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Exploring uncharted territory: Do urban greenspaces support mental health in low-

and middle-income countries?

Maximilian Nawrath, Solène Guenat, Helen Elsey, Martin Dallimer

PII: S0013-9351(20)31522-X
Reference: YENRS 110625

To appear in: Environmental Research

Received Date: 12 August 2020

Revised Date: 29 November 2020
Accepted Date: 11 December 2020

Please cite this article as: Nawrath, M., Guenat, S., Elsey, H., Dallimer, M., Exploring uncharted territory:
Do urban greenspaces support mental health in low- and middle-income countries?, Environmental

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1 Exploring uncharted territory: Do urban greenspaces support mental
2 health in low- and middle-income countries?
4 Authors: Maximilian Nawrath1*, Solène Guenat1, Helen Elsey2, Martin Dallimer1
6 Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds,
7 Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
8 Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York, YO10 5NG, UK
10 Corresponding author


12 Email addresses:
13 MN:, Tel: +44 (0) 113 3439105
14 SG:
15 HE:

16 MD:

17 Author contributions

18 Maximilian Nawrath: Conceptualisation, Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Da-


19 ta curation, Visualisation, Writing – Original Draft, Review & Editing Solène Guenat: In-

20 vestigation, Data curation, Review & Editing Helen Elsey: Conceptualisation, Methodology,
21 Writing – Review & Editing Martin Dallimer: Conceptualisation, Methodology, Writing –
22 Review & Editing

23 Abstract

24 Exposure to urban greenspaces promotes an array of mental health benefits. Understanding

25 these benefits is of paramount importance, particularly in low- and middle-income countries
26 (LMICs), where cities are expanding at an unprecedented rate. However, the existing evi-
27 dence-base for the health benefits of greenspaces has a strong bias towards high-income
28 countries. Here we systematically assess the emerging evidence regarding the mental health
29 benefits provided by urban greenspaces in LMICs. We carried out a scoping review to assess
30 the extent, type and quality of evidence investigating the relationship between greenspaces
31 and mental health in LMICs. We systematically searched the literature databases Web of Sci-
32 ence, Medline, Embase and CAB Abstracts using key terms related to greenspaces and men-

33 tal health in LMICs. We analysed the resulting studies using a narrative synthesis approach,

34 taking into account study quality, to assess the overall effects on mental health. 36 studies
met the inclusion criteria and were included in the narrative synthesis. Studies were heteroge-
neous in design, study population, greenspace and mental health assessment. While more
37 than 90% of LMICs remain unstudied, we found that eight out of ten studies using validated

38 mental health screening tools detected positive associations between greenspaces and one or
39 more mental health outcomes. These studies mostly took place in upper-middle-income coun-

40 tries. However, there still is a lack of evidence from regions with the highest levels of urbani-
41 sation, and only four studies assessed lower-middle and low-income countries. Furthermore,

42 the analysis of mediating and moderating factors indicates that the relationship between

43 greenspaces and mental health in LMICs is context dependent and needs to be assessed in
44 relation to locally relevant environmental and cultural settings. Based on the evidence re-
45 viewed here, exposure to urban greenspaces can support multiple mental health outcomes in
46 upper-middle-income countries. However, we still know little about poorer, rapidly urbanis-
47 ing countries. Our findings highlight the need for high-quality, context specific research in
48 those urban areas with the highest levels of urbanisation, and the need to address specific
49 challenges regarding mediating and moderating factors. Future studies should combine robust
50 ecological assessments of greenspaces with validated mental health screening tools.
52 Keywords
53 Global South, developing countries, natural environment, biodiversity, mental disorders



56 Funding

57 This work was supported by NERC through the SPHERES DTP.



59 1. Introduction

60 Cities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are expanding at an unprecedented rate
61 (Angel et al., 2011). Urban growth in these regions is placing tremendous pressure on the
62 ability of cities to provide good living conditions for their residents (McPhearson et al.,
63 2016). Not least because through urbanisation, people are less likely to have contact with nat-
64 ural environments such as greenspaces (Soga and Gaston, 2016), potentially with profound
65 implications for mental health (Hartig et al., 2014).
67 Although urban living can convey many benefits such as providing better access to health
68 care, employment and education (Dye, 2008), living in cities can be detrimental to mental

69 health outcomes, attributable to individual, social and environmental factors (Gruebner et al.,

70 2017). This is particularly true in LMICs, where rapid and unplanned urban growth often re-
sults in the expansion of informal settlements and slums (United Nations, 2014), which there-
fore house a large proportion of the population (McHale et al., 2013). Such settlements tend
73 to be characterised by a lack of security of tenure, inadequate access to basic services and city

74 infrastructure (United Nations, 2015). Informal settlements and slums are often situated in
75 geographically and environmentally hazardous areas, and their residents are affected by poor-

76 er physical (Ezeh et al., 2017) and mental health (Subbaraman et al., 2014).

78 Indeed, mental illnesses affect more than one billion people globally (Rehm and Shield,

79 2019). Therefore, as cities increasingly shape the context in which people live, it is crucial to
80 better understand the determinants of mental health of urban populations (Galea and Vlahov,
81 2005). Mental health is affected by a variety of factors including social, economic, psycho-
82 logical, physiological, behavioural, genetic, cultural and environmental factors (Meyer-
83 Lindenberg, 2014). Indeed, interest in the role the natural environmental context in which
84 people live plays for mental health has been growing (Markevych et al., 2017). Exposure to
85 urban greenspaces promotes an array of mental health benefits (Lovell and Maxwell, 2018).
86 Neighbourhood greenness is broadly associated with good mental health in adults (Gascon et
87 al., 2015), reduced prevalence of depression (Roberts et al., 2019), improved social cohesion
88 (Jennings and Bamkole, 2019) and improved measures of mental well-being such as quality
89 of life (Stigsdotter et al., 2010) and life satisfaction (White et al., 2013). Greenspaces are
90 linked to these mental health benefits through different pathways, which emphasise three
91 general functions of greenspace: reducing harm (e.g. reducing air and noise pollution), restor-

92 ing capacities (e.g. attention restoration and stress recovery) and building capacities (e.g. en-
93 couraging physical activity and facilitating social cohesion) (Markevych et al., 2017). While
94 a substantial amount of research investigates the impact of greenspaces on mental health, lit-
95 tle is known about the contribution that different qualities of the environment, such as differ-
96 ent types of greenspaces or biodiversity, have on mental health (Marselle et al., 2018). De-
97 termining which aspects of biodiversity are relevant to mental health is a key research frontier
98 (Bratman et al., 2019).
100 Although increasingly compelling, the existing evidence has a strong bias towards temperate,
101 high-income settings (Clark et al., 2014; Keniger et al., 2013; Pett et al., 2016). However, it

102 cannot be assumed that findings from HICs are automatically transferrable, given the vast

103 differences in urban conditions, environmental and cultural factors (Markevych et al., 2017).
104 Indeed, current research largely excludes the types of urban environments in which the ma-
jority of the world’s population live. This bias could be problematic as urban conditions in
106 LMICs often differ from those in HICs for a number of reasons (United Nations, 2015). First,
107 different factors might mediate and moderate the relationship between greenspaces and men-

108 tal health, through different pathways (Markevych et al., 2017). The mental health benefits
109 people derive from greenspaces may depend on the particular environmental context of a re-

110 gion, such as local climatic conditions (Botzat et al., 2016). Thus far studies have concentrat-

111 ed on a narrow range of temperate regions (Keniger et al., 2013).


113 Secondly, a society’s relationship with the natural environment arises from, and reflects, its
114 cultural norms (Selin, 2003). For instance, people in Turkey use urban parks generally for
115 passive recreational activities such as resting and relaxing, whereas in most high-income
116 countries, urban parks are predominantly used for physical activity (Özgüner, 2011). Hence,
117 cultural norms will be important in underpinning how people interact with greenspaces (Li,
118 2014), with repercussions for mental health outcomes (Amano et al., 2018). Moreover, per-
119 ceptions of health and illness, and the clinical expression of major mental disorders varies
120 geographically and across cultures (Gopalkrishnan, 2018; Viswanath and Chaturvedi, 2012).
121 In Nepal, for instance, there is no word for depression (Kohrt and Harper, 2008). It follows
122 that the mechanisms and pathways by which greenspaces affect mental health are likely to
123 vary between cultures (Hartig et al., 2014). Thus, the United Nations’ Sustainable Develop-
124 ment Goal 11 target 7, which aims to provide universal access to safe and accessible urban

125 greenspaces by 2030 (United Nations, 2019), may be based on findings that are almost solely
126 derived from, and therefore biased towards, conditions in HICs.
128 Although these biases have been long-standing (Markevych et al., 2017), thus far there has
129 been no synthesis of the emerging body of literature on the mental health benefits people de-
130 rive from greenspaces in cities in LMICs. There are a number of reviews focusing on the re-
131 lationships between human health and greenspaces (Dzhambov and Dimitrova, 2014; Gascon
132 et al., 2016, 2015; Hartig et al., 2014; James et al., 2015; Lachowycz and Jones, 2011; Lovell
133 et al., 2014; Shuvo et al., 2020; Tzoulas et al., 2007) and more specifically on greenspaces
134 and mental health (Bowler et al., 2010; Callaghan et al., 2020; Coon et al., 2011; Dadvand et

135 al., 2015; Wendelboe-Nelson et al., 2019). However, to date no review exists which compre-

136 hensively assesses the relationship of urban greenspaces and mental health in LMICs. Here
137 we systematically assess the published evidence for the mental health benefits greenspaces
may provide to urban residents under different geographical, environmental and cultural con-
139 ditions in LMICs. At this critical time of development of the field, the aim of our study is to
140 assess the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence regarding the mental health

141 benefits provided by urban greenspaces in such regions, and to point out ways forward for
142 future research. In particular, we address the following key questions: (1) Do greenspaces

143 promote good mental health of urban residents in LMICs; (2) What are the geographic char-

144 acteristics of the evidence from LMICs; (3) which environmental and cultural factors mediate
145 and moderate how greenspaces and mental health are associated in LMICs; (4) how were

146 greenspaces assessed and which mental health outcomes were studied in LMICs?

