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Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi Our Economic Woes and Their Cure

Our greatest(terbesar)economic woe(kesengsaraan) is that not many people around the world
are buying our goods like they were before 2008. The reason is that there is

large-scale unemployment in most(kebanyakan) places. This coupled with a large amount of

debt, carried by governments, pension funds, and individuals, have left people and
governments searching for solutions.

For individuals and families, financial austerity(penghematan) is the answer, but all too many
governments around the world are applying(menerapkan) this same logic by cutting services
to their citizens. What does austerity accomplish(menyelesaikan) in my country, the USA?
Cutting back on our massive(secara besar-besaran) defense(pertahanan) spending would be a
big help if we used the money saved to keep our k12 school systems and public colleges
adequately funded. If, instead, we layoff teachers, increase class size, and raise tuition at local
colleges, it would be a crime if we do it in order to maintain our massive defense spending.

Another solution offered(menawarkan) is to reduce federal and local debt by

raising(peningkatan) taxes on the wealthy(orang kaya). While some of the wealthy
understand the need, others say that they are the job creators and raising their taxes will kill
jobs. So far, I haven’t seen these job creators create jobs. President Obama has tried several
stimulus plans to get these job creators moving, but, with one exception(tanpa kecuali), no
one will create jobs until they see customers. That exception is the federal government.

Businesses will not create jobs until they see customers. They won’t see enough customers
until unemployment is reduced. This is a problem without a solution unless(kecuali kalau) the
federal government steps in and creates jobs. We all know that our infrastructure needs a
makeover. Now, at a time when our government can borrow at 1.6% on a 10 year loan, we
should put aside our debt fears and do a job that needs to be done. This will create jobs, then
customers, then the expansion of other businesses, and finally greater tax revenue to pay off
the debt.

This cure(perawatan/pengobatan) not new. After over a decade of limping along after the
great depression, prosperity(kemakmuran) returned when the government had to tool up for
WW2. I hope we can be smarter now by avoiding (menghindarkan) the war that some of our
politicians are aching for, and instead replace our ailing infrastructure with new, innovative
solutions. Some projects can be: installing fiber optic cables in all cities, building a
countrywide high-speed rail system, reworking our electric grid, subsidizing green industries,
etc. True some existing industries will suffer(menderita), but just like the buggy-whip makers
of old, they will have to find ways to adapt to the changes or fade(memudarkan/hilang) out of
Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi Rising Oil Price a Boon for the US Economy

According(menurut) to the investors, the high-ceilinged(batas) oil price has come up with
positive news for the U.S. economy. The price rose because of the fact that the private sector
added almost 111,000 jobs in October 2011. The Automatic Data Processing reported that the
service industries got plenty(banyak) of benefits.

As a result of soaring(melonjak) oil prices, Benchmark crude rose by 32 cents to end the day
at $92.51 per barrel in New York, while Brent crude lost 20 cents to finish at $109.34 a barrel
in London. After a two-day meeting of the Federal Reserve, which doesn’t announce any new
policy, the prices on oil may slip a little bit.

The studies depicted(tergambar) that the decision taken by the Fed has a greater impact on oil
prices. Last year the Fed decision supported the prices of oil as well drained $600 billion into
a bond-buying program. Hence, such things influenced the currency and commodity markets.
As a result of alteration in oil price, Benchmark crude mounted 20% higher in 2010.

Despite the fact that consumers are ready to spend more, it is a very difficult task to manage
downside risk. Hence, the economy is losing its importance on the commodity market. If the
economy stays standstill, then the central bank assures to take a leap step.

As mentioned by the Energy Information Administration, the prices on U.S. oil and gasoline
climbed up in the last week in October 2011 because of less demand for oil. Another point to
note down here is that the demand for distillate supplies that include diesel and heating oil
dropped enormously. However, the demand for distillate supplies, especially in foreign
countries resulted to increase in export.

The demand for diesel is escalating(menanjak) because farmers require(memerlukan) the

fuel(bahan bakar) for harvesting. In North(utara) America and U.S. industries, many energy
companies are expanding oil and natural gas drilling operations.

