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One of two sex chromosomes in higher organisms that defines the gender of the adult. In almost all sexually reproducing
organisms, the Y-chromosome defines male characteristics.
The transmission of acute viral disease by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito is known as yellow fever.
YOLK   :   
The part of an egg that helpsin feeding the embryo as it develops in an egg.
1. Yttrium - An element on the periodic chart

2. Yolk - the energy rich portion of an egg 

3. YBCO - Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide, a high temperature superconductor. 

4. Yield - Percentage of the expected amount of quantity produced by an experiment,

usually a chemical reaction. 

5. Young's Experiment - An procedure used to determine the wavelength of light 

6. Yellow - A color of visible light from 550 nm - 600 nm 

7. y - a direction in 3-d Cartesian space, usually in the direction perpendicular to the

x-axis (surface of the paper).

8.  Yaw - in relation to flight

9.Yearling: This term is used to describe both a male and female horse between the age
of one and two years.

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