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A. Macro

1. As the population of employees is getting higher, tossing such gatherings or parties

might affect employees’ behavior in a negative way.

2. The employee's alcohol consumption might bring them a risky consequence, such as
causing trouble and getting hurt, which will cause liability concern for the organization.

B. Micro

1. The morale of the employees might cause them a negative impact on the account of
the behavior and friendly relationship with the heads, a strategy Stan and Erin initiate an
environment where the professional probity could be compromised.

2. Higher-level and lower-level employees crossed limits because of the informal way
they use during the weekly party occasion.

II. Causes

1. Stan and Erin firmly believe that by tossing the Friday party occasion where they can
reward the employees with relaxation and unwinding, they somehow show their
gratitude and appreciation for the hard work.

2. Maintaining the morale and keeping their spirits high and motivated, however,
intoxicated will be an issue.

3. Quantum Software’s Denver Headquarters requires the employees to do the work on

a demanding schedule and ordering plans, as a result the weekly party is a means of
rewarding them for their hard work.

III. Systems affected

1. Bill Carter, one of the employees in the Quantum, is concerned about the possible
risky consequences such as liability issues that will occur from intoxicated employees,
especially as the organization develops, the consequences increase.

2. The concept of no ties, no suit coats, and first names only an informality relationship
between the higher-level and lower-level employees in Friday’s party will affect the
professional relationships and connections.

3. Erin is firmly convinced that tossing the weekly party is the best method to reward the
employees' hard work and failed to understand how vulnerable the organization will be if
sued and indicted if something occurs.

IV. Alternatives
1. Rather than of weekly party, they can have a barbeque party or have them catered
food and possibly eliminate the alcohol and have some non-alcoholic beverages, hence
they can still have their party where they can relax and unwind.

2. For the past years, the weekly party has been part of the organization culture, maybe
they might try or move into something new such as going to a restaurant or a wine night
where they can avoid getting wasted after work, as this will prevent the organization
from any liability issue.

3. Revise the method of rewarding the employees and arrange other incentives such as
getting off early in the office or a bonus on their salary, additionally hiring new
employees to reduce the workload and to be able to keep pace with the demands of
work which will lead to much higher productivity.

V. Recommendations

Stan and Erin method of giving rewards from the hard work of their employees is
through throwing a weekly party, and they thought that it was an effective method to
keep the employee motivated and do their tasks better, and somehow their vision was
accurate as Quantum turned out to be very successful in a brief timeframe. Be that as it
may, in the long run, the weekly party will begin to have a negative impact on the
performance and behavior of the employees and might cause a liability issue for the
company. With that, Stan and Erin must review their liabilities and know the wide range
of consequences they could face if something went wrong. To put it in another way, the
most ideal for Quantum to prevent being lawsuit or crossing the limits between higher-
level and lower-level employee is to rethink other methods of rewarding and use various
incentives such as letting the employees get off early in the office, an increase of salary,
or they might simply keep their weekly party gatherings but use non-alcoholic
beverages instead of alcohols. Moreover, Quantum must hire new employees to
decrease the task or workload on their employees, so that there will be an increase in
productivity as the employees are less stressed about keeping up with the demands.
Lastly, for Stan and Erin to remain successful, they must at least revise the
organizational culture.

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