147 2. Methods

148 We carried out a scoping review to assess the extent, type and quality of evidence contained
149 in the heterogeneous body of literature investigating the impact of greenspaces on mental
150 health in LMICs. Scoping reviews are a type of knowledge synthesis. They follow a system-
151 atic approach to map evidence and examine the extent, range and nature of the evidence on a
152 topic. Given the heterogeneity of the evidence and the breadth of the research questions,
153 scoping review was the most appropriate approach (Tricco et al., 2018). We followed Arksey
154 and O’Malley's (2005) framework and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
155 and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) (Tricco et al., 2018). This
156 requires the a priori development of a review protocol (see Supplementary material), which

157 defines eligibility criteria, information sources, the literature search strategy and the data ex-
158 traction process. The protocol also defined how any evidence quality assessment is carried
159 out.

160 2.1. Eligibility criteria

161 To be included in the review, studies needed to report on original research, be published in a
162 peer-reviewed journal and be written in English. We found seven non-English studies, of
163 which all would have been excluded due to not meeting other inclusion criteria. Hence, ex-
164 cluding those studies did not affect the findings. Study types included were randomised con-
165 trolled trial studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, before and

166 after studies, time series, longitudinal studies, experimental studies and qualitative studies.

167 Case reports, reviews, opinion pieces, editorials, comments, news, letters and grey literature
168 were excluded. Studies needed to involve aspects of urban greenspaces and mental health and
consider one or more LMICs. We defined urban greenspaces as all forms of ‘living nature’ of
170 flora and fauna in cities (Hartig et al., 2014), including maintained and unmaintained envi-
171 ronmental areas such as nature reserves, wilderness environments, urban parks and urban

172 wildlife (Barton and Rogerson, 2017). We included private gardens because especially in in-

173 formal settlements and slums, they can improve diets and increase food security (Audate et
174 al., 2019) in particular for low-income residents (Orsini et al., 2013), which may indirectly

175 affect mental health. For the assessment of greenspaces, we differentiate between objective
176 and subjective measures of greenspaces. We define objective measures as assessing green-

177 spaces exposure through remote sensing or ecological survey techniques, while subjective
178 measures assess exposure through the participants’ perceptions. We used the World Health
179 Organisation's (2014) definition of health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social
180 well-being and not merely the absence of disease’. Mental disorders were defined through
181 The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric
182 Association, 2013). Studies needed to address the general urban population of upper/lower-
183 middle-income or low-income countries, as defined by OECD’s Development Assistance
184 Committee, which is based on country classification data by the World Bank (DAC, 2017).
185 For slums and informal settlements, we followed the definition of the United Nations (2016)
186 (for definitions see Supplementary material section 3.1).

187 2.2. Information sources

188 Due to the interdisciplinary character of this review, we included a variety of electronic data-
189 bases covering environmental and health sciences. We systematically searched the databases
190 Web of Science Core Collection (1900 – Nov 2019), Medline (1946 – Nov 2019), Embase
191 (1947 – Nov 2019) and CAB Abstracts (1910 – Nov 2019). Searches used queries that target-
192 ed studies on (1) greenspaces and (2) mental health in (3) urban areas in LMICs. The selec-
193 tion of search terms relating to (1) greenspaces followed the methodology used in a previous
194 review on the mental health benefits of exposure to greenspaces (Gascon et al., 2015). For the
195 (2) mental health and (3) LMICs search terms, existing search filters, optimised for the Med-
196 line database, were used (Academic Unit of Health Economics University of Leeds, 2018).

197 We filtered for the LMICs on the DAC list in the initial database search. The Medline search

198 filters were then translated for use in Embase, CAB Abstracts and Web of Science. Studies
were included if they were conducted in a country which was listed as LMIC on the DAC list
at the time of publication, regardless of current DAC statuses. Information on the search
201 strategies and the selection of search terms used for each database are included in Supple-

202 mentary material section 3.1.


203 2.3. Selection of sources of evidence and data extraction

204 Studies were extracted following a two-stage screening process performed independently by

205 two researchers (MN and SG). In the first stage, title and abstract of all database search re-

206 sults were screened in order to select studies for inclusion that matched the stated eligibility
207 criteria. Full-text screening of the remaining studies was conducted at a second screening
208 stage independently by the same two researchers. All conflicts generated through the screen-
209 ing stages between the two reviewers were discussed until consensus was reached.
211 Using the stated eligibility criteria, a data extraction form was designed to abstract key in-
212 formation, including authors, title, year of publication, objectives, study population, methods,
213 study design, health measure and outcome, measure of greenspace and general results. Dif-
214 ferences in the extracted data were validated through discussion until consensus was reached.

215 2.4. Synthesis of results

216 Due to the marked heterogeneity of the identified evidence, meta-analyses and statistical
217 methods of synthesis were inappropriate and instead we performed a narrative synthesis. One

218 pitfall of this approach is that narrative syntheses often rely on summarising literature
219 through the use of summary statistics and vote-counting approaches. Even though this has
220 known shortcomings, such as giving equal weight to studies with different sample and effect
221 sizes, it is a helpful method for preliminary interpretation of findings across studies (Marselle
222 et al., 2018).
224 Nevertheless, we mitigated for some of these shortcomings by characterising studies accord-
225 ing to their quality, thereby ensuring that our narrative is not dominated by low-quality data.
226 To do this we adapted two previously used approaches. For quantitative studies, methodolog-
227 ical quality was assessed using an 9-item scale (Gascon et al., 2016);(Supplementary material

228 Table S4). Studies could score one or two points for each item and points were summed be-

229 tween 0-11. We obtained a quality score (%) for each study (Supplementary material Table
230 S3). We created five quality categories: excellent quality (>81%), good quality (61-80%), fair
quality (41-60%), poor quality (21-40%) and very poor quality (<20%) (Gascon et al., 2016).
233 In order to be included into the narrative synthesis, studies needed to use validated mental

234 health screening tools, as their use enables drawing reliable conclusions about specific mental
235 health outcomes to compare between populations. Validated mental health screening tools are

236 instruments which have been psychometrically tested for validity (the ability of the instru-

237 ment to produce true results), reliability (the ability of the instrument to produce consistent
238 results) and sensitivity (the probability of correctly identifying an individual with the condi-

239 tion) (The Joint Commission, 2020).

241 Data from quantitative studies using validated mental health screening tools were synthetized
242 thematically to record the overall impacts of greenspaces on mental health as positive (signif-
243 icant positive relationships), neutral (no significant relationships) or negative (significant
244 negative relationships), to describe the frequency of statistically significant findings (Table
245 1). Qualitative studies were included to facilitate understanding of the pathways and mecha-
246 nisms through which greenspaces may affect mental health. The methodological quality of
247 qualitative studies was assessed using the 10-item Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
248 (CASP) tool (Supplementary material Table S5).
250 In order to explore the mechanisms and pathways by which greenspaces affect mental health
251 in LMICs, we assessed the results of mediating and moderating analyses of quantitative stud-
252 ies. We defined mediation analysis as the statistical assessment of variables which transmit an
253 effect of an independent variable (greenspaces) on a dependent variable (mental health)
254 (Mackinnon et al., 2007). For the assessment of mediating factors, we followed Markevych et
255 al.'s (2017) domains of pathways linking greenspaces to mental health outcomes through re-
256 ducing harm, restoring capacities and building capacities. We defined moderation analysis as
257 the statistical assessment of variables which influence the direction and/or strength of the re-
258 lationship between greenspaces and mental health (Hayes, 2017). For the analysis, moderat-
259 ing factors were classified as either personal or contextual (Marselle et al., 2018). In the syn-
260 thesis of qualitative studies, we followed Markevych et al.'s (2017) domains of pathways to
261 organise the findings.

262 3. Results

263 The electronic database search yielded 1,801 hits. Removal of duplicates, screening of title
and abstract reduced this number to 105 references. Studies excluded at this stage did not
265 meet the inclusion criteria, were not written in English or did not report primary research.
266 Full-text screening further reduced the number of studies to 62 (Supplementary material sec-

267 tion 3.3). One study (Gruebner et al., 2011) was excluded because it reported the same data as

268 a related study (Gruebner et al., 2012). The review therefore included a final set of 36 quanti-
269 tative studies using validated mental health screening tools (Table 1; 58% of studies) five

270 studies using qualitative and one study using mixed research methods (Table 2). All studies
271 examined, wholly or in part, the relationships between greenspaces and mental health in

272 LMICs. The quality of quantitative studies ranged from fair quality (score: 55%) to excellent
273 quality (score: 91%);(Supplementary material, Table S3). Three quarters of the identified
274 studies were published in the last five years, demonstrating increased research interest in
275 LMICs.

