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K. Narayanapura, Kothanur P.O, Bangalore – 560077



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Online Job Consultancy Website in
ASP.Net C#
The Online Job Consultancy is a web based application developed in
ASP.Net with C# language as front end and as back end we use SQL
Server for database.

The Online Job Consultancy is a platform between job seeker and
job provider (company). The Job seeker can easily find and apply for
job by login into system. The Employer or company can easily get
expert employee from our job portal site by posting a job. The job
portal website is a common place between job seeker and company.
When job seeker can login in his account then he can get notification
of company lists which match with his profile or education detail. so
job seeker can easily apply to this job and he can also send message to
company for other inquiry.
When company login in account, company or employer can get alert of
job seeker lists which match with all criteria for posted job.

Online Job Consultancy manages both company and jobseekers with
regard to placement. It improves existing system. It has the facility of
maintaining the details of the jobseekers, thereby reducing the manual
work. It will save time and energy which are spending in making
reports and collecting data. Online Job Consultancy can be accessed
with proper login provided by the admin. It is difficult and
time consuming to collect all the details from each seekers. To avoid
this problem we have planned to develop a Online Job Consultancy. At
present the company maintains manual records, in the form of registers,
files, etc. to store the placement details of the jobseekers. New
placement to be issued, involves heavy paperwork. It also leads to data
redundancy. Jobseekers details are recorded in multiple files. To
overcome all these we are developing this Online Job Consultancy. To
provide maximum services to the users. To reduce the errors and the
paper work that occurs in the manual system.

Online Job Consultancy Project Modules

• Admin Module
• Job seeker Module
• Company Module
• Search Module
• Basic job plan
• Advance job plan

Admin In this module Admin will add all the qualifications, skill,
experience, city, state, country and update and delete information
about the job provider or job seeker he can also search for the job
seeker and he can send mail to offer the job to job seeker and he can
also see the jobs add by the job provider.

Job Seeker In this module Job Seeker register him self and upload
his resume and fill the profile give by admin and after login he will
search for the job on various conditions and he can change his
profiles and resume and he can apply for the jobs based on various
conditions. He can see the response of the company and he can call
the company person for the interview.

Company In this module Job Provider register him self and his
company and after login he will add new job and he can search for
the job seekers on various condition and he can offer the job to job
seeker according to the job profile and he can also see the response
from the job seekers and send the mail.

Search In this module admin provides company details and the job
seekers can find the required job according to there interest.
Basic job plan In this module the companies displayed will have
only few companies short listed and if the jobseekers are interested
can register for that particular company ,if not they should go with

Advance job plan In this module top ten companies will be

displayed with high salary and if the jobseekers are interested can
register for that particular company and the jobseekers can apply
only if he /she have completed with subscription .

• At present the company maintains manual records, in the form of
registers, files, etc. to store the placement details of the jobseekers.
New placement to be issued, involves heavy paperwork. It also leads
to data redundancy.

• Needs a lot of working staff and extra attention on all the records.

• In existing system, there are various problems like keeping records

of placement information, eligibility criteria, and amount on each

• Finding out details regarding any information is very difficult, as

the user has to go through all books.

The proposed computerization is developed by using and the
inbuilt database to store the data. This helps out the jobseekers to find
out the form and to know the different categorizes of the companies.
The proposed has two major benefits; once the existing system is
automated all the drawbacks of the present system can be overcome.
Many modifications can be made to make the atmosphere and the
extractions of data for generating a verity of reports are the factors
which form the basis of development of the proposed system.
In Brief, the proposed system will be as follows: The details about the
company information’s are shown to the jobseekers in detail, a set of
user screens will be provided for data entries and these data will be
effectively stored in back end tables, record can be retrieved when
needed by the admin ,the admin can view the details of each jobseekers
who have applied for the job, and willing to know his details can do so
by accessing by the user, The proposed system can overcome all the
limitations of the existing system, the system provides security for the
stored data, the proposed system will help the user to reduce the work
load and mental conflict, the proposed system helps the admin to easily
select the candidates who are eligible for the job.


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