The retail price on diesel has increased 80.1 cents higher per gallon. Its price will keep on
rising because of the existing market scenario. According to, Wright Express and Oil Price
Information Service, gasoline prices fell less than a penny to a national average of $3.432 per
gallon. The price of gasoline is soaring at $4 per gallon. However, a gallon of regular oil is
available at reasonable rate.

According to the energy trading, the heating oil lost 3.72 cents to end at $3.0007 per gallon.
Gasoline futures finished at $2.6272 per gallon. Natural gas lost 3.2 cents to end at $3.749 per
1,000 cubic feet.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi How to Compete With a Computer in

Economic Analysis
It is rather hard to compete with the computer when doing economic analysis. This is because
computers are quite good at doing math once they are programmed, and although economics
isn’t an exact science, those who study it, do the research, and use the tools certainly see it as
such. Meaning they will use these equations to guestimate the future trends. Nevertheless,
just as one can be a technical analyst in the stock market, there is something to be said for the
fundamentals, and the black Swan events which change the stock chart trends. Okay so let’s
talk about all this for second shall we?

How can a human being compete with a computer that analyzes data in this way when
predicting economic trends and doing economic analysis? Well, I would submit to you that
one third of the performance of the economy has to do with perception. Perception can come
in many forms, and it can also change like the wind. That does not always show up in the
data, for instance consumers are fickle, and many of the decisions made by CEOs have to do
with government intervention on trade, regulations, and taxation policies.

The data does not always show when a politician is going to come up with a new law which
inhibits business, or helps pick winners and losers in the market, or changes the entire
dynamics of an industry which has a cascading effect on the rest of the economy. Then there
are severe disruption such as natural disasters, wars, and civil unrest. And let’s not forget the
increasingly pervasive black swan catastrophic economic events. Bubbles that get blown too
big, burst too soon, or hit you like a ton of bricks out of the blue. The data doesn’t always
show that, are you beginning to see my point?

That doesn’t mean that the technical analyst studying the economy either on a macro or micro
level doesn’t have the advantage, and generally they will be right most of the time, along with
the AI computers they use doing the leg-work. If such a system is completely automated with
artificially intelligent software, and that computer also works with probability, it may be right
even more of the time. But it won’t be right all of the time.

That’s where human beings might still have the advantage. Sometimes there are anomalies
which are not seen readily in the data, or not recognized for some unforeseen reason.
Therefore, in this year, 2012 humans are still needed for economic analysis, perhaps after
years of artificial intelligence and learning machines on the job such a fact may not be true
anymore, but today it is. Please consider all this and think on it.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi How to Compete With a Computer in

Economic Analysis

It is rather hard to compete with the computer when doing economic analysis. This is because
computers are quite good at doing math once they are programmed, and although economics
isn’t an exact science, those who study it, do the research, and use the tools certainly see it as
such. Meaning they will use these equations to guestimate the future trends. Nevertheless,
just as one can be a technical analyst in the stock market, there is something to be said for the
fundamentals, and the black Swan events which change the stock chart trends. Okay so let’s
talk about all this for second shall we?

How can a human being compete with a computer that analyzes data in this way when
predicting economic trends and doing economic analysis? Well, I would submit to you that
one third of the performance of the economy has to do with perception. Perception can come
in many forms, and it can also change like the wind. That does not always show up in the
data, for instance consumers are fickle, and many of the decisions made by CEOs have to do
with government intervention on trade, regulations, and taxation policies.

The data does not always show when a politician is going to come up with a new law which
inhibits business, or helps pick winners and losers in the market, or changes the entire
dynamics of an industry which has a cascading effect on the rest of the economy. Then there
are severe disruption such as natural disasters, wars, and civil unrest. And let’s not forget the
increasingly pervasive black swan catastrophic economic events. Bubbles that get blown too
big, burst too soon, or hit you like a ton of bricks out of the blue. The data doesn’t always
show that, are you beginning to see my point?

That doesn’t mean that the technical analyst studying the economy either on a macro or micro
level doesn’t have the advantage, and generally they will be right most of the time, along with
the AI computers they use doing the leg-work. If such a system is completely automated with
artificially intelligent software, and that computer also works with probability, it may be right
even more of the time. But it won’t be right all of the time.

