are strong, and the temperature is -55 °C?
Mars is just a planet in our solar system, how do you think it would be like to live on your planet?

S p ac e
How many days is 1 year on Mars?


How big is the solar systems biggest known mountain?


What is the temperature of Mars?


What organisms would live on Mars?

Write a short description of how to live on Mars.




S p ac e
A foreign planet:
There are 200 sextillion stars in the known universe, that
is 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars! For every star there might
be 8 planets just like our solar system, which would mean
1600sextillion planets.
All these planets might have life or might not. All these planets are
different sizes, shapes, temperatures and gravity. What kind of
organisms live on these planets. Are they dangerous, friendly,
intelligent? We do not know, but it would be interesting to one day
maybe talk with a different species than humans.
In today's assignment we are filling our own planets with life and
habitats, think about what life on your planet would be like.

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