276 3.1. Mental health outcomes

277 Of the 36 studies using validated mental health screening tools, 31 highlighted one or more
278 positive (defined as health promoting) relationships between greenspaces and one or more
279 mental health outcomes. Eight studies found at least one neutral (i.e., there were no detected
280 effects) impact of greenspaces on mental health. Only three studies reported explicitly nega-
281 tive relationships, of which one focused on slum dwellers in Bangladesh (Gruebner et al.,
282 2012, 2011). The only study from a low-income country (Bangladesh) showed negative rela-

283 tionships. Five of the six studies from lower-middle-income countries showed positive rela-
284 tionships, while eight out of ten studies from upper-middle-income countries showed one or
285 more positive relationships.
287 To identify patterns in the results, we examined the evidence by mental health outcomes
288 (Figure 1). Dimensions of positive mental health including mental well-being, quality of life
289 and life satisfaction were assessed by 15 studies. Mental well-being was assessed by 9 studies
290 mostly from Asia, which generally reported positive relationships (7). Three studies from
291 Latin America showed positive associations between greenspaces and quality of life. Life sat-
292 isfaction was assessed by one study from South Africa finding neutral impacts. While one

293 study assessing mental well-being focused on a low-income country, all remaining studies

294 concentrated on upper-middle-income countries.
Dimensions of mental ill-health were assessed by 14 studies. Out of 11 studies investigating
297 depressive disorders, nine reported positive effects, and three reported mixed or neutral ef-
298 fects. Geographically, studies assessing depressive disorders were quite diverse and targeted

299 Latin America, South/East Asia and South Africa. However, with the exception of two stud-
300 ies from India, a lower-middle-income country, all studies focused on upper-middle-income

301 countries. Of the six studies assessing anxiety disorders, all but one reported positive rela-

302 tionships. The evidence for anxiety disorders remains limited to the upper-middle-income
303 countries China and Serbia.

305 Two out of the three studies assessing risk factors for mental disorders such as stress demon-
306 strated positive effects but are limited to upper-middle-income countries in Europe and Latin
307 America. Three studies based in upper-middle-income China assessed affective states such as
308 mood. All reported positive effects, suggesting similarities to findings from HICs. All of the
309 eight studies assessing the potential of greenspaces for contributing to attention restoration
310 showed at least one positive association. Two of the studies found negative associations be-
311 tween particular greenspace types and attention restoration. The studies were conducted in
312 Asia and Latin America.


Figure 1: Mental health outcomes of 36 quantitative studies using validated mental health screening

tools. Data were synthesised thematically to display the overall impacts of greenspaces on mental
health as positive (significant positive relationships), neutral (no significant relationship) or nega-
tive (significant negative relationship), to describe the frequency of statistically significant findings.
The number of effects does not match the number of reviewed studies, because some studies meas-
ured multiple mental health outcomes or showed varying effects for different greenspaces types. For
depression, anxiety, stress and life-threatening experiences, a significant positive impact means that
these conditions were reduced through exposure to greenspaces.

314 3.2. Study designs and participants

315 Most quantitative studies employed cross-sectional study designs (20), followed by experi-
316 mental (12), longitudinal (3) and uncontrolled before-after designs (1). Experimental in this
317 context refers to studies in which participants were exposed to greenspace, either directly or
318 through pictures/videos. All experimental studies used convenience sampling, predominantly
319 involving students from the research teams’ university, limiting the generalisability of the
320 results. All quantitative studies used questionnaire surveys to assess mental health (36). Other

321 approaches used were interviews (6), focus groups (3), participant observation (1), physical
322 measurements (1) and photovoice (1). Exposure to greenspaces was measured with a variety
323 of approaches. Most studies were conducted through remote sensing techniques (13) and
324 face-to-face (27), while eight were carried out in greenspaces.
326 The number of study participants varied considerably among the quantitative studies, ranging
327 from 29 to more than 20,000 (Median: 687). Most studied were urban residents (12 studies)
328 and university and school students (12), followed by park visitors (3). The remaining studies
329 focused on the following target groups: slum dwellers (2), children with Autistic Spectrum
330 Disorder (ASD; 1), psychiatric patients (1), university staff (1) and workers (1). Additional

331 studies were solely on women (2) or the elderly (1).


332 Table 1: Main characteristics and results of 36 quantitative studies using validated mental health screening tools addressing greenspaces and mental health
333 in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). An overview over all assessed studies is provided in Supplementary material Table S2.
Study Objectives Study loca- Study popu- Study de- Methods Health outcome Measure of Mediators Moderators General result Quality
tion lation sign and measures greenspace score

Adams et al. Explored the relation- Cape Town Children from Cross- Questionnaire Life satisfaction Exposure to NA NA Mixed relation- Good
(2016) ship between children's (1-5m1), low- and sectional survey (Student Life greenspace with- ships – chil- quality
perceptions of the South Africa middle-SES Satisfaction out control – dren's percep- (7)
natural environment (subtropical communities, Scale) and men- engagement with tions of the
and their subjective climate), age 12 years, tal well-being nature measured natural envi-
well-being Upper- n=1004 (Personal Well- through New ronment not

Middle- being Index: Ecological Para- related to do-
Income School Children) digm (NEP) main-specific
Country Scale2 and global life

Mixed relation-

Akpinar Investigated the asso- Aydin (1- High school Cross sec- Questionnaire Attention resto- Cumulative op- NA NA Good
(2016) ciation between per- 5m1), Turkey students (from tional survey (mental ration (Perceived portunity – ships – atten- quality
tion restora-

ceived restorativeness (subtropical single school), health) and Restorativeness greenness scale; (7)
tion, but not
of high school green- climate), age 12-20 experts’ opin- Scale) and self- Experts’ ranking
quality of life
ness Upper- years, n=223 ions (green- perception of of greenness was associated

Middle- space) health from 0 (barely with greenness
Income green) to 5 (pre-

Country dominantly
Aliyas Investigated the influ- Bandar Ab- Elderly, age
u Cross- Questionnaire Mental well- Exposure to Physical NA Mixed relation- Fair
(2019) ence of designed natu- bas (0.5- >65 years, sectional survey being (Rand different green- activity ships – access quality
ral outdoor spaces and 1m1), Iran n=912 MOS Short space types – to parks was (5)
not associated
space type on the (arid cli- Form 20) self-report park
with better
physical, mental and mate), Up- and blue space mental well-
physiological health per-Middle- access, visitation, being; level of
status of the elderly Income length of stay, physical activi-
Country physical activity ty was associ-
level2 ated with better
mental health
Ambrey and Investigated how crime Tehran, Iran Urban resi- Cross sec- Questionnaire Mental well- Cumulative op- NA Crime Mixed relation- Good
Shahni rate in the neighbour- (5-10m1) dents, age tional survey linked being (GHQ-28) portunity – per- ships – green- quality
(2017) hood may moderate (arid cli- unspecified, with GIS anal- centage green- space associat- (8)
the link between mate), Up- n=19060 ysis space in resi- ed with mental
greenspace and well- per-Middle- dents’ neigh- well-being, but
being Income bourhood the effect was
Country inhibited by


Barreto et al. Investigated the asso- Rio de Janei- Administrative Cross sec- Questionnaire Depression, Cumulative op- NA NA Positive rela- Fair
(2019) ciation between expo- ro (>10m1), technical staff tional survey linked anxiety (GHQ- portunity – Nor- tionships – quality
sure to green areas in Brazil (tropi- of single uni- with GIS anal- 12) malised Differ- presence of (6)
the surroundings of the cal climate), versity, age ysis ence Vegetation greenspaces
residence and the Upper- 25-75, n=2584 Index (NDVI) was associated
presence of common Middle- with reduced

mental disorders Income depression and
among adults Country anxiety in the

income group
(200 m buffer)

and in the low-
income group

(400 and 1,500
m buffers)
Bojorquez Investigated the asso- Tijuana (1- Women, age Cross sec- Questionnaire Depression (10 Cumulative op- NA Age Mixed relation- Good

and Ojeda- ciation between urban 5m1), Mexico 18-65 years, tional survey linked item CES-D) portunity – per- ships – public quality

Revah public park coverage (subtropical n=2345 with measure- centage green- park coverage (8)
(2018) and mental health in climate), ment of urban space in resi- was associated
adult women Upper-
u park coverage dents' neighbour- with reduced
Middle- hood depression for
Income younger, but
Country not for older
Camargo et Explored potential Bucaramanga Park visitors, Cross sec- Park in-situ Quality of life Exposure to NA Perception of Positive rela- Good
al. (2017) associations between (0.5-1m1), age >12 years, tional questionnaire (EUROHIS- greenspace with- safety tionships – quality
individual and envi- Colombia n=1392 survey QOL 8-item out control – park park use was (7)
ronmental correlates of (tropical Index, 5-level use associated with
quality of life in Co- climate), EQ-5D Index) better quality
lombian park users Upper- of life
Chang et al. Examined the role Multiple Urban popula- Cross sec- Questionnaire Depression Green vs. grey – NA NA Positive rela- Fair
(2019) played by leisure satis- Chinese tion, age 40- tional survey (CES-D) and survey questions tionships – quality
faction in the relation- cities (multi- 65, n=663 mental well- (experiences of leisure in na- (5)

ship between leisure ple climate being (Dieners 17 leisure activi- ture was asso-
settings (built and zones), Up- 5-item SWB ties, including ciated with life
natural), subjective per-Middle- scale) "leisure in nature: satisfaction and
well-being and depres- Income outdoor exercise reduced de-
sion among midlife Country and visiting a pression
residents park")2
Dong and Analysing associations Beijing Urban resi- Cross sec- Questionnaire Mental well- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Fair
Qin (2017) between built and (>10m1), dents, age 18- tional survey being greenspace with- tionships – quality
social environment China (tem- 89 years old), (WEMWBS, 6- out control – Living closer (6)
with residents' mental perate cli- n=712 item) distance from to an ur-
well-being mate), Up- each neighbour- ban park was
per-Middle- hood to nearest positively

