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The grade 5 English science unit, Heat and
temperature, meets the academic content
standards set in the Korean curriculum, which
state students should:

a) Perceive the difference between cold and

warm objects and measure their
temperature using a thermometer.
b) Understand that the temperature of an
object or environment can change over time
c) Understands that heat transfers from a
higher-temperature object to a lower-
temperature object when the two are
brought in contact, as well as the
temperatures of the two objects will equalize
as time passes.
d) Find appropriate examples of heat transfer
by observing object in students’
environments whose temperature change.
흡수 The process of soaking up liquid,
Absorbed heat or light.
원자 The tiniest part of an element
that has all the properties of that
Atoms element. All the matter in the
原子 universe is made up of atoms.

전도 To allow heat, electricity, or

Conduction sound to pass through.
지휘자 A substance that allows heat,
Conductors electricity, or sound to pass
伝導体 through it.

대류 The circulation of heat through

Convection liquids and gases.
밀도 A measure of how heavy or light
an object is for its size. Density is
Density measure by dividing an object’s
密度 mass by its volume.

Descend To go down to a lower level.

Electromagnetic 전자파 A form of energy waves that are

different from normal energy in
waves 電磁波 that it can travel through vacuum.
가스 A substance, such as, air,
Gas that will spread to fill any
気体 space that contains it.

액체 A substance that flows

Liquid readily and can be poured.

분자 The smallest unit that a

chemical can be divided
Molecules into. Molecules are made
分子 of more than one atom.

The giving off of energy in
Radiation the form of light or heat.

단단한 Hard and firm; not a liquid

Solid or gas.
물질 The physical matter of
Substance which someone or
物質 something is made of.

열 에너지 Energy in the form of heat.

Thermal energy Heat energy.
옮기다 To move something from
Transfer on thing to another.
Vocabulary 1




Readi ng
A thermometer measures temperatures. If the thermometer is in
contact with something hot, the red liquid goes up the tube. This
is because the particles in the liquid gets hotter and therefore
begins moving faster and further apart. If the thermometer
touches something colder the particles will move slower and
closer to each other, making the liquid go down the tube.

Higher temperature: Lower temperature:

When we increase ↑ the When we decrease↓ the
temperature, the particles will temperature, the particles will
move faster and further apart. move slower and closer.

Particles are what we are all made of. Particles are made of molecules and atoms, like water
(H2O) or Carbon dioxide (CO2). In this unit we will use particles as something small that when
it gets hotter, begins moving faster, and when it gets colder moves slower.

When you hear the word, temperature, you might think of something hot or
something cold. In this unit we say temperature to understand how fast something is
moving and its density. When the temperature increase↑ so does the par cles speed
but the substances density will decrease↓.
Density is how dense something is. Density is measure in kg/m3 or g/cm3. When
something is denser it just means that the substance is heavier per size.

Cold Hot


What do we use a thermometer for?


Fill in the beakers with particles and “speed” symbols.

Cold Hot


Density is measured in?

m3/kg kg/m3 °C

What is the boiling point of water?

A thermometer measures temperatures. If the Safety
thermometer is in contact with something hot, the red
liquid goes up the tube. This is because the particles in
the liquid gets hotter and therefore begins moving faster
and further apart. If the thermometer touches
something colder the particles will move slower and
closer to each other, making the liquid go down the tube.
This liquid used to be mercury but is now made of

Hypothesis (Hot liquid).

Hypothesis (Cold liquid).

Obser vation
Observation (Hot liquid).

Observation (Cold liquid).

Draw what happened inside the “Thermometer”.

Hot Cold


Vocabulary 2




Thermal energy
Readi ng
Heat transfer (conduction) Heat Transfer
Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy between
particles of objects that are touching.
Thermal conduction happens when particles of a warmer
object bump into particles of a cooler object and transfer
some of their thermal energy to the cooler particles.
Conduction is usually faster in certain solids and liquids than
in gases.
Substances that are good conductors of thermal energy are
called thermal conductors. Metals are especially good
thermal conductors because they have free moving particles
that can transfer thermal energy quickly and easily.
Particles are made of molecules and atoms, like water (H2O) or Carbon dioxide (CO2). In
this unit we will use particles as something small that when it gets hotter, begins
moving faster, and when it gets colder moves slower.
Think of a tea pot, put over a stove. The fires heat causes metal molecules in the pot to
move faster, making it hotter. These moving molecules touch their neighboring
molecules, making them also move faster. As these molecules touch, thermal energy is
given via conduction to the rest of the pan(metal molecules).
The pan then transfers this heat to the water molecules in the pan, which begins
moving faster and heats up. Lastly the water molecules gets so hot they turn to gas,
moving into the air (convection).

Solid: Liquid: Gas:

Particles are connected, Particles are still connected, Particles are not connected,
and it is hard to move. but it is easier to move. and it is easy to move.
Ice Water Steam
How does particles give heat energy?


What are the 3 states of matter?

________________ ________________ ________________

Draw the three states of matter and write the text. (Use a ruler).

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy Safety
between particles of objects that are touching.
Thermal conduction happens when particles of a
warmer object bump into particles of a cooler
object and transfer some of their thermal energy
to the cooler particles. Conduction is usually
faster in certain solids and liquids than in gases.

Hypothesis: Circle the word you believe will melt the chocolate the fastest.

Write in the circle the time measured when the toothpick falls.

Plastic plate Wood plate

___________ ___________

Metal plate

Obser vation
Which plate was the best conductor?


Why do you think it was the best conductor?


Draw the experiment, explaining how the heat transferred.

