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(AC-S03) Week 3 - Task: Assignment – Frequency

ENZO: Hi guys I know it's summer and with this weather, I think it's perfect to
go out and I was thinking of doing some activities or plans for us.
BRAYAN: Sure enzo, what are those plans?
P3: Yeah, that sounds interesting. Tell us about it.
ENZO: well, I have in mind 2 options, I was thinking of traveling to Paracas on
Friday morning and go to the beach, maybe drink with new friends and come
back on Sunday . This second option is that we can do extreme exports in the
jungle. We can choose one of them but the date is the same.
BRAYAN: I like the Paracas plans, and I also appreciate the invitation, but I
cannot. On Friday morning, I always go to the gym and work out for 3 hours,
and in the afternoon I usually clean my room and in the evening, I always
watch movies with my dad and we talk about our week. Maybe it could be
Monday and come back on Wednesday, I think that is a great day to enjoy
the trip to Paracas. I don't know what P3 thinks, maybe he has a better
option for us.
P3 : Well to be honest, I prefer the jungle plan, I have never traveled to the
jungle and I think it could be more exciting than traveling to Paracas and
about the date, I agree with enzo, I like the idea of traveling on Friday and
coming back on Sunday because I can't really travel on Monday. I have other
activities organized. Monday morning I have to spend time with my little
brother teaching him math, because I teach him math twice a week, Monday
and Wednesday.

ENZO: Of course, I agree with what P3 says and I would also like to travel to
the jungle. On the other hand, I can't travel on Mondays either. I usually have
classes at the university in the morning, and in the afternoon, I always play
with my soccer team.
We all have different activities.
ENZO: My partner ALEJANDRO Always goes to the gym on Saturday and
works out for 3 hours, then in the afternoon he usually cleans his room and in
the evening he always watches movies with his father. That's why he prefers
to travel on Monday.
BARAYN: I will continue My partner P3 , He spends time with his little brother
every Monday , He always picks up his nephew on Tuesdays and In the
sometimes goes to his grandmother's house to spend time with her.
Therefore, he prefers to travel on Fridays.
Q3: Finally, my classmate ENZO, always has classes in the mornings at the
university. In the afternoon he always plays soccer with his team in the

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