Income park associated with
Country better mental

Firdaus and Identified temporal Delhi Urban resi- Longitudinal Household Depression (20- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Fair
Ahmad variation in the risk (>10m1), dents, age >18 questionnaire item CES-D) greenspace with- tionships – lack quality

(2016) factors and prevalence India (sub- years, n=3291 survey in 2003 out control – of accessible (6)
rate of depression tropical and 2013 survey questions: parks associat-

across the city at climate), Accessibility to ed with in-
household level Lower- playground/park2 creased depres-

Middle- sion

Gao et al. Investigated the physi- Xianyang (5- College stu- Experimental Exposure to Emotions, mood Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good
(2019) ological (electroen- 10m1), China dents (from
u virtual reality (Profile of Mood different green- tionships – quality
cephalogram, EEG), (temperate single univer- pictures States, 40-item) space types – exposure to (7)
and psychological climate), sity), age 20.7 pictures of grey pictures of
(attention, positive Upper- (mean), n=120 space, blue space, greenspace was
mood, negative mood) Middle- open greenspace, associated with
responses and individ- Income partly open attention resto-
ual preferences for Country greenspace, part- ration and
different urban envi- ly closed green- positive mood;
ronments space, closed Partly open
greenspace greenspace had
the most effec-
tive reduction
of negative
mood, fol-
lowed by open
partly closed

blue space, and
grey space,
while closed
greenspace had
the least effect

Gruebner et Assessed the factors Dhaka Slum dwellers, Cross sec- Face-to-face Mental well- Cumulative op- NA Infectious Negative rela- Good
al. (2012) that describe the men- (>10m1), age >15 years, tional questionnaire being (WHO-5) portunity – dis- diseases, tionships – quality
tal well-being of poor Bangladesh n=1938 survey linked tance to nearest environmental mental well- (8)
populations residing in (tropical with GIS anal- river, park, vege- pollution being negative-
urban slums climate), ysis tation ratio, water ly associated

Low-income ratio, affected by with vegetation
Country flooding patches, due to
risk of infec-

tious diseases
and environ-

mental pollu-
tion of green-

Hassan et al. Investigated the physi- Chengdu (5- University Experimental Walks in urban Anxiety (State- Green vs. grey – NA NA Positive rela- Fair
10m1), China

(2018) ological and psycho- students (from or bamboo Trait Anxiety sampling in-situ, tionships – quality
logical relaxation (temperate single univer- forests linked Inventory, Se- bamboo forests walking in (5)

effects of forest walk- climate), sity), age 19- with question- mantic Differen- and urban area bamboo forest
ing on adults Upper- 24 years, n=60 naire survey tial Method) was associated
u and physical with improved
Income measurements mood and
Country attention resto-
ration, as well
as with reduced
Jiang et al. Investigated the psy- Chengdu (5- University Experimental Questionnaire Anxiety (State- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good
(2019) chophysiological re- 10m1), China students (from survey pre- and Trait Anxiety different green- tionships – quality
laxation effects of (temperate single univer- post-exposure Inventory, Se- space types – viewing green- (8)
viewing different climate), sity), age 22 to pictures of mantic Differen- pictures of urban space pictures
landscape pictures on Upper- (mean), n=50 greenspaces tial Method) landscapes: urban was associated
adults Middle- city traffic, gar- with feeling
Income den landscape, more natural,
Country natural scenery, relaxed, and
forest landscape comfortable;
and city land- stress levels
scape were signifi-

cantly lower
after looking at
to T1 and T2
(both green),
and increased
after exposure
to T0 (traffic)
Korn et al. Investigated the effects Lima Adult slum Longitudinal Interviews, Quality of Life Green vs. grey – NA NA Positive rela- Good
(2018) of individual house- (>10m1), dwellers, age with repeat- survey ques- (WHOQOL- private garden tionships – 12- quality
hold gardens on the Peru (arid unspecified, ed measures tionnaire after BREF), Stress implementation months post (7)
health of urban slum climate), n=29 implementa- (Perceived construction,
dwellers Upper- tion of gardens Stress Scale), the gardens

Middle- Life-Threatening were associated
Income Experiences with improved
Country (LTE-Q), Social quality of life,

Capital (SCS) reduced life-

and increased

social capital
Li et al. Investigated which Shanghai Park visitors, Uncontrolled GPS and pe- Depression, Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good

(2019b) type of park is most age >60 years, before-after dometer rec- anxiety (Visual greenspace with- tionships – quality
effective for psycho- China (sub- n=200 study ords linked Analogue Scale) out control – park use was (7)

logical benefits tropical with question- sampling in-situ, associated with
climate), naire survey plan and land- reduced anxie-
u cover maps, ty and depres-
Middle- duration of stay sion, as well as
Income indifferent areas with higher
Country through GPS relaxation and
(hard surface, contentment
lawn, tree cover, after park visit.
water, path/trail, Differences
children's play- between activi-
ground, designat- ties: active
ed fitness area) park users were
more relaxed
and content
than active

Liu et al. Explored biopsychoso- Guangzhou Urban resi- Cross sec- Questionnaire Mental well- Cumulative op- Mitigation NA Positive rela- Excellent
(2019b) cial pathways linking (>10m1), dents, age 41 tional survey and GIS being (WHO-5) portunity – Nor- of air and tionships – quality
exposure to neigh- China (sub- (mean), analysis malised Differ- noise NDVI was (9)
bourhood greenness to tropical n=1029 ence Vegetation pollution, positively
mental well-being climate), Index (NDVI) stress associated with
Upper- reduction, mental well-
Middle- physical being; signifi-
Income activity, cant mediators
Country social were encourag-
cohesion ing walking

cohesion, satis-
faction with

Liu et al. Explored biopsychoso- Multiple Rural and Cross sec- Questionnaire Depression Cumulative op- Stress Urbanicity Positive rela- Good

(2019a) cial pathways linking provinces in urban resi- tional survey and GIS (CES-D 20- portunity – per- reduction, tionships – quality
residential greenness China (mul- dents, age 15- analysis item) centage of green- physical exposure to (8)

exposure to depression tiple climate 64, n=20533 space in resi- activity, residential
zones), Up- dents’ neigh- social greenness was
per-Middle- bourhood cohesion negatively

Income associated with

Country depression;
physical activi-

u ty, stress reduc-

tion, and
social cohesion
mediated the
Lyu et al. Examined the role of Chengdu (5- Students from Quasi- 3 days field Emotions, mood Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Excellent
(2019) bamboo forests in the 10m1), China agricultural experimental experiments; (Profile of Mood different green- tionships – quality
promotion of physical (temperate university experience of States) space types – interacting with (9)
activity and positive climate), (single univer- the landscape sampling in-situ, bamboo forest
mental health after Upper- sity), age followed by urban or bamboo was associated
park use Middle- unspecified, questionnaire forests (3 types) with reduced
Income n=120 survey (bam- tension, anxie-
Country boo forest ty, anger, hos-
therapy) tility, depres-
sion, fatigue;
vigour was

lower in urban

Martínez- Explored the possible Mexico City Urban resi- Cross sec- Questionnaire Attention resto- Exposure to NA NA Mixed relation- Good

Soto et al. restorative effects of (>10m1), dents, age 17- tional survey ration (Revised greenspace with- ships – im- quality

(2014) variables related to Mexico 79 years, Scale of Percep- out control – proved cogni- (7)
urban nature and psy- (subtropical n=120 tion of Restora- nature in the tive function

chological transaction climate), tive Environ- Home Scale, associated with
processes with the Upper- ments, 26 item), proximity of potted plants

environment on emo- Middle- (Reverse Order greenspaces, and visiting
tional and cognitive Income Digit Span Sub- Transactions with green areas

indicators of psycho- Country test), (Well- Nature Scale (11 outside home;
logical restoration being Scale) item) cognitive func-
tioning im-

proved by
greater distance

from common
green area
Martinez- Evaluated the restora- Mexico City University
u Quasi- Viewing pic- Attention resto- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good
Soto et al. tive quality of three (>10m1), students (from experimental tures of green- ration (Revised different green- tionships – quality
(2014), study environments and Mexico single univer- spaces linked Scale of Percep- space types – greenspaces (7)
2 assessed differences (subtropical sity), age with question- tion of Restora- pictures including had greater
between them climate), unspecified, naire survey tive Environ- images of the restorative
Upper- n=96 ments, 25-item) natural environ- quality than
Middle- ment, urban urban with
Income nature and urban greenspaces
Country landscape with- and built-up
out nature without green-
spaces; urban
greenspace was
perceived as
having greater
quality than

images without

Martinez- Documented the affec- Mexico City University Quasi- Viewing pic- Attention resto- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good
Soto et al. tive qualities of three (>10m1), students (from experimental tures linked ration (Self- different green- tionships – quality
(2014), study environment classes: Mexico single univer- with question- assessment space types – affective va- (7)
1 natural, urban with (subtropical sity), age naire survey Manikin) pictures of the lence (pleasure,

nature, and built-up climate), unspecified, natural environ- arousal) was
without nature Upper- n=104 ment, urban associated
Middle- nature and urban positively with

Income landscape with- image of
Country out nature greenspace,

compared to
urban with

greenspace and
greenspace vs
built-up with-

out greenspace

Memari et al. Identified the relation- Gorgan (0.3- University Quasi- Viewing pic- Attention resto- Exposure to NA NA Mixed relation- Good
(2017) ship between environ- 0.5m1), Iran students (from experimental tures linked ration (Short- different green- ships – the quality
mental characteristics (arid cli-
single univer- with question- version Revised space types – pictures of (8)
of restorative natural mate), Up- sity), age 19- naire survey Restoration pictures repre- "serene", "na-
environments per-Middle- 26 years, Scale, 8-item) senting the per- ture" and "ref-
Income n=124 ceived sensory uge" green-
Country dimensions (eight space resulted
components: in most reduc-
serene, nature, tion of stress;
rich in species, "species rich-
space, prospect, ness" and "so-
refuge, social, cial" showed a
culture) negative asso-