That’s where human beings might still have the advantage. Sometimes there are anomalies
which are not seen readily in the data, or not recognized for some unforeseen reason.
Therefore, in this year, 2012 humans are still needed for economic analysis, perhaps after
years of artificial intelligence and learning machines on the job such a fact may not be true
anymore, but today it is. Please consider all this and think on it.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi The Effect of Gas Prices on the Economy

The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day. This with the burgeoning
demand from developing nations such as China for gas, has pushed gas prices to record
highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy.

Gas prices in the USA/Canada often vary significantly between gas stations and supermarket
gas pumps. In many areas, gas prices can vary by 20-30 cents per gallon or maybe at times
even more within a small area. This makes that most motorists in the USA/Canada are
shopping around to find the best deals on gas, but are still paying a lot more for it.

High gas prices make people stop and think about their commute. This will affect the US
economy by reducing value of properties in outer commuting zones around the cities, and
depress rural property values.

Analysts were predicting a gallon of regular to climb as high as $4.50 a gallon in California
by Easter 2011. But these same analysts are saying that if you think gasoline is expensive
now, just wait until next year! A combination of growing global-demand and rising U.S. fuel
exports could send gasoline prices to further record highs in 2012, analysts say.
The effects of such big cost hikes will reduce available spending money for all those on
average wages and below who need to travel significant distances in their cars, and this will
further depress the US economy when this cash gets diverted away from a myriad of local
spending decisions affecting local businesses from restaurants to children’s shoe shops.

Cars now are more fuel-efficient than they were in the 90s, so car owners can reduce your
spending on gas by choosing fuel efficient vehicles. This is making US car manufacturers and
car importers develop and extend their low fuel vehicle ranges. But, US car manufacturers
have been slower than others, such as the Japanese marques, to develop some of the most
innovatory fuel efficient vehicles such as the hybrid engine vehicles. This will tend to raise
car imports to the detriment of the US economy until the US manufacturers catch-up.

It is not all bad news though. Companies that own oilfield reserves will be seeing the value of
their resources growing, and businesses that are connected with the renewable energy market
are growing rapidly right across the range of renewable energy sources from wind, to thermal
energy, and of course that most popular of renewable sources which is solar. Renewable
energy companies are growing fast and employing increased numbers of staff.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi Jobs, the Economy and Unemployment

The other evening I watched a contemporary film that I’m positive was meant by its writers
and producers to be a modern day story depicting five well-to-do company executives who
like many of us, become victims of our country’s financial meltdown, or as the news media
calls it – the Recession. These unfortunate souls were forced to go from multi-million dollar
homes, corporate jets, vacation houses in the Bahamas, first-class country club
memberships… you get the story – right?

As the reels unwind, one of the newly pink-slipped executives is forced to work for his
brother-in-law’s contracting company, installing drywall and so-forth. Still, the bills continue
to mount as he remains in denial thinking that another big corner office is waiting just around
the corner. His wife however gives him a little push into reality by selling his classic Porsche.
Another one of our ex-execs goes so far as to commit suicide. No longer could he go on
playing real-life charades by pretending to continue his family’s once lavish lifestyle. Sadly
without sympathy or understanding from his spouse, this poor soul stays out at the bar until
evening then arrives home as in the past with his briefcase and Wall Street Journal under his
arm so the neighbors don’t get suspicious. The script attempts to put the darkest hue of doom
above the ex-vice-president who must now find a way to live off of his one-hundred million
in stock options while maintaining his pride, dignity, and sexual liaison with his ex-
corporation’s head of human resources.

I sat patiently waiting for the killer plot twist or story-stunner; but what happened at the end
(spoiler warning) they all had to start over with new jobs and careers. SERIOUSLY! They
had jobs! But lowering themselves to a significantly lessor pay-scale was equivalent to being
unemployed in their eyes. There was a scene where one of the major characters had to sit on
the back steps with his young teenage son (teary eyed) and explain that he lost his job; not
mentioning that there was a construction job waiting for him if he wanted it (but that was not
a real job). Someone wrote and produced this major motion picture with a minimum of six
major actors portraying down and out executives who once had it all and now must live off of
their stock options and lower-middle-class salaries. Honest! This was not a comedy… it was
meant to make me sad and concerned for the characters.

