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¨ año del fortalecimiento de la soberanía nacional¨


Integrantes: Juan Carlos Urbano Corales

Cesar Manuel Llauri Villavicencio
Manuel Fabricio Solorzano Angulo
Curso: Ingles II
Profesora: Diana Magcelene Lozano Arredondo
Aula: 31807
Our dialogue
- Hello teacher my name is Juan.
- Hi teacher my name is Fabricio.
- Hi teacher my name is Cesar.

Juan: Hello, my name’s Juan

What are your names?
Cesar: Hi, I’m Cesar
Nice to meet you.
Fabricio: Hi, I’m Fabricio
It is a pleasure
J: Nice to meet them
How are they doing?
C: I’m fine, thanks for asking.
F: I feel fine, thank you.
J: They do you play soccer?
C: Yes, I usually play every weekend with my Friends.
F: Sometimes, l'm not good but I like to play soccer.
J: Wao, what do they think if we go to play soccer at my house on monday at 3 o’clock
in the afternoon?
C: Ohh Juan I’m sorry, On Monday I’m going to play basketball with my family, but
what about saturday?
F: Guys, I can only monday to Friday.
J: Ahh Cesar play basketball too. On saturday I have classes and it will be impossible
but please tell me more about you. What do you do during the week Cesar?
C: On Mondays I study at the University, I have general chemistry classes two times a
week at 4:00 pm, on Fridays I play videogames in the evenings.
J: Do they like to cook?
C: ¡Yes!, I like to cook Ceviche.
F: Of course, I enjoy cooking different kind of dishes.
C: Good thing Fabricio, what do you do on weekends?
F: Normally on weekends my parents visit me, so I take the opportunity to do my
homework and cook.
C: What about you Juan, What do you do during the week?
J: Well, I sometimes have breakfast, believe it or not I’m always bussy. On Mondays I
go to the gym in the morning, then I take a shower at 10 am. I also have math classes
three times a week at the University and I play the drum on the weekends.
C: That’s awesome Juan, I play the guitar so I hope to play with you some day.
J: It will be a pleasure my friend, thanks for its time and see you next.
C: Good bye Juan and Fabricio, take care.
F: Also, take care.
Juan: Cesar plays soccer with his friends, he likes to cook, he has chemistry classes
two times a week, he plays basketball with his family and he plays videogames in the
Fabricio: Juan sometimes has breakfast, He goes to the gym in the morning, takes a
shower, he has math classes three times a week and plays the drum on the weekends.
Cesar: Fabricio likes soccer and cooking, on weekends his parents visit him and he
does his homework.

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