Mukherjee et Examined the associa- Delhi Urban resi- Cross- Questionnaire Depression Cumulative op- Physical NA Positive rela- Excellent
al. (2017) tion between park (>10m1), dents with sectional survey linked (Mini Interna- portunity – park activity tionships – area quality
availability and major India (sub- chronic condi- to GIS analysis tional Neuropsy- distance from of (9)
depression among tropical tion(s), age chiatric Inter- households, area the nearest par
adults with one or climate), >20 years, view, Section A) of nearest park, k was positive-
more chronic condi- Lower- n=1208 number and total ly associated
tions Middle- area of all parks with major
Income within 1km of depression
Country home
Mullings et Explored the mental Countrywide, Urban resi- Cross- Secondary data Depression Green vs. grey – NA NA No relation- Fair
al. (2013) health effects of the Jamaica dents, age 15- sectional from Health (Diagnostic and presence/absence ships – no quality
urban neighbourhood (tropical 74 years, and Lifestyle Statistical Man- of greenspace in association (6)

on men and women in climate), n=2848 Survey ual of Mental neighbourhood between de-
Jamaica and the impli- Upper- Disorders DSM- (lawn, ornamen- pression and
cations for urban plan- Middle- 5) 7 tal plants, trees) greenspace

ning and social devel- Income
opment Country

Parra et al. Examined associations Bogotá Urban resi- Cross- Face-to-face Quality of life Cumulative op- Physical Perception of Positive rela- Good
(2010) between neighbour- (>10m1), dents, age >60 sectional questionnaire (Short form 8) portunity – walk- activity safety tionships – quality
hood environment Colombia years, n=1966 survey ing levels and perceptions of (7)

attributes and health (subtropical perceived envi- parks being
related quality of life climate), ronmental char- safe were posi-

and self-rated health Upper- acteristics (safety, tively associat-
among older adults Middle- street noise, ed with higher
u public park den- quality of life;
Country sity, number of residents of
public transport areas with
stations and more than 8%
bicycle lanes) of land covered
by public park
area were more
likely to report
good, very
good, or excel-
lent health

Scopelliti et Investigated the effects Bogotá Park visitors, Cross- In-situ green- Attention resto- Cumulative op- NA Income Positive rela- Good
al. (2016) of contact with urban (>10m1), age 18-80 sectional space ques- ration (Connect- portunity – park tionships – quality
parks on well-being Colombia years, n=300 tionnaire sur- edness to Nature size, residence respondents in (7)
(subtropical vey Scale), (New distance to park, larger urban
climate), Human Interde- frequency of parks experi-
Upper- pendence Para- visit, visit length, enced higher
Middle- digm Scale), main activity, attention resto-
Income (Perceived Re- frequency green ration com-
Country storativeness pared to re-
Scale), (Positive spondents in
Affective Quali- smaller district
ties), (Positive parks; the

Emotions); middle-income
Negative Emo- group experi-
tions), (Physical enced better

and Psychologi- outcomes
cal Well-being) compared to

the higher- and

Shagdarsure Examined patterns of Ulaanbaatar Women, age Cross- Face-to-face Depression Exposure to NA NA No relation- Fair
n et al. perceived neighbour- (1-5m1), 40-60 years, sectional questionnaire (GHQ-12) greenspace with- ships – percep- quality

(2017) hood quality by resi- Mongolia n=830 survey in par- out control – tion of neigh- (5)

dents and the associa- (arid cli- ticipants homes survey questions bourhood
tions between these mate), Low- about the percep- greenspace was
patterns and self- er-Middle-
u tion of the neigh- not associated
reported general and Income bourhood envi- with depression
mental health in mid- Country ronment: easy to
dle-aged women find green open
spaces, river
water is clean,
nature is well
Smyth et al. Examined the relation- Multiple Blue- and Cross sec- Questionnaire Mental well- Cumulative op- NA NA Positive rela- Good
(2011) ship between environ- cities in white-collar tional survey and GIS being (Personal portunity – tionships – in quality
mental surroundings China (tem- workers, age analysis Well-being green area per cities with (7)
and personal well- perate cli- 18-60 years, Index) capita in 2003 in more parkland,
being mate), Up- n=3390 the city where respondents
per-Middle- respondents lived reported signif-
Income icantly higher
Country levels of men-
tal well-being

Tomita et al. Investigated the effect Countrywide, Urban resi- Longitudinal Household and Depression Cumulative op- NA NA Mixed relation- Excellent
(2017) of green living envi- South Africa dents, age individual (CES-D, 10- portunity – Nor- ships – uneven quality
ronments in potentially (multiple unspecified, questionnaire item) malised Differ- benefit of (10)
countering incident climate n=11156 survey linked ence Vegetation NDVI on inci-
depression zones), Up- with GIS anal- Index (NDVI) dent depres-
per-Middle- ysis sion; green
Income living envi-
Country ronment
showed limited
benefit across
the study popu-
lation as a

whole, the
showed that

higher NDVI
was a predictor

of lower inci-
dent depression

among middle-
income com-
pared with


Vujcic and Explored the restora- Belgrade (1- University Quasi- Time spent Depression, Green vs. grey – NA NA No relation- Good
Tomicevic- tive potential of urban 5m1), Serbia
students (from experimental either in green- Anxiety, Stress sampling in-situ, ships – arbore- quality
Dubljevic forest environments (subtropical single univer- with repeat- space or con- (Depression, exposure to arbo- tum interven- (7)
(2018) and identified per- climate), sity), age 22- ed measures trol linked with Anxiety, Stress retum/control tion was asso-
ceived benefits of Upper- 32 years, n=47 questionnaire Scale) ciated with
physical activity on Middle- survey reduced de-
psychological well- Income pression, anx-
being and social cohe- Country iety and stress,
sion of the younger but control
population group had
similar effect
Vujcic et al. Aimed to understand Belgrade (1- Psychiatric Quasi- Horticultural Depression, Green vs. grey – NA Gender, edu- Positive rela- Good
(2017) how spending time and 5m1), Serbia patients, age experimental therapy inter- Anxiety, Stress sampling in-situ, cation tionships – quality
performing horticul- (subtropical 25-65 years, with repeat- vention linked (Depression, horticultural significant (8)
ture therapy in specifi- climate), n=30 ed measures with question- Anxiety, Stress therapy interven- stress reduction
cally designed urban Upper- naire survey Scale) tion in the study
green environments Middle- group com-
can improve mental Income pared to the

health Country control group

Wang et al. Explored the stress Shanghai University Quasi- Questionnaire Attention resto- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Fair
(2016) recovery effects of (>10m1), students, age experimental survey, stress ration (Perceived different green- tionships – quality
different videotaped China (sub- 18-24 years, with repeat- induction Restorativeness space types – viewing urban (6)
scenes, using six urban tropical n=140 ed measures (exam) fol- Scale), stress videotapes of 6 park scenes
parks and one urban climate), lowed by re- (State-Trait urban parks and 1 was associated
roadway scene Upper- covery (video Anxiety Invento- urban roadway, with stress

Middle- scenes of ry), (Digit Span including nature- reduction and
Income parks) Backwards Test) based vs. hard- attention resto-
Country scape compo- ration, espe-

nents, pres- cially for
ence/absence of scenes without

people, and level people
of openness

Wang et al. To examine how Guangzhou Urban resi- Cross- Questionnaire Mental well- Cumulative op- Mitigation NA Positive rela- Excellent
(2019) streetscape and green- (>10m1), dents, age 41 sectional survey linked being (WHO-5) portunity – Nor- of air and tionships – quality

ery affect well-being, China (sub- (mean), with GIS anal- malised Differ- noise streetscape (9)
including the assess- tropical n=1029 ysis ence Vegetation pollution, greenery and

ment of mediators climate), Index (NDVI), stress NDVI were
Upper- Streetscape reduction, positively
u greenery from physical associated with
Income street view data activity, mental well-
Country social being; physical
cohesion activity, stress,
air quality,
noise and so-
cial cohesion
were mediating
the relationship
Zhang et al. Explored whether and Harbin University Experimental Audio-visual Emotions, mood Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good
(2019) how audio-visual (>10m1), students (from walk linked to (Profile of Mood greenspace with- tionships – the quality
contexts and experi- China (tem- single univer- questionnaire States, Positive out control – impact intensi- (8)
ences in urban parks perate cli- sity), age 22- survey and Negative sampling in-situ, ty of acoustic
influence psychologi- mate), Up- 33 years, n=36 Affect Scale) sound pressure comfort was
cal responses per-Middle- level, loudness, significantly
Income sharpness, higher than that
Country roughness; land- of visual com-

scape elements fort on emo-
(plants, sky, tions and
paving) mood, while
visual comfort
was signifi-
cantly higher
than acoustic
comfort on
responses of
cognition di-

Zhao et al. Aimed to find reliable Xuzhou (5- University Experimental Viewing pic- Attention resto- Exposure to NA NA Positive rela- Good
(2018) evidence to inform 10m1), China students (from tures and lis- ration (Short different green- tionships – quality
landscape design of (temperate single univer- tening to version Revised space types – viewing pic- (7)

auditory-visual combi- climate), sity), age sounds linked Restoration pictures of 3 tures of water-
nations aiming to Upper- unspecified, with question- Scale) parks (categories: scape was

improve the restorative Middle- n=382 naire survey building, topo- associated with
quality Income graphical varia- attention resto-

Country tion, water body, ration; bird
plants), sound- song and wind
scapes (natural song increased

sounds: birdsong, attention resto-

sound of flowing ration in highly
water, sound of vegetated areas

334 u wind)
Urban population in millions
335 2
Study did not use objective measures of greenspaces

336 3.3. Geographic characteristics of the evidence

337 To date, the relationship between greenspaces and mental health remains unexplored in more
338 than 90% of LMICs (Figure 2). Most studies were based in Asia (25), two in Europe, five in
339 Africa, and ten in Latin America. Although 13 countries were studied, 55% of research was
340 carried out in only three countries, China, Iran and South Africa. Almost two out of five stud-
341 ies (35%) focused on urban areas in China.
343 The body of evidence in Asia has been expanding rapidly and begins to cover a diversity of
344 geographic regions and cultural groups. However, studies focused predominantly on upper-

345 middle-income countries, and low-income countries remain unexplored with the exception of

346 Bangladesh. In Africa, South Africa, an upper-middle-income country, is the only studied
347 country, leaving unexplored a tremendous diversity of environmental and cultural conditions
on a continent which is experiencing the fastest urbanisation globally (Angel et al., 2011).
349 Latin America gained more research attention, yet again this was limited to upper-middle-
350 income countries. Even though limited in numbers, ten studies covered a diversity of envi-

351 ronmental and cultural conditions in Latin America.


353 The spatial scale at which linkages were assessed ranged from nationwide, inter-city compar-

354 isons to local, intra-city comparisons. Major cities with a population of more than one million
355 (United Nations 2014, 2018) gained most attention, whereas small and medium-sized towns

356 remain understudied in the LMIC context. Apart from five studies which performed inter-city
357 comparisons, around half of the city-level studies (17) investigated mega-cities with a popu-
358 lation of more than 10 million. Seven studies took place in cities with 5-10 million inhabit-
359 ants, and nine in cities with 1-5 million inhabitants. Only one study from South Africa fo-
360 cused on a city with a population of less than 300,000 inhabitants. Three studies from South
361 Africa assessed the relationship between greenspaces and mental health in informal settle-
362 ments, whereas another two studies from Bangladesh and Peru focused on slums settlements.


u rn

Figure 2: Geographic distribution of the 36 qualitative studies using validated mental health screening tools and the six qualitative studies. All studies assessed the relation-
ship between greenspaces and mental health in LMICs. Shown are Development Assistance Committee (DAC) low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and urban areas
investigated by the studies included in this review. In some urban areas several studies were conducted. Hence, the number of represented urban areas does not correspond
with the number of reviewed studies.
364 3.4. Greenspace assessment

365 Studies took into account a variety of greenspace types, including urban greenspaces (25
366 studies), urban parks (7), urban forests (3) and private gardens (1). The only study with focus
367 on private gardens focused on a slum settlement in Lima, Peru (Korn et al., 2018).There was
368 considerable variation across the 36 studies on how exposure to greenspaces was assessed,
369 ranging from ‘green vs. grey’ (vegetated vs. non-vegetated) comparisons to assessing green-
370 space structural diversity. Eight studies assessed the effects of exposure to greenspaces with-
371 out using experimental controls, such as exposure to non-green environments. Lacking exper-
372 imental controls reduces the reliability of results since it is difficult to determine the effects of

373 the independent variable (greenspaces) on the dependent variable (mental health). Four stud-

374 ies relied on the perception rather than on objective measures of greenspaces such as through
375 assessing exposure with remote sensing or ecological survey techniques, while seven studies
compared ‘green vs. grey’ scenarios. 13 studies estimated exposure to greenspaces through
377 cumulative opportunity (Ekkel and de Vries, 2017), based on the proportion of greenspaces
378 within a spatial unit that incorporates individuals’ location such as a residence, commonly

379 measured through the amount of greenness in an area, using metrics such as Normalised Dif-

380 ference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or green area per capita (Bratman et al., 2019). Nine stud-
381 ies assessed differences in the natural features characterising greenspaces such as size, com-

382 position, vegetation structure or tree canopy density and their effects on mental health
383 (Bratman et al., 2019). However, most of such studies used pictures rather than ecological

384 measures of greenspaces. A defining characteristic of the reviewed body of evidence is a lack
385 of use of standard approaches for assessing ecological differences in greenspaces such as eco-
386 logical surveys. This means that studies did not survey information on the distribution and
387 abundance of animal and plant species present in greenspaces. Furthermore, despite being
388 recognised as a key research frontier, none of the studies explored how different aspects of
389 biodiversity may affect mental health. Further, only few of the studies considered other expo-
390 sure metrics such as frequency and duration of exposure, or accessibility of greenspaces
391 (Bratman et al., 2019).
393 The different strategies which were used for measuring exposure to greenspaces did not show
394 clear differences in how greenspaces and mental health were associated, as most studies
395 showed positive links. Six of the eight studies assessing greenspaces without using controls

396 such as non-green environments showed positive associations. Three of the five studies as-
397 sessing the mental health effects of green vs. non-green environments showed positive rela-
398 tionships. Around 92% of the studies exploring relationships between the amount of green-
399 ness in an area (cumulative opportunity) and mental health outcomes showed positive results.
400 Finally, eight of the nine studies assessing the mental health effects of the structural diversity
401 of greenspaces showed positive relationships.

402 3.5. Mental health assessment

403 A variety of mental health outcomes were studied using a range of validated mental health
404 screening tools (Table 1). None of the studies used a trained mental health professional to as-

405 sess mental health. Most studies defined mental health ‘positively’ through measuring posi-

406 tive states of mental health, including mental well-being (9 studies), quality of life (3), or fac-
407 tors which are linked to positive mental health, including cognitive functioning (1), life satis-
faction (1) and social capital (1). Some studies defined mental health ‘negatively’, as the ab-
409 sence of specific mental disorders, measuring prevalence of depressive disorders (11) and
410 anxiety disorders (6). None examined severe mental ill-health such as schizophrenia or bipo-

411 lar disorder. Four studies assessed risk factors for mental disorders such as stress (3) and life-

412 threatening experiences (1). All studies focusing on stress were conducted in China. As a fur-
413 ther limitation, all of the studies analysed the responses of university students. Some studies

414 assessed the potential of greenspaces to reduce risk for developing disorders/to increase men-
415 tal well-being (attention restoration; 8). The remaining studies assessed affective states (3)

416 (short-term aspects of well-being) including emotions (4) and mood (3).

417 3.6. Mediation analysis

418 Mediation analyses were conducted in six studies (Table 1). The evidence for pathways
419 through which greenspaces can reduce harm to mental health remains inconclusive. Two
420 studies from China investigated the role of air and noise pollution for mediating the link be-
421 tween greenspaces and mental health, with contradicting results. In contrast to Liu et al.
422 (2019b), Wang et al. (2019) found that reduced air and noise pollution mediated the mental
423 health effects of greenness.
425 None of the studies explicitly took into account environmental factors such as local climatic
426 conditions as a mediating factor impacting on the relationship between greenspaces and men-

427 tal health, nor did any study draw comparisons between cities in different climate zones.
428 However, the studies were conducted in a variety of climatic conditions. A number of studies
429 from China (8) assessed cities characterised by temperate climate, of which all showed posi-
430 tive relationships. A large proportion of the studies (17) examined cities in subtropical set-
431 tings, covering four continents and a range of mental health outcomes. 90% of studies from
432 subtropical cities showed positive relationships. A diversity of studies from arid regions in
433 Latin America and Asia (5) demonstrated that greenspaces can support mental health in such
434 regions. This suggests that greenspaces can support mental health in temperate, subtropical
435 and arid settings.

437 Despite being relatively diverse in geographic distribution, the evidence from tropical LMICs

438 did not indicate a clear relationship between greenspaces and mental health. Four studies took
439 place in tropical regions in Latin America (Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica) and Asia (Bangla-
desh). While two studies from Latin America reported mental health promoting relationships
441 with greenspaces, a study from Dhaka, Bangladesh, indicated a pathway through which
442 greenspaces may affect mental health negatively under tropical conditions. They suggested

443 that negative links between the presence of vegetation and mental well-being may be partially
444 explained through a fear of risk of infectious diseases, which may occur more frequently in

445 greenspaces in tropical regions (Gruebner et al., 2012). It is important to note that none of the

446 studies explored reducing heat exposure as a mediating factor, which would have been of par-
447 ticular interest in regions characterised by hot climate.

449 Four studies took into account the potential of greenspaces for restoring psychological ca-
450 pacities. Two studies from China found that stress reduction mediated the effects of exposure
451 to greenspaces on depression (Liu et al., 2019a) and on mental well-being (Wang et al.,
452 2019). In contrast to previous findings, Liu et al., (2019b) found no evidence to indicate that
453 stress reduction was a pathway linking greenspaces to mental well-being.
455 Greenspaces may support good mental health through building capacities by encouraging
456 physical activity and facilitating social cohesion (Markevych et al., 2017). In this review, the
457 evidence for the mediating role of physical activity is inconclusive. Physical activity was
458 found to be a significant mediator to increase mental well-being (Aliyas, 2019; Liu et al.,
459 2019a, 2019b; Wang et al., 2019) and to decrease depression (Liu et al., 2019a) in Chinese
460 cities. In contrast, Parra et al.'s (2010) study found that physical activity did not mediate
461 changes in quality of life related to park availability in Colombia. In Mukherjee et al.'s (2017)
462 study, physical activity played no role in reducing depression in India. Two studies found that
463 social cohesion mediated the effects of greenspaces on mental well-being (Liu et al., 2019b;
464 Wang et al., 2019).

465 3.7. Moderation analysis

466 Moderation analyses were conducted in nine studies (Table 1). These were classified as either
467 personal (gender) or contextual (safety and crime, pollution, cultural factors) (Marselle et al.,
468 2018). Most studies did not consider the moderating effects of demographic or socio-
469 economic factors. Studies from Iran, South Africa and Colombia found that crime levels and

470 perceptions of safety moderated the relationship between greenspaces and mental health. In

471 Tehran, the mental well-being benefits linked with greenspaces were inhibited in areas with
472 higher crime rates; against expectations, no gender differences were observed (Ambrey and
Shahni, 2017). In their qualitative study, Adams et al. (2018) found that a lack of safety re-
474 stricted children’s discovery and exploration of greenspaces in Cape Town, thereby inhibiting
475 potentially positive effects. In Bogotá, Parra et al. (2010) and Camargo et al. (2017) found

476 that perceptions of safety in general and on the way to the park moderated the effects of den-

477 sity of parks and park use on quality of life.


479 In Dhaka, Bangladesh, Gruebner et al. (2012) assessed the mental well-being of slum dwell-
480 ers. They found negative links between mental well-being and the presence of vegetation

481 patches. Even though not assessed through moderation analysis, the authors suggest that the
482 mental well-being benefits were inhibited by environmental pollution. Vegetated areas in the
483 slums turned out to be low-lying and regularly flooded areas. Combined with poor sanitation,
484 open wastewater drainage and garbage disposal, these vegetation patches increased the risk
485 for infectious diseases, with negative repercussions for mental well-being. None of the stud-
486 ies took into account explicitly particular environmental and cultural factors impacting on
487 how people interact with greenspaces, nor did they assess how such factors might moderate
488 beneficial mental health effects.

489 3.8. Synthesis of qualitative studies

490 The five studies using qualitative research methods and one mixed methods study document-
491 ed mostly positive impacts of greenspaces on mental health in LMICs (Table 2). The majority

492 of these were of excellent and good quality, while only one study was of fair quality and one
493 of poor quality. In two cities in China, the parents and caregivers of children with Autism
494 spectrum disorder (ASD) were questioned about the observed benefits of greenspace interac-
495 tions (Li et al., 2019a). Exposure to greenspaces provided emotional and social benefits to
496 children with ASD. Parents observed that spending time in greenspaces helped children to
497 soothe stress and anxiety.
499 Two studies explored how greenspaces can support restoring capacities through psychologi-
500 cal restoration and building capacities through encouraging physical activity and facilitating
501 social cohesion. Elderly residents of Pune, India, expressed being able to derive psychologi-

502 cal benefits such as relieving stress, mental peace, and restorative experiences such as feeling

503 fresh and cheerful from visiting urban parks (Gaikwad and Shinde, 2018). Adding to this,
504 spending time in urban parks was considered being an important resource for social interac-
tions and for being physically active. In Isfahan, Iran, a green canal corridor was found to
506 help urban residents to have a more physically active life, to promote a sense of restoration,
507 calmness and concentration, as well as to foster social interactions (Vaeztavakoli and Lak,

508 2018).

510 Two studies focusing on informal settlements in Cape Town, South Africa documented posi-

511 tive relationships between greenspaces and mental health. Examining the psychological ef-
512 fects of urban agriculture, Olivier and Heinecken (2017) found that cultivation helped women

513 to develop supportive networks that unlock benefits across the personal, social and economic
514 spectrum. Beyond cultivating being an important livelihood strategy, women reported ‘get-
515 ting joy and fulfilment’ from working on their plots. Similarly, another study from Cape
516 Town used photovoice to explore the effects of urban agriculture for people in an informal
517 settlement (Lucke et al., 2019). Informants reported that the act of harvesting made them
518 happy, since it meant they had something to eat or sell. They also experienced a sense of
519 pride from the achievement of growing vegetables. For some, having gardening as a task
520 translated into meaning of life. Another study focusing on informal settlements in Cape
521 Town, however, documented how safety issues can inhibit positive mental health effects of
522 greenspaces. Exploring the meanings children in a low socio-economic status community at-
523 tached to greenspaces, Adams et al. (2019) found that a lack of safety restricted children’s
524 discovery and exploration of greenspaces, thereby inhibiting potentially positive effects on
525 subjective well-being.
527 Table 2: Main characteristics and results of five qualitative and one mixed methods studies address-
528 ing greenspaces and mental health in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Study Objectives Study Study popu- Methods Health Measure of General result
location lation measures greenspace

Adams et al. Explored Cape Town Children FGDs, inter- Interview NA Children's per-
(2018) children’s (1-5m1), from low- views themes around ception of the
constructions South SES com- child friendly natural envi-
and the mean- Africa munities, age neighbourhoods ronment was
ings they (subtropical 13-14, n=32 and environ- negative mainly
attach to natu- climate), mental aware- due to safety
ral spaces and Upper- ness issues (crime)
the impact on Middle-
their subjec- Income
tive well-being Country

Gaikwad Contributed to Pune (5- Elderly park Visitor counts Themes emerg- Sampling Interactions with
and Shinde understanding 10m1), visitors, age and question- ing from quali- in-situ, park greenspaces
(2018) how neigh- India (arid unspecified, naires, non- tative data use were associated

bourhood climate), n=20 (inter- participant about psycho- with stress re-
amenities such Lower- views), 6 observation, logical benefits duction and
as parks relate Middle- (FGDs), 31 interviews, of interacting attention restora-
with active
(survey) -p
FGDs and
with green-
visitor register
Li et al. Investigated Shanghai Children Semi- Interview ques- "How often Most parents (20
(2019) whether bene- (>10m1) with autism structured tion: What are does your out of 22) per-

fits associated and Yantai (ASD) (in- interviews the benefits of child go ceived nature
with exposure (5-1m), terviews visiting green- outdoors" visits as being
to nature could China through space to your and "Is helpful for chil-
be observed by (subtropical caregivers, child? 7 greenspace a dren to relax,

parents of climate), not directly part of his or promote positive

children diag- Upper- with chil- her outdoor emotions and
nosed with Middle- dren), age 4- experience?" reduce negative

ASD Income 7, n=22 emotions; they

Country also reduced
stress and anxie-

ty, but did not

help with tan-
Lucke et al. Explored the Masakhane Township Photovoice Guiding ques- Participation Engagement in
(2019) motivation for, (<0.3m1), residents tions handed in communi- gardening activi-
and potential South attending out with camer- ty gardening ties was moti-
effects of, Africa community as, about "how vated by psy-
participation (subtropical garden, age does the garden chological ef-
in a township climate), 21-57, n=18 make you fects such as
community Upper- feel?" 7 happiness, pride,
garden Middle- self-
Income encouragement,
Country meaning of life,
feeling of inde-
pendence and
stress reduction
Olivier and Established Cape Town Adult agri- In-depth inter- Intangible Participation Participation in
Heinecken how NGO-run (1-5m1), cultural views, FGDs social benefits in urban urban agricul-
(2017) urban agricul- South cultivators, of urban agri- agriculture ture provided a
ture projects Africa age unspeci- culture7 sense of accom-
benefit women (subtropical fied, n=59 plishment, be-
on the Cape climate), longing, fulfil-
Flats Upper- ment, relaxation,
Middle- reconnection to
Income rural roots and

Country increased social

Vaeztavakoli Explored the Isfahan (1- Urban resi- Face-to-face Content analy- Sampling 128/200 partici-
and Lak health aspects 5m1), Iran dents, age interviews sis in-situ at pants thought
(2018) of urban water (arid cli- 15-85 years, canals to that the canal
canals in phys- mate), n=200 target users contributes to
ical, mental, Upper- mental health,
and social Middle- promotes com-
dimensions Income fort and relaxa-
based on the Country tion, sense of
residents’ safety, sensory
experiences richness, relaxa-
tion and sense of
529 1
Urban population in millions

530 4. Discussion

531 This scoping review provides novel insights into the relationship between greenspaces and
532 mental health in LMICs. While a large majority of LMICs remain unexplored, we found that
eight out of ten studies using validated mental health screening tools detected positive associ-
534 ations between greenspaces and one or more mental health outcomes. The findings suggest
535 that greenspaces can generally support mental health in LMICs.


537 Regarding positive dimensions of mental health, the evidence indicates that mental well-
538 being and quality of life can be supported by greenspaces in upper-middle-income countries.

539 This supports the evidence from HICs for mental well-being (Houlden et al., 2018) and quali-
540 ty of life (Stigsdotter et al., 2010). For depressive disorders, the evidence is quite strong and

541 indicates a positive relationship for a diversity of upper-middle-income countries. This con-
542 firms the evidence from HICs (Lovell and Maxwell, 2018). However, the relationship re-
543 mains unexplored in lower-middle and low-income countries. Similarly, the evidence for
544 anxiety disorders indicates that greenspaces may reduce anxiety levels in upper-middle-
545 income countries. Altogether, the evidence from upper-middle-income countries for the im-
546 pact of greenspaces on stress, affective states and attention restoration indicates to support the
547 evidence from HICs.