I did a little investigating myself and found that a large portion of individuals collecting
unemployment for the um-teenth month feel that lower paying jobs with less benefits and
options than their previous jobs are considered as unacceptable, therefore they remain on
unemployment. Oh, if I could be so lucky!

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi How to Compete With a Computer in

Economic Analysis

It is rather hard to compete with the computer when doing economic analysis. This is because
computers are quite good at doing math once they are programmed, and although economics
isn’t an exact science, those who study it, do the research, and use the tools certainly see it as
such. Meaning they will use these equations to guestimate the future trends. Nevertheless,
just as one can be a technical analyst in the stock market, there is something to be said for the
fundamentals, and the black Swan events which change the stock chart trends. Okay so let’s
talk about all this for second shall we?

How can a human being compete with a computer that analyzes data in this way when
predicting economic trends and doing economic analysis? Well, I would submit to you that
one third of the performance of the economy has to do with perception. Perception can come
in many forms, and it can also change like the wind. That does not always show up in the
data, for instance consumers are fickle, and many of the decisions made by CEOs have to do
with government intervention on trade, regulations, and taxation policies.

The data does not always show when a politician is going to come up with a new law which
inhibits business, or helps pick winners and losers in the market, or changes the entire
dynamics of an industry which has a cascading effect on the rest of the economy. Then there
are severe disruption such as natural disasters, wars, and civil unrest. And let’s not forget the
increasingly pervasive black swan catastrophic economic events. Bubbles that get blown too
big, burst too soon, or hit you like a ton of bricks out of the blue. The data doesn’t always
show that, are you beginning to see my point?

That doesn’t mean that the technical analyst studying the economy either on a macro or micro
level doesn’t have the advantage, and generally they will be right most of the time, along with
the AI computers they use doing the leg-work. If such a system is completely automated with
artificially intelligent software, and that computer also works with probability, it may be right
even more of the time. But it won’t be right all of the time.

That’s where human beings might still have the advantage. Sometimes there are anomalies
which are not seen readily in the data, or not recognized for some unforeseen reason.
Therefore, in this year, 2012 humans are still needed for economic analysis, perhaps after
years of artificial intelligence and learning machines on the job such a fact may not be true
anymore, but today it is. Please consider all this and think on it.
Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Ekonomi Surviving the Impending Economic Collapse

For the health and wellness of you and your family, you need to be prepared to survive the
coming economic collapse. There are many ways to prepare for the end of life as we know it.
You will need supplies to sustain your family for days or even a year or more.

What will we need to survive?

Make sure you are ready for the coming economic collapse by stockpiling supplies now.
Things we all take for granted like food, water and basic electrical services could become
scarce during this time. Start preparations now to cover the basic needs you will have while
the country is in turmoil.


Humans cannot live without water. The amount of water you will need to maintain the right
amount of water is one gallon per day, per person. If you do not have at least that much water,
survival could become a perilous journey. You will need a few different options.

· A water filtration system.

· Refillable gallon water jugs.
· A well that operates on a hand pump.
· Smaller plastic bottles to ration drinkable water


Having a non-perishable food supply is the second most important way to guarantee survival.
You and your family will need food containing high amounts of protein, ready to eat meals
like those used in the military and plenty of canned fruits and vegetables.

· Start canning your own produce now.

· Buy protein bars in bulk.
· Go to a survival store or website to get ready to eat meals in bulk.

Alternative heat sources

You and your family will need a source of heat. It may be for keeping warm, cooking or
washing. If the economy collapses during the winter, you will need something to thaw ice in
case your water supply freezes. Gather at least two of these things to ensure your needs are

· An electric generator to power your home for a few hours at a time.

· A propane stove and a stockpile of fuel.
· A wood burning stove and a fully stocked wood pile.
· A camp stove with extra cans of cooking fuel.
These are the basics you will need to get your family through the tough times ahead. If you
do not have fresh drinking water, a basic heating source or a food supply, you will have a
rough road. Prepare by getting your supplies together during as quickly and smartly as you
can. We can all get through this by being responsible for our own families’ well-being
instead of relying on everyone else to get us through.

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