Vocabulary 3




Readi ng
Heat transfer (Convection) Heat Transfer
Convection is the way liquids and gases move. When things
get hotter, they begin moving further apart. This space
makes the thing less dense, which makes the thing move up.
When a solid gets hotter it will at some point reach its
“melting point” which makes the solid turn to liquid. When
two liquids mix, the hotter or less dense liquid will move up,
and the colder or more dense liquid moves down. This is
called convection.
Convection happens in all liquids and gases, from our hot
tea to our bathwater and steam in the shower.
Convection happens all around us and is one of the reasons
we have weather and our atmosphere.

Particles are made of molecules and atoms, like water (H2O) or Carbon dioxide (CO2). .
In this unit we will use particles as something small that when it gets hotter, begins
moving faster, and when it gets colder moves slower.
Convection is the movement of heat from one space to another space. Hot water
always rises to the surface and cold water always flows to the bottom. This is called
convection, and it happens only in liquids and gasses. The reason for cold water to flow
down is because cold water is denser.
This also means that anything liquid follows this rule, when the Earths crust is moving,
it is moving because the liquid rocks in the earth is moving the crust, this movement
causes earthquakes that you sometimes experiences.

Solid: Liquid: Gas:

Particles are connected, Particles are still connected, Particles are not connected,
and it is hard to move. but it is easier to move. and it is easy to move.
Ice Water Steam
How does liquid and gases move?


What are the 3 states of matter?

________________ ________________ ________________

Draw an example of convection in your daily life(Liquids).

Convection is the way liquids and gases move. Safety
When things get hotter, they begin moving further
apart. This space makes the thing less dense,
which makes the thing move up.
When two liquids mix, the hotter or less dense
liquid will move up, and the colder or more dense
liquid moves down. This is called convection.

Hypothesis: Draw how you expect the liquids to move.

Obser vation
Why did the red liquid go up?


What do you think we can use this information for?


Draw what happened in the experiment

Vocabulary 4


Thermal energy


Readi ng
Heat transfer (Convection) Heat Transfer
Convection is the way liquids and gases move. When things
get hotter, they begin moving further apart. This space
makes the thing less dense, which makes the thing move
up. When a liquid gets hotter it will at some turn into a gas.
When two gases mix, the hotter or less dense gas will move
up, and the colder or more dense gas moves down. This is
called convection. Convection happens in all liquids and
gases, from our hot tea to our bathwater and steam in the
shower. Convection happens all around us and is one of the
reasons we have weather and our atmosphere.
Gases are where the molecules are free and starts moving away from each other.
Gases will always try to fill the room that they are in. When water boils, the steam(gas)
will move up, into the atmosphere, where it will cool down and turn into rain, sleet or
Air balloons uses convection to rise and descend in the air. A heater inside a
hot air balloon heats the air, causing the air to move upward. This causes
the balloon to rise because the hot air gets trapped inside. When the pilot
wants to descend, the pilot will release some of the hot air. Cool air takes its
place, causing the balloon to descend forwards the earth.

Solid: Liquid: Gas:

Particles are connected, Particles are still connected, Particles are not connected,
and it is hard to move. but it is easier to move. and it is easy to move.
Ice Water Steam
Why does gases move up?


In what direction does heat move?

UP Down
Draw an example of convection in your daily life (Gasses).
Convection is the way liquids and gases move. Safety
When things get hotter, they begin moving further
apart. This space makes the thing less dense,
which makes the thing move up.
When a liquid gets hotter it will at some turn into
a gas. When two gases mix, the hotter or less
dense gas will move up, and the colder or more
dense gas moves down. This is called convection.

Hypothesis: Draw how you expect the air to move.

Use a red pen for hot air and a blue pen for cold air.
Obser vation
Why did the hot air balloon go up?


What do you think we can use this information to?


Observation: Draw how you expect the air to move.

Use a red pen for hot air and a blue pen for cold air.
Vocabulary 5

Electromagnetic waves



Readi ng
Heat transfer (Radiation) Heat Transfer
Radiation is how energy is transferred through electro
magnetic waves, which means it is transferred through
light. When something shines it is transferring heat.
When the sun shines the light transfers thermal energy
to what the light touches. Therefore, when you leave
something in the sun it gets hotter. But it is not only the
Sun. When you turn on your lightbulb in your room the
lightbulb creates heat through radiation and

The Sun:
The Sun is a star in the center of our solar system. It is made of burning gasses, is very
bright and hot. The Sun is 150.000.000km away from the Earth, so when we look at it,
the sun seems small, but it is the biggest object in our solar system. It takes around 8
minutes for the suns light to go to Earth. When this light hits something it transfers
heat to that thing

The heating of the Earth by the Sun is an example of transfer of energy by radiation.
The heating of a room by an open fireplace is another example. The flames radiate
heat directly from the light to the objects in the room with little of this heat being
absorbed by the air.


Conduction: Convection: Radiation:

The transfer of heat through The movement of gases and The transfer of heat through
touch. liquids, through density. light.
Touch Movement Light

How does the Sun give us heat energy?


Name the three terms we have worked with in the heat unit.

________________ ________________ ________________

Draw an example of radiation in your daily life.

Conduction is the transfer of Safety
thermal energy between particles of objects that
are touching. Thermal conduction happens when
particles of a warmer object bump into particles
of a cooler object and transfer some of their
thermal energy to the cooler particles.
Conduction is usually faster in certain solids and
liquids than in gases.

Hypothesis: Circle the cup you believe will be the hottest

after 10 minutes
Obser vation
Which cup was hottest after 10 minutes?


Why do you think that cup was the hottest?


Observation: Draw why the cups got hotter.

Signature __________________ ____/15

1. How does heat transfer?


2. What is convection?


3. What happens when a hot and cold liquid meets?



5. Draw the three states of matter and write the text. (Use a ruler).

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

6. Fill in the blanks.

7.Write down the method of thermal energy transfer under

each picture.


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