548 4.1. Limitations of the reviewed evidence

549 A limitation of the evidence is that most studies used cross-sectional designs. In such studies,
550 temporal relationships cannot be established, no conclusions about causality can be drawn
551 (van den Berg et al., 2015) and changes in long-term mental health effects cannot be assessed

552 (Bratman et al., 2019). Moreover, selection bias may have influenced results, particularly for
553 those studies using convenience sampling to recruit study participants.
555 Geographically, the evidence in LMICs begins to cover a diversity of upper-middle-income
556 countries in Asia and Latin America, the regions with the highest urbanisation rates in Asia
557 and Africa, especially lower-middle-income and low-income countries, remain largely unex-
558 plored. None of the African studies, for instance, addressed cities outside of South Africa.
559 Informal settlements and slums are the dominant type of settlement in many cities in LMICs
560 (United Nations, 2015). By 2050, up to 3 billion people will be living in informal settlements
561 and slums, mostly in LMICs (Nagendra, 2018). Even though relative numbers of people liv-

562 ing in such environments have been decreasing, slums and informal settlements will remain a

key urban challenge during the next decades (United Nations, 2015). So far, only few studies
564 have focused on these particular urban settings. Research in LMICs took place overwhelm-
565 -p
ingly in large cities with a population of more than one million. Limiting research to the larg-
566 est cities may be problematic, since small to medium-sized cities are growing the fastest and
567 will be the home for a large majority of future urban populations (United Nations, 2014).

569 Only a few studies took into account mediating and moderating factors. Therefore, the evi-

570 dence for the mediating pathways through which greenspaces reduce harm, restore capacities

and build capacities for mental health in LMICs remains inconclusive. This is mainly due to
572 the limited number of studies taking into account pathways linking greenspaces and mental

573 health. A further limitation of the evidence is that all five studies taking into account mediat-
574 ing pathways focused on only one country, China.

576 Even though the evidence indicates a positive relationship between greenspaces and multiple
577 mental health outcomes in upper-middle-income countries across temperate, subtropical, arid
578 and tropical regions, none of the studies explicitly tested the impact of different climatic con-
579 ditions. This gap is further exacerbated through climate change, which poses significant chal-
580 lenges to human health including increased numbers of heat waves, droughts and flooding
581 events (EEA, 2016).
583 A number of the reviewed studies, predominantly those with focus on informal settlements
584 and slums, found negative links between greenspaces and mental health. Negative links were
585 associated with the moderating factors safety (or perception of safety) and environmental pol-
586 lution (litter, open wastewater drainage) of greenspaces. These results are consistent with
587 previous findings about the importance of such greenspace attributes (McCormack et al.,
588 2010). Indeed, Amano et al. (2018) found that greenspaces were linked with decreased health
589 for residents of economically deprived cities in LMICs. The authors argued that the observed
590 negative links were due to the poor quality of greenspaces in many urban low-income set-
591 tings, which contrasts to a recent review of the links between greenspaces and general health
592 in LMICs that reported mostly health benefits (Shuvo et al., 2020). Our review is substantial-
593 ly different from Shuvo et al. (2020) in that we focus on mental health specifically and in-
594 cluded qualitative studies, which enabled us to identify and review a much higher number of
595 studies and allowed deeper insights into the links between greenspaces and mental health in

596 LMICs. This suggests that greenspaces can generally support mental health in urban low-

597 income settings, unless beneficial effects are not inhibited by factors such as safety, environ-
598 mental pollution or other factors compromising the quality of greenspaces.
600 Moreover, in biodiverse tropical regions, greenspaces can promote the introduction and sur-
601 vival of vector or host organisms for infectious pathogens such as habitats for mosquitoes and

602 may increase exposure to pollen (Lohmus and Balbus, 2015). Zoonotic disease risk, for in-
603 stance, is elevated in tropical regions where wildlife biodiversity is high, especially when ex-

604 periencing land-use changes such as urbanisation (Allen et al., 2017).


606 Studies used a variety of approaches to measure greenspace exposure. However, none of the

607 reviewed studies used robust ecological assessments such as ecological surveys. Adding to
608 this, much of the evidence from LMICs treated greenspaces as uniform and lacked appropri-
609 ate definitions of what was being measured. This is problematic, because recent research
610 from HICs suggests that mental health effects may depend on metrics of biodiversity such as
611 species richness and composition or the specific ecological traits of greenspaces (Marselle et
612 al., 2018) and robust ecological assessments of greenspaces are needed to explore these met-
613 rics.
615 Some studies relied on participants’ perceptions of greenspaces, rather than on objective
616 measures such as measuring exposure through remote sensing or ecological survey tech-
617 niques. While it is important to take into account perceptions, such studies do not allow draw-
618 ing conclusions about actual mental health effects. A range of studies used imagery of green-
619 spaces to assess health outcomes. Although using pictures or videos of greenspaces is an ac-
620 cessible way of testing hypotheses and there is some value in using such stated preference
621 methods, these approaches fall short of producing generalisable results.
623 Only two studies investigated the mental health effects of engaging in urban agriculture. Evi-
624 dence from HICs has shown that urban agriculture can improve mental well-being, contribute
625 to stress reduction (Hofmann et al., 2018) and foster social cohesion (Yotti Kingsley and
626 Townsend, 2006). The contribution of urban agriculture to mental health might be of particu-
627 lar importance in LMICs through the contributions to food security and improved nutrition
628 outcomes (Audate et al., 2019), in particular for low-income urban residents (Orsini et al.,
629 2013).


631 A variety of approaches was used to measure mental health outcomes. However, another lim-
632 itation of the evidence is that many studies did not use validated mental health screening
tools. Using self-developed questionnaires provides only limited insights into mental health
634 benefits, as they do not allow drawing reliable conclusions about specific mental health out-
635 comes. Using validated screening assessment tools, in contrast, enables to produce translata-

636 ble results to compare between populations, as they aim to replicate psychiatric assessment
637 (diagnostic interview) as close as possible (Ali et al., 2016). Such screening tools usually

638 have to undergo cross-cultural translation to be validated for use in different languages and

639 socio-cultural contexts (Kohrt et al., 2016), which may be one of the reasons for their infre-
640 quent use in the LMIC context.

641 4.2. Implications for future research

642 The recent expansion of research efforts into LMICs has begun to fill important research
643 gaps. However, the insights these studies provide are limited by the fact that none of the stud-
644 ies explicitly considered local cultural and environmental factors mediating the relationship
645 between greenspaces and mental health. So far, research in LMICs has failed to take into ac-
646 count these contextual factors. This will be of particular importance for future studies, be-
647 cause the evidence from this review indicates that the relationship between greenspaces and
648 mental health is context dependent and needs to be assessed for the particular environmental
649 and cultural setting of a given area. Reductions in heat exposure, for example, may be more
650 important in hot climates than in temperate regions (Guenat et al., 2019). Therefore, more
651 research is needed to explore how greenspaces and mental health are associated across cli-

652 mates, especially as those climates are shifting and urban populations will be exposed to
653 higher temperatures and new threats such as an increase in vector-borne diseases (Müller et
654 al., 2019). Adding to this, the use of greenspaces, and thereby their effects on mental health,
655 can as well be determined by cultural norms (Elands et al., 2019). Mowafi et al. (2012), for
656 instance, did not detect a relationship between the availability of greenspace and physical
657 activity assessed through Body Mass Index in Cairo, Egypt. The authors argued that utilising
658 greenspace for the purpose of exercise is likely not culturally acceptable, especially for wom-
659 en. Taking into account cultural norms will therefore be crucial for understanding how green-
660 spaces can benefit mental health locally. Additionally, future research in LMICs should con-
661 sider moderating factors such as safety, environmental pollution and other factors compro-

662 mising the quality of greenspaces. The findings of this review support the Sustainable Devel-

opment Goal 11 target 7, which aims to provide universal access to urban greenspaces to in-
664 crease public health.
665 -p
666 The relationship between greenspaces and mental health in informal settlements and slums is
667 critically understudied and needs to be explored through future research. Sub-Saharan Africa

668 in particular is predicted to undergo the most rapid urbanisation globally over the next dec-
669 ades (Angel et al., 2011). Hence, it will be crucial to research a wide array of its cities. More-

670 over, research in LMICs should not remain limited to major cities and focus more on smaller

towns and cities.


673 We found that a lack of appropriate sampling strategies for the population of interest de-
674 creased the comparability of the reviewed studies and thus will have to be addressed by fur-
675 ther research, in order to reduce selection bias caused by convenience sampling. The quality
676 of future studies could further be increased by conducting more longitudinal studies. Regard-
677 ing the assessment of greenspaces, it will be crucial for future studies to use robust ecological
678 methods such as ecological surveys to unpick the various components and traits of green-
679 spaces leading to mental health effects, including finer scales of biodiversity such as species
680 richness or ecological traits. This will be important for understanding the mechanisms
681 through which greenspaces can support mental health in LMICs. We strongly encourage
682 combining robust ecological assessments of greenspaces with validated mental health screen-
683 ing tools. Considering the high relevance of food security in particular for low-income resi-
684 dents in LMICs, we recommend to further explore how urban agriculture affects mental
685 health in these regions.
686 5. Conclusions

687 Urbanisation during the coming decades may have profound implications for the mental
688 health of urban populations in LMICs. The evidence indicates that greenspaces have the po-
689 tential to improve the mental health of urban populations in these areas. These benefits, how-
690 ever, may depend on the particular environmental and cultural conditions in a given area. Our
691 findings highlight the need for high-quality, context specific research in those urban areas
692 with the highest levels of urbanisation, and the need to address specific challenges regarding
693 moderating factors impacting on the quality of greenspaces. This review pointed out im-
694 portant directions for future research in LMICs, ultimately aiming to inform environmental
695 and health policies in cities in LMICs in our rapidly urbanising world.

696 Declaration of competing interest

697 We have no conflict of interest. -p

698 Acknowledgements

699 We thank Natalie King for useful discussions that helped to develop the protocol. We are also
700 grateful for the valuable comments from the anonymous reviewers on earlier versions of the

701 